Capricorn Capicorn Capricorn, Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius, Pi-ces, Aries Aries
Aries, Taurus Taurus Taurus, Gem-i-ni, Cancer Cancer Cancer, Leo Leo Leo, Vir-
go, Libra Libra Libra, Scorpio Scorpio Scorpio, Sag-i-tar-ius (repeated throughout
[Verse 1]
Keep an eye out and make sure you look around, I got a small hunch that i'ma
find what i'm searchin' for. That prime king B that knows just how to please me,
i'm aaskin every guy i see his name and his sign, if he got the lucky answers i'ma
have to make him mine
Boy whats goin' on wit you i'm tryna get to chill wit you, Whats yo name and
whats yo sign because you shonuff fine, it's the zodiac attraction, zodi-zodiac
[Verse 2]
I'm glad that you caught me now because i'm feelin' real good, or maybe bein'
next to you got me feelin' hot, you send out these sexy vibes and got me wantin'
you more and more,and more and more,and more and more and more, man
whats goin' on wit me, why am i actin like this? yo sign is callin' to me i can't help
Just bring your hand to mine thats all that it will take, to set this fire to a
spark,we've got a special bond and thats the zodiac bond