My father is black,
my mother is white
These be the birthright
of my stripes
I'm despised by blacks,
I'm hated by whites
All because of my zebra stripes
I live in both worlds,
but is accepted by neither
I'm an outcast,
a rejected soul
I am a zebra,
a most rare creature
For most of my life,
I've been shunned and only shown hate
But in return, I've tried to only give love
This makes me a rare animal,
someone with a pure soul
I am a zebra,
born to be hate-free
I proudly bear the stripes
that don't define me
I'm more than what you see;
I am a black knight on a white horse,
I am a white knight on a black horse ...
fighting against the vessels of hate
I carry only love in my bowels,
my ship always stays on course
My destination is eternity ...
maybe now you wish you were more like me
A zebra is who I be