by Merissa Hardaway |
art, best friend, black african american, conflict, friendship love, irony, women,
Girl, where you been
relaxing to a tune
Girl what you doing tonight
Doing my toes tonight
Girl that's a plan way ahead of schedule
what time tonight
Doing what is right
absent in thought
really want to get out tonight
don't feel the thrill
Girl what you putting on
The best you ever had
Don't put me down
Just open your wings and fly
by Wanda Daugherty |
anniversary, best friend, encouraging, food, girl, giving, youth,
Apple Pie
Look out Abby! Don't you cry!
Grandma's gonna make a pie!
Grab some flour! Don't make a fuss!
Add some fat, we'll make a crust.
Work it, roll it! One, two, three!
A little water, and we shall see.
Roll it till it's nice and flat,
Like Grandma's old communion hat.
Chop the apples add the spice,
And brown sugar, that'd be nice.
Stir them up! Now ain't this fun?
We'll add a lot of cinnamon,
Top it with another crust,
And some butter, that's a must.
Apple pie, we know it well.
Especially we love the smell.
It's best to top it, so it seems;
While it's hot with sweet ice cream.
Look out Abby! Don't you cry!
We're gonna make an apple pie.
by Matthew Thompson |
america, blue, girl, lost love, love,
Abby,the name of an angle
blond beautiful hair
oh that face, a beautiful face
one of an angle, my angle
blue worm welcoming eyes
that is her eyes,that is her name
is as beautiful as her hair
by Robert Pettit |
children, love, marriage,
An enterprising widowed woman is Abby McClure.
She owns and operates a lumberyard, and is financially secure.
Her sister Maxine can't stand to see Abby unattached.
She knows a man named Jake Iverson, and gets them matched.
Jake has a daughter, and Abby has three boys.
All of the children are considered great joys.
However, the marriage requires everyone to make adjustments.
This puts this newly-formed family into unusual predicaments.
Do you think this union will work out successfully?
All you have to do is watch the movie.
Based on the 1968 film "With Six, You Get Eggroll"
by Abby Kr |
art, cheer up, friendship, friendship love,
Yashy and Aggy
They like to waggy
their tails
and they've got nice nails
Yashy likes mashy
Aggie likes Maggie
They both like Radi
And they both hate Abby :(
by Joe Smith |
cute love,
A beautiful girl is what you are.
You have your demons, but so full of love
We have yet to meet, but that does not bar
Our friendship because when push becomes shove
I trust I will be able to rely on you,
And hope you feel the same for me
Because my feelings for you are true.
I’m writing so you will see
Although I cannot paint your beautiful face,
Or the golden locks showering your shoulders,
In my heart you have a very special place,
For in fact, you are my heart’s holder.
I’m excited for the day we meet
Because I know it will be a splendid treat
by George Aul |
loss, together,
The day became silent
not in a happy manner,
the world was lighter
not by much - but still significant,
the sound of tears falling
echoed into the night,
life once lived now gone.
How can it pass so quickly?
A decade seemed like a day,
time now frozen
in this shaken soul,
no more greetings,
no more kisses,
no more handshakes,
no more sendoffs,
no more anything,
only silent barking now.
Goodbye faithful friend,
farewell and love always!
by Sean Ness |
angel, farewell,
The moment the angels,
Came and took you away,
Our life's have got harder,
And harder each day,
The tears that we've cried,
This pain that we feel,
We know in our hearts,
That we'll never heal,
But we know that someday,
We'll see you again,
To hug and to hold you,
Our love never ends,
But until that day comes,
Be strong and be brave,
When you look down on us,
Princess give us a wave.
Sean Ness
by Tony Speranza |
beautiful, emotions, feelings, granddaughter, growing up,
My granddaughter is a blessing from God
Abby has that special love and charm
That makes her so special
Abby brings so much happiness
For our family and friends
Every day we watch her grow
And watch all the new things she has learned
Every day we just love her more and more
Every day and every minute
Watching you grow up in a short amount of time
It has given me a big heart
That seemed to have disappeared
When we play games you make me laugh
If you ask me if I found my pot of gold
Abby, you are becoming a beautiful
Young lady right in front of me
And growing up fast every day