Love Poems About Airplanes or Airplanes Love Poems
by Arlene Smith |
Categories: nature, seasons, summer,


He saunters in with a slow steady gait
gathering all of nature in his warm embrace.

The whimsical artist splashes colors to sky;
miniature airplanes and exotic shaped kites.

Vocal chords of moon beams strummed by crickets and toads;
a serenade through open windows of our humble abodes.

So light on his feet; ocean's glass dance floor;
leading sailboats to sea and lovers to shore.

His breath on your neck puts you under his spell;
caught up in his love, as romances swell.

His pulse beats hot through sun ray veins,
then he showers us with gifts of cool, fresh rain.

We lounge with him in fields and meadows,
and miss him as Fall nudges him deep in the shadows.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: baby, brother, flying,

Let's Fly, Li'L Bro

Hush, hush, li'l bro, mama will come soon,
Let's fly till then and touch the full moon,

Hush, hush, li'l bro, just look at our hands,
Let's fly together to far-off lands, 

Hush, hush, li'l bro, let's fly hand airplanes,
We'll stay united till life remains,

Hush, hush, li'l bro, won't you close your eyes?
Come, fly with us 'bove those bright blue skies?

Hush, hush, li'l bro, we both love you deep,
We'll play with you till you fall asleep.


#Image 1 
Contest: Photostory
Sponsor: Eve Roper



by Marius Alexandru |
Categories: 3rd grade, 4th grade, child, children, june, kid, summer,


No more school, I sleep till noon,
Oh, how much I love you, June!
In the garden, I smell roses perfume
Oh, how much I love you, June!
Butterflies and a small bee,
everywhere are following me.
I play hide and seek with the sun,
Everything I do is fun.
I can fly my kite so high,
Next to airplanes in the sky,
I’ll go fishing, ride my bike,
I will do all that I like.
I’ll go to the pool, a lot
June is perfect, not too hot.
Oh, and the ice cream…chocolate, fudge,
June's the best! You be the judge,
I will meet with cousins, friends,
I hope the summer never ends.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: adventure, happiness, introspection, places, sky, , sweet love,

Vapor Trail Dreams, From Paper Airplanes

Walking on clouds in the heavenly blue 
In a job that I loved, with a sky view,

Let me travel with a smile on my face. 
I've sojourned afar in aloha's grace.

Every city, every place had a song...
A melody played as I sang along.

As many years passed and I longed for home 
I gave up my wings; no longer would roam.

Island of pineapples and sugarcanes,
Vapor trail dreams, from paper airplanes,

Memories now, I recall from above 
Have left me contented with my sweet love.


What was I thinking Contest 
Sponsor Daniel Turner

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, autumn, goodbye, heart, introspection, lost love, memory,



Month of memories
In dreams collide
With bitter sweetness
And long ago goodbyes

Old torn sweater so arcane
In the chilly mornings
He is my friend again
As we walk along fallen leaves

Airplanes high up in the sky
Used to be me who would fly
Now I gaze up at illusions that have been
As the breeze swiftly passes me by

Waters ripples
Lapping the shores
Fall comes sailing in
If only it was yesterday again

I'd say I love you
In the falling rains
As you took my umbrella
And left me with my weathered pain

September took my heart away
Without you, I had nothing left at all to say
This month of memories
When you handed back my heart

In the falling rain

by Lena Townsend |
Categories: childhood, family, happiness, love

My Childhood Memories

I remember the days after the rain
Picking dandelions and making chains

Sister fixing plates of twigs and grass
My brother laughing about passing gas

Looking back with a smile through tear filled eyes
I fondly remember making mud pies

Playing school and tea parties, of course
Pretending that the dog was our horse

Playing baseball, tag, or hide-and-seek
Picking up rocks and collecting leaves

No fancy toys and no video games
We watched the clouds and counted airplanes

Memories of my wonderful past
It's nice to know my childhood will last

Copyright © 2009   Lena “Lolita” Townsend

*for Deborah's You Must Have Been a Beautiful Baby contest

by Gershon Wolf |
Categories: city, life, love, morning,

Five-Thirty Am Cityscape

Lights dawning
Sleepyheads yawning
Babies crying
Mothers sighing

Coffee pouring
Busses roaring
Winds shifting
Debris drifting

Laborers hurrying
Rats scurrying
Teen-agers snoring
Alarm clocks ignoring

Stoplights blinking
Drivers unthinking
Airplanes arriving
Passengers surviving  

Tender hearts
Works of art
Lovers part 
A new day starts

by Gregory Azor |
Categories: romancetechnology, , cute,

Technology Girls

Technology Girls
Century ago, the girls knew their cost.
They stood in the sky and  called us.
To join them there,You couldn't use airplanes.
We went there by using the power of words.
We should create our strong wings
By developing a cute romantic vision.
We knew the richness of a loving letter.
Kiss her soul was our golden trophy.
Today's girls are in an ignorant world.
They are laying down on the ground.
They develop a new concept of love.
Their ease killed our warm cajolery.
Under the influence of the new age,
We coddled their emotions without merit.
They have sex without knowing the seduction.
They earned only the name technology girls.

by Zin Lim |
Categories: feelings, heart, longing, love, missing, poetry, teen, words, writing,


Blue above and 

Blue below,
Clumps of clouds,

Falling slow.

Airplanes surge but do not move.

The elephant passes in the room.

I try to sleep, 

to turn away,

Turning pages

yet the story stays


I look everywhere except at you.

I see nothing, except for you.

by Dale Gregory Cozart |
Categories: emotions, love,

Love Letter

Your love letter
came on paper wings
like airplanes.
I'm floating
in lambent ether
with each vowel
and consonant
your hand inscribed.

by Amy Shannon |
Categories: creation, desire, identity, voyage, write, writing,

Within the Mind

Within the mind
There is me. There is several parts of me. The parts I share, the parts I hide. Within the mind there are sandy beaches that explode with grenades airplanes that fly to low and fall out of the sky within the mind She falls in love and he falls in love, with him She carries the gun he aims and fires within the mind She has the power her touch can heal her heart will break She becomes him He becomes her within the mind the killer is set free the murder is meant to be the child cries hate is erased within the mind there is always one more story to tell

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: longing, love, writing,

I Love You More Today

it's when i miss you most
that i scribble thoughts
in love and longing

ever so intently
i fold my every note

take aim and hope
my paper airplanes 
find their way to you

AP: 2nd place 2022

Submitted on August 15, 2022 for contest PAPER AIRPLANES sponsored by JOHN LAWLESS  -  RANKED 15TH

by Bilal Hb |
Categories: love


Doubt the rotation of the earth,
Doubt its revolution around the sun,
Doubt the fact that women give birth,
Doubt the abstract that the Olympians run,
But never doubt my love for you.

Doubt the stars' light in the sky,
Doubt that lives ever die,
Doubt that airplanes soar high,
Doubt that the deserts remain dry,
But never doubt my love, it is no lie.

I doubt all creation.
I doubt the trivial.
I let go of all information.
I removed all things convivial.

But I confide in your love,
And collide,
With a happiness this world never knew...

by Kathy Fretwell Gandy |
Categories: children,


I like cars, trucks,
and shiny airplanes.
I like helicopters, buses,
and locomotive trains.

I like lions, zebras,
and elephants too!
I like rhinos, hippos,
and giraffes are cool.

I like guitars, drums, 
and all my toys!
I love playing and pretending,
like most little boys!

by Ava Carney |
Categories: adventure, imagination, life, people, sky,

The Leave Again

Love for you is such a pretty hope. 
And when the airplane went up - 
airplanes are such... most. 

And they fly up in the sky 
from met you's and get you's 
and peace and courage and solidness 
from the sky 
and then when your weak bones 
don't unwind 
they weak in the heaven of your weakness 
and then you don't fierceably tremor.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: community, love,

Their Listener For the Day

I am a listener
My eyes say “tell me”
And people do

Waitresses ask me to scoot over
I have never seen them before
They tell me their life story

Strangers and I converse 
in grocery stores, on airplanes, at funerals and weddings
I listen with my heart

And I do not offer advice
I merely listen
It is enough

I often hug a new “person’ goodbye
And they cling to me
I am their listener for the day
And it makes a difference

by Line Gauthier |
Categories: children, grief, loneliness, lost love, parents, sad,

I Wish

I wish I were invited to say what's in my heart
Using vibrant colors of my imagination's palette
I'd paint a universe that’s bright and cheerful

I wish I were called upon to scatter words
Like a million stars clear across the sky
I’d happily sprinkle wishes far and wide
Bringing hope to every sad child of the world

How I wish the clouds would open wide and
I’d fold each of their tears into magical paper airplanes
To reach in heaven every child's lost mom and dad

AP: 2nd place 2021

Posted May 24, 2021

by J.W. Earnings |
Categories: deep,

Love Your Enemies and Neighbors

Marvelousness and hopefulness
Joyousness and faithfulness
Loyalty and serve him wholeheartedly
Puffed upness and insulting and crudeness is not godliness...cussing, in other words, is Satanic honestly...regardless of what others say more or less
Not easily angered - how can I be of righteousness?

Trustworthiness and tranquility go hand in hand
Understand where our airplanes land...understand?
Love your enemies and neighbors as yourself
Love your family and friends as yourself...
Love all and hate no one...
Look up to His son...


by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: love,

Love Gaps Are Fiction

When love is true, there is no time gap
You can travel into each other’s arms today
As easily as you did twenty years ago
Ask JayLo and Ben 

When love is true, distance means nothing
Makes it sweeter actually
And more intense 
Ask those who fly on airplanes on weekends

Time and distance cannot kill love
Death cannot kill love
Another person’s affection cannot kill love
The only love gap I know created by betrayal, mistrust and hurt.

by Daniel Sweatt |
Categories: blessing, christian, god, life, love, nature, world,

Cherish Your Life

Flowers, butterflies, the calm winds,  the rainfall, dandelions, the crickets chirping in the night. Melody music, smooth jazz, angels, hearts, the airplanes far above you in sight. Space, Time, stars,  planets, matter and laughter. A door knob, a building, a painting, the iffle towers, and you climbing up the latter. Love, peace, joy, happiness and sorrow. The world, the ocean, the trees, the mountains, animals, the lady bugs, once you get up to heaven their is nothing else to borrow. Cherish all the wonderful things that God has blessed us with. Most of all cherish your life and don’t waste it by jumping off a cliff.