Love Poems About Animal or Animal Love Poems
by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: adventure, animal, beautiful, blessing, celebrity, funny, life,

The Squirrel

~My Nutty Squirrel Poem~

Up in a tree, on a branch
Now you see me, now you don't!

Sneaky and fast, I'm adorable
Now, why would you hunt or shot me for fun?
Do you like, how fast I run?
I'm not just another chipmunk 
Stuffing my face with nuts,
I'm classy and beautiful, 
The  best  part  of   nature.....

Red pointed ears, I hear you drawing near.
Chuckle, chuckle, caffeine free
I saw you looking at my fine coat.
Fluffy and curious, touch me and I'm Calling PETA!
See YA---  Life Is Beautiful!!!
I'm stuffing these nuts back into my mouth 
and Jumping onto another tree :) The End
Love The Squirrel from another World.  

by Isaiah Zerbst |
Categories: animal, girl, happiness, innocence,

Una and the Lion

This world of trouble soon will pass
For there beyond the crystal glass
A lamb and lion tread the grass
Beside a lass, beside a lass

This cord of present time shall break
And hate and fear shall flee and quake
Oh, may all vice this earth forsake!
And love awake! And love awake!

Oh, see him walk 'neath mighty trees!
The king of beasts; what strength and ease!
Yet now content this lass to please
Her hand to tease, her hand to tease

Behold! A pleasant form and face!
The child of beauty crowned with grace!
Fair Una treads at even pace
A better place, a better place

~ The form is Monotetra~
~Based on the painting 'Una and the Lion' by Briton Riviere.

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: lost love

Snow Angel

Snow Angel

headlong into clouds

babe dug tunnels in the snow

smiling from heaven

……a day like today….. sun reflecting off the icy snow, about 5-below-zero….my animal best 
friend (Golden Retriever)  “Babe Ruth”  thought he was in heaven on earth! he’s in 
heaven smiling…

9:55 am

by Jessica Arteaga |
Categories: happiness

Greatest Transport

I like to be somewhere were I can't be traced
I world of magic or stuck in the replay of my outtakes
A thousand pictures saved and phrases enjoyed take place
I could be a mystical being or an animal having race
I could be a goddess, or remembering when I ate Daddy's plate
Pretending I'm kissing a movie star or the kisses of my love; can't replace
O yes, my funnest and greatest transportation, are the ones that my mind would make.

by Chris Hagy |
Categories: absence, animal, christian, death, encouraging, sympathy, uplifting,

A Greener Pasture

Though my stall here is empty now
If you listen close...
You can hear me running through a greener pasture
Your sorrow opens the gate and releases me free
Thank you for rescuing me from worldly darkness
And giving me love unsurpassed
So that I may now run with others so loved...
But never forgotten
I am a child again young and lean my spirit afire
And oh how our spirits thrive here
Never again to feel the pain of the earth
Hear me running!
For your tears have watered the grasses for me
In God's Greener Pasture

-originally written for Kae Surrah
 an Arab rescue mare

by M. L. Kiser |
Categories: animal, nature, poems, poetry,

A Squirrely Sonnet

Look at that sun shining so bright, I had such a good rest last night, I do so much, just love this tree, this is the best bed I’ve ever seen. Old oak, old oak, my gentle friend, I must go now and attend to foraging treasures for my winter’s nest, I’ll stage my very own, winter-fest. Inviting friends to my lovely new tree, we’ll dine on acorns, walnuts, chickpeas. Perhaps we’ll have dried apples too, there’s such a mighty harvest of foods. Then we’ll bed down, in slumber deep, in snugly warmth, this tree, we’ll keep.
7-28-2021 A BRIAN STRAND SONNET Poetry Contest Brian Strand

by Jan Allison |
Categories: animal, flower, nature, spring,

I Adore Stunning Spring

I see pretty flowers in gardens and bowers Vivid gold daffodils line the banks of deep rills Fledgling chicks spread their wings listen as songbirds sings Little lambs play in fields I love all that spring yields Theme 2 nature inspired Alexandrine - Modified Poetry Contest Sponsored by Dear Heart Checked with how many syllables 03/23/20

by Lindsay Laurie |
Categories: animal, death, heartbreak,

When Farewell Must Be Said

*For anyone who had a companion dog that grew old and tired*

I am gazing out across an empty land,
there is not a thing that interests me.
There is no happiness, in any tear I weep,
for it’s so hard to set your best friend free.

Simply there’s no choice in the time of life,
for nothing born can claim eternity,
so comes a time the head must rule the heart,
but it’s so hard to set your best friend free.

Comfort is to reminisce about the past, 
and not dwell on what is a personal cost. 
I should be celebrating for the love we had;
not mourning about what I have lost.

by Terrell Martin |
Categories: animal,

That Soaring Spirit

A bald eagle landed in a tree,
right next door to me.
I heard his screech and saw his wings, 
unfolded wide as if a king.
Proclaiming his own mighty throne,
majestic, proud and all alone.
I thought how long he’s been revered,
by our nation and others for countless years.
I thought about his strength and pride,
perched up there before my eyes.   
As I stood watching his beauty, grace,
before again, he embraced that wild blue space.
Above, below, and all around,
he took to sky like love, unbound.  
Leaving me enraptured, to smile and stare,
at that soaring spirit 
moving ever higher, 
way up there.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: animal, love, princess,

- Haiku X 125 - Frog -

the princess and frog

                                 he hid in the flowerpot

                                    her father said no

Sun :) A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

3rd place in the contest

Poem of the Week : 18.03.2018

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: animal, beauty, child, love, mother,

- Mother With a Child -

Can you see the beauty in a newborn child

                      Whom a  mother will always protect

                    Wishing her child every star in the sky

             The strength of her love she would forever project


                                  The Natures Law

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Rob Carmack |
Categories: animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,

Sonnet Chiweenie Boo

Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.

As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?

Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.   
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.

I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.


by Vera Duggan |
Categories: animal, farm, horse, may, , cute,

My Molly May

My Molly May

I had a little pony
I called her Molly May
So often I would venture out
And feed her bales of hay.

So then she’d frolic
Kick her heels up high
Round and round she would run
Looking sweet as she passed by.

She’d run until she was worn out
Then to the stable she would go
I’d bed her down then for the night
My love for her each day would grow

She was my, cutest Molly may
This pony always made my day.

25 September 2014

by Jeffrey Leiser |
Categories: animal, autumn, dog, nature,

A Leash-Led Life

Down through the thicket,
Over and across the forest bend,
A tail sways, as the wind lifts leaves
of red and yellow.

Aside a pond kissed with moss,
we take a long walk on a clear day,
crawdads and minnows astir.

With hind quarters stiffly creaking forward,
he pants and sniffs at vibrant life
before stopping to rest and regain.

At the edge of the lake, 
he laps the fresh water,
his fur glistening, hot to the touch. 

Back home, he gets a warm bath,
the fragrance of his fur calling to mind memories
of previous days. 

And as he sleeps, that labrador of love
on four legs, I am thankful for the 
leash-led life.

by Baalak Baburo |
Categories: angel, animal, appreciation, best friend, love, pets,

Warmest Welcome

Through the door, running
Hair flowing magically
Welcomes me, my dog.

by Gary Smith |
Categories: humorous, longing,

I Am Just What I Am

Here I sit on the ocean bed
Just sifting mud and ooze,
But If it was up to me
It's not the life I'd choose.

It's dark down here, there's creepy things
All looking for a feast
So I live on tenterhooks,
Hiding from the beasts.

To be higher up the food chain
Is where I'd love to be,
But to be a shark, or a huge blue whale
Was not my destiny.

So my life is what it is,
I am just what I am.
But it's no fun at the bottom,
It's no fun being a clam.

Entry for
Personification poem of a pet, wild animal or insect Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
2/9/18. Placed 6th.

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: animal, ocean,

White Whale

In oceans deep, the white whale sings
He seeks a mate to ease his pain
His song, it plays on our heart strings
As Moby Dick searches in vain

Such loneliness no whale can feign
For he’s the last of “great white” kings
Angry, no love can he attain
Casting hapless ships ‘neath waves’ rings

January 21, 2020
For Charlie Messina’s “Oh-No A Twisted Char-Lay Poetry Contest”

by Thresha Reese |
Categories: conflict, slam,

Road Kill

Ok, this is where I was
A few miles since you last saw me.
A little before sun up,
Before I became road kill.

Stay closer and I'll tell you more.
May I ask, before,
When will I see you again?
Your pure and unnatural thing,
Your nut house?

It's never so easy
When you are road kill like me
Not even hurried
No one checking If I'm here.

Who are you anyway,
To have ever looked this way?
A love letter to road kill,
That spirited, wounded animal
With unfinished business.

Ok, so where were you?
Did you think it wasn't spelled out
Clearly a few miles since I last saw you?
Before you became road kill?

by Ryan Tyler |
Categories: abuse, bullying, child abuse, childhood, religion, sad, violence,

The Wild Child

My past was violent.
My world was quaint.
They made me a demon,
instead of a saint.
My past was full of cruelty.
They called it love.
I only felt the darkness,
as they preached from above.
They said I was a sinner,
that I should change my ways.
Whilst I cried with fury,
I hoped, an end to my days.
They shackled my wrists,
and tried to warp my mind.
Telling me, in Gods love,
freedom I would find.
With pride and arrogance,
they did this to a child.
They tried to birth a sheep.
Born rather, an animal that is wild.

-Angel Fatale-

by Joseph May |
Categories: animal, funny love,

A Massive Dump

If elephants were able to fly
 And soar above the clouds on high
 We'd just become a clump
 When they took a dump
 And that we can't deny!
 Inspired by Jan's limerick

by Tonytocaa Camacho |
Categories: emotions, feelings, heart,


If ever a 


In a 






And dust



This planet





And creating

Animal crackers

In air

Thus this 

Time today 



Love oh so..


by Dennis Davis |
Categories: animal, caregiving, dog, identity, love, pets, prayer,

My Dog and Me

Lord help me to be
                                    the person my dog
                                    thinks I am

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: animal,

The Giant Animal

He stood before me, giant, brown and hairy,
this animal the biggest of them all!
I didn’t find him all that very scary
though next to me, he stood three times as tall! 

My father stood beside me with a look
of deep concern while holding high his gun.
One steady discharge. That was all it took!
My Dad had hit the target. We had won!

That final shot meant Dad had been the best.
The carnie sighed. I jumped around with glee,
then hugged that huge stuffed doggy to my chest,
but Daddy had to carry it for me!

Mom’s “no pet rule” I’d sure had too much of.
At last I had my own big dog to love!

by Cecil Hickman |
Categories: animal, death, feelings, friendship, pets,

Little Girls Heidi

This day we free you from pain
Soulful companionship you gave.
Eyes of love looked over my disdain.
Tail of happiness wagged with rave.

Dalmatian your breed, with a loving creed,
Named, Heidi, in youth with innocent face,
Growing beautifully as a spotted breed,
You gave us love, we could never replace.

Mourn thee for a while, and then moved by style.
You loved me, now thee is free.
I have no denial, thou has heavenly compile.
We shall love thee, beyond eternity.

date 11-07-2013

by Daver Austin |
Categories: animal,

A Buck's Worth


Does the buck know his beauty?
(some would argue yes)
No matter
Unlike men, he is one with nature
Close to the earth
And using the teeming woods to advantage
Few men can know his freedom, his non-violent
He breathes a fresher, more uplifting air
If he knows and loves, is charged by beauty
Then it is a different kind of love, a more 
      pristine beauty
Does he dream?
Are his dreams of mountain, forest and stream?
Who can know
The visible wild is so uncomplicated
Methinks he dreams only of what fond nature
With no wish for change and free of fear

Dave Austin