Love Poems About Abraham or Abraham Love Poems
by Brian Strand |
Categories: faith, people, placesme,

Cowley (1) I Got That ,Loving Feeling

Fill me once more,Holy Spirit to know,
Move me ,inside,you love to show,
Quieten my heart,now to play
Without rehearsal,on life's stage each phrase to say.

Speak,speak by thought,picture,word or deed,
Then in my weakness,your strength feed:
O teach my tomgue to quiet be,
Until you prompt,and all I say,is all of thee.

This quatrain was inspired by  Abraham Cowley's (1618-67) 'Hymn to Light'

by Mutemwa Gideon |
Categories: faithgod, world, god, love,

Christ In Me Is To See

O Lord the remembrance of thee
Such joy it brings to me. 
That my heart leaps and sings
Of all your wonders and good things.
My soul will stand and say this
The Lord is God and i am His.
For whoever in the world i listen to
To find the words that speak to me too,
Only in the Lord do i hear and see
The way the truth and the true me.
There is no other like the Lord our God
The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
The God who proved His love to the earth
And through His love i was given birth.
Now in the world i have come to see
That it is through Christ i become truly me.

by John Loving Iii |
Categories: religion,


Abraham Abraham
from where did you come
what made you Gods favorite
why were you like a son

was it because of special care
that you gave to his name
while others made up other god's
you worshiped the only real one

with in your heart you held a secret
and it could not be made with hands
he saw the love and mercy
that was given to the man

so to him God told his secrets
and planted His great seed
He made him important promises
that mankind will one day need

and so begins the story of a family
and begins a story of one who'll die for me
take the time to listen and put the puzzle together
tell the story to your family and things will be much better

by David Byrne |
Categories: faith, love,

A Conversation With God

What of Love?
God- Abraham gives good example.
What of compassion?
God- Everything in moderation!
What of faith?
God- For All In This Heaven.
Why the smirk?
God- I'm admiring my creation.
What does that mean?
God- I am your Father.
……………..God forbid!
God- Why would you deny me?
I have seen what you and Abraham 
are willing to do with your sons.
God-What do you want?
All I want is real love.
God- I love you.

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: celebration, christian, christmas,

Christ Celebration

Christ is the reason we celebrate`Christmas
Home is important for the heart 
Rejoice! Relive and revive.
Into the sky and quiet we see the star of Guiding lights
Shining on faces of the believers
Trusting forward to the new night and day

Celebration of heart and mind
Eternal days and tranquility
Love abounding shine on
Everlasting peace no more little critic
Brains renewed for perfection
Rejoice, Relive and revive
Anchored to the salvation of our lives
Through the mighty grace of God
Israel's promise through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Oh Glory and honor; praise from heavenly host
New life, everlasting life

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: betrayal, blessing, family, future, love,

Love That Is Blind

They say in his old age, Isaac was blind
    yet like his father Abraham, unusually kind

  Rebecca, his wife, came from a family evil and cruel
    her brother Laban tried to rob Eliezer of all of his jewels ... 

  Isaac loved his 'hunter-son,' Esau, a chip off Laban's block
    in Esau's brother Jacob, her pure son, Mother Rebecca put her stock -- 

  Foiling Isaac's plan to give his blessing to Esau, one so cruel
    ~ Love that is blind must not be permitted to rule

by L'Nass Shango |
Categories: people,


Your eyes, gosh! Your eyes 
Gashes everywhere like night, set ablaze 
By a thousand peonies, a little boy 
Looking up the Retreat Mountain saw, 
And fancies since then could see the soul 
Of cold ambition's fire burning 
In your thousand silences, a bold 
Driving of you just like your mother 
To dashing flights of light 
By any means necessary. 
Your eyes burn from your belly up 
Like Abraham knowing hope 
Was not the spilt milk in the cup 
So I catching your flight 
Beg you do not scream again 
War is part of the pain of growng up 
Of separating flights, keep it silent 
And wth your strength 
I will lift you up. Love never relents 
Even when your eyes are not penitent.

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: devotion, faith, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, people, religion, uplifting,

God's Greatest Gift

On Earth, for 33 years,
Jesus did live.
For he was the greatest gift
that God could give. 

He who was greater than Abraham,
Moses and Elijah.
Is the annointed one, our saviour
and Messiah. 

He... without sin... came for
all mankind to see,
His death on the cross was
for you and me. 

His greatest gift was his 
death on the cross,
For without him,
all would be lost. 

Thanks be to God! He arose
from the dead.
His message of salvation will
always be said! 

Make sure your name’s
written in heaven’s journal,
By accepting salvation—
life eternal! 

By Jim Pemberton

by Ivan Cisneros |
Categories: loss, lost love,


No quiero otra decepción
no quiero volver a entregar mi corazón
no quiero entregar todo mi amor
solo para terminar lleno de dolor

ya no quiero seguir viviendo en temor
con miedo a entregarme en pasión
y no poder demostrar el amor por vos
y proclamarlo delante de ti y mi Dios

ya no quiero otra traición
mucho menos otra desilución
ya no quiero que sea mi imaginación
ni mi corazón quien dicte mi emoción

como Abraham cuando a su hijo entregó
un amor tan grande el lo que siento hoy
y solo quiero que sepas que aqui estoy yo
a pesar de todo aun no te guardo rencor.

by Taina Hogu |
Categories: devotion, children, religion, father, father,

The Great I Am

I Am the Great I Am
Father of Abraham, Ephram and Joram
But I Am also your humble father son
Though my majesty extends from 
times past and times still to come
Come stay near me to see
How I part your red seas
Tear down your walls of Jericho
Wherever the adversary strikes there I go
Though I rebuke you, I still love you
Just as your earthly father gives you gifts
I shower with blessings sent down in heaps
Let no man keep you from me
Come to me, pray, then watch and see
How I heal, reveal, and unravel 
your new state of glory
Forever and evermore all of eternity
My son accept me, take me
As your "Great I Am" 
A majestic father like no one's ever seen

by James Edward Lee Sr. |
Categories: adventure, appreciation, god, heaven, home,

New Home Mansion In Heaven

And in my dream that's where I am
Along with Jesus and God and Abraham
No greater love, no humanity
Could contain, chorale, or elevate
Consumed with ambition
Glorious revisions
Golden paved streets
And on them mansions galore
My name on the mortgage, no this isn't a loan
My Lord, My God has given me heaven
New home mansion in heaven


by Neo Masetlane |
Categories: adventure, desire, for her, love,

If I Am

If I am...

If I am Adam can you be my Eve 
If I am Joseph please be my Mary 
For there can't be Boaz without Ruth 
Nor Abraham without Sarah 
Because of Sarah to Abraham, became generations 
Out of Ruth and Boaz there became the father of David to defeat the giant 
And the faithfulness of Mary Jesus saved us all 
All from Eve and Adam 
If I am me there won't be I anymore but us because of you

by Johnny Rhinem |
Categories: angel, art, autumn, love,

The Page Is Turning the Book Perhaps, Closing

A thousand years is as but a day unto our heavenly, Holy Father....
Should you buy time, it may be ? The Searcher of hearts and Abraham

                                    ...."In Progress." *

by Bob Tyler |
Categories: faith, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, inspirational, love, upliftinggod, god, rose,

The God of Abraham

Do you know the God of Abraham 
El Elyon, the great I Am
He’s called Yahshua and he can save
The spoils of Egypt Pharaoh gave
By El Shaddai he’s know to some
The nurturing God, the tender one
David’s precious Yah of Psalm
Of Gilead the Healing Balm
The Rose of Sharon wont depart
If you let this rose grow in your heart
The Rock of Ages he’s always been
Who came to earth to bear our sin
Our guilt our shame, he took our loss
And carried it upon his cross
He gave us hope and peace and love
He restored our friendship with God above
The Great Shepherd has many names
But forever and always he’s still the same
He’s known as Jesus to you and me
And with that name he sets men free.

by Kidus Simeneh |
Categories: appreciation, art, bible, christian, god, inspiration, international,

See, His Mercy

The wave that's coming from the west
Just because it has shaken the rest
Doesn't mean we'll also be cracked
'Cause we do really know who we had
He is the Almighty God!
The God, that never stab in the back
The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac
The God, that never stop to provide
Food for hunger and shelter to hide
His eyes are unto us
To make all the tragedy pass...
In him is who we really trust
He'll make us take a good rest.
Just keep starring at my country
While we prevail in victory
You will soon see
His protection, love, and mercy.

by Jean Ward |
Categories: people,

Abraham Walks In Wonder

Homage to Lord Byron.

He...walks in wonder all the night
of beclouded starry skies;
and all that's there is dark, and bright
within his dark eyes...non denies
they sparkle within the stars light,
that e'en Heaven could not deny.

One ray more; I must confess
would grace the gloomiest day's race
that impaired the Heaven's blest,
or lightened his deserved place--
where thoughts kindly, how i wished
for pure and dear his dwelling place.

Peace I'd wish that face and brow,
so soft, and kind, and though spent,
I would've him a smile,
and a mind of peace well known;
peace with life left here below,
and a heart where love is innocent.

by Sai Lin Lip |
Categories: age, god, health, life, love,

The Aged

A gain in age 
A loss in life span
A gain in age 
A loss in health
A gain in  age 
A loss in value
Unless he has invaluable contribution
Like Abraham Lincoln the president
Like Albert Eistein the scientist
Like Confucius the philosopher
Or else he will be gradually forgotten
Retreating from this world
Unlike an antique
Which time gives it value 
Who will give the aged value 
Of course no one else 
Except his family and the loved ones 
Except the Almighty God

by Anil Deo |
Categories: adventure, allegory, allusion, america, analogy, anti bullying, jewish,

I Love How Dr King Rescued the Us Constitution

He did not revolt; Gandhi offered him a method he despaired finding -
Mere men and women see darkly. One ethnic eye, one condescending
Great human beings are great human DOINGS, too. And forgiving ....

(c)Deo. Happy Dr. King Holiday to you. Shalom, shalom I say, as I also lift up the Memory of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Dr. King's loyal friend.

by William Kinard |
Categories: adventure, love, me, me,

Sands of the Sea

Take me away like the sands of the sea
Unclenched from the pressures of time
A place where love I find
Like the potter who has power over the clay
Will I rule there someday
Atop my chateau will I see
Green pastures of beauty
Is it there I shall ride
My stallion from the sky
With my queen by my side
And there I shall sing
How she is my everything
Oh, take me there my angel
Unfold each of your wings
Show me more than golden things
And maybe one day I shall be
Like Abraham who's descendants,
Like the sands of the sea.

by Leon Stacey |
Categories: daughter, devotion, faith, family, father, love, son,

Rich and Righteous

Abraham, father
Of many sons, God-made rich
With faith, fields and funds

Solomon's wisdom
God's extravagance given
For childlike request

Job, the richest man
Lost it all, prayed for his friends
God doubled his wealth

No contradiction of terms

by Barbara Peckham |
Categories: encouraging, feelings, inspiration, philosophy, success,

What Is Failure

Do we ever ask ourselves
What is failure?
Is a child who cannot
Ride a bicycle when he is five
A failure, or are his attempts lessons,
And when he is seven
He will ride as well as anyone?
Many have suffered a broken heart
Or unrequited love,
But have still sought and found
Someone just as special later on.
Abraham Lincoln tried his hand
At many business ventures
That didn’t succeed,
But he persisted and went on
To become the president
Of the United States.
Our failures are lessons.
Either we learn from them or not.
Only those who look upon
Their lack of success as the end
Of the road and give up trying
Are the true losers in life.

by Jim Pemberton |
Categories: dedication, devotion, faith, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, inspirational, life, love, people, uplifting,

God's Greatest Gift

God’s Greatest Gift… 

On Earth, for 33 years,
Jesus did live.
For he was the greatest gift
that God could give. 

He who was greater than Abraham,
Moses and Elijah.
Is the annointed one, our saviour
and Messiah. 

He... without sin... came for
all mankind to see,
His death on the cross was
for you and me. 

His greatest gift was his 
death on the cross,
For without him,
all would be lost. 

Thanks be to God! He arose
from the dead.
His message of salvation will
always be said! 

Make sure your name’s
written in heaven’s journal,
By accepting salvation—
life eternal! 

By Jim Pemberton

by Doris Culverhouse |
Categories: animals


Pretty, peach face, lovebird, parrot
avian melody sings.

Hoping to call a mate over for carrots
and dance love on their wings.

Busily preparing a proper nest
for the fruition of the mating call.

Abraham Lincoln "I say try-if we never try, we shalll never succeed."
I have decided to make this my motto, I will keep trying till I get it right!

by Brian Strand |
Categories: poetry,

Cowley Quatrain

Fill me once more,Holy Spirit to know,
Move me ,inside,you love to show,
Quieten my heart,now to play
Without rehearsal,on life's stage each phrase to say.

Speak,speak by thought,picture,word or deed,
Then in my weakness,your strength feed:
O teach my tomgue to quiet be,
Until you prompt,and all I say,is all of thee.

This quatrain was inspired by  Abraham Cowley's (1618-67) 'Hymn to Light'

Copyright © Brian Strand | Year Posted 2010

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: bible, fear, god,

Fear Not, I Am With Thee

Can we transcend fear? Yes, we can, Because God is here, Near to man; He said, "I'm with you, Do not fear."* And His Word is true, Promise clear; We have the Spirit, Not of fear,** But power and grit, Love and cheer; With God by our side, Let us trust, Joy comes to reside, Fear goes bust. 08.27.2021
*Isaiah 43:5a - Fear not: for I am with thee... Genesis 26:24b - I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee... **2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.