by Bruce Otvos |
lost lovelove, me,
I have lived through something so malevolent to love as hatred. I swim through this sea of
lukewarm agony. I crash upon the brutal jetty's of devotion's failure. It is simply
impossible to explain to you the shortness of breath I am constantly feeling, for your
love to me is as crucial as air, without it I am doomed to suffocation and suffering.
Truer to life than change is constant, this lingering reality in my mind is forever
condemned to a fictitious abnormality in your eyes...I am forever the Ghost of our endless
affection, but the effect of our love has left me a Ghost
by Mike Chambers |
To do the same as your neighbour,
Though dull as ditchwater,
To love, wed, indebt and procreate,
To dread waking up, to hate your life,
To want what others have,
To expedite your own demise,
To drink and smoke, indulge and scoff,
To judge those worse than you,
To be afraid of life and death,
To bask in burning rays.
To avoid the Grave.
Is it normal to write this poem?
When abnormality is common place,
Who then is normal?
by Elizabeth Stansberry |
confusion, death, love,
Punctured intensity
Burns like bloods’ fire
Love is sickening sweet delicacy
Devoured by grizzly hatred
Scalded by stripped desires
Buzzed by betrayals’ sting
Physical illness grows into moral dilemmas
Devotion smashes worlds into concrete
Difficult to love my lover
For tricks he has spoiled me with
His lips, eyes, touch
Are so human
Oh, bitter harsh clove of emotion
Do not choke on my jealousy
I am very battered
By others’ thoughts
Dreams are cycles of abnormality
Love is a hell on earth
by Thomas King |
anxiety, confusion, depression, identity, mental illness, storm,
Swirling torment
Spinning in reverse
Riding waves of agony
Sick and perverse
Twisting and turning
Losing my sight
Grasping and holding
With all my might
Slowly losing grip
On love, life and sanity
Gasping for air
Drowning in my abnormality
Have I the strength
To stand and fight
Free myself from misery
And find again the light?
Or do I lay peaceful
And take my last breath
Hope that I find solace
In a quick and painless death?
Answers to these questions
I know I shall never find
In this madding violent tempest
I shall forever be confined.
by Christopher Quigley |
So low
gravitate to earth
So unhappy
at pretending to be happy
so sad
that i am sad for myself
Darkness oozes in my path
Blackened sky with black sun
The night rays darken the dark
Shadows dying in the shadows
Stealing love
Like its a crime
When do the words become the sentence
When is an actor not acting
When do painters become the artist
When is god not enough
What if death is what is meant to be
And life the abnormality