Love Poems About Acceptable or Acceptable Love Poems
by Russell Sivey |
Categories: butterfly, dance, life, love,

Dance of the Butterflies

I had received lots of love in years past I have felt all joys and pitfalls of it No pain seems to enter my simple life Love entertains me, that wonderful hit I know my life floats above tender hearts That which brings love, but sometimes avoids me I move quickly this way and that in air I have “dance of the butterflies” simply My life moves in all respects here and there Highs and lows of dance are of gratitude Love escapes my lips to my gracious love My eyes have passion that brings attitude
Contest: Dance of the Butterflies Sponsor: Gail Angel Doyle 6/5/2013 I know it's a Quatrain...a Rhyming Poem (I hope it's acceptable)

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: children, confidence, love,

Fly Away

Children fly away with wings of strength when designed in a home of love.

Fly little bird, fly away, you are fresh and new and young. 
     Spread the joy and hope of life, and leave no song unsung.
Fly little bird, fly away...but carry the love and care 
     shared with you in the humble nest...reflect it everywhere.

Sandra M. Haight

~1st Place~
Premiere Contest: One and One
Sponsor: Rick Parise
Judged: 09/10/2016

Rules: One Original Quote and One 4 line Verse / Stanza  on any theme.
Any form acceptable. 

by Michael Jordan |
Categories: dedication, life, loss, lovelove,

Our Choice

For the love of man 
That which I see 
So hollow and empty
(Like a casket yet filled)
Yet still, something inside cries
For empty arms have what to hold
At what cost 
Should life be bought
(The price of war)
Over love that’s sought
I shall take my penitence
As well as my leave
For it is our choice
That which we believe

You know my disadvantage is 
having no Poetic knowledge. I
I looked up E.E. Cummings and
read some of his poem's and I
have no idea if this poem will
be acceptable, but hey I tried.

by Joshua Lacey |
Categories: inspirational, introspection, life, school, me, me, school, middle school, high school,

Not Perfect But Acceptable!

My younger years - I don't know how
At six and seven folks had a cow!

The journey through the mind begins
Do not think the devil wins!

In middle school has a crash
Doing some things rather rash!

In high school had good grades
Then they dropped - almost like Hades!

Drove and walked many a mile
Just to see myself and smile!

God rescued me and set me free
From a thing called apathy!

Love God's plan - it makes me smile
To think of things that are worthwile!

I might have had to just stop college
But in experience have great knowledge!

Born to help others - don't you see?
I think it is reality!

by Just That Archaic Poet |
Categories: heart, love,

The Bottom Line

The years I've played in the field of Love
(Could I ask for any more?)
Am I swept away by Love's great flood,
Or washed adrift upon its shore?
And what have I learned from all of this;
The years I've played in Love's grand field?
I have only one solemn wish:
To give my Heart a Sword and Shield

*Write with your heart contest entry

"The heart is forever inexperienced."

**I confess that this is not a new poem written specifically for this contest; however, I feel it embodies the quote completely, purely by coincidence. I hope it is acceptable, nonetheless and you will consider it in your judging :)

by Winged Warrior |
Categories: angel, appreciation, love, moon,

Chimera World-'Midnight Moon'

Midnight Moon

You are the acquiescent angel of my humble heart
A megalithic mosaic gladiolus garden of amalgamate art
Oh midnight moon you illuminate my glittering gaze
Thru clustered clouds and within the Minotaur maze
My gregarious guardian of heaven, of thee I praise.

Chimera World...Contest
Sponsored by... Nayda Ivette Negron 

1 original poem that uses the following words:  mosaic, maze, moon, guardian, garden, angel, heaven, heart, midnight and clouds. Any form is acceptable.

by Anonymous Norman |
Categories: hope, inspirational, introspection, love, music, mystery, people, political

Sod Is In the T.V.

Their trying to tell you something,
It’s being shown on the screen,
It’s being told in music, ding ding,
But you were indoctrinated by thirteen.

Mtv shows you Masonic ritual,
Flashing symbols in your third eye,
Leave you in crisis, needing spiritual hospital,
You’ve had an overdose of an intoxicating lie!

It’s time to break the spell, turn off the T.V.
With all its degrading, intoxicated role models,
How anyone finds this acceptable for children, spent on me,
Maybe this is why society is fuelled by self gratifying morals.

by Linda Hays-Gibbs |
Categories: beautiful, bible, heaven, inspiration, inspirational, paradise, religion,

I Cry Abba

Oh God I cry Abba! Abba!
Have mercy on me I beseech thee,
on such as I!
lest I die
I cry Abba! Abba!
I'm blind 
Oh let me glimpse, let me see 
your majesty 
just a speck for I am a mote in the dust of your time for your love is so sublime
I cry Abba! Abba!
Just one touch
But it is too much to hold how could I be so bold
But I cry Abba! Abba!
I love you! I praise you! King of the Universe! 
I glorify you with all that I am 
may I be worthy let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight 
    let me not depart
Let me dwell in your light
Let me glorify thy might as 
Cry Abba! Abba!

by Odeline Chigwedere |
Categories: discrimination, people, racism,

Would It Be Wrong

would it be so wrong
if different makes no difference
if we can look at something foreign
and see it as acceptable
would it be so wrong
if we can pray our different gods
worship in our own ways and still love one another
would it be so terribly wrong
if we give the same value to gay and straight people
if we can  ignore the difference
if we can say its not right, but its okay
would it be so terribly wrong
if the handsome prince from east
can marry beautiful daughters of the west
if we can have a world with no bearers 
if the world can be color blind
and just respect human kind
would it be so

by Nick Armbrister Jimmy Boom Semtex |
Categories: abuse, death, dog, evil, food,

Dog Munchers

Dog Munchers
In China they have a Summer Solstice festival where they eat dogs. There's not a peace loving animal stroking pagan in sight. Instead its dog munchers. Lots of them. They're very busy, killing and eating.

Over 10,000 dogs are killed and eaten on ONE DAY.

Kept in cages. Condemned to die. No love here except for hungry Chinese. They adore their exotic delicacy. Some people even say the festival is for foreign tourists. Money is made on them.

We cry out in horror!

200,000 people signed a petition to stop it. Will it do any good? ENOUGH! Stop this awful act. It's not acceptable in a 21st Century world. Your Yulin festival is from the Dark Ages.

by Sahitya Poonacha |
Categories: judgement, love, perspective,

Beyond Judgement I Find a Reality Called Acceptance

We see
We fall
We don’t think
We might
But we don’t decide
It’s hard for perspective
To conquer feelings
Something wrong or something right
His eyes or her eyes
Her eyes might be his eyes
And his hers
Does it matter?
Two people can
Be more than their anatomies
More than being what the world sees
Two people can be perfection
Can feel perfection, can make perfection
With just being
Because love in its truest form
Is more than a physical emotion
But never superficial
Between two who maybe identical
Or not, different or not
No matter where they are, who they are
Sometimes though unconventional
Who are we to judge
To ratify that it might be

by Paul Curtis |
Categories: love

Beauty and the Beast

A pulchritudinous creature
Oblivious to the turmoil 
Stirred in a young mans chest
Tamed the beast in me 
Sublimating me
From my true desires
Quelling the fires
Redirecting my passions
Reemploying my sexual energy
So we partake
Of the socially acceptable
Exercise our creative bent
Until the time is right
That blessed moment
When love supplants lust 
And passions flame can burn

by Cole Mileaf |
Categories: crush, cute love, me, wisdom,


My mind is the equivalent of whispering sweet nothings in the ear of a young Japanese girl.
Wrong and creepy 
But acceptable in many places. 
It is important to note
She blushes every time.

by Richard Martins |
Categories: appreciation, art, beauty, bereavement, friendship, goodbye, love,


Glimmering beauty Gone too soon after, Giving all possible. It is said Good things come to an end but Grateful to have experienced this Gift of wonder that Glittering and shines bright in life
Date: September 28, 2016 Poetry Contest: Goodbye Sponsor: Nayda Ivette Negron Rules: - 1 original poem on the theme of Goodbye. - Any form is acceptable. - Use the word goodbye as the poem title. - No names.

by Godfrey Nwanekah |


Oldage is a state of mind
Old as the civiliazation of humanity
Old as the first lies told by lucifer
Old as sarliver
That is how old Identity is
I have lost my sense of belong
The sense of believing in words
The sense of having faith in love
The sense of knowing what is wrong, what is good and what is acceptable
Untill i became senseless for not having a sense to my path in life
I am a victim
A victim who once never had a choice
A victim who was once brutally robbed
A victim of identity thief
This is not just how I feel but this is how victims of abuse feel

by Anna Hopper |
Categories: feelings, inspiration, love,

I Want For You

I want you to be passionate
About what you eat, see, pray, feel, love
And even what you despise

I want you to be so much more
Than normal, routine and acceptable
I want you to thrive

I pray that you're deliciously intense
Feeling raw and real emotion
submissiveness is tragic

Numbness is more severe than pain
Though emotions may sting
The experience of life is magic

by Tracy Decker |
Categories: introspection, life, love,

Every Conversation

Rehearsing each sunrise,
willing better into
being with you on a
Sunday, without regret.
In truth, nothing ever
proceeds as imagined.

Acceptable, this
existence in mere
fragments of blissful
and none approaching
the freedom of whole.

In every curve
of every word
I feel the pull
of away, and

still farther
while reaching
in vain for

that which
has since


by Michael Degenhardt |
Categories: family, friendship, life, love

Finding Joy

I can not begin to express the feeling I am feeling
So joyous in that within this world of distance
There remains possibility of destroying walls and miles
There are hearts, souls, people loved that can become
Parts of our lives again, but we must allow them
They, in turn, must also allow and share the same hopes
It is for that reason that I am filled with so much joy
There are lives out there, I never thought I’d be a part of
Yet, I always dreamed I would be, for myself and for them
I welcome them always into my life and pray that I, too
Become an acceptable part of their lives and remain family

by Kim Merryman |
Categories: faith, inspirational, me,

What a Friend

Of God
My Savior,
You gave Your life
In exchange for mine,
The perfect sacrifice
Holy and acceptable
In the eyes of God the Father.
Your blood covers me and makes me clean.
I am humbled by the depth of Your love.
By Your mercy my sins are forgiven,
By Your grace my soul has been redeemed.
You clothed me with Your righteousness,
While You became sin for me.
There is no greater love
Than to lay down one's
Life for a friend.
What a friend

(a double etheree)

by Jamie Jones |
Categories: love, passion,

Passion With Love

Holding hands heat up the moment
Our eyes are in the mood to stare 
So many thoughts coming to mind 
Only acceptable interruption is going to work
The beauty or love is one Men with one women
Good works comes from hard work 
For order to teach you must been taught
Exercise your talents to become great
Passion with love, how do you stop that 
Get your mind right----
Then There's No looking back 
What's in store ------ 
All postive works connects 
When the times right.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: death, grave,



Beneath my tall pine tree,
below an engraved stone,
buried is my sweet friend
beloved for twenty years;
been missing him so long.
Beside his grave, sad and
bereft....I hear soft purrs.

Sandra M. Haight

~2nd Place~
Contest: Pleiades B
Sponsor: Kim Merryman
Judged: 08/19/2016
Note: “beloved” has the strange property of 
having two different acceptable pronunciations: 
(two syllables, pronounced like “bi-loved”) and
(three syllables, pronounced like “bi-love-id”).

by Alayande Stephen |
Categories: education, life, people,


Sycophancy they celebrate
Insolvency they worship
Profligacy they cherish
Grandiosity they love.

Impudence remains a force 
To reckon with 
Indolence rewarded 
Amidst pomp and pageantry
Intolerance to dissent
Views became the hallmark

Thesis plagiarizing became licit
Academic placid legitimatised
Megabyte prowling encouraged
Supersonic pillaging sanctioned

Persecution became acceptable
Intimidation remains excusable
Exploitation officially allowable

All these only during the
Dark days of an “Ifa priest”
With the so called magic wand
In the garden of life
Christen U and I.

by Satish Verma |
Categories: art,

Blistering Attack

A peacock becomes non-violent
keeping the warheads
in his tail. In bird hour
who wants to blink ?

The chicken runs amok.
Lying motionless was
painful for being slaughtered.
Subversion was more acceptable-

than falling in love. The bare
chest shows a gored scar.
They have started a dance
to entice a herd of pachyderms.

Bleeding ? No. They have
cobbled an army of bedbugs
to start a violent protest
against the moon.

Satish Verma

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: angel, beautiful, devotion, family, love, marriage, wife,

What I Do For You

What I Do For You

I sent red roses to your sweet mother
I surely would do that for no OTHER!

I spent four long years waiting for you
I longed for the first kiss, we TWO!

I now have you so sweetly by my side
I enjoy it all, especially your RIDE!

I look forward to the nights we share
I sing, sing it out and I truly CARE!

I find Heaven and my darling it is YOU!

Robert J. Lindley, 07-10-2014

Enter Poetry Contest  
Deadline 8/8/2014 12:00:00 AM 
Note From Sponsor No updates yet... 
Contest Description 
What to Submit?

1 original, poem on the theme of .......any poem under 10 lines......
 Any form is acceptable.

by Fiona Hauber |
Categories: lost love, sad, teen, happy, me, happy, me,

Let Me Go...

Don't want to be alone anymore 
I want to be happy 
But that''s no acceptable 
I want you to be proud of me 
But that''s hopeless 
If I''m not what you want 
Then let me go 
If I have to stay here 
In this place 
Behind the shadows 
In the darkness 
And cold 
I think I won''t survive 
I know I won''t survive 
So let me go 
So I can be happy 
So I can smile instead of frown 
So I can sing and dance instead of bleed 
So let me go...