by Nicholas Westerhausen |
faith, happiness, hope, inspirational, love, peacelife,
God loves us without end;
His grace continues forever.
Eternally He will be our friend.
Not only to befriend,
To protect us is His endeavor.
God loves us without end.
No matter where me He sends,
My attachment to Him will not sever.
Eternally He will be our friend.
Our greatest evils off he will fend.
Whether we are foolish or clever,
God loves us without end.
Our life is his to lend,
His way offers life without end.
Eternally He will be our friend.
All of us he will mend.
We will be His forever.
God loves us without end.
Eternally He will be our friend.
by Connie Gildersleeve |
grandmother, love, nostalgia, me, pride,
Grandma passed along her string of pearls to me.
I knew I've been entrusted with a special gift from her.
Nothing but pride crossed my mind that day.
Taking her pearls from its box, I still feel her love,
Whether it was tender or tough,
It was done with the intent
On making me feel pride within myself.
Grandma cherished her pearls for most of her life.
This was her 'Pearl of Wisdom' she passed down to me,
"Pearls are classy enough for a fancy affair
Or just a simple dinner out.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend,
But don't get between me and my pearls.
The attachment is for life, it's beauty knows no age."
Every time I put on her string of pearls, I still giggle.
by Lilith Rodriguez |
abuse, caregiving, dad, death, family, mother daughter, parents,
They’ve traveled from one house to another.
Some may say they’re strong enough to go on
Without a woman to call their mother.
Attachment is pointless, soon to be gone.
Another house that will never be home.
Little children crying themselves to sleep,
wondering where they will be next to roam.
All they can do is to hope and to weep.
Will they love me enough now, I wonder.
Shall I go away or shall I stay here?
At night, I can still hear the loud thunder
of his footsteps drawing so very near.
Though I may never find my one true home,
For love, I’ve found- I’m no longer alone.
by Ceasia White |
love, passion, romance,
Who would ever thought it would happen
In a week you became an attachment
A whirlwind of romance and passion
Two souls together in an instant attraction
Now are life long companions
by Katherine Stella |
devotion, faith, food, imagination, inspirational, philosophy, visionary, thanksgiving,
the furcula
attachment wing muscle
pulling tugging bending breaking
Happy Thanksgiving All
May Your Wishes Come True
Love Kathy & Jenny
by Eve Roper |
abuse, addiction, feelings, loneliness, love,
quite tears unnoticed
eggshells crack under my feet
purple, black bruises
nagging guilt blinders
never-ending loneliness
fantasy love bond
by Eve Roper |
An Angel in Disguise
Speak of Love, of the heart at birth.
Cherishing tenderness and attachment.
Friendship, enveloped with courage, and no burden.
A magnificent creature of the earth
Sent not broken, a beacon chosen
To a Guardian Angel's embracement.
by Ashraful Musaddeq |
a scholar person
in front of orchid blossom
a cool attachment
by Wendell Brown |
appreciation, beautiful, inspiration, romantic,
My hearts attachment to you my darling
Has deep roots that no eyes might see
Unless they could feel the love I know
Which daily mystifies my hearts dreams
And what is shown in spirited emotions
That race fervently from within my heart
Are only here to show my love's tenacity
While daily bringing a blazing fire to start
So fascinated am I with these deep feelings
Which I passionately hope will never end
For the stimulation which they provide my soul
Always keeps my mind thinking of heaven
And the lofty state of my minds thinking
I find is only made to come about you see
Because of your enchanting beautiful love
Whose sweet embrace will never let me be.
by Amy Rose |
beautiful, courage, devotion, freedom, happiness, happy, health, hope, inspirational, introspection, journey, life, love, peace, philosophy, relationship, social, spiritual, success, me,
Diving deep, into the void, within
Washing, cleansing, myself clean
Trusting without expectation
Letting go of, what I am familiar with
Allowing the divine, infinite spirit to guide me
Teaching me how to live
Growing inside my heart and mind
Larger than my mind’s ego
As I consciously shed light, upon my self created burdens
Lighting up, my made up fears, my mind has believed, all these years
All the mistakes I have made, now become my greatest blessings
Showing me how to love, without attachment
Discovering, who I truly am
by Madison Balmont |
depression, devotion, love, passion, sad, sorryme, me,
I'm wishing I could keep you.
Hidden, to be mine, away.
To keep the truth covered,
That I want... you to have me.
But I can't let you,
Because I am taken.
Secretly, I am.
Taken by someone you hate.
Don't make me leave.
You can't make me leave.
What I call love, is attachment.
To hold me up in comfort.
I crave what I wish,
To give you all you want.
Don't leave, I wish you knowledge...
Please see my thoughts.
I want you in my head.
I think I care enough to admit a first...
And if you try to leave,
I'll say I love you.
~Written in late-2004 (June-November) when I was fifteen/sixteen.
*Original copy had no title.
by Jermaine Kirimi |
passion, art, art,
Poetry is the art of expression,
like a magnet attracts the poles,
poetry attracts my feeble heart,
till the feeling of lust surpasses love,
till the meaning of love becomes lust,
making me connected like the Siamese,
interconnection like blood vampires,
a mere myth but they create an empire,
the emotional attachment is tattooed,
embedded in my soul like a bad curse,
engraved like the tablets of moses,
then conjugated to show the rhythm,
to show the flow... not too low,
to melodies the flow... to grow,
yes poetry is the art of expression.
by Fago Franklin |
men lie women lie numbers don't
false words
false love
numbers that talk
no emotions
no heartache
no attachment
cold and breezy
no warmth , just the hatrid of obession
men cheat
legs that open to univited guest
the numbers of partners, equals diseases
no cure
all to get back
numbers don't lie, individuals do
by Marquis Mc Mills-Cooper |
i love you, love, romance, romantic, romantic love, together, tree,
Two old trees entangled in life, and in growth, much like love,
sharing the view and invested in their ways within nature, their bloom.
Finding themselves gripping the same stony, rough soil in the weeks of November,
while exchanging leaves filled with bright greens in moderately warmer weather.
Like You and I, they stand separately but together in a really big world,
and much like love, they find attachment and strength in one another.
Written 13 February 2018 in Austin, Texas
by Kay'sha Taylor |
lost love, betrayal,
My words must mean nothing to you
Some girl got a hold of what I thought we only shared
I stay thinking that you really respected me
Everytime I think of your betrayal my eyes tear up
I'm glad that I know better than to not stress myself out
I know I hurt you before I promised myself I would never do it again
Now I don't even care how you feel
You have me so bitter
And it's crazy cause I'm such a loving person
My heart is broke once again
So music has become my number one love
My number one friend
So forget you, I'm done
by John Hamilton |
devotion, faith, love, romantic,
Damaged past forgotten
Desperately loyal
Dynamic emotion
Dutiful reverence
Delicate attachment
Doubtful termination
Devotion dignifies
August 29,2016
For Pleiades D
Contest Kim Merryman
by Sonya Stewart |
best friend,
We met when we were five
We played and count
Biscuit and ketchup were our meals…a perfect feast
In our teens, we became fashion conscious loving our reflections
You went east and I went west…SADNESS
You found your king and your beautiful little princess
I'm still searching for my happiness, still fighting my inner child
Oh, what an incredible friendship
We don't need to speak daily to honor our attachment, we know our love is endless
Now in our twilight years we still have the bond of’re still my best friend.
To: Nadine Conover
wishing you happiness
by Michangelina Schude |
An ambition engaged in every root of our hearts,
Blue and brown irises' voyage soon departs . . .
Caressing each other's serene souls to slowly decompress;
Admiration speculates a versatile we never suppress,
Adoration mesmerizes the tranquility of the night,
Affection reflected infinitely like two mirrors nearby,
Attachment is as vital as respiring when whispering goodbye--
Calling out to you this lullaby . . .
Behind our closed eyelids entering the fifth-stage door,
A dream deep in our coexisting core.
by Rosaura Jashiri |
family, inspirational, loss, care, care, love, i love you,
A love with love greater than the others
A care with care that shows more concern than a mother
The undeniable kindness that you've portrayed
The unadulterated attachment why you stood by me day by day
My rebellious manner that caused you pain
My stubborn mentality that caused you shame
My devilish deeds that you discovered
The sex, the drugs, the parties I smothered
I never got to say good-bye
Nor to tell you how much I love you before you died
I never told you that I was sorry
I never made you understand how much you mean to me
But I know you're in my heart
And a grandma like you will never depart
You were my mother, my father, my friend
I love you grandma, a love that never ends.
by Landon Browning |
feelings, for her, girl, how i feel, love,
We all want somebody that gives us that pleasure and satisfaction.
But why fiend off something that you WANT, its a distraction.
I know so many men came at you with so many tactics.
But I just wanna be that last attachment,
That last piece of the puzzle to your heart.
And I wanna keep that love from falling apart,
But you got to do your part, as well
and stop putting me through hell.
Because Love is colorless and blind,
and its never easy to find.
But it can come around at anytime.
So keep your eyes, wide open
by Romeo Della Valle |
love, me, me,
I see the light approaching,
The earth is rumbling
And the wind is too strong...
I know,
Your momentum is great,
My question left no traction
For equivocation...
Be swift,
If you must blow me away,
Remove me completely
From the ground's attachment...
But, if your breath is sweet,
Kiss me a thousand times
And I will raise a flag to honor
The breeze....
Romeo Della Valle
by Francis Osho |
be ready to die this moment
get prepared to go next minute
set goals to leave the
following hour
if you are detached you
will be attached too
attachment should not be
ocean is the mother
of rain
love shouldnt be a bondage
by Partha Pratim |
deep, depression, desire, feelings, for her, lost love, love,
I have become so weak now,
that the only strength I stand with,
is the strength of my attachment.
The attachment of my improbable love.
I now know, how I could not return,
from the depth of immense rain,
of love so deep.
So hard to deceive.
My heart still awakens,
in the light of hope,
of dreams so true,
memories revoke.
by Rene Saldana |
angel, boyfriend, dance, death, farewell, funny love, girl,
It just came upon me yesterday that there is no reason for it but I love you. It doesn’t mean I want anything from you or need anything from you but for some strange reason beyond reason, can you believe that — literally beyond any reason; there is love without anything attachment.
Yo life is so fire ??
by Julie Kuhns |
husband, life, love, passion, peace, wife,
Simple sleep
Such intimacy
One leg over
Chest pressed
Head to lip
Smelling hair
A twitch
Quietly cold
Calm isolation
Body curls
Shoulders covered
Head to chest
Hear a tick
A flutter
Protective pull
Pure intent
Arms sink
Hips pressed
Head to cheek
Taste of salt
A sigh