Love Poems About Abyssal or Abyssal Love Poems
by Thomas King |
Categories: love, universe,

Space and Time, Making Love

How does one traverse the distance,
Between two hearts separated by love?

How can one pass the infinite expanse 
Of time created by their loneliness

Will their longing and heartache
Explode Like a supernova

Creating a vortex 
That sends them both spiraling 
Into an abyssal plutonic existence

Or will their passion and desire
Be strong enough to bend and warp the continuum
Bringing the far ends of the universe 
In upon its self 
Allowing their love to join once again 
Creating a intergalactic paradox 
Of celestial oneness.

by Matthan Atherton |
Categories: lost love, love

Visions of the Light

Visions leave me; of this very night
As I drift off into the shallow light
Wither like a slowly fading rose
Where I am headed, nobody knows

It all started on a day
When my maiden went away
She walked out the door
And ever since, nothing more

She left me alone to weep
And fall into the abyssal deep
Depression invoked a sickness within
And slowly flickering derived my sin

My consciousness said no
But my heart said to let go
So I lashed and I cried
And once tomorrow, I died

So thereafter sought her face
And drifted toward the light
To search for her embrace
And visions leave me; of this night

by Afolabi Muideen |
Categories: adventure,

Today's Enemy

Quote Prompt: "How is it so easy for you to be kind to people?" he asked... Milk and honey dripped from my lips and I answered, "cause people have not been kind to me." -rupi kaur 

Life is fire, in every step it ember I step,
I've been rejected, I've been shunned;
Life put me in abyssal of darkness.

Life is honey life is sweet,
the sweetness of life you crave for.
One can ever make whole world love one,
but with my act, I crave for world's recognition.
Today’s enemy might be tomorrow's friend.

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: adventure, allegory, analogy, beauty, cute love, metaphor, romantic,

Deep and Lovely Transparence

I observe that the sun
bright afterglow is similar
to your sight..,
I notice that the moon,
translucent and naked is
equal your soul...
With you thus, I feel
always deep, fruitful
and abyssal!

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, extended metaphor, love, metaphor, poetry, romance,


Of the green mystery
from the forest, realize that i
understand a little bit,
of the blue puzzle
from the sea, almost
I understand without
scares ...
I just can't
messages that
your black  abyssal eyes
they don’t say anything,
but they say everything, that
I cognize nothing ...!

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, appreciation, creation, extended metaphor, imagery, love,

Poem To Your Incredible Indecifrable Eyes

Abyssal, abysmal, profound,
superficial, light, evident,
your eyes change color...
Cracks, gaps, ruptures,
labyrinths, anguishes, throat
your eyes confine my desires...
Precipices, cliffs, gullies
schisms, contractions, insights
your eyes sometimes interact...
Lovers, flirts, friends,
I forgive all this because
I love your eyes
and you... !

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allusion, creation, metaphor, miracle, poetry,

T E a R S

Tear is the same,
          salt and albumin,
          in pleasure
         and in pain ...
         Pain contracts debts,
         pain breaks chains,
        blurs the heart ...
        Pleasure makes links,
         pleasure fills
        the soul...
        The tear heals the pain,
        the tear miracles the love ...
        Pain and pleasure, feeling
       abyssal natural ...

by Alkas Poetry |
Categories: allegory, allusion, appreciation, confidence, metaphor, tribute,

When I Write Please Read Me

When I write, please read
my verses with love i do
with the blood in my veins
I do all poetry and I don't stop

I write to pass messages
it's my mission and fact
I always create magic images
poem, poetry, song and act

poetry is my craft and create
it's my personal encouragement
with her I heat up my life

and in each verse after all
the world gets excited
in the abyssal royal bonfire