by Christina Bowring |
love, sorrow,
Porcelain chalk white mask
moves with silence of mime
that hides a lovelorn face
moonstruck by orbs of light
with shadows to embrace.
Porcelain chalk white mask
a cloak of much disguise
hides from the world a heart
that has lost its amour
and yet, performs for art.
Porcelain chalk white mask
a jester, clown, for all
veils verbal tongue held still;
liminal space for words
lest written by a quill.
Porcelain chalk white mask
masquerades as muted
gestures on staged display
hides tumbling diamond tears -
Pierrot to portray …
by Susan Ashley |
desire, hope, romantic love,
In evening eyes an ember’s gleam I see
emotions ripple from your depths and spread
across your surface known to be glassy
are ripened waves of passion crashing red
Now crocus of your crave in bloom and flare
on bed of saffron petals - spice we seize
in festival of lust on my skin bare
a thousand tingles mingle pleasures tease
Your lips brush mine with strawberry caress
then kiss me deep your tongue unties my lace
I open up to you and your finesse
we toast with our champagne in love’s embrace
As ravishment reflects epiphany
amour I see through rosy tiffany
Susan Ashley
March 17, 2018
by Connie Marcum Wong |
river, romantic, water,
Romantic Waters
Romance dwells in moving waters
Cerulean lake lapping the shore...
Moonlight cast across the waves
As the sea sings of passion's amour.
Kayaking on the Russian river
In twilight's softest silhouette...
Feeling the droplets from Niagara
Lovers kiss near romantic falls.
Skinny dipping in an aqua lagoon
To cool before a night of passion.
Lazing next in hot spring waters
Encompassed in aurora's lights.
Lotus blossoms bask in waters
Of loving mem'ries so sublime.
Romance dwells in moving waters
In love straight from Nature's heart.
by Suzette Richards |
art, love, valentines day,
A period of youthful vim ferments
as coruscating golden flecks in eyes
that mesmerise and tantalise, give rise
to secrets in my breast to stir, foment.
The xanthous tresses that cascade torment.
My eager and impressionable sighs
that echo every pirouette and pliés,
a fleeting intercession of lament.
A maverick when it comes to amour
and quintessentially a rakish cad.
Unrequited love longstanding rancour,
but finally become your paramour.
An enigmatic smile ever so sad;
your broken heart I gladly give succour.
by Arthur Vaso |
culture, death, funeral, music, paris,
Death – Remember me Tomorrow
Votre amour est tout ce que j'implore
Angels took us from France's shores
To the promised land of lady liberty
Hollywood glitter enticing us lovers with mystery
Living the past in a cinematic telling
Ironic that love was sourly spurned
By Bogart’s charming quilted misgivings
Madeline, later would sadly sing
La Marseillaise, while lovers embrace
Paris after dark, they disappear with no trace
Trains to death and boats to freedom
As Casablanca tells of romantic tales
Je suis vieux, est je suis seul
The beautiful one misses the past and you
All the ships have sailed and gone
It’s the cemetery now where I rest under lawn
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
velvet lips caress
passionate hunger invites
engage ecstasy.
velvet lips emote
expressions of love laced touch
warm creamy delight.
velvet lips tempt heart
haunting as a sequined star
pressing moist amour.
velvet lips entwine
taste sweet honey nectar kiss
hypnotizing trance
velvet lips steal breath
smoldering hot coals of flesh
loving paramours.
by Hilo Poet |
fire, love,
*Image of Candlelight by Pixabay.
fiery events
a candle flickers
ever waning as it melts
may love spark again? of course
breath pleased a candle
flames tuckered time for amour?
nicely kindled set to spark
2021 July 10
e.g., Ni Katuata
HMS & PS; 577, 577
by Sara Kendrick |
I made coffee and had a fire
Warming this cool October morn
Come close let us fill heart's desire
I made coffee and had a fire
In warm sunlight amour transpires
Our rekindled spark of love born
I made coffee and had a fire
Warming this cool October morn
by Panagiota Romios |
Des Nuits d'Amour
A fine tablecloth, Lenox china,
sterling dinner ware.
Tall, elegant candles in shiny
golden candelabras.
Un chantes, d' amour fill the
starry night that I can smell in your
heavenly hair.
The songs of Piaf and Aznavour
soften me, caught in this love-lair.
Massages and sultry kisses.
A sink full of unwashed dishes.
It's time we dance, mon trevor!
Blow out the candles and close the
So that, we can, in sweet silence,
become one with the stars.
Simply, gorgeous you and I!
In overwhelming desire,
to quench our insatiability.
Those glorious moments of fulfilling
our hearts' utmost desires.
by Panagiota Romios |
imagery, lonely, love,
Oh, my…oh…my sad heart’s bang on broke,
Bidding adieu, to my lover, a sweet bloke.
A tall, brunette sailor, going back to the sea.
In duress, I moaned, what’s to become of me?
Without his eyes, the deep color of the sea.
And his tanned ,muscular arms to encircle me.
I rested my arms on the railing, as his ship pulled away,
Knowing, I’d recall this moment forever and a day.
Come back, come back, dearest sailor of mine.
To love me once again and stroll in God’s sunshine!
by James Fraser |
lovebeauty, beauty,
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
From where I sit amidst cerulean blues
Behind she, my love, the breakers in crest
Caressing so soft, golden hues in zest
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
Locks so dark, tied back in style
Tanned shoulders radiant
Prolific profile, smile
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
Nape to her torso throws me a true
Pearls in beauty drape, adorn her soft skin
Allure my heart feels, blissful within
Where do I start when such beauty is in view
Against now cerulean skies
Breathtakingly, dressed amour
My love, seen through my eyes
by Panagiota Romios |
children, devotion, love, marriage,
In frangranced,dim,candlelight.
Where romance is not ever old.
And twinkling stars, appear at night,
That makes us warm and again,bold.
As our bodies reflect on the ceiling.
Years of love have been our guide
Looks of amour, are a blessed healing,
To journey on together on life’s ride.
Children blessed our many years.
We smile, grateful for the little we had
They brought us through our tears.
A home, pets,made us more than glad!
I recall our very first warm meeting,
Destiny at that minute was born.
Your eyes not for a second fleeting.
For all eternity, I was all yours, forsworn!
by Panagiota Romios |
desire, love, lust,
~Mon Cherie Amour~
Always in my heart you beat,
Like a drum in summer’s heat.
Cymbals I do lovingly hear,
Whenever our naked toes are near.
You, the ever-present, inspiration.
The driving force, behind my simple,
poetic creations.
I wonder oft, are my poems, dull or boring?
I shan’t apologize, as my wish, is~
To set other wanting souls....... soaring!
by Panagiota Romios |
imagery, love, summer,
Let us lie on summer’s verdant green grass.
Heady, fragrances of sweet intensity
The warm sun reminds us of lovers past.
Whom we recall, with joy,splendilly .
Each lover, was indeed, as a unique bloom.
Not one could be compared to another,
But with each, dear amour ,by love consumed
Thus, by love possessed, each salient hour.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
cheer up, heart, valentines day,
Season hypnotic
Amour, amour, amour
From the hearts of angels
A gift from above
what blessings
Through the veins
the heart is swelling
Hit the soul
It is love
Like planting a seed
be thoughtful
Use your time and energy
so willing to give
From the center of the soul
without a single doubt
Amour, amour, amour
No sweet honey
without a queen
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Connie Marcum Wong |
Amour, being capricious, dictates
emotions from gratified hearts,
intertwined joyously, keeping
love momentous.
Noting opposite’s prior
quintessential reticence,
sensual teasing unleashes visceral,
wondrous X-rated, youthful zeal.
September 24, 2015
Contest Name: ABCs
Theme: Sensuality
Sponsor: Charlotte Jade Puddifoot
by Terry O'Leary |
love hurts,
Midst sweet perfume
of youthful bloom,
the lonely spirit wars
and often cries
and sometimes dies
in quest of her amour.
by Vo Amour Adelle Lao |
Vo Amour Adelle (Parents love Grandma)
Mother, teacher, sister, reserved
Daughter of Virgencita and Oscar (their initials are in my name)
Lover of Arvin, books, and adventure
Who feels happy, love, and pain
Who fears blood, snake, and bitterness
Who would like to see snow, safari, and Disneyland
Resident of Benoni, Mahinog, Camiguin
by Line Gauthier |
death, grief, lost love,
peu à peu comme une rose
quand vient l’automne
je t’ai vu faner
devant moi tout lentement
je n’aurais pas cru
voir éclore entre nous un amour si serein
garni d’un parfum plus divin
tu m’as offert l’intimité comme un trésor
que l’on offre sans rien à cacher
d’un cœur innocent
cette proximité restera toujours avec moi
tu seras en tout temps l’amour de ma vie
je n’aurais jamais osé croire
devoir un jour te dire adieu mais voilà
Translated from my poem YOU WERE MY HARDEST GOODBYE
Posted on May 14, 2021
by Phyllis Babcock |
tender touch ignites
burning embers of desire
hearts eternally on fire
locked in each others embrace
by Arthur Vaso |
allusion, art, love, romance, romantic, together,
I live for you
A rebirth
Your silence kills me
You are a murderer of love
You see not the amour before your eyes
You are too busy running, running
Lust chases you away
You are a criminal of the frigid
Let not the judges rule over you
Let me free you
Come to me
Let our intercourse transverse through your veins
Let a single kiss ignite a fire
Of cold hearts
Needing warmth
I hold you in my arms
I kiss you again
You may look out to the seas
Over the hills
The foggy glens
You shall never see what you seek
Till you kiss
The depth of me
by Kim Shaw |
february, romantic,
Every petal says "I love you"
in vibrant sunset orange
Some whisper "I adore you"
as each is plucked and torn
A hundred loving sonnets
Each petal pens amour
Dew drops drip with sentiment
Fragrant with ardor
The heart of every blossom
bursts with love divine
Poetic beats of passion
Each color a new rhyme
Blessed be such youthful zeal
Sweet bouquets a must,
Roses are the fleur du jour
while others gather dust.
by Arthur Vaso |
art, history, love, romance, romantic, woman,
Heart of Gold
She camouflages her gold
vaulted in smiles
shrouded in humor
glimmers of hope suspended
her armor is made to shield
arrows of affection deflected
Amour was histories last dance
only a pirate of captains rank
would understand this ancient map
splintered shovel may be rusted
sea salt takes its toll
every pirate seeks a treasure
and sails the world to know
where such gems may be buried
alas when you find good fortune
put your feet to land
traverse fields of flowers
and give that gal your hand
Kiss her tenderness, buried beneath
lofty passions
after a heart so pure
treasures to beholden
love often interred far en deep
by Corinne Curcio |
funny, nature
Gritty city sounds
Nature’s sweet music abounds
So come on guys- lend an ear
Plump pigeons cooing
Fire escape a-wooing
The notes of amour ring clear
What’s that? A “Squeak! Squeak!”
Poor mouse has begun to speak
Stuck to one of my glue traps
Surly gulls squawking
Their raucous way of talking
While dining on pizza scraps
Screeching love defines
Some caterwauling felines
With clamorous, catty glee
Such melodies soar
Though some of you may abhor
My tenement symphony
For The Sounds of Nature contest
by Pedros Fernandes |
beauty, children, i love you, paris,
Daniel JR search where do the wind goes
Well you do
I want a kiss from you
Twice softly and sweetly Mon Amour
How will your father coquettishly do
Came in if you have a chance, something pops up- thanks for trying
Cabs are yellow silver and blue
White Grey as your Eyes
Be good no lies
Us is Us
Yours Heart Mine Is
There's no fines for
only in mailing
I am stuck on thy beauty
and classy Catherine SR nurturing
All Lucky