Love Poems About Accessible or Accessible Love Poems
by Robert Ronnow |
Categories: bird, humor, insect, love, men, poetry, wine,

Can Poetry Matter

In the debate between accessible and difficult poems
Poets' poems and poems for people
Only the single poem and private reader matter

Both kinds and anything between can matter or not
Solid or made of air, a vase or heavy clay ashtray
One word repeated or many like a lei

An acquired taste, like wine, and like wine
Not sustenance, yet men die with their miseries
Uncut without it, news and mere matter

I advise everyone to keep a personal anthology of poems that matter
Or not. Perhaps it should be novels. Stones, insect wings,
Feathers, Birds you've seen, People loved.

by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: appreciation, birthday, dedication, friend,

Love and Happy Birthday- Robert Lindley

You stood by me through thick and thin.
In days when few comments, were coming in.

You saw in me a poet, possible.
That belief from you, made things, accessible.

Grand talent you are, so very unappreciated.
For you, I wish the best, so poetically educated.

Happy Birthday special friend.
Your fine, classical poetry I do commend!

With love and best wishes,

by Phyllis Babcock |

A Prayer For Mom

Thank you mom, for your unconditional love.
You give until your heart would break.
You stand like a fortress in times trouble.
You are the rock, that holds us together.
You are open, like an accessible door.
Never closed, always giving more.
You  listen, to what we have to say,
 picking up the pieces,
when things are falling apart.
We know that the love we share
can never be undone.
Through your precious heart,
you give us love, warmth and care.
 Mom, I know you will always be there.
So thank you mom, for all you have done.
My prayer of thanks for my mom.


by Scribbler Of Verses |
Categories: adventure, beautiful, beauty, childhood, dark, dream, growing up, happiness, happy, heaven, home, hope, imagination, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, love, memory, metaphor, miracle, nature, romance, romantic, space, star, time,

The Canvas of Night

The Canvas of Night

Stars like sprinkled sugar,
lay strewn across the canvas of night,

enthralled by the wonder of the cosmos,
my dreams take to the heavens in effervescent flight,

I bathe in the beauty, soaked in sublime delight,
absorbed in moments of bliss, transfixed by the serene sight.

Stars like sprinkled sugar,
lay strewn across the canvas of night,

and my being is infused with feelings of hope,

for even in darkness  I find the sprinkled sugar of hope's light.

note: special thanks to one of my heroes, the late Dr. Carl Sagan, for making science accessible to younger me, many, many moons ago.

by Grant Norwood |
Categories: emotions, feelings, identity, love,


I don’t live the life you say
I live my own way
Sometimes I feel my spirit stray
Don’t ever blame me  
I closed my eyes 
and got to here
I awoke
with life stripped bare

Do you feel the man’s desire
Eyes betray me
Precious love that’s not for hire
But accessible
So speak aloud  
those words you shield
Ask of me 
and I will yield
I hold my love up to the sky
dance beneath her smile
Love will often leave us shy
But just in passing 
Take a breath
and breathe me in
Love comes wandering
as you look within

by Kearra Kramer |
Categories: anxiety, betrayal, confusion, pain, prison,

Your Key Judgement

I hang my head
As freezing cold insults are projected onto skin worn out by scars
How could you have ever thought you want me?
I'm locked in my own body 
Like my joints are only accessible by skeleton key 
Arms over my face liked a shield
Who could smile in this kind of cage?
I didn't even feel like I was in my own skin
It's slip stitched
Doubled with iron thread 
No one is getting in
I love you
But you don't love me
You're getting too close and I think it's time for you to leave

by Gerald Dillenbeck |
Categories: anger, death, depression, evil, life, love,

Unsealed Confession

I am violent
speaking over peace.

I help those who love me
as joy grows too remotely possible.

I am always angry without cause
for love.

I lie
when truth feels too accessible,

I kill innocent life
to decompose curiously decadent death.

I evil in ecological despair
as I might live in more patient ecopolitical faith.

by Sharika Sellman |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, music, song, love, song,

Our Love Is Music

In this perfect harmony of love there is nothing else I could ask for.
At times the choir gets to us with too many high notes.
Nothing will end our song 
Because in this duet our love runs strong
There are times when things go wrong in our love song
In which we wish things were accessible.
But trust me our song will continue to play
Like a track on repeat.
In this perfect harmony it’s just you and me.

by Anais Vionet |
Categories: boyfriend, for her, fun, funny, teen, teen love, youth,

The Boyfriend Bell Curve

college bound
smart as a whip
eager to please
always on time
100% truthful

by Sigrid Ermine |
Categories: appreciation, courage, emotions, journey, love hurts, me, mountains,

Melded Decades

Abounding thrill elates me, blown away
By beauty accessible, the chances
To make tomorrow my ultimate day
Road split with intricacy of branches

Confronted with unexpected crest
Summit draped under silver mystery
Steep climb denotes scope will become accessed
War torn heart grabs gradient gingerly 

Hands surrounded in shroud mount the challenge 
Pulled pebbles scatter below while I'm held 
Mist bliss invades injured brain's imagine
Pinnacle opportunes suppressed dreams' meld 

Love for another bolsters oxygen
With delve into mountain peak porcelain 

        5th October 2020

        Written for Contest : Love Sonnet
        Sponsor : John Hamilton

by Karrin Letcher |
Categories: language,

I Got What You Need

I’m a dealer of words
Inspiring prose late at night
Those few little lines that keep you up
Trying to make them beautiful
I got what you want
Just tell me the feeling and I have the words
I deal in counterfeit love, words so tender they don’t mean anything
I deal make believe worlds, words so magical they can’t exist
I deal hateful words, words so painful you tell yourself they’re true
I’m a dealer of words I got what you need
Love, hate, magic
All accessible through words just meet me in the library
I got what you need a drug more powerful than anything
Because they are beautiful and nasty
I am a dealer of words

by Wm Paul |
Categories: life, universe,


I always had the UNIVERSE,
But the yard was it until I went to school.
A two block radius
That grew as I got older.
Jr. High increased the area to
Include Mission Valley
And to the Park,
The beaches,
The Island.
City and County.

Father died in '62.

Life and Love
Started to predominate my thoughts.
Seven more years and the World
Became accessible.
And the Universe

by Wayne Smith |
Categories: best friend, care, courage, devotion, humanity, love, true love,

Battlefield Earth

The earth is thy battlefield and I have a calling to be a soldier,
the weapon of the spirit is accessible to face the future even bolder.

The path is constricted and yet so clear,
with God within, I shall have no fear.

Visions I have seen will now manifest and solidify,
there will be no more tears and no further need to cry.

The meaning of life is simply to serve, let the light within, 
shine bright and to Him give the glory and do not swerve.

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: spiritual,

Beyond Mind

The name that we may not label
Magnetism rising and yet stable
Dreams relived in blissful reality
Ecstasy multiplied in continuity 
Love core of the divine essence 
Accessible in ease by innocence 
All we need to do is cease to size
Trustingly embracing the surprise
As waves of bliss nodes empower
In trust imbibing the bliss shower
Radiating from within into space
Infinite is the power of His grace
We within form a humble receptor
Of the light divine are a reflector 
Until in as at a time as ordained
We merge into The light unstained


by Irene Hammer |
Categories: romance,

Amorous Acts

Initiate approaches of amorous arrangement.
Acquaint her with your family to avoid abrupt estrangement.
Always ask for her advice! Applying eagerly for assistance
Is assured to alleviate any echoes of resistance.
Averting all attackers will afford you great advantage.
Appreciating accomplishments makes her attention your apanage.
Another lover may attempt to earn her admiration.
Avoid the urge to answer by expressing irritation.
While anger abolishes a loved one’s affection
Abundant altruistic acts usher love in your direction.
An accessible heart assures an enduring alliance
So amiably attempt all acts with an attitude of compliance!