by Michelle Faulkner |
lost love, recovery from, sorrow,
They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach
Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
"Crayon Caresses"
blue velvet sky caresses
pink cotton candy clouds
beneath a gold umbrella
red heartbeats breathing loud.
a yellow Sun kisses skin
of silky bronze glowation
footprints carve love in brown sand
while white waves crest formation.
green trees hide secret embrace
while purple passion prowls
viewing an orange sunset
rose petals play on towels.
silvery stars illuminate beach
as amber heavens sleep
magenta magic smiles so sweet
chase black and grey to ocean's deep.
...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S.
*For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...
by Emile Pinet |
beach, beautiful, imagery, imagination, innocence, love, romantic,
Cascading waves wash ashore,
tickling toes, they ebb and flow;
as moonbeams
set a thousand jewels sparkling
upon the shoal.
Smiles summon sweet emotions
as we stroll upon the beach,
hand in hand
under a starry sky;
pausing to build castles in the sand.
And in this state of blissfulness,
two lonely souls unite
for all eternity.
Our hopes and tears
willingly shared;
trust defines the essence of caring.
And yet, love offers us much more;
facilitating fantasies,
while fulfilling dreams.
Agony and ecstasy meld
with each passionate kiss.
And my heart's consumed by fire;
having never felt a love
as intense as this.
by Karen Jones |
appreciation, beach, black african american, black love, blue, heart, how i feel,
Indigo ink dreams
Dripping from heart
Tattoos tongue with kinetic kiss
Green electric buzz like sip
Of fine blueberry wine so sweet
Dreamy turquoise love touch
Filling me up with red desire
On fire for your romantic antic
Sweeping me off my feet
Carrying me with ease
Of a blue breeze to deserted love island
Where tan sands caress like brown hands
White waters flow warm and toasty
Fast slow then in closing cold
Never let go of this love
For it floats like a boat
by A.O. Taner |
august, beach, beautiful, cool, crush, deep, destiny, devotion, fantasy, feelings, first love, fishing, freedom, funny love, future, girlfriend, hope, i love you, i miss you, journey, joy, judgement, lost love, love, love hurts, meaningful, miracle, ocean, people, places, romance, sea, sensual, simple, spiritual, water, women, world,
Don't rush to wash off the sea salt
drying on your skin;
the hopes it carries from other oceans,
those remain yet to be seen.
by Daniel Turner |
feelings, love,
With a calm soothing look from your blue eyes
You invite me in to refresh my worth
And heal my wounds with your appealing mirth
A kiss from your lips leaves me satisfied
To desire no more, just be by your side
Tease my cheek with your feathery soft flirt
And I'll tie off my vessel at your berth
While your waves of kindness restore my pride
We'll take a walk on the beach holding hearts
Take a swim in the waters of desire
Drying our bare souls in the bright sun light
Never again will we let our paths part
Climbing love's mountain higher and higher
Then down the backside, to walk out of sight
an original poem by the "poemdog" Daniel Turner
by Poet Destroyer A |
beach, passion, romance,
Spicy experiment!
Victoria secret bra
Love, toy with hidden pleasure
sweet surrender to my taste
grenade ecstasy.
Spicy taboo!
Sticky forbidden kisses
buffalo breath down my neck
leak like a water faucet
time to get a fix.
by Charmaine Chircop |
beach, life, love,
Erased to be revised.
by Arturo Michael |
earth, inspirational, love,
I love the Earth
The plants and trees
The Lovely birds
All the Rivers and Seas
I love the Sky
By the beach on a Starry Night
When a Big MOON is Rising
I love to Feel
Happy and FREE
Good friends Around
Everyone's Important to Me
I love to See
The Smile of a Child at Play
In the Park on a Sunny Day
I Love to Be
Close to You
Breathe in your ESSENCE
IMAGINE what I would do
I Can't Resist
When SUN gives a little KISS
by Arturo Michael |
love, memory, smile,
When we were young
We ran in circles
We had fun
Skipping over puddles
As we played
We’d sing and dance in rain
I often recall
We’d be hugging
All night long
I'd feel you breathing softly
Next to me
In vivid memories
The Yesternights
When we would walk
Along the beach
The silence talked
Arm in arm we'd danced
Each wave our lips romanced
Heaven was in the sands
Rushing under our feet
Now YesterSmiles
Come shining thru
Like the dawning light of blue
Welcome a new morning
Even though
The rain is falling
Our love be forever true...
In YesterSmiles of YOU
by Panagiota Romios |
bereavement, grave, husband, loss, love, memory,
Tapestry of Life
In the still graveyard overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Her husband's young body doth rot and in profound
silence lay.
Overlooking that city, where he married his young wife.
Who now recalls the beauty of his all too short, vibrant life.
The many walks on those heavenly hills, the poetry they read.
The coffee shops of North Beach, alas, their aromatic memories
So dreamy in her bowed, widowed head.
She stills dons her inexpensive, gold wedding ring to this very
And when she touches it, all the magical love they shared~
still sings in it!
December 28, 2019
by Emile Pinet |
10th grade, 11th grade, 9th grade, emotions, feelings, imagery, love,
Sitting on the beach in the dark of night
anticipation counts every heartbeat.
And when waves wash ashore in the moonlight,
I laugh as the tide tickles my bare feet.
I had you promise that you'd meet me here
under starlit skies, for our rendezvous.
Love's more real than lust and braver than fear,
it intoxicates and overwhelms you.
When you fall in love, you do silly things,
it's the elixir of eternal youth.
Fueling fledgling dreams, love lends hope wings,
tethered to your soul and anchored to truth.
When fantasy and reality meld,
life's so splendorous; it's unparalleled.
by Jan Allison |
beach, moon, romantic,
shadows glisten
like sparkling diamonds
on lapping waves which wash over
our toes as we stroll barefooted along
the shore of the deserted beach
how I love evening walks
with you in the
Diamonds counted as 3 syllables*
Contest: Rictameter Me
Sponsor: White Wolf
by Debjani Mitra |
he looks at her eyes
butterflies surf dreams within
strolling twilight beach
shooting stars make wish
Prince wakes up serene Snow White
something melts the night
stream of passion flows
non stop chimes of Cupid choir
crystallizing breath
backdrop of embrace
pearl in heart of oyster blooms
covenant of love
Sponsor Rick Parise
Contest 1 -12 lines ONLY - A Poem That Did NOT Receive A Ribbon Placement 1-3
Date written.. 24th July 2019
Earlier submitted to the following contest
Sponsor Jamie Pan
Contest Name Multiple-Haikus
Featured 50 in best new poems
by Paige Hind |
beach, introspection, journey, love hurts, nature, ocean, sea,
Sea stalked by moon tonight in site
On waters that dilate gone by—
Its apparition's bed on shore,
That moon lays on like ruby's lure—
The knees clamber from salty might.
The tinting in her frosty side
Where she was swept once by the tide;
The backwhip of the swell still roars—
Sea stalked by moon.
As the mood on the beach is spry,
Combing while I'm alone with I,
Ill hearted at the gills; spoiled for
The sand dollar spends its life chore,
All washed out suddenly before...
Sea stalked by moon.
by Jerry T Curtis |
In a hundred years from now
At this very place
We shall meet again some how
And you will know my face
I'll be walking on the beach
You'll be lying on the sand
I'll be gazing in your eyes
As you reach out both your hands
I'll feel compelled to sit by you
As we stare out at the sea
Our hearts again will beat as one
And our spirits will agree
Your touch will bring me home, that's when
I'll whisper you a vow
That we will be together
A hundred years from now
by Gregory Richard Barden |
angel, appreciation, body, metaphor, passion, true love,
let me ...
you are the All
your need is my pleasure -
your pleasure, my need
i, water to your vessel, rain to your bloom
your fingers are the spaces in mine
your body ... the bread of my desire -
and the altar of my sacrifice
let me fill my hollows ... sip your wine
oh let me ...
you are the One
the reef i break myself upon
and the soft sand beach that receives me
i, your spindrift ...
washed shore-ward by the storm
you are my mercy ...
bind me with your sorrows
let weep, the blood of pain and passion
wrap me in your wings
and let me.
~ 1st Place ~ in the "Strand Choice D, Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.
by Charles Messina |
life, love,
As I sit on the beach...on a warm breezy night
With my pole by my side, waiting for a bite
I reach down and try to fill my hand
And try to hold every grain of sand
Each grain is a life, a life here or gone
From generations...a passed baton
To hold them they all feel touch
God's gift, I love...I love so much
On a warm breezy night, I sit on the beach
Stretching my far as they'll reach
Every grain of sand...sent down from above
God's gift; so much, I love
(Every Grain of sand- Lizz Wright)
Musical Inspiration Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Joseph May
by Humble B |
angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,
God is always love
Forever seek the kingdom;
Praise the creator
Keep giving what you can give
Please endure until the end
Beautiful Heavens
Protecting the meek ones earth
Watching over us
Helping us to cope with life
Comforted with hope and trust
When you find rhythm
You find your hearts inner core
Celebrate the times
Make them better than before
Reminisce and dance all night
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
happiness, summer,
hot, blazing sun
light clothes, naked, summer brown
sunglasses, sandy beach, sunscreen, sun umbrella
sunburn, summer love, summer kiss, summer joy, happiness
sun umbrella, sun hat, swimming, water skiing
strawberries, ice cream, cold drinks
lazy days, pleasure
A-L Andresen :)
by Floyd Neal |
black love,
What love means to me is beyond definition
when you fall in love, it's a big transition
being in love is a very nice feeling
to stay in love, you and I have to be giving
What love means to me is like a sunray
love is something we have day by day
love means holding hands, walking in the park
love means hearing sounds of a lark
What love means to me, is a free expression
how you fall in love is your discretion
love is not, being takened for granted
but love is, that you've landed
What love means to me is choosing my mate
love is being able to communicate
love is taking romantic walks on the beach
this is what love means to me
by Craig Cornish |
world war ii,
A place where peace should reign, yet terror grows.
A paradise where blood and children lie.
A beach where young boys played and now men die,
with liquid crimson waves that evil sows.
The cliffs now bow and weep and look below,
where from their shoulders cast a deadly tide.
A peaceful nighttime vista now belied
by daylight's bloody battle of the foes.
As dreams replace the din that's all around
and life drips slowly there into the sand,
it's faith and God and love that now surrounds
these ever grateful souls that have been found.
Brave comrades in this fate so proudly stand
to be delivered now where they are bound.
by Kp Nunez |
beach, beauty, imagery, nature, romance,
Birds doth fly above the sky,
flowers fair and nigh;
as the sun comes shining by,
wet white sand to dry.
Soft the breeze from gentlest seas,
sweetly strums guitar;
lassie sings of love and sees
sailor from afar.
19 April 2015
by Joseph May |
sea, , Lullaby,
I can soothe like a lullaby
with a soft melody
I can tickle your feet
If that is your fancy
I am the muse of the poet
And the painter's brush
I am the love of the sailor
And the sunset's blush
Creatures great and small
Dwell in my depths
If you delve into my realm
You must hold your breath
But the depths of my mystery
Are yet to be reached
Don't be a hero, stay on the beach
I can cool you down
On a hot summer day
I can reach any coast
whether it be night or day
But I can rise up in anger
just out of the blue
I can become the tsunami
that destroys you!
by Cole Banner |
beach, beauty, desire, dream, feelings, first love, love,
Lie next to me, and you will see,
As we read each other’s mind…
When your heart beats, mine repeats
and both benefit in kind.
Time stands still, or so it seems,
in our hammock strung
between two dreams.
Side by side, we hear the tide,
and not a word is spoken.
Love came in through a door
we didn’t know was open…
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