You could have been a beautiful soft-spoken song.
A wonderful view of a snowy mountain fawn.
A sunset off a smooth coastal calm.
A sunrise bursting it's light upon a spring flowers a colorful delight.
The fresh mountain air, on a morning after a seasonal rain in a northwest dew.
The rainbow in the spring between the sunshine and the rain.
A hymn that touches the soul and makes even the strongest of men weep.
In a picture of a palace, with golden steps surrounded by heavenly angels.
The smile upon my face, as I watched you as a child.
The lead horse running across the field and up the hill, a galloping thrill.
A beautiful sunny day, that warms up all things to make them happy and gay.
For you could have been anything beautiful, and you are.
Your you.
My youngest child of three.
For I truly love you, for your everything beautiful to me.
I love you Zalia
Copyright@March 2010 MaryMMcShirley/Kilker