Love Poem: Zee-World
Vincent Anokwuru Avatar
Written by: Vincent Anokwuru


Ah! How I wish?
With a great thought 
In my heart, moving me emotionally

How I wish I'm living in a world of fantasy
Where things are nor considered reality
Where things are just  lives of a fairytale

How I wish I'm living a world of romance 
Where my deepest thoughts are shared  with my lover 
Where I can cling to my lover and hold unto thy bosom

Without being questioned
Or physically hurt
Or gossiped about 

How I wish I can wave round the atmosphere in search 
Of a sensation beyond bound 
That's so climatic 

With a limit no bound 
Free to flee over the sky 
Beyond wonder ever known 

For I wish 
And I wish 
I lived in a world of less regard 

Less regard for who is looking at you
Less regard for who is gossiping about you
It will just be in a world with me and my lover