Love Poems About Acrostic or Acrostic Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: autumn, love, nature,

Fall In Love

F eeling enraptured, Autumn dances in the wind, then undresses.
A s bright robes fall to the ground, her passion paints the twilight skies.
L ike a nymph, she beckons, tossing her fiery auburn tresses.
L ongingly she sighs - September’s bliss lingering in her eyes.

I ndian summer days come; then they go.
N ights though chill, embrace her in indigo.

L ater, in November, her sweetness wanes.
O ctober cannot stay forever loving her.
V acantly she gazes through freezing rains.
E ndearments whispered - cease - when Fall loses ardor.

by Pace Ink-U-Script |
Categories: love,

The R-O-S-E


T~hirty-two steps through the yellow-green grass led me to you.
H~aving to choose which one; my heart with no doubt chose you.
E~very rose bloomed quite differently, though nothing meretricious like you.

R~ed is known to be the favorite color to man; color blinded; my soul desired you.
O~f all the roses, my senses were captivated and comely to you.
S~ome men may pick more than one rose; but, I only want you.
E~ven mother nature so pulchritudinous can't compare to you.

Pace, G


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: power,

Rule the World

Real women
Understand a very simple yet important concept.
Love begins at home.
Everything else just follows.

To eliminate
Hatred from the world
Entails raising children with love and guidance.

Women deserve the utmost respect and support from their partners in their
Obligations as mothers to instill morals in their offspring.
Rare is the child who goes bad when love rules his home.
Ladies, demand respect, and value your precious roles as mothers.
Don’t you realize that through your children, YOU rule the world!

Written March 8, 2017 on the International Women's Day!

by Kp Nunez |
Categories: child, dedication, love, mother daughter,


Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides

All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides

Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace

More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace

Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay

Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.

26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love,

Cross My Heart

Come to the
Of my 

Meandering silently
Yearning for release.

As my love flows by
Rushing through the flood-gates
To your heart.
Contest: 100 in a row # 10
Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A

by Carole Duet |
Categories: feelings, love,

Feel Me

Tender thoughts Of you each day, Upon a bed of dreams I lay. Can you feel me when I call? Here’s my heart, take it all. By: Carole O'Terry Duet Copyright: 2017 "All Rights Reserved"

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: change, corruption, freedom, inspirational love, love, peace, prejudice,

This All Could Be

Transitions towards a worldwide truce
Highlight our hearts, hopes, hymns and 
Inspire us to embrace peace as a truth
Spread globally strong from love’s roots.

All prayers seek universal peace,
Love-filled hearts breathing ease and
Living life as freedom guarantees.

Corrupt power holders need be
Outnumbered by justice seekers,
United in faith to crumble cruel
Leaders and their false rule, to then
Determine all lives harmony soothed.
Blessings of equality could be as they should be, 
Enjoyed by all brothers and sisters of humanity.

... CayCay
September 2, 2019

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: angel,

Fj Thomas -A Walking Angel

For the rose without season is you Light between stars shines through your soul Ocean of kindness whispers your name Joy resides in those beautiful eyes Treasure trove,a friend to keep Humbleness and Honesty,your virtues. Open-hearted to all,expecting nothing in return. Mother and wife who lives life for your beloveds Admirable for verse,and much more for deed. Special is the best word that sincierely describes you.
Dedicated to my dear friend Flo with love and gratitude-Thankyou. (Please spare one minute to read my blog: FJ.Thomas if you can.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: care, love,

My Love Is Real

Mist fills the morning with freshened air
Yellow fields smile past the distant shore

Lullabies play a gentle tune
Offer hope of what's coming true
Velvet kisses in the month of June
Every touch my heart doth swoon

In winds of care I blow free
Sending signals of my love for thee 

Reaching out for you and holding tight
Each and every unguarded night
Allow my arms to be a comfort place
Left open for you with a warm embrace

by Karen Jones |
Categories: abuse, anti bullying, break up,

Domestic Violence

Dark heart
Onyx bruises
Madd lover
Entrapment fooling
Swollen lips
Teal tears
Indigo ears
Crying years

Violet prayers
In shelters
Only light
Love weathered
Emerald eyes
Need sleep
Courageous flight
Embracing peace

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: emotions, encouraging, friendship,

My Poetry

M y eyes see what your heart is feeling
Y our feeling are written into poetry

P ain, love, wonder, inspiration
O nly you can make me see, hear, feel you
E ven though only words you have written
T hey touch my heart and mind deeply
R equiring me to write a poem so full of feeling as
Y ou are my poetry

by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: child, social,


A mazing child full of life
Unconditional relentless love
Touched by angels through the strife
Insightful blessings from above
Struggles with communication
Tries with joyful anticipation
Intelligence beyond the norm
Child of God within the storm

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: autumn, beauty, death, french, funeral, leaving,


Lusting the passions of a secret desire
Unwinding the mystery of my needs
Funerals are for the future
Internment I ask be deferred
Timeless is my youth
Useless is my request
At seeking eternity or at least eternal rest
End of times may seem long away
Beauty we know fades, it will happen some day

So I dream of youthful moments
Isle graveyards were far away

Holy wars and loveless scores
That a soldier must endure
A desire for peace escapes this generation and more
External forces and internal woes
Death dances at my door

Dedicated to Sara Bernhardt, who slept in her coffin amongst all her love letters.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i love you,

I Love You

I always think of you though you are far away

Long to be able to give you a big hug
Only you can make me feel this way
Visions of you in my mind
Each and every day

You are so so precious 
One special person in my life
U are my lovely son

19th February 2015

by Abe Lopez |
Categories: love, sea, seasons

The Love of "fall"

F alling in love with Winter; she’s ice cold dressed in snow white lace 
A ll the while dating Summer, who’s still sizzling hot
L ove affairs bruised with revengeful reds, oppressed oranges, and yelling yellows
L eaving Summer with a promise to one day rekindle their love

by Jan Allison |
Categories: i miss you, soulmate,

A Tribute To Darren Watson

Dearest Darren I miss you oh so much
All I want is for you to be returned to good health
Romantic writes you penned so well
Ridiculous sense of humour we share
Emails flew between us faster than Concorde
No one could make me laugh the way you do

Wish I knew how you are doing my friend
All my love and prayers are sent to you
There will never be another to take your place
So much fun being your poetry partner
Oh what a blast we had writing as Jadazzle United
Never a day passes when I don’t think of you


by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: mother,

Unbroken Chain of Love

Was there ever a time she doubted my love?
As a child, did I let her know how much her acts of kindness meant? 
No one will ever love me as she did.
Decades have passed, but my heart still yearns for her touch.
Ageless is the affection for the mother who lives in my heart.

*Written March 15, 2015, in honor of my mother who passed far too young in 1984.

by Jan Allison |
Categories: love, romantic,

Romantic Acrostic


Right from the second we met I knew
One day you would become my wife.
Married to the girl of my dreams, you are
All I ever wanted in my life
Now you cradle our newborn son so
Tenderly in your loving arms.
I love you more with every day that passes and
Cherish the day you came into my life

Romantic acrostic Contest
Sponsored by John Hamilton


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romantic,

Message In An Acrostic Contest

So Sweet

Since you came into my life, I can tell you true
Only pleasing you is all I want to do!

Sugar I’ll be giving you every day and night.
When you waken, I will greet you with my sweet delight.
Embracing you, I’ll be your minX, eXactly what you need.
Enjoyment, like chocolates in a boX I’ll give to please
The man I love. Honey, just relaX; eXpect lots and lots of these!

Jan. 19,2017 for  Kim Rodrigues' Message in an Acrostic Contest

by Elena Pisani |
Categories: family, love, together,


Forever together
Always in love
Magically bonded
In harmony
Loving eachother  for all eternity  
Young and old,
                    TOGETHER WITH ME!

by Jean Murray |
Categories: adventure, future, moving on,

Past Present Future

P erhaps it's time to let it go.
A ll that pain you suffered so.
S train on your heart and soul.
T ime to release and let go.

P eer around at your life now.
R elish the love your children give.
E njoy your work as you always have.
S it and relax at end of day.
E nergised by renewed hope.
N ever again to ever succumb
T o being abused by anyone. 

F acing the future with a smile.
U pteen reasons to celebrate. 
T he joys of living and giving.
U ncertainity will always remain.
R emember to count your blessings.
E mbrace often those you love.


by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

My Dear Valentine

In the depths of the night I swear I saw your halo
Drifting above, when my thoughts were calm
Ornate but simple like the humble daisy
Lovely and stunning from flower to bulb
Oh how I dreamt that you could be mine
Vision of beauty as the belle of the ball
Enchanting the evening as we waltz to and fro
You had my heart and I knew it was luv
O my beloved, my truth, my valentine
Until death do we part, my love to you I bid

by Susan Palli |
Categories: love,


A loving person
Gives unselfishly
Allows for error
Patiently seeks good in others
Emits peace all around


by Melissa Schwartz |
Categories: love, mystery, passion,

Sunglass Envy

Siphoned light gropes passengers
Hopeful for luminescent hearts,
Arching underneath bombazine drapes
Dusted with passionate legacies
Of original sin and the primogeniture son,
Wicked for nighttime plots savouring
Spicy love, exponential in a vivid darkness.

by Brandee Augustus |
Categories: childhood, love, nostalgia, school, teenme,

His Smile Awaits

He was my very first daydream
I thought about him all the time
Something about him made me beam

Seeing his face was so sublime
Making good grades in class was a breeze
It was his smile that was my motivation
Liking him came with such ease
Every thought of touching him came with hesitation

All I had was the way he looked at me
Waiting for his glances became my prize
A chance encounter filled me with glee
I wanted so much to feel the warmth of his eyes
Thinking of him is a great memory 
Smiles like his have become few and far between