Love Poems About Africa or Africa Love Poems
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: africa, beauty, happiness, home, pride, tribute,

Your Love I'Ll Ever Bear

I want to word my very Love for you
though as a shy child, I start to stammer
a beloved Mother, my sole bijou
as I am of your prime Land enamoured.

A rose breathing the scent of your terra
born and bred knowing no other home soil
how can I bear the burn of your Summer
anger and worry within my chest boil.

I want to paint my very pride in you
with drops of my blood and ivory star
then draw your nature and beauty anew
how would my poetry meet who you are?

To my dear mother, shall I, You compare?
TUNISIA, Your Love, I'll ever bear.

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: africa, art, blessing, feelings, how i feel, humanity, patriotic,

My Allegiance I Vow

To my terra of roots
my allegiance I vow
I wallow in your fruits
and to your flag I bow.

Dream not till wake of dawn
beaming sun light I wait
burst of glee of no bourn
the feels of the soul, sate.

Awe chills into my spine
as your Hymn in pride sung
for Home in peace I pine
and love never be swung.

How could my pen, you turn
in a fine rhyming word
as my quill longs to learn
inking with grace and verve.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: africa, arabic, art, brother, friendship, introspection, poetry,

My Brother


	gasp for breath

vessels of poetry

pain disappears
	tears recede

love floats above the sea
	tides of sadness

	planted in marshlands

	friendship bloomed

living for words
	no longer matters

I embrace my brother
	love his might

standing on cliffs ledge
	gazing this new morn

softly I whisper
	we are one

by Solomon Ochwo-Oburu |
Categories: africa, inspirational, patriotic,

I Feel African In Every Vein

I feel African in every vein
the arteries pulsate with love
this continent is so dear to me

I feel African in every breath
the challenges the world paints
I see not but beautiful Africa

All Africans here and far away
join me to hold Africa together
no piece should go to the winds

The unity of the land of Africa
the resources of the land of Africa
are gifts no humans brought here

Patriots of Africa come hold hands
this land you owe loving service
dust off yourselves to build Africa

Old Africa where is your wisdom?
come out of your boxes and unite
the world is vibrant, lets wake up

I feel African in every vein
Africa my sweet-heart duty calls

by Sai Lin Lip |
Categories: africa, friend, grandchild, moon, stars, sunset,


Man loves friends
Babies have toys as friends
Children have peer groups as friends
Young men like making friends
Friends can become spouses
Entrepreneurs have ambitions and dreams 
as friends
Stars are friends of the moon
The splendid glow is the friend of sunset
The shore is the friend of the sea
We are friends of our grandchildren
Pets are man's friends
Only genuineness and sincerity of heart
Showing a true love
Only sincerity and cordiality
Is a sign of friendship

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: africa, america, community, culture, earth, race, self,

This Is Not a Poem--- a Singled Out Page


Hey, Poets stop by, give me a shout out.
Tell Me Where You Are From;)
I promise I won't show up on your doorstep.

If you are having a bad day, let me have it
If you have awesome news, don't be greedy 
By all means  --- SHARE THE NEWS!!!

.................  LOVE THE POET DESTROYER

by Olusegun Ojo |
Categories: black-african amergrandmother,

I Sing Africa

All's not about Darfur I've seen it, eerie winds Moonlight through our thatch We kissed round, one *palmie gourd Kigali was but a miss Waist-beads - beats to love Have you heard the talk-drum, *Fela's horns of brass, Or the *Aladuras' joy of Alleluia? My grandmother still walks miles Just because her forbears did, And shame on malaria For the dearth of men Oh, on Mandela's earth Of Soyinka's nobel ideas Africa - a big breast, the good, the bad, the ugly. . . all, as sucklings! *palmie - palm wine *Fela - Celebrated afrobeat musician *Aladura - a popular african instituted christian sect noted for heavy prayers

by Zhane Robinson |
Categories: africa, freedom, love,

The Cost of Freedom

The cost of freedom has increased, the price went up.
It takes alot to be free, but the price is love.
And the PRIZE is love.
Not saying you have to sing; kumbaya around a fiery ring,
but voices and rainbow hands will raise high to the night sky
as we shake off shackles and chains
and they slide down
and wrap around
the original drum,
which beats and sings out song that'll never fall from the tongue.
It clicks shut, complete with lock and key.
And we are poor slaves joining hands with empty pockets 
and shackled hearts.
The cost of freedom has increased,
which is why when we form our ring,
there's a low drum beating in the dark.

by Aby M'Baye |
Categories: africa, anxiety, desire, growth, humor, love, remember,

Feel Free

Make as you feel it 
In the sense of your feel
Without forgetting sense

Fais comme tu le sens 
Dans le sens de tes sens 
Sans oublier le sens 

Aby M.

by Mbongeni Khoza |
Categories: africa, family,

Blood Ties

BLOOD TIES O Brother mine, aeons, we bathe in fiery pits; epochs, you quench your thirst, from my wells of wisdom… Broken by the mallet of Creation, away you went. Then came you. Likewise, your seed… Centuries you’ve suck me dry. Your nests glitter with my blood, atop my remains, your rivers flow. My seed dammed to the Throne… Bronze shackles, you gave! As cousin Arabia fuels your rage, Rage, rage, rage… As for in time you’ll kneel. And forgive I shall, for your sins are mine. O Brother mine. Timeless clocks, bring us together. As in fiery pits, we bathe. Our Seeds will bear fruit, Love and Peace… As to dust we wither.

by Weydene Winster |
Categories: africa, america, animal, birth, color, culture, faith,

Worldly Greeve

If we just let go...
If we just let go 
To not live in fear 
To just go with the flow 
I think the world may just be a better place 
The world may... just turn out allright
Where peace could live and love could embrace.

If the soul is so dark that not even a sprinkle of white 
Paint could cover it 
What has become of our species...?
We cant just go with the flow
Sometimes it can be poisonous
We cant live fearless when danger is all around us .

Everybody is doing something for selfies reasons
The world might never be a better place
The world might never turn out to be allright
We can choos... 
We can choose in which direction we want to go!

by Sibusisiwe LETA Ncede |
Categories: adventure, africa, appreciation, blessing, character, confidence, future,

The Tears Have Fallen

Pour your heart to the world
Feel those extra ordinary feelings
Pour your heart to the one you love
Receive those blessings 
A dream has come true
Is it that the truth 
Show yourself,

The truth is a wonderful thing
As it puts things in perspective 
Honesty is a priceless thing
As it shows who you are
Love is a two way ingredient 
As it acknowledges what you are capable of
Show yourself,

Pour your resources into your hands
Feel the air
Pour your tears into the sky
Feel the vibration of the universe 
A dream has been manifested
Is it that the truth?
Show yourself.

by Sibusisiwe LETA Ncede |
Categories: africa, age, character,

That Was My Sin

It was to love deeply and unconditionally
It was not to compromise my well being
It was to regard any human being with fairness and equality

Never judge a book by its cover
Never make a promise you cannot keep
Never underestimate your enemies
Never anticipate your heart desires

It was to stand up for those I cherished
It was to fight for what I believed in
It was to embrace my humanity

by Richard Nnoli |
Categories: africa, confidence, courage, freedom, friendship love, tribute, trust,

The Best Things In Life Are Free

The best things in life are free 
Love is free 
Peace is free
Kindness is free 
Happiness is free 
Joy is free
Care is free
Togetherness is free 
Expression is free 
Opinion is free
Choice is free 

The best things in life is free 
The universe is free 
Our planet is a free zone 
Life is free 
The air is free 
To live freely is to live fullfiled
To fight is free 
Our world is free 
Our reality should be free 
Our education should be free 
Our mentorship should be free 
Our knowledge should be free 
Above all our freedom
Should be free cos 
The best things in life are free

by Richard Nnoli |
Categories: africa, confidence, courage, motivation,

Let Hate Be Your Enemy

let hate be your enemy

with out love 
the heart is heavy

it bleeds and create

it torture it victim
to no avail 

it never bring happiness
but darkness

it slowly kills it victim
to isolation

with out love
the heart is empty 

it bleeds no go value
to it victim

who bears no light 
to life 

but destruction without
no godly soul 

it is too bad to hate 
cos it fruits are ugly

so instead to live in darkness 
let hate be your enemy

by Wendy Watson |
Categories: africa, heartbreak, people,

Africa's Heartache

A poet touched my heart last night, he wrote of deprivation
Of child abuse, starvation's plight, the heartaches of a nation.
This juxtaposing universe so vividly portrayed
Has made me feel discomfort by the message it conveyed.
At liberty in mind and soul and body I am found
But on this self-same spinning globe such miseries abound.
Lord help me to appreciate each blessing you provide
And may I show benevolence with your love as my guide.


by Pheko Motaung |
Categories: africa,


Love your people
And hate foreign devils
For my country
I'll die and leave the world
And govern paradise

by Richard Nnoli |
Categories: africa, courage, deep, growth, relationship,

The Rich Also Cry

The rich also cry
Be happy for all you got 
For great expectation 
Are never guaranteed 

The rich also cry 
Worry not for another mans meat
For his trouble you don't know 
So as the cries he shade in secret

The rich also cry 
What is good 
Is bad for the bad 
In this world be grateful
For you live not by your
Self power
But nature  
For love so many rich 
Don't know till now

The rich also cry
He runs the town
His rich and sleepless
So many want to have a rich 
For money now is the new 
Yet peace he knows not
While you admire the rich
The rich also cry

by Pheko Motaung |
Categories: africa,

Color of Love

You sizzle in mystic purple

by Mohamed Salih |
Categories: africa, cousin, creation, feelings, happiness, love, wife,

The Deep-Rooted-Tree

It never falls never drys,greens forever
Whenever it extends,it grows moreover
Our love is like that tree,greens forever
On the deep rooted tree,friends forever
Each bird sings fruitly ,And sends clever
Each leave drops water and rains lever
We runabout  as pilgrims every year

by Funom Makama |
Categories: africa, community, education, environment, violence,

Xenophobia Ii: We Are Africans

History has formed us into one braid
to stay strong and never surrender to any blade
standing side by side to be each others shade.
Why then do we classify one another into grades?
So that some cut others off just b’cos they are made?

There’s still hope, this togetherness will not fade
whatever it is, we have collectively paid
let’s stop hate from this unprecedented raid
so that unity will eventually get love laid.
We are Africans! Enough has been said.

by Charcoal Nsibande |
Categories: love,

Dark Skinned Lady

Dark Skinned Lady. the ever poised legendary beauty, granary of compassion & culture whose stunning reign sparkles the night.

Dark Skinned Lady. comandress of matriotic forces, the earthquake that shakes the pillars of racism & sexism the stream that feeds liberating consciousness

Dark skinned lady. epicenter of the ripples of Africanism. Divinity of a soul tranced by a rhythm, a rhythm forged by the beat of a drum, the drum pumping life into the veins of my Africa!

by Rahaba Mahomaile |
Categories: africa, beauty, best friend, black love, blessing, blue, sunset,


Ke lekopokopo kea koposela
Se khalisi ka nna
Ke oa hao feela
Ke metsi a pula kea lelemela
Senoa-mapholi ke nna
U le naha-thote
Ke mabele kea qalana
Nthonake rebe ngoe
Mehopolo eaka ka oena
E metle seka sejana
Se sa jeleng
Kea boulela 
Ke lepoloka ke robeha likotoana
Tsa mohla onsentse maikutlo
Pelo eaka bjara!
Ke U hopotse Sejana
Baeti kapo che!
Ha u jelle
Nka khitla motho 
Senyamo? Boputsoa
Se nna,morali oa kueneng
Ke bonya seka Selatsatsi
ke nna
Ke qheshela
ho kena 
ho tsoa

by Philip Odiete |
Categories: africa, brother, cute love, dream, sorrow, trust, war,

A Lonely Evening

In many dreams of you, I wish
If I could get my hands on the wings
If only I could come over to you now, 
It would be the best moment in my life.
Alone in a cool evening
With the light of a candle and the breeze from afar
And then the moment would draw close
And the night would become our friend

And nature would support our breathe
And our dream would seem simple
And nightmare be far from us
For the moment would be the beginning of a new era
And the dawn would bring joy
Happiness and love

by John Chizoba Vincent |
Categories: africa, age, art,

Figures of My Love


No one recognises when love begins
But we know when it ends
A flower cannot blossom without a sunshine
And men cannot live without love 
So in the nouns of my heart I love you
Through the verb of my love I cherish you

But the adverb of my love will multiply audibly
In the adjective of my wisdown I beautify you amicably
Prepositioned the thought of my heart for good
In the conjuction between love and hatred

Through the pronoun of two beings
We will fly higher so that they exclaimed
What love is to those in the dark side 
On that day of our love, beautiful virgins will faints
On seeing the colourful love English we've made.