Love Poems About Affection or Affection Love Poems
by Susan Ashley |
Categories: life, lost love, sad love,

Tin Foil Hearts

On pensive planes of wraith-like existence,
Are stoic shadows feigning affection;
Crimson lips of withering consistence,
Have lost their craze for craving confection.

Tear-filling prisms tilling a rueing sphere,
Pathos prowling, pity's wild and roaming;
Reminisce wind-blown is tumbleweed drear,
Bathos like bramble bur clings in gloaming.

Tin foil hearts' echo sad droning down-beat,
Rose petal ballet two rust figurines;
Today's gray sleet does douse yesteryears' heat,
Apathy's ennui directing the scenes...

Love once aflare in fanfare marigold,
Lies now a wizened weed, dried and stone cold.

Susan Ashley
November 2, 2017

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: autumn, lost love,

Lilah of the Lilacs

Like violets were her eyes when first I spied the lady with a sweet child’s face who peeked at me from bushes that she stood beside, alluring Lilah, beaming, apple-cheeked! And so it was that more and more I found myself among the lilacs in that place where first we’d met, that I might hear the sound of Lilah’s laugh and glimpse her angel’s face. On fragrant garden paths we knew the thrill of blossoming affection. Poetry was time we spent! But when my love fell ill, the autumn of our bliss was not to be. . . I visit Lilah now where she’s at rest nearby the lilac blooms she liked the best.

by Akkina Downing |
Categories: happy, inspiration, love,


Love is a thing

You can't see it nor can you touch it
But you sure can see and feel its effect

A deep affection that fills you joyfully 
You are drunk on happiness

It's always understanding 
To accept the good, the bad, and the weak

It has no cultural condition 
It sees no boundary nor race

It's fearless and flawless 
It just flows limitlessly 

It's God's love
Nailed to the cross for you and me

It's in you and me 
It's I love you and you and you and God

I am drunk on happiness 
Because HE loves me unconditionally 


  Akkina R Downing

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: allusion, journey, love, magic, romantic love, teacher,

Once Is Enough

Oh for pity's sake put some clothes on, 
the bracing air will steal your breath..
and I need you to stand and stay strong. 
Cold comfort thrills from your chill touch
help me recall why I adore you so...

A chin of the ages rests on my shoulder in sweet affection,
two arms encircle my world in every direction.

Redtail hawk riding a thermal looks down..
what caught its gaze I wonder..

Will the day lend a hand through a pestering cloud,
or roll its eyes in thunder? 

Such a fine firebrand you've stoked, 
as I shave my face and call your bluff.,
Wishing the once would last forever..
though once was more than enough.

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: deep, emotions, fantasy, first love, love, true love, wine,

Celeste Romance

I gaze at those fireflies in
your butter-sweet eyes that shine,
succulent with white lush pulp
of love's purity,

you hue my wildflower heart
with hyacinth, as we twirl
like spring-shaded tulips in
life's regal-black psalms; 

mon cherie, I wish for stars
to sequin your shimmering
wine soul and cradle comets
of faith in your fate, 

as, rubies glazed with honeyed
hibiscus and nectarine
daisies will be my pink muse,
forevermore true;

afterlife shall foretell our
lavender soliloquy
of celeste romance, whipped in
soft beige affection, 

and your coral spirit will
eternally emphasise
cherry letters as tokens
of swan-shaped twin flames.

by Justin Bordner |
Categories: love,

Love Can Smile

Just breathe with me, its okay
our affection can live beyond pain and distance,
just breathe with me when you need a good kiss,
just breathe with me when there is struggle to be stoked,
just bleed with me when nothing else matters,
just smile with me when star light touches your face
let your heartbeat dance with me across time and space...its okay


by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: mother,

Unbroken Chain of Love

Was there ever a time she doubted my love?
As a child, did I let her know how much her acts of kindness meant? 
No one will ever love me as she did.
Decades have passed, but my heart still yearns for her touch.
Ageless is the affection for the mother who lives in my heart.

*Written March 15, 2015, in honor of my mother who passed far too young in 1984.

by Daniel Cheeseman |
Categories: devotionwords,

Blue Tears On Parchment

Light blue tears on parchment, how softly my pen 
weeps for you. Ribbons of verse bind, pull tightly 
on oozing emotions. Devoted words lie embalmed 
in true affection, line upon line of adoration. I am 
besotted in ink, controlled by a heart that fills my 
page. My pen lies aside my love, my dreams, my 
day and night and what you are to me. Your kisses 
are the words planted and my future granted.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: passion, love,

The Scoundrel's Game

A yearning for affection and romance can cause one’s getting scorched by passions’ flame. Love blooms if it is given a fair chance, but some attempt to play the scoundrel’s game! A tender soul can be bamboozled by the man who has an inner soul of ice. The love that he professes is his lie, and cherishing himself alone - his vice. The one he lured will struggle to maintain her doomed relationship with him; she’s torn! The taste of love once sweet turns into pain, for what she offers is returned with scorn. Abominations always will exist. Take care one's not a scoundrel you have kissed! For Dictionary fun....#1...Delilah's Words! Poetry Contest

by Regina Mcintosh |
Categories: appreciation, beautiful, blessing, love, mom, mother, parents,

A Mother's Love

As a child, I stared at her She was my world And she was beautiful Inside and out She smiled like the stars Shimmering and sparkling Radiating kindness Her spirit was like love Blending warmth and hope Hues of inspiration Tangled with excitement Her eyes were bright green Laughing like the wind Welcoming my heartbeat To pound for her, breathing In the wonder of this joy A mother’s love in colors Vibrant as life, enlightened By shadows of beautiful dreams Faith, hope, love – joy and peace Her blend, a melody from His hand Poured out, raining down, affection

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love, rain,

Within Her Arms

Southern breezes serenade the canopy
swaying the branches and tickling the leaves
spilling light drops of splendor embracing me

Liquid comfort consoling a fading breath
again feeling alive securely within her arms 
fighting off a long drought in the face of death

Fleeting the memories danced through the rain
unguarded two souls were soaked in affection
thoughts and touches one couldn't contain

Joys shared together can never depart
A moment but brief sits in this heart

Brief memories contest by FJ Thomas

by J. Summers |
Categories: words,

Unspoken Words

There are times
when conversation ceases 
and words become 
giving way to 
sparkling eyes,
gentle hands, 
knowing smiles.

These speak volumes
regarding love,
The roots of which
are firmly set
in bygone years,
growing ever stronger
with each tomorrow.

by Bobby May |
Categories: love,

Looking Into Your Soul

Translucent I see
Within thought
With reasoning power
Grasping your conception

Attending your desires
Aloof is of this heart
I will mend making it whole
Light will shine again

Time will turn old into new
Laughter into sound
Will come once again 
Affection will be touched

Love will not be just a word

by Kelly Deschler |
Categories: death, flower, lost love, metaphor, red, rose, sad love,

Red Roses Fade To Black

Red velvet petals, only I, seduce,
With hidden danger under the disguise,
My fingers feeling shyly, I reduce,
Thorns sharpen, ready, waiting the unwise.

Before me, bleeding poison, I assume,
This flower withered, shriveled the entire,
A dark extracted substance, the perfume,
No beauty, only sorrow, I admire.

Withdrawn I wept lamenting the depart,
A rosebud, crimson, youthful, I erased,
A lifeless flower, never I impart,
nor taken with affection, I embraced.

Written by Kelly Deschler  October 23rd, 2014

by Kelly Zakerski |
Categories: family, girlfriend-boyfriend, husband, lost love, sad

Cheater Acrostic

C heating can ruin a
H appy marriage
E specially when there is
A lienation of affection
T hat deals with someone’s
E motions and can
R uin your love forever.

by Gene Bourne |
Categories: analogy, assonance, character, desire, feelings, longing,

I Will Wait

I composed a song version of this poem with different lyrics but the same "beat".
When you see three "dots" ...  pause for a second.

All it took...
Was your hand caress my neck...
As you passed.

Or a word...
Of affection, not some play...
You were cast.

No gifts... to please,
No wants... appeased.
So few... the signs,
Your eyes... were mine.

We create...
What we wished was truly there...
When it's not.

No ones fault...
She can't be the fantasy...
You had sought.

True romance...
Only happens when 
Two hearts have
Joined as one...

Until then...
I will wait for 
Love to come. 

Gene Bourne


by Stacy Stiles |
Categories: life, recovery from..., sad,


Ignorant to the favoritism; a desire to be special too
Naïve to all the sarcasm and criticism; finding it easy to subdue
Validity still not broken as I feverishly try to understand 
Insanely searching for something; waiting upon your command
Silence numbs my body; reaching out for a delusion to hold
Imperfect vanishing appearance; a love so wrongfully cold
Brazen on the outside; while dying on the inside all alone
Love is all I ever yearned for; not this affection carved in stone
Eagerly waiting for a sign; will you see, or are you forever blind?

© Stacy Lynn Stiles

by Delysia Hendricks |
Categories: lost love, love,

Utopia Lost

True love lost direction
when bloomed my affection
for you, who magically weave word
decidedly smitten
by your comic verse written
my long-dead emotions were stirred

Chats online
yours and mine
the order of the day
word-sparring and witticism 
rhyming and rhythm
intoxicating;  who needs rosé?

By poetry joined
rich phrases we coined
muuuchly our lives intertwined
o'er miles merged our aura
with a burning urge for a 
naked horizontal align

When in waltzed a skirt
you hit pay dirt
a writer within her own right 
my utopia thwarted
firm resolve faltered 
my love remains steadfast despite

by Chittaranjan Dey |
Categories: love, romance, me, lost, beauty, longing, beauty, hair, longing, lost, me,

Oh Your Beauty

Your beauty extends Into the heaven Whispering secrets of Happiness and affection. You look up at me and smile With crinkles in the Corners of your eyes. The smooth beauty of bare skin, Soft stroke of hair like feathers. I'm lost in the smell of Your hair & skin, Your eyes pierce my soul. Gaze upon me With those eyes again, I'm longing to be lost In your embraces. You are exquisite fire, A smooth burn of wild beauty. Your curly, long, light-burgundy hair frames An exquisite blend of exotic beauty. Your touch sends me over the edge, A longing which no verses can describe.

by Julie Grenness |
Categories: feelings, love, men, retirement, romance, women,


Here, I dwell in no man's land,
On the flip side, there's men unwomanned,
They can be a miserable band,
Desperately seeking a hand,
I read their profiles for online dating,
Is this pulp fiction they're creating?
"Honest, sensuous, sincere men here,
Tactile and reliable...", Great, my dears,
All searching for affection,
BUT, I want your ex's true opinion!
Can I have her phone number, please?
What do you mean she's overseas,
Like forever and permanently?
Oh, really, really, really.....
What does your ex say about you, please?
Why complain about her to me?
Honestly, why are you unwomanned?
While, here I dwell in no man's land.........

by Christopher Thor Britt |
Categories: life, love, romance, romantic,

O Love, My Love

O love, my love…where in this lonesome hour
Can my heart with sweet abandon find you there? 
If chance upon the wind, you do float as lotus flower
Would on my earthen bed you gladly fare? 

I am your silent lover…though cloaked in gentile guise
With lips, mine own affection would I treat you
And in the twilight’s gloaming your embrace there would I prize
If fate would look away while there I greet you.

O suitors, I commend thy will to win her proffered hand
While exile finds me close enough to see
Yet mark this, would be lovers, her hand there you may find
But her gentle heart was offered first to me.

                                           ~Christopher Thor Britt

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: dedication, love,

Betty Boop From Beirut

Have a good friend Here on the Soup Affectionately known as Betty Boop from Beirut A talented lady Emotionally charged This sweetest of sweethearts By a margin quite large Each day to the fullest She expresses her love Her passion for life And the Man up above My life's been enriched Since meeting Miss Boop So happy to have met her Here on the Soup It's not every day We find such connection With another soul With such great affection Have a good friend Here on the Soup Affectionately known as Betty Boop from Beirut © Jack Ellison 2013

by Barry Stebbings |
Categories: love, romantic,

Love Regained

Now is love’s rift rejoined by your return
And my loss at your leaving now undone.
Your name is joy, and joy from sorrow turned
And the time of your loss its season run.
Now is this night become awakened day
And this new Summer’s warmth a healing balm,
Soothing bleak parting’s unwelcome stay
As Winter, banished by this Season’s charm.
My love for you is not by ageing aged,
Nor is it tempered by each Season passed.
But your love regained is loss assuaged
And hope is in future seasons cast.
And the shaded paths of cold reflection
Now made bright by your returned affection.

by Manmath Dalei |
Categories: emotions, love,

In Love

Love is nectar.
Love is heaven.
Heaven like home, we always need
where soul  ever smiles,
never feels tension.
In love,
you are my music,
I am your musician.

Love is trust.
Love is hope.
Hope hands success
after little failure
or without any flop.
In love,
Your are my ocean,
I am your raindrop.

Love is life.
Love is relation.
Relation can only be cemented
with  mutual trust
and extreme affection.
In love,
You are my ink,
I am your pen.

Love is thought.
Love is brain.
With a sagacious brain
we can fly to our goal
without any pain. 
In love,
You are my blood,
I am your vein.

by Maggie Mae Mcafee |
Categories: happiness, love, son,


My heart shaped ruby wishes to be loved and excepted,
Shining brightly for a single affection by one adored man,
Noticed and caressed has given the luster gleaming joy.

Entry~Catie Lindsey~Stoned Contest