Love Poems About Above or Above Love Poems
by Charlie Smith |
Categories: inspirational, love,

Pardon From the Storm

Take my heart and carry me to where all dreams are born. Into loves arms, oh such a place that's always safe and warm. Away from such deceitful lairs where blackened virtues swarm. into a light where peace must shine and grants us pardon from a storm. High above the mountain tops or low as low can be. Makes no difference where we are a wondrous lyric calls to me. Singing of your splendor like a miracle performed. I'll stay with you to find the port that grants us pardon from a storm. POTD 03/03/2018

by John Gondolf |
Categories: longing, love, romantic,

Carpe Noctem

Up above the moon shines brightly;
starlight touches earth so lightly;
passions teasing impolitely.
Midnight whispers, “Carpe noctem.”

Blowing soft the summer breezes
through her hair as nighttime pleases,
and the moonlight softly teases.
Voices urging, “Carpe noctem.”

Standing close our bodies facing;
hand in hand our fingers lacing;
gentle touches, hearts are racing.
Longings begging, “Carpe noctem.”

Wonder where her thoughts are leading;
do my eyes reveal my pleading?
Will she, with her voice conceding,
whisper softly, “Carpe noctem?”

January 10, 2022
Carpe Noctem - Latin for "seize the night"

Poem of the Week - January 16, 2022

by Michael Tor |
Categories: dad, daughter, fate, longing, love,

Homeless Mans Love For His Daughter

A homeless man played his guitar,
for coin rewards put in a jar.
 A lonely life he always led,
but in his heart a love he had.
 This love he thought of all the time,
 during the cold days brought sunshine.
 His songs were of a girl he loved,
he sang to her, with stars above.
 So many years had gone on by,
but in his heart, and reasons why.
 There was this hope that would not die,
the thought of her just made him cry.

Dedicated to my 
daughter Ashley...
Michael Tor

by Beryl Edmonds |
Categories: hope, love, relationship,

Glimmers of Love

How long will I love you, often you ask Forever and a day, my love will last Till there’s no blossom or leaves upon trees Or pretty daffodils dancing o’er breeze. Till clouds cease to form patterns in the sky All seas and rivers begin running dry Till all poets have no poetic prose Or night has no beginning, day no close. Till no man or creature walks upon earth Gold or silver has no value or worth Till there are no birds flying on the wing Or voices aren’t heard and no one can sing. Till the day we take our Heavenly place Living for eternity in God’s grace With time to dance among stars up above Darling I send this in glimmers of love.

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: love, mothermissing, missing,

It Is Springtime In Heaven

It is now springtime in heaven Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright Beautiful flowers are everywhere Angels are the harps play Here on earth...we scamper around Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright Beautiful flowers are everywhere We are missing the angels in heaven Angels are the harps play They await the we do also As once again we will all be together Our mothers and heaven above Dedicated to: Our Mothers in Heaven and her children who will be missing her this weekend on Mother's Day To all of you who still have your mother here on earth with you make sure she knows how much you love her.

by White Wolf |
Categories: art, beauty,


Shadow not over the words of love Love is a language known only to the heart Hear it in the wind and the birds above Paint it on a canvas skin and call it art Eternal beauty walks among us all Seekers of knowledge may know its name But true wisdom lies in hearing its call As the oceans cause the moon to wane Its gentle touch, abundantly crystalline Euphoric in nature, its secret is kept With its healing powers all part divine Though many an angel from love has wept Compassion and caring, make love's trinity And kindness a guide that leads to bliss So make love your one and true reality For you are worth much more than this

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: love, mystery, spiritual,

Beautiful Mysteries

Divinity lives beyond description Alone, a weary heart cries from its pain Desire eager for its conscription Might truth and love turn this way again? Sweet mysteries, this life, in dreams of thee Yield fantasy's passion I dare to share Walk from this muse, I pray to live in me Conceding this, my love, unto your care On lifeless shadows, cast your glowing light Bring a blessed presence to this peace I seek Rest too this solemn shade, this endless night With angelic verse, but you could only speak For seeking dreams to dream from up above I cast my will and fate to seek your love

by Elizabeth Wesley |
Categories: angst,


Our shadows were so restless
As we passed from room to room;
They pretended to be living
But they died within their tomb

 They shrank a little bit each day
When the sun shone bright above;
And both of us now waste away
In the sadness of lost love.

In days of younger shadows
That danced in noon's bright light;
Laughter floated on the breeze
Till our day turned into night.

Burdened by life's troubles
Our shadows danced no more;
They became the darkened spots
That faded on the floor.

Now death's arms have taken you
Leaving only memories of your face;
The shadow that was part of you
Is now gone without a trace.

Collab with Danny Boy, the Kearley

by Jan Allison |
Categories: moon, sea,

Night Dh

Magical moonbeams Sparkling like silver On an inky sea I watch them dancing Captivatingly Bright mystic moon Shining each night Waxes and wanes Controlling tides Silver orb Shines above constantly I love A clear Night Contest diminished hexaverse Sponsored by Charles Messina 1/21/19

by Tom Woody |
Categories: appreciation, friendship,

Hold Your Head High

keep dwelling in the clouds, my mentor said
and shun those who would drag you through the mud
their heinous wish to keep you seeing red
is Satan's lure for drawing out first-blood

for in this world malevolence abounds
and evil lurks in every corner nook
to tit for tat in idle chat with clowns
is like a fish who can't resist the hook

but in the sky there's love and harmony
you'll find yourself immersed in dreams of peace
I'll help you in your quest to stay angst-free
together we'll find joy and sweet release

forever may this be my firm resolve
to rise above the fray and thus evolve

*inspired by a friend

by I Am Anaya |
Categories: spiritual,

The Supreme Source -POTD

The center of energy resides in my heart Wherein the seed of divinity shant ever depart Their joy's root anchors firmly, yet lightly In my I AM presence it shines ever brightly The Trinity is embodied in three glorious plumes Blue, yellow, and pink; It's grand sacred rooms Of Power and Wisdom and Eternal Love Father, Son, Holy Spirit; on earth and above The Threefold Flame I humbly seek To arrive at last to the spiritual peak With elation I fulfill my reason to be The Liberty Flame! My soul's eyes can now see At long last I've completed my life's fated course As my soul splendidly weds the One Supreme Source

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: happiness, love, uplifting,

As One Together

moon and stars above warm summer night breeze blowing arms wrapped around me closeness makes my body weak your breath, the warm breeze, I melt our hearts together beat now as one forever till death do us part

by Andrew Fairchild |
Categories: for her, innocence, integrity, love, rose, snow, trust,

Sonnet 28 'I Think I Know the Name of Purity'

I think I know the Name of Purity,
It is Your Name -- it holds clear water well!
A Chalice carved almost to shattering,
A white rose, that alone, grows in the dell
With drops of ice adorning its still face
The warmth of heart that comes with falling snow
The few flakes that adorn your lashes, by grace
Delightful cold that creeps up from below
Loquacity that speaks only the Truth,
Amazed by every small, delightful thing
Ubiquitous praise and unbroken Youth
Right Trust, that gave your finger to the Ring
Inevitable Joy, and whispered Love
E'er faithful, that this all is from Above.


Submitted for:  Standard Poetry Contest 175

Sponsored by:  Brian Strand

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, emotions, feelings, heart, how i feel, love,

What Is Love

How do I answer, what is love; it's part hope, part apparition. But what love truly is kind of defies any definition. Have you ever felt so alive that it was almost too extreme? And caught up in passion's drive, have you ever let yourself dream? Have you ever stolen a kiss that left you floating on a cloud? And filled with spontaneous bliss; have you ever shouted out loud? Have you ever danced on the air; or felt warm and gooey inside? And when jealous eyes gawk and stare, have you ever strutted with pride? Have you ever, for once, felt whole; falling head over heels in love? And felt such warmth within your soul; that it rivals heaven above?

by Pailey Gordon |
Categories: 9th grade, love, nature,

The Music of the Wind

Helicopter seeds
from my maple tree
drift down,
from the strong branches above.
They all fall around me,
I am encapsulated by the swirling seedlings.
Snug within their warmth,
the wind sends me on my feet.
Dancing with the music of the air 
that is rushing through my hair, 
I inhale the sweet, mellow essence of what life has granted me. 
Then I exhale the words,
"I am thankful for this life and the road, no matter how rocky, has served its purpose".
As I leave this place,
I hum the tune of the masterpiece conducted by the wind
that rustled in this tree.


by White Wolf |
Categories: analogy, joy, love,

Finding Love:

Such lovely lilac and crimson tones, As a rainbow of colours fill the sky, Radiant and beautiful soothes my bones, Takes me above the clouds so far and high. Captured in a moment of total bliss, Wondering all the time what is life for? Suspended in awe like a lover’s kiss, Never felt like this to my very core. Love all around and it's time I was found, Beauty everywhere can't you see her smile, Smiling at you and smiling all around, It's time you gave love a chance for awhile. But leave me above the clouds, here I'll stay, I have found love in a different way. /|\ (Ten syllables per line) 31~10~16

by Sandra Adams |
Categories: longing, love,

Love Never Fades

the morning air staggers above the lake
through trees, i almost feel it kissing me
my thoughts spiral down like leaves amidst fall
this emptiness is more than i can take
beneath closed eyes you are all that i see
yet emptiness haunts within morning's call

Sandy Adams

by Wren Rushing |
Categories: house, light, love,

Lighthouse On the Shore

There is a lady all dressed in light, who stands above the jagged shore at night. To guide the sailing ships to safer seas and beg the wicked storms for calmer breeze. She ever shines her light across the bay, in hopeful search for love that sailed away. He left the land with plans to bring back gold, to ask her hand to wed, the story's told. When his ship met with tempest gales, the waves ripped the hull, wind stripped the sails. The lady waits at night for him on shore, as he still lays with gold on ocean floor. Sometimes you see her lonely light afar, it shines in the sky like a distant star. 12/16/18

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, feelings, imagery, love, stars,

Beauty Can't Compete

Lingering rays of sunlight slowly die as scarlet burns the sky, where clouds ignite. And when the birds roost, bats begin to fly, capturing elusive moths in mid-flight. Luna hangs high in an ebony sky, spinning dreams into beams of golden light. And twinkling stars, like fireflies in the night, confetti the heavens, dazzling the eye. Like gold filigree pinned to the darkness galaxies adorn the heavens above; and shooting stars unzip the black of space. Yet, Man stands unabashed in His starkness, for cosmic beauty can't compete with love; an emotion intrinsic to His race.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: love, poetry,

The Magical Music of Poetry

The notes of love in verse;
a melody of life
penned softly a la carte
will render thoughts of bliss
when whispered heart-to-heart.

The notes of love in verse;
a symphony of hope
shared ‘tween two hearts in love 
just trying to connect
beneath the stars above.

The notes of love in verse;
a rhapsody of words
sighed with a tender flow
when whispered in the dark
sets lovers’ hearts aglow.

The notes of love in verse;
the poetry of thoughts
sung softly in the night,
with stardust raining down,
ignites love’s midnight flight.

January 5, 2024
Poem of the Day - January 6, 2024

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: sun,

Dawns Gifts

Silver shimmers
   reflected by the sea 
When dawn kisses each 
    silhouetted tree.
As sunrise pierces 
    fleecy clouds of blush
A canvass bides the 
    eager artist's brush.

Our Banyon bids adieu 
    to fowl in flight...
Their songs reverberate 
    in morning light
Attesting to the joy 
    each dawn excites
In explosive colors 
    which Sol ignites.

As breezes blow through 
    azure skies above
I share divinely Dawn's
     sweet gifts of love.


'STRAND NO 1042' Contest~First Place~
Sponsor Brian Strand

Merry Christmas (Mele Kalikimaka) from Hawaii….Aloha

by Tom Woody |
Categories: romantic love,


pulsating periwinkle stars dot the sky
under a lavender moon we make sweet love
on silk-soft sand two passionate lovers lie
as heavenly hosts serenade from above
all around us luminous fireflies fly
we take it in without either asking why
O the vastness and smallness of this warm night
we bask in the afterglow of love and light

* a tribute to the styles of Ink Empress and Brandy

by Ink Empress |
Categories: destiny,

Forbidden Freedom, first ever Collaboration with the Silent One

If "we" are a sin,
Why is my heart bleeding for you?
Why is my soul screaming out your name?

Chained by the links of horrors that hold me against you,
Towered high up above the ground,
Little did they know I'd crumble every bone just for you.
I would not wish such adversity upon my adversaries, such as the animosity which chastises our hearts.

Every precious petal in my garden has turned black, waiting for your lips to rejuvenate their vibrant hues.

Why must love be cursed by society's blindness,
or has Cupid's ignorance plagued our forbidden fate. Maybe death is the only freedom for our devotion 

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: best friend, dog, love,

My Dog

Every time you look at me
Brown eyes say, "I love you"
When you're lying next to me
Your snuggle says it too

That soft brown skin's inviting smell
I pull you to me tighter
I hope you know, somehow can tell
You make my days much brighter

So playfully, you steal a kiss
Like a child, I wipe my face
What have I done to feel such bliss
This gift of "amazing grace"

Each day you show me in some way
The meaning of true love
For you my friend, each night I pray
And thank The Lord above.


            for my dog friend, Buddy:)
       by Daniel Turner

by Daniel Cheeseman |
Categories: seastars,

Sailors Follow

Those stars that sailors follow
Guiding less the sea to swallow

And the night seas black as tar
Beyond the wave a land afar

Halyards taught, blocks in tallow
Breezes fresh and salt swallow

Timbers creak, white horses foam
Callused hands and oceans comb

And the stars pull them forth
South, east, west and north

Cabin boy or salty jack
Afore the mast, bare their back

Seas of glass or howling gales
Stands his watch what ever ails

For them the ocean a magic place
For every dawn a changing face

The face of his one true love
The wind, stars, skies above