Love Poems About Art or Art Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: god, inspirational, nature,

Evening Song

Conducted by the Hands that gave them voice
Sweet songs of evening soothe my weary soul.
Oh, how I love to hear the birds rejoice
As frogs and insects hum adagio.

Each night I sit and watch the sun go down
Accompanied by song that has no score
Each night His orchestra holds me spellbound
That's why each night, I come right back for more.

Yet I am just a simple country boy
These nature songs were my first lullabies
E'en to this day they bring my heart such joy
And on occasion tear these simple eyes

When moon appears to watch the sun depart
My only thought, "My God, how great Thou art."   

                   Daniel Turner

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, inspirational, philosophy, sad,

The Park Bench

The Park Bench

I wish I was a poet
With magical words
To make people see all of the absurd
Tears fly, paintings in pastel die

When we look into our mirrors
We sometimes miss
What love dumps upon all of us
We shed tears, for we forgot to shed fears

I have no legs, nor any crutches
So my voyage has ended
I only observe
Sadness upended

When goodness is confused
When gestures are refused
When the kiss that could have been
When a poets tear seems obscene

The one who hears is often deaf
The deaf sometimes have nothing left
If I could give a kiss away
I would give it to lovers with hearts that sway

Drawing love on paper in may

by P.S. Awtry |
Categories: christian, heaven, song,

I Sure Miss the Old Hymns

I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.

Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.

August 22, 2022

by Christina Bowring |
Categories: love, sorrow,

Tears Of A Pierrot

Porcelain chalk white mask
  moves with silence of mime
that hides a lovelorn face
 moonstruck by orbs of light
with shadows to embrace.

Porcelain chalk white mask
 a cloak of much disguise
hides from the world a heart 
 that has lost its amour
and yet, performs for art. 

Porcelain chalk white mask
 a jester, clown, for all
veils verbal tongue held still;
 liminal space for words
lest written by a quill.

Porcelain chalk white mask
 masquerades as muted
gestures on staged display
 hides tumbling diamond tears - 
         Pierrot to portray … 

by Andrea Dietrich |

This Night

I’m driftwood, and I’m floating out to sea as sun descends upon my home - the grove of trees whose fragrance still remains with me. And likewise, heaven’s work of art, a mauve surrounding me, now permeates my soul. Warm water, in the twilight growing cold, is rocking me. Beneath dark blue, a shoal moves swiftly; overhead there will unfold the myriad of stars in semblance of a giant carousel in dimming sky. Those stars that glitter for the grove I love will glitter too for me, where here I lie alone, enraptured. . . and I think I might drift evermore, enveloped by this night.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, heart, lost love, love, muse, philosophy,

Desire Love Romance

All lovely words
when understood

All so misconstrued
silence envelopes our delusions

Desire, we lust the attention
at the forfeit of philosophy

Love, we crave at Kings expense
	at times
		Sacrificing those whom love us true
			spilling blood at humanities alter

Romance, we desire for loves embrace
knowing serpents sell snake oil remedies

Beware the soft spoken 
cringe when you hear words only a token

Seeking the truth, not platitude
discover love, in those that.........

Breathe actions, not poetic verse

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, friendship, meaningful, nature, symbolism, tree, writing,

Retreat To Heed Our Honest Deeds


Two old oak trees weathered by winds and rain
with fallen leaves, branches and toughened bark
to shield a core of grandeur, and sustain
the wisdom borne to see the light from dark.
Two noble men aware of twilight time
both face evil world with courage and grace
Love and Nature gifts each, a life sublime
all standing with courage none can erase.
Each rooted within mother earth's great fold
weathering this world's darkest raging storms
images show lives lived regally and bold
tho' existing in weakened earthen forms.
With words of wisdom written in our seeds
we seek retreat to heed our honest deeds.

22nd June, 2018
T.J Grén & Robert Lindley

by White Wolf |
Categories: art, beauty,


Shadow not over the words of love Love is a language known only to the heart Hear it in the wind and the birds above Paint it on a canvas skin and call it art Eternal beauty walks among us all Seekers of knowledge may know its name But true wisdom lies in hearing its call As the oceans cause the moon to wane Its gentle touch, abundantly crystalline Euphoric in nature, its secret is kept With its healing powers all part divine Though many an angel from love has wept Compassion and caring, make love's trinity And kindness a guide that leads to bliss So make love your one and true reality For you are worth much more than this

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: encouraging,

A Triolet For Linda

To those you care for, always you impart deep love; how beautiful and sweet you are! I pray you find a way to mend your heart. To those you care for, always you impart poetic gems! Return to this, your art. Grab hold of words and shine again, a star. To those you care for, always you impart deep love; how beautiful and sweet you are! Written 12/6/14 for the Fighting Depression(poems for PD) contest of shadow Hamilton

by Mark Massey |
Categories: allusion, art, love,

Love's Silence

To count the ways, I dare to comprehend
such finite love defined in written line,
for quantity shall never find an end 
to love that lets infinity define.
A Summer’s day, to love shall not compare,
though shines to bathe your beauty in its light,
and as it wanes, waits breathlessly to share
the passion of a sultry Summer’s night. 

To laureates and bards of metaphor,
each scribbled phrase, I bid them credit due,
but all their words and phrases heretofore
can ne'er describe this love I have for you.
When words fall short and poetry departs,
love's silence fills the cockles of our hearts.

by Christina Bowring |
Categories: faith, love,


Shall I reside in shadows of past years
like a silhouette where light appears dimmed
as life’s entangled path cuts deep like spears
of perforating thorns overly brimmed?
Shall I guard the fragility of heart
and retreat stumbling with blindfolded sight
unless black shrouds unveils colourful art 
of silky roses grown in shades of light?
Shall I remain dwelling and not then seek
life that awaits a brave travellers feet —
yet, would not a fervent heart grow so meek
with a dying rhythm of its own beat?
Amidst faith, scars from life’s thorns slowly heals
upon a path where inner self reveals. 

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, desire, image, love, romantic,

Pleasures of Reading

It pleasures me
That she reads me
Inside her serenity
Parked on our bench of antiquities

I, whom gazes over there at her,
Later in the dusk of candlelight
Shall remove her pink dress
Tiss then
I shall see she derives her pleasures
As I read her

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: africa, art, blessing, feelings, how i feel, humanity, patriotic,

My Allegiance I Vow

To my terra of roots
my allegiance I vow
I wallow in your fruits
and to your flag I bow.

Dream not till wake of dawn
beaming sun light I wait
burst of glee of no bourn
the feels of the soul, sate.

Awe chills into my spine
as your Hymn in pride sung
for Home in peace I pine
and love never be swung.

How could my pen, you turn
in a fine rhyming word
as my quill longs to learn
inking with grace and verve.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: abuse, art, bullying, religion, silence, symbolism,

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad

dance with slum lords
they shed fake tears
victims they shout
from Ivory towers

Mock and attack
they of dark cloth and deceit
possesses no real God
they whoreship only their prey
living by night not day

Some even screech praise untowards
sick is the mind who follows
dead morals and upended graves
they really are the bully's slaves
Yet their churches pew is full

Criminals all
singing love songs
sewing fear and anger
no wonder God got fed up
evicting them one and all

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: art, care, caregiving, feelings, heartbroken, humanity, pain,

Remember To Mind Your Reason

In the darkest of times 
be the light of a candle 
but the harshest of crimes 
to let melt your candle 

Give, unmindful of a reason 
feel the heavy burden light
remember to mind your reason 
fill your very soul with Light 

Like a delicate dove
bathe into sweet waters well 
feed on the seeds of Love 
reach not the bottom of its well.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: deep,

tied to the moon

when air-brushed stars croon.. my soul sways, tied to the moon lost in twinkling tune seeking for rose light from plum reveries tonight~ questioning twilight.. am I not fine art metered refrain to restart music of your heart.. but will rivers heed thoughts that stream in neon fields~ of teal auroras .. swirling and twirling… vinyl rhythms of warm astral~ spirits cloaked in sage… in silence, I dream in a bed of lilac clouds~ of you, me, and love..

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: dance, desire,

Entertainer-Anacreontic Couplets

Charmed by her exotic glance She enchants a sexy dance In costumed display of art Strumming rhythms of joyful heart Choreographing slow grooves In graceful, musical moves As gestures paint passion themes And song of love stokes their dreams When desires-enamored spree Hypnotized in tunes of glee But look closely, watch her sigh Hear the bawl of tearless cry When crowds deceitful extol Exhibit of anguished soul As smiles aesthetic hide pain And feigned visage cries disdain Cheer for her to turn the page For she longs to leave this cage Leave realms inebriated Of drunk notions, ill-fated

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, beauty, imagination, introspection, longing,


I am a lady
In a white dress
My desire only to be softly caressed
So I take my paint brush, and delinquently paint
My face that pleads let love become quaint
I confess  to my brushes
Let a man stroke me 
With eloquence and grace
As he gazes into the love on my face
La fenêtre you see that I paint so clear
You have to climb in through it
To hold me so dear
Can you not see into my soft sad lonely eyes?
I desire myself
Wrapped inside of you
On canvas
I shall paint forever
That never existed

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: art, dark, evil, funny, humorous, internet,

Modern Poetry

Skip ad
poem will resume very soon
turn off ad block
ad blocker
get dressed
is not that kind of poem
please favorite me
I am flavor to be
like me
love me
photoshop me
pause for second ad
add ads, subtract ads
multiply wine ads
get more wine
is a long damn add
bought the Mercedes
make love
to words
is in
snap snap and chat
latex friendships
hollywood dreams
with amex
I never leave home
there she rests
in the trunk
blood mixed
with that new car smell
everything is modern these days
even my jail cell

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: angel, art, beauty, death, depression, loneliness, romantic,

The Cemetery Was

The cemetery was
Before my very eyes, stillness
Autumn leaves a blanket on the dead

The cemetery was
There, as it always was there
From childhood till now

The cemetery was
For me, my escape, comfort and refuge
Among the strangers and the dead

The cemetery was
My pathway to the heavens
The gateway to my dreams

The cemetery was
Until that one fateful day
My sanctuary

The bullet wasn’t even meant for you my love
You are dead none the less, beneath me
I, who weeps at your grave, lifeless too

Now the cemetery is my hell
Tormented by what ifs
I breathe the autumn frost only

That one day
Our daughter will become

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: africa, arabic, art, brother, friendship, introspection, poetry,

My Brother


	gasp for breath

vessels of poetry

pain disappears
	tears recede

love floats above the sea
	tides of sadness

	planted in marshlands

	friendship bloomed

living for words
	no longer matters

I embrace my brother
	love his might

standing on cliffs ledge
	gazing this new morn

softly I whisper
	we are one

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: art, creation, desire, devotion, love, romantic, soulmate,

Thy Silent Thoughts

Thy Silent Thoughts

So beautiful are thy silent thoughts
I would watch thine eyes all day.
There is wonder in them, as the sun's first flash
Through tumult of ocean spray;
In them the shining calm of upland pools
Mirrors the glory round,
And their shadows are the shadows of sweet flowers
Upon the summer ground.
So beautiful are thy silent thoughts
I would watch thine eyes all day;
More beauteous in their silence than the stars,
Than the silent stars, are they.

R. J. Lindley,
November 9th, 1973

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, angst, poetry,

Petal Soul

My heart resembles the fragility of a petal.
Blossoming behind metaphors within poetry.
The beauty is in the grandeur of their silence.

I portray my words for you to study my silence,
but you seem blind to how I'm wilting like a petal.
You always seem to believe it's the art of poetry.

Would you still love me if I stopped writing poetry.
Could you comprehend my timid tongue's silence,
so I bloom in your garden as an evergreen petal.

Seek my petal soul in poetry, beyond the silence.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: music,

Sunset Serenade

When the sunset queen sings,
jinxed Jasmines wither, and~
primrose willows quiver,
unfurling clemency 
in ivory sliver.

When the sunset queen sings,
wailing waves pause in awe
sea-fairies waltz through haze,
twirling to tuscan tunes,
flipping turmeric rays.

When the sunset queen sings,
nightingales sigh and trill,
as moon pearls soar above
cinnamon glazed ripples,
ferrying psalms of love.

When the sunset queen sings,
first star of twilight bleeds
flaming lilies of heart~
inking dusky dreamscapes
with mellifluous art.

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: art, emotions, heart, imagery, moon, sun, sunset,

Sequins Of Savannah Sunset

I'm an estuary of ivy-furs, sleeping in monsoonal moonglades of love~ as the savannah sun of sunset blurs, slowly unveiling stars with golden glove. When russet- fairies twirl in a bronze lake, singing with springs of watermelon wand, an untouched summer unfurls behind ache, lacing twilights with lush wishes, so fond. Garden of grapefruit, doesn't forbid faith, exotic eyes paint life with a rare art, where hilly hues drape seashores ~ daisy-bathe, my muse weaves magic on the 'bay of heart'.