The timeless mystery of Zanadeu lingers in my mind’s eye only in my dreams.
I have a bare whisper of confidence that I remember much of it now, however,
Once upon a dreamland state, it was my night time haven, my escape place.
Zanadeu was of my own eight-year-old imagination’s making, and it was wonderful.
A land where I was queen and king and god and czar and prime minister, the boss in other words.
I escaped my bore snore real life and delivered my soul to this escape place almost as soon as I retired.
For one whole year I was the ruler of Zanadeu, and I was magnificent, the best they had ever seen.
When I came outside the palace, there were perpetual parades and banners and flags in my honor.
I built everything I could to help the ones who needed it.
The homeless had homes. The dogs had owners. The cats had people to rule.
Cats being the mini-rulers that they are, I had no choice about this.
The children were taken away from parents who were mean or surly,
Given instead to lovely parents who lavished love and confidence and respect into them.
I built theme parks and roller coasters and magical mini-kingdoms, and everyone was free.
There were no cages because we did not need them. The lions and the puppies loved each other,
Licking and smiling, as they knew there would always be enough meat for everyone without any killing.
No killings. No robberies. No heartache of any kind in Zanadeu, my perfect little world built by the
Idealistic mind of an 8-year-old who had a snippy, snappy, nasty excuse for a teacher.
I will never forget how my dreams saved me that year.
Zanadeu, I wish I could conjure you up today, but
Alas, I am too socialized now.
You are but a terrific
Wonderful memory.
Hope personified.