by Besma Riabi Dziri |
allah, beauty, deep, desire, inspiration, longing, magic,
How I long to see me
on a walk of possibilities
a journey of rarity
a world of no worries
wide opening the gates of boundaries
the mind lines crossing
the heart chambers stretching..
Set on the branch of my heart
rest with your Love
feel home and feed soul
My senses I would close
My mind I would set loose
A sweet surrender
the Self wings carefree..
How I long to dream of me
detached as I could be
One and only me!
sweet and true be!
No sound
dares a quiet mind
or mutes a heart’s glee..
by Yazmin Malik |
abuse, allah, anti bullying,
I am FREE,
not a prisoner
inside judgemental eyes,
staring at me.
This cloth I wear,
protects my modesty.
Let me be,
do not swear.
My faith is my power.
I am God's diamond.
I embrace his love,
in his blessings I will shower.
We are all FREE,
to be what we want.
Breathe love,
live and let live.
We all should be free to wear and do as we please. I receive a lot of abuse when I wear the hijab, but I also used to receive abuse when I did not. Women are still subjected to judgement, regardless of their dress.
You live your life and I will live mine. Respect is important if we are to live in harmony.
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
allah, blessing, giving, growth, inspiration, islamic, love,
I have only my Love
fuel of my heart
a remedy for my mind
winging towards a full Life
taming dormant dreams into verity.
I have only my Faith
nourishing my spirit
a wealth of convictions, a merit
an unseen growing strength
a sweet contentment in despair.
I have only my prayers
an utter submission
a body into oblivion
a soul melting
errant but ascending.
I have only my words
to rhyme with the tone of my heart
and seek a healing
as my soul shakes souls
via verses that do not rhyme.
by Arthur Vaso |
allah, angel, art, chocolate, inspirational, introspection, passion,
Love implodes
I see only the brightness and beauty
Of her eyes
Golden hairs,
I am envious to caress her sun rays
As I discover the universe,
Thrusting into the abscess of loves black hole
The void of loves creation begins again
Notes: This poem was inspired by a recent poem here in soup, as a kinda contest, guess who that poet and poem is, and win first prize, if 100 guess the right answer, guess what, thats 100 first prizes!!!!!
by Miss Understood |
allah, angel, beauty, deep, emotions, heaven, hurt, peace, power, prayer, true love, truth,
When your body's feeling tense,
and nothing seems to make sense.
Take a look In the mirror,
and see that you're your own hero
You got yourself from zero.
By grace through faith will keep you safe.
For anything that happens is from fate.
And loving yourself. only you can relate.
by Senait Mohammed |
faith, forgiveness, life, time, me, allah, me,
I am a human with original sin, that came
from the apple when man and woman bit in.
I'm angry with myself at having betrayed You,
I should slither on the ground as the
serpent must now do
But Your love is kind and merciful always
willing to forgive
And I'm standing here before You, for You, I
want to live
Cleanse me of these heartless sins and make
my soul look clean
I want to be absolved of all; even the unseen
I'd like to walk with You, Allah (Lord), I
want to hold your hand,
For You to pick me up, and for me to
I know it only takes a few words for all
this to be done
The devil tried to test me, and I know now
that You've won.
by Moha Lakers |
allah, angel, farewell, i love you, poems,
Remember me when you hear the wind blow.
I am with God, I need you to know.
He called my name, and I went to see
If the voice I heard was speaking to me.
He took my hand, we walked along
The road to heaven, where I belong.
The angles sang so sweet and clear.
They sang of love and that Jesus is near.
I felt his touch, I saw his face,
I knew in an instant I was in his grace.
He spoke to me, I heard him say,
You are home now child, you have found your way.
So remember me when you hear the wind blow.
I am home now with God, I need you to know.
by Besma Riabi Dziri |
allah, beauty, flower, god, growth, inspiration, rose,
Blessings from God granted with love and grace
forever grateful whatever we face.
As one is trapped into the Whole Heart Web
self and soul in a ceaseless flow and ebb.
Beauty and beast in fairy tales have peace
tender and tough feelings, no life of ease.
As rocks, into the heart, bring nature’s wealth
flowers magic in prairies not in stealth.
What is in your life a rock and a root
give one's all to merit, the gem, and suit.
Journeys into Life just to taste and Be
growing with Light and bittersweet honey.
As Nabis impassion hearts when they preach
the reed enchants avid souls beyond reach.
April 13th, 2019
by Dan Keir |
allah, angel, angst, confusion, dream, education, faith, freedom, god, happiness, health, heaven, history, holocaust, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, miracle, nature, on writing and words, pain, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religious, sad, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
Beauty of nature
Why condense it down to God?
Isn’t life enough?
by Dan Keir |
allah, angel, angst, courage, dream, education, faith, fantasy, fear, funny, god, heaven, history, hope, humorous, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, miracle, mystery, nostalgia, on work and working, parody, passion, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, spiritual, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
Omniscient guy
Yet he lets bad things happen
How can he exist?
by Viviane Leite |
allah, angel, beauty, faith, freedom, introspection, life, love, nature, prayer, religious, river, sea, thank you,
in the roaring of those tides
god flows
by Dan Keir |
allah, angel, angst, confusion, courage, dream, faith, god, happiness, heaven, history, hope, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, lost love, love, memory, metaphor, miracle, parody, passion, peace, people, philosophy, political, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, stress, success, sympathy, teacher, time, uplifting, write,
God made all people
But some better than others?
Stop being silly.
by Kenyan Poets Lounge For Poetry And Poems In Kenya |
allah, angel, caregiving, christmas, courage, dream, faith, religious,
A huge ego breaks off love’s embrace,
A tiny ego slips off love’s embrace,
No ego, no embrace of love!
A selfless ego suffocates from love’s embrace,
A selfish ego wards off love’s embrace,
No ego, no embrace of love!
A super-visual ego overshadows love’s embrace,
A deep-seated ego is colonized by love’s embrace,
No ego, no embrace of love!
A healthy ego humbly looks above,
A healthy ego can lead and also serve...
Its nerves know not pressured blood,
But developing it is almost hard!
by Neldy Jolo |
allah, angel, beauty, birth, change, character, community,
My heart goes to them
To our brethren in Kathmandu
God save them
And their country
You are all in our praying time
In the history of Sulu archipelago
And Brunei they are the hero
They are good people and loyal too.
I love you Nepal. Let's sail together. Layag Sug!
by Dan Keir |
allah, angel, angst, education, faith, fantasy, fear, freedom, god, happiness, heaven, history, hope, imagination, inspirational, introspection, jesus, journey, life, lonely, loss, lost, love, metaphor, miracle, mystery, peace, people, political, prayer, religion, religious, spiritual, stress, sympathy, teacher, time, write,
The body: sacred
We’re all made in God’s image
Hence... circumcision?
by Arthur Vaso |
allah, betrayal, bible, bullying, child abuse, father son,
My flesh and blood
refused to follow me
refused the notion of the flood
fought for right, not for me
Duty served
country proud
Now we two sons confess
we have transitioned to the dress
Father hid all the witnesses
to the truth of his two creations
from the watchtower he decried
the beauty, compassion and love
all he derides
by Vee Bdosa |
allah, angel, heaven, jesus, jewish,
The grace of all He is be with you all
as certain as the end, the promised love
comes quickly as a thief, to bring the fall
of what the world's become, and singing of.
Behold how quickly comes, from Alphas flame;
as naught can end unless it has begun;
the light of one who's called a holy name
will light Jeruselum without the sun.
These words were said--to write--Omega's near.
And all who can will find the narrow way,
as prophesied for all the world to hear,
and then the bride says, come, this is the day.
Those hearing all will come, from near and far,
to Davids' own, a bright and morning star.
© ron wilson aka vee bdosa the doylestown poet
by Natasha Horton |
adventure, allah, angel, anger, basketball, best friend, car,
Love can be complicated
Like a disarranged puzzle that is passed by daily
No one bothers to put the broken pieces together
All alone, waiting for that special touch
To embrace each piece with gentleness and care
When that special mind that longs to complete and discover the beautiful image
That no one has yet to bring to fruition
The smile that can be seen through the eyes which sees all the perfect imperfections
Making the puzzle so unique and dope its own way
Far from any other puzzle
Challenges unraveling this particular artwork
The optimistic mind brought to life
Which makes the appreciation last forever
Complicated, yet worth the wait
by Jay Johnson |
absence, abuse, addiction, africa, age, allah, allegory, allusion, analogy, animal, anniversary, anti bullying, april, arabic, assonance, autumn, baby, beach, best friend, betrayal, bird, birthday, brother, daughter, death, faith, father, hope, life, loss, lost love, mother, nostalgia, religion, satire, sister, son, sympathy,
Oh how I long
To drift into the apple pasture.
Were once was and all well meet.
A pure and dear site.
Where silver reflection cover the still waters that holds the golden
grains of morality and the grazing souls lie young amounce no stars.
Oh how I long
To drift into the apple pasture
Were winds smell of melon and the trees whisper spring corals in the mellow dark and best of light and time creeps into no tomorrow.
by Bj Fard |
absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, age, allah, america, angel, anger, angst, anniversary, art, baptism, basketball, beach, beautiful, beauty, best friend, betrayal, bible, bird, birth, birthday, blue, body, brother, bullying, business, butterfly, cancer, car, care, career, caregiving, cat, celebration, celebrity, change, character, child, childhood, children, christian, creation, dedication, faith, for her, forgiveness, friendship,
Reflections of imperfections
have shown me a way
that I can move mountains
through my power of faith
even though I can't see him
I know he is real
through the power of prayer
and a Love that I feel
It's growing inside me
like a flower in bloom
shall I reveal my powers
or is it too soon
I am reading the signs
through my darkness I find
a reason for belief in
the light of mankind
that I know shall overcome
the greatest of odds
the Love I seek amazes me
especially through the flaws
because now I am inspired
through the hero's that bring
my throne through the darkness
on which I return on as your King.
by Melvin Beckley |
O’ my Djibouti you sight nothing like a sky
Your ways far more old than the sea beds
If words be told, why then spoken mute no
If signs be cajoled, your days be flourished
You have seen variant colors, red, blood
But no tune or thy oil land rejoiced thee
And in many forms invoke thy true past
Yet thy splendor culture ever prolong
That even the farthest man urge a visit
My Djibouti when you breathe, thy sand skid
And yet by Allah, you deepen my love
As long as the wind of Joura blows a tune
Your existence will always be in love
Like the years of an unknown star
by Neldy Jolo |
age, allah, art, august, beauty, birthday, blessing,
I remember my childhood
playing without thinking
what would happen next.
I just live life to the fullest.
I am so naïve
believe only in happiness.
No problems to think.
No harm in the mind.
Just enjoying every laughter
with the friends whom I never met again
in my lifetime after those moments.
I don't know where they are right now.
I love you past.
by Jennifer Cahill |
allah, celebration, creation, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, music, mystery, native american, natural disasters, nature, nostalgia,
And the westerly wind,
Will blow a sea of waving grass
And the sea's fine mist
Will breathe drops like dew
And the sinking suns
Will cloak the sky's horizon
And the moons of Autumn
Will beckon the golden fertililty of the harvest
And the violet tinged edge of night
Will cry for the white bursting of the stars
And the carved thrust of the mountain range
Will challenge the forever yielding blue
And the hovering tunes of the dawn's awakening
Will mimic the lullaby of my dreams
by Casper Daccary |
Our love is like a pilot light
Burning long, burning bright
But if that light beomes erratic
And gas leaks out into my attic
The compresser on my fridge turns on
Bam! the relics of my life are gone
by Muhammad Imtiaz |
allah, faith, heartbroken, humanity, love, true love,
Love is sweet when pure
broken hearts are meeting
wishing for the love more
the everlasting sacredness of love
beautify the actions of us
purify the hearts of all in love