Love Poems About Abuse or Abuse Love Poems
by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: abuse, art, bullying, religion, silence, symbolism,

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

dance with slum lords
they shed fake tears
victims they shout
from Ivory towers

Mock and attack
they of dark cloth and deceit
possesses no real God
they whoreship only their prey
living by night not day

Some even screech praise untowards
sick is the mind who follows
dead morals and upended graves
they really are the bully's slaves
Yet their churches pew is full

Criminals all
singing love songs
sewing fear and anger
no wonder God got fed up
evicting them one and all

by Sunshine Shine |
Categories: abuse, courage, deep, heart, inspiration, love, poetry,


Just because she roars
Doesn't mean she doesn't feel 
You don't know her ordeal
Stop and think before you squeall
You don't know what she has to conceal 
You couldn't possibly know how she feels

She hasn't made any deals
She tries to be real
And Before you appeal 
You should love her enough to let her heal

by Karen Jones |
Categories: abuse, anti bullying, break up,

Domestic Violence

Dark heart
Onyx bruises
Madd lover
Entrapment fooling
Swollen lips
Teal tears
Indigo ears
Crying years

Violet prayers
In shelters
Only light
Love weathered
Emerald eyes
Need sleep
Courageous flight
Embracing peace

by Jerry T Curtis |
Categories: abuse, anger, betrayal, emotions, psychological, spoken word, truth,

The Pain Game

Why do people, want to cause
Other people pain
Where is the Love 
That will break the chain

Someone says something
Then it's tit-for-tat
I've played this before
We all know the score
Now who's up at bat

I think it's time, for us to play
The self healing game
Before there's no one, left
Around to blame

One that's more thoughtful
And much less insane
Let's reach for the Sun
And help everyone
Come out of the rain

All we have, is this fleeting chance
To get this right
No time for jealousies 
No time to fight

Don't say, that you're sorry
Don't seek to forgive
Just start here today
And throw it away
And learn how to live

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: abuse, anger, angst, death, me,


~he murdered me~

I was only 21 years old
Here I lay, beyond the cold

I  granted him, the best of me
Praying for his love endlessly

I never listened to anybody's advice
Only to my husband and his lies

He bore a bad habit of beating me
No matter, his love was all I could see
On my last day, he took me by surprise
Now everyone around me cries

It's too late to tell all my loved ones good-bye
Or, even understand the reason why?

Today I'm in a place where he can't touch me
In a box called a coffin, only I can see

While you stay and rot behind in jail
God did and took me away from your hell


by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: abuse, christian, religion, wisdom, women,

Good Friday

Good Friday

Nailed to the cross
you all say it was a good Friday
It was not for me
my blood mocked by soldiers
nor was it good for you
you haven't learned
in ten thousand seasons
there is no Lord
only things you do not know
you claim glory
a bankrupt human emotion
I told you no to religion
you made me one
you will kill each other
to say I am love
You are nothing more than a simulation
in my child's bedroom
  You are less than ants
	in the scheme
of the universe
	Orthodox Russians
		Raging genocide
when will you learn?

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: abuse, addiction, forgiveness, relationship,

Laws of Attraction

Mind over matter

      It seems the mind
      is more forgiving
      than the matter

Love at first sight
Magnets inseparable 
Believing true love could
Conquer anything
but anything butt up against matter
Hard enough Long enough
turns out
is enough is enough
for matter to shift
Attraction becomes Repulsion
Mind over matter

      The mind forgiving
      matter not forgetting

Both hoping time will heal the wounds

by Paul Callus |
Categories: abuse, sad, violence,


Female sexuality
Fanatically robbed
Fraught with violation
Forever left in shame.
Folds of indignity
Forceful invasiveness 
Fulfilling love denied.

*I feel very strongly about this topic.
  Have been meaning to bring it up.
  This Pleiades is short but meaningful.

Contest: Any Poem#29
Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A.
Placing: 2nd

by Marty Owens |
Categories: passionred, love, red,

Crayon of Bright Red

Red is the crayon that I love to use.
So vivid and bright without any abuse.
I color so lively and make each stroke count.
Even making the water red in the fount.

In my pictures the hair on everyone's head.
Yes you guessed it, they're all a bright colored red!

The seasons of summer and winter and fall.
I color them all red without any appall.

So if you're an artist you plainly can see.
Everything will be red if you depend on me.

If you've heard like me, as it's often been said,
That "Passionate people always love red!"

by Wendy White |
Categories: abuse, anger, anxiety, break up, depression, feelings, hate,

Hidden In the Rain

She has faced the ghosts from her past.
Traveled beyond the razor's edge.
She is haunted by shame's overcast.

Once engulfed in misery's darkness.
Blame it on insecurity.
Storms of emotion, she tries to repress.

She hides her tears in the rain.
Angry cries are muffled by thunder.
The wind blows away her pain.

A man's lust was disguised as love.
She was misled by impatience.
Her soul is cleansed by water from above.
She wandered into the light & found protection.
A discharge of hope revived her spirit.
Now, she can withstand bites of deception.

She hides her tears in the rain.
Angry cries are muffled by thunder.
The wind blows away her pain.

by Audrey Haick |
Categories: lovelove,

All That I Am

I love him with all that I am ...
Beyond the noise and hype of this world
Beyond the ebb and flow of ocean tides
Beyond all the hurt and pain we have borne
Beyond the dereliction and abuse
Beyond the bias and disrespect
Beyond the abandonment 
The disparagement, the scorn
I honor him, his beautiful spirit, and his heart
And ‘though tomorrow is not promised to him and me
As far as my heart does know, 
I will love him to infinity

by A Yorkshire Poet |
Categories: absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, anxiety, lost, pain,

The Torment

You've seen beyond the dark
You've lived behind the light
What is it?

To you the truth is lies
To you life is a crime

Your lies make you survive
Your truth is where they hide

Dark rages deep inside
Light can't get through your eyes.

The secrets of the night
love burned out of sight
The horrors of the mind
The torment you must find

What is it?

by Robert Allen |
Categories: patriotic, political,

Assange In the Ministry of Love

Encased in inch-thick glass, Assange displayed;
The plaque upon his cage reads "DISSIDENT;"
The withered man in court is laid;
Imprisoned corpse announcing precedent.

To those "who hold these truths self-evident,"
Behold the Press awaiting punishment;
To be delivered to your government,
The Law so torn in wreckless brandishment.

Abuse! And ursurpation! Tyrant! Swine!
One Nation under God? Or under You?
Your boot does stamp upon that dream of mine
Believing "We the People" to be true.

Reclaim Your soul! For God's sake free this man!
Redeem the meaning of American.

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: abuse, forgiveness, heartbroken, relationship,

It's Already Too Late

If you have to apologize, it's already too late  
What you've done is unfixable; don't think you're so great

  If you feel mere words can mend a broken heart
Then you've learned nothing, you fool, from its tearing apart

  if you've fired a person and want to make amends
Find him a new job; that's the right message to send

  If you've screamed at your kid, reduced him to tears
It'll take years to overcome what you've taught him to fear

  Whatever you've ruined, be it a life or a love
Can only be mended by Mercy from Above

        April 30, 2019
Entry: "APOLOGY" Poetry Contest
     Sponsor: Line Gauthier

by Kim Rodrigues |
Categories: anger, hate,

Evil Has a Childhood

toss anger, he said
into the bin of waste
waste not mankind’s love
with abuse and bite
the bullet skies
high the eagle flies
why not the steeple
less with feathers flocked
why not the pews on
threadbare knees
that knock and palms
close touch of closed
and ethereal eyes, in shock
of amazing blue, far above
the whizzing bell of shots
some fell, some rise
both have a knell and sigh
anger flung like monkey dung
lay upon the sheetrock roof
its lies are born and cradled
evil has a childhood, is able
to wean and crawl, to fall
toss anger, he spoke
to the deaf and blind
they never woke nor wised
up. six feet downer done
swept into the bin of waste
a godforsaken life

by Yazmin Malik |
Categories: abuse, allah, anti bullying,

I Am Free

I am FREE, not a prisoner inside judgemental eyes, staring at me. This cloth I wear, protects my modesty. Let me be, do not swear. My faith is my power. I am God's diamond. I embrace his love, in his blessings I will shower. We are all FREE, to be what we want. Breathe love, live and let live.
We all should be free to wear and do as we please. I receive a lot of abuse when I wear the hijab, but I also used to receive abuse when I did not. Women are still subjected to judgement, regardless of their dress. You live your life and I will live mine. Respect is important if we are to live in harmony.

by Faye Gibson |
Categories: abuse, forgiveness, marriage,

Kiss of Forgiveness

I have been bruised, a wounded love,
trampled by uncaring wrong;
a joke, he laughs and turns away; his disgust
blatantly displayed. I offer God's shalom.
Neglected, a young wife disowned;
he the undisputed ruler of his realm.
His harsh commands hurled from his throne,
cutting and cruel. God grant him calm.
I dare not hate the bitter rod
he wields upon my shattered soul, nor react,
for it has hastened me toward God,
a mystery only experience can dissect.
I yield to providence, a jeweled grace,
that bids me kiss my persecutor's face.

Copyright, 9-2-2015
Faye Lanham Gibson

by Eve Roper |
Categories: abuse, earth, heartbreak, imagery, mother, nature, world,

Mother Earth's Plea

Mother Earth's Plea

Once upon a time I was so beautiful

Now my body is cluttered with pestilence,
I’m slowly dying inside.
Hear my suffering,
feel my rain of tears,
my seasons of grief and anguish

Please restore my magical beauty and charm,
the rhythm of harmony and balance
so I can survive

If you love me, keep me clean and recycle.
Everyone needs to pitch in!


by Bobbie Jo Price |
Categories: abuse, anger, betrayal, depression, first love, horror, pain,

Be My Own Version of Death

wrap your arms around me a little too tight
let yourself be the noose that ends my life
tear ladders in my tights while holding me down
pull a little too hard and drag me to hell
take my heart, its in the center to the left
its yours, my darling, take it right out of my chest
clutch my hand a little too roughly
shatter my bones and call me lovely 
take me to the Eiffel tower, guide me to the top
hold me from behind and give me a gentle shove 
rip my ribs out with your teeth, one by one by one
play them like the grand piano, show them how its done
lather your lips with venom, careful not to taste
kiss me until my last breath, simply watch me break.

by Iris E. Sankey- Lewis |
Categories: abuse, best friend, blessing, caregiving, devotion, encouraging,

Light and Love Illuminates

Haiku #13,005-13,010.......................................Light and Love Illuminates

One resolution
Smart measure, full screen intake
Trinity means love.

From morn till night, light
Soft potent gems beckon us
Main ingredient, love.

Nutrition is gem
Light, airy rejuvenates
Strong ever ready.

Old friend is light weight
As jogger I'll glide through air
Steel stole feather's joy.

I feel glow of light
Frame pictures of healing light
Silent New Year's gift.

A heavy laden gut
The weight of a heavy heart
All time thief of our joy.


by Greg Gaul |
Categories: angel, humanity, native american, nature, sea, tree, truth,

The Nature of We

Love this vast planet of ever being
loosen the mortar in your fortress wall.
Sense what all our eyes are clearly seeing
into oneness let loose spirit stones fall.

Fall then in the warming arms of the seas
bravely embrace our common ancestry.
Step under the soothing shade of the tree
one certain truth for all humanity.

Nature looks to all to be defended
haunting echoes plead to us to give back.
Native peoples want all abuse ended
our better angels will lead the attack.

This so surely sets each one of us free
as we will find the true nature of we.

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: devotion, happiness, life, love, relationship,


Can a relationship last without trust,
How long will a relationship last without genuine love,
What do you see when you look into your partners' eyes,
How do you feel when they are in your arms,
Are you comfortable with your sprouse,
Do you still see the sparks when you kiss,
Feel the energy when you curl up beside each other,
Do you still play and laugh with each other,
Or is abuse slowly creeping in,
Do you still make plans talk about future events,
Don't let your relationship become a daily drag,
Trust,genuine love,comfort,communication and care,
The spieces of a great relationship,
Season your relationship well,
And enjoy a life filled with love and more love...

by Teagan Taylor |
Categories: abuse, addiction, evil, leaving, love, pain, sometimes,

Under What Influence

Sometimes I think I would love you more if I was still drinking. And then I decipher the code: I would love you more if I still loved myself less.

by Afolabi Muideen |
Categories: absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, age, allegory, anger, anxiety, betrayal,


Cessation the love
Household has been scattered
When love lost

Humming in the community
Malicious gossip in the society
Disorder in the society
Degrading the society
Society has been scattered
When love lost

Humming in the state
Malevolent rumour in the state
As the day chameleon to night
Insomnia in state
Peace elude state
State has been scattered
When love lost

Mystery to nation
When    love    lost

Oh! It is a dream
Why do we stop loving
While love exist
Love is above all existent

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: abuse, heartbroken, loneliness,

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

Silhouetted shadows that grasp the ground
That will never be seen and never be found
Within the walls of the lost and hidden
Behind the tears of loves forbidden

Sheltered silences that mask behind
Broken hearts of the eternal mind
Surfacing solitudes that tumble in time
Discarded dreams that build the blind

For the Angels sleep and cries unheard
A shadow screams a wounded word
For I am here but can not be seen
A melting memory in a decaying dream.

Unrequited Love - Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Nayda Ivette Negron