Love Poems About Beatles or Beatles Love Poems
by Tom Woody |
Categories: loneliness,

Labyrinth of Loneliness

I've wandered through life's labyrinth alone
Not knowing love in all these empty years
A heart deprived will slowly turn to stone
Eventually you find there's no more tears

The path to happiness eludes me still
Perhaps for me 'twas never meant to be
I'll suffer through this destiny until
The fate that none can flee has set me free

There was a time I dared upon a chance
And bared my heart to one I thought was true
My solemn hope for friendship and romance
Thus turned to dust and left me ever blue

Cling tight to those who claim you as their own-
For some the sun of love has never shone

"All the lonely people, where do they all come from?"
- Beatles 

by Earl Schumacker |
Categories: beauty, fantasy, mystery, nature, sun, time, woman,

Strawberries and Unknown Girl

Strawberries And Unknown Girl

Strawberries grow unaided in the field
Green, red and magic on the day
Sentinels stationed; they speak kindly of the Sun
And sometimes of an unknown girl
She’s there just out of reach
In the air, partaking of sweet pleasures
Years collect themselves in silence
Still sense her song and mystery adrift
Along strawberry rows aligned in history
Those corridors of time in endless days at play 
And there she stays a fair young maiden
A constant unknown wonder to this day

Entered in - "I Love Rock N' Roll" Poetry Contest 11/14/14
Inspired by: John Lennon and The Beatles 
The song: Strawberry Fields Forever

by Ninette Carey |
Categories: mirror,

Let It Be

Our Love 
I thought was so Rare
Little did I know
That you didn't care
I woke up each day 
Believing in every way
Thinking our lives together were here to stay 
What a fool I am
Learning it was all a scam
I am guilty of trusting you
Not thinking it wasn't true
The truth is free
No more lies for me
As the Beatles say... Let It Be......Let It Be.....

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: addiction,

The Beatles Cathedral

Is there anyone who doesn't love The Beatles Their music is known to all the world's people From far and near Year after year Hey Jude rings out in The Beatles cathedral © Jack Ellison 2016

by Nancy Jones |
Categories: happy,


Giddy is a fun place to be
Kinda like octupusses under the sea
According to the Beatles.

Giddy is happy, HAPPY me
Without having to try how to be
What grouchy people would rather see.

I love me some giddy
As much as my kitty
The world is more pretty..

When I'm giddy.

by Robert Johnson |
Categories: dedication,

The Sixties

So many things were going on.
In that decade of the new dawn.
Where peace and love fell short of war.
And no one can recall before.

Our innocence took a back seat.
When mind altering kept the beat.
It was before I had a mind.
And my own way was yet to find.

That's what I liked the most I guess.
I had no need to try impress.
A childhood years all open eyed.
But still didn't see when Grandpa died.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention.
The Beatles and all their attention.
For me they made the sun come out.
For me that's what the sixties were about.

by Ed Farolan |
Categories: absence, longing, love, , teen love,

Love 26

Love is a song in 26 verses
Love love love
The Beatles sing
All you need is love 
What about the romantic poets
Who sing along of love?
Keats? Joyce? Lorca?
Spiritual love
Platonic love
Sexual love
Where is true love?
Is there true love?
Is love just a song
Or a memory of those kisses
From my past?
Yes and no.
Yes because I cherish those memories
And no because I regret lost loves
Nineteen loves
Then 20
How many more have I had?
Were there more than 20?
Perhaps 26
Like the number of verses
In this poem
Exuding from my heart.

by Marty King |
Categories: beautiful, blessing, happy, love,

Unconditional Love Like Music In My Mind

diamonds and flowers
a woman's beautiful smile
seductive eyes
passionate kiss
an interesting secret inspired by a beatles song

raindrops and cool breezes
an umbrella and endless laughter
quiet country roads and underrated beauty
loving eyes
affectionate kiss
joyful contentment inspired by a neil sedaka song

morning dew
bashful sunset
a cardinal's inspirational jingle
good morning smile
good morning kiss
sweet upliftment with a gentle rhythm inspired by a bill withers song

by Mark Toney |
Categories: fun, humorous, nonsense, poetry, word play,

Beatles Tune For Dummies

Wood you marry me?
I love you can't you see?
I hope you will agree
So please, please, please,
Marry me...

They say it's no good
Because you're made of wood
For me it's understood
So please, please, please,
Marry me...

Wooden dummy
You give me fits
Please marry me!

Please take my hand
Together we can stand
Our life will be so grand
So please, please, please,
Marry me...

I'll have your back
You by my side
It's just like that
Please be my bride!

Life will be complete
My mouth closed when you speak
Our future bright not bleak
So please, please, please,
Marry me...

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: adventure, confusion, history,

Twentynet 60's

incredible optimism
unabashed anger
civil rights protest march
cold war ever escalating

gripping fear
happily hoping
young rebel
against war

some sign up for service willingly
others flee to Canada to escape
hippies practice
free love
preachers preach against it with vigor

parents worry much about TV’s influence
young folks follow the new fads
Beatles bring new music to America

young president was elected
young president was assassinated
nation mourns
moves on

By: Joyce Johnson  4/28/11

For nette's contest  "Magic of Decade's Mood" contest

by Jude Kyrie |
Categories: crush, dream,

In Jude's Dream

In my dream
Jude is riding 
a 64 red mustang
convertible with
white upholstery.
The beatles are
All my lovin'
its throaty roar
at eighty mph 
caused a squeal of 
delight from my
Ellie Whitehead
only the hottest girl 
in my school. 
I have been
fantasizing about her
for weeks.
Wow! I am seventeen again.
I love this dream.
the alarm clock 
vibrates with a 
mean spirited 
I awake rudely.
I kiss the
middle aged lady
in my bed
and whisper
rise and shine
Ellie my love.
it's a brand new day.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: nostalgia,

The Beatles Cathedral

Is there anyone who doesn't love The Beatles Their music is known to all the world's people From far and near Year after year Hey Jude rings out in The Beatles cathedral

by Christopher Flaherty |
Categories: love, music, slam,

Beatle Mania Love Slam

Dear John,
My name is Paul
Let it be
Can't buy me love
In this working class town
Where the Beatles came from
Meanwhile back
Sgt Peper 
Plods the beat
Down Penny Lane
By Strawberry Field 

All along the long and winding road
I heard the news today 
Oh Boy!
Mother Mary had passed away
And though the mourners came in the pouring rain
Its very strange 
How they come together right now
All the lonely people ?
Where do they all come from ?
Hey Jude ?

I am the Walrus !

by Charles Messina |
Categories: music,

The Beatles

Ringo Starr 
George Harrison 
With Paul McCartney 
And John Lennon 
Also, Pete 
Best, played 

Get Back 
In My Life 
Can't Buy Me Love 
I'll Follow The Sun 
Don't Let Me Down
Let It Be 

Ninette Poetry Contest 
Sponsor: Caren Krutsinger 

by Kara Mclain |
Categories: angst, family, forgiveness, friendship, love, sister, time,

I Miss You

Wanting the hands of time to turn back,
Just so I can have one last try.
I want to hear the perfect
                                       Proud voice sing.
I want to listen to every empty promise.

You’re the one who ran,
But I’m the one who cried.
You wanted to be free,
Like the Beatles wanted to let it be.

Not knowing where you are makes it hard.
Knowing you know
                           Where I am 
Makes it hell.

I try not to miss you,
                              But I do.
Because every time I look in the mirror
I hurt and long to be near you.

My sister, my friend.
My guide till the end.

I miss you.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: nostalgia,

When Did It All Start

Go go boots
Made for walking
Nancy Sinatra
60’s fodder
Rock’N Roll
The Blues
Diana Ross and the Supremes
Elvis and Ann Margaret
Ed Sullivan
The Beatles
Johnny Cash
The Grand Ole’ Opry
Polly Pure Bred
I Love Lucy
Leave it to Beaver
This may have been when all of this video stuff started.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: nostalgia,

My 1960's Acrostic

T	The Beatles and the Monkeys are here
H	Hippies are spreading free love and good cheer
E	Everyone recognizes the yellow happy face

S	Signing up for the draft is a must
I 	I am so relieved my man is not sent to Viet Nam
X	X-rated motorcycle movies are not rated yet
T	There is a long hair revolt for both sexes
I	It is anyone’s guess how corrupt this will make us
E	Everyone’s child seems to be pushing away
S	Serious TV watching is here to stay. Elvis, Bonanza, Ed Sullivan, UnderDog

by L. J. Carber |
Categories: allusion, analogy, appreciation, art, god, poetry, spiritual,

Silly Word Songs

Like the Beatles' tune, 'silly love songs',
some poets like to write silly word songs,
poems so clever in rhyme or line--
Six lines here, three and a half there, 
and every ninth word must rhyme!

All this is fine
for poetry should be fun at times
(e.e. cummings and Ogden Nash
made their fame and fortune so)
but lest we forget, poetry's soul
lies deeper than smart word-play.

So may there be more word jousts
celebrating the magic of being young
and the wonder of being old while
probing the depths of God and Soul,
for while it's good to be clever,
it's always best to be wise....

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: teen love,

Beatles McCartney, Lennon, Harrison and Starr

Paul wrote songs he sang with his guitar. The “cute” one, he has come amazingly far! The “smart” one John went successfully solo, but one tragic day got murdered by a nut. George, smoker, lead guitarist and spiritual, “quiet” one, got cancer. He’d composed “Here Comes the Sun.” Ringo, the Beatles’ drummer, met his second wife filming “Caveman.” They’ve enjoyed a long, rich life.

by Christina Wiliams |
Categories: life,

Benjamin Wheeler

** This poem is in memory of Benjamin Wheeler, one of the children who was a victim in the Sandy Hook Shooting. Benjamin was a skilled swimmer, a Beatles fan, and loved lighthouses.

Benjamin fills our bodies with warmth and love.

As he swims through the coldness to bring us happiness.

He will get us  soaked but Benjamin's smile will dry up all our pain.

As he meets some of the Beatle members in Heaven.

The lighthouses will then light up the ocean.

For a bright and spirited boy has swam into the arms of the Lord.

by Starlight Matis |
Categories: i love you, inspirational love, music, song,

The Beatles

when i was young
my father played me their songs 
and the message played from the speakers
was one of love.

"i want to hold your hand"
because when we touch, i feel happy inside.

"good day sunshine"
because you shine upon my love and i.

"something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover"
because she is special in her own little way.

"when you told me you didn't need me anymore, i nearly broke down and died"
because i can't imagine a life without you.

For the Upcoming Birthday Celebrity poem contest
Sponsored by William Kekaula

by David Palmer |
Categories: dream, i love you, romance,


Softly sweet Spring breezes blow on Sunday,
And I am lost in wonder thought – finches’,
Chickadees’ and robins’ music stitches
Through my dozing surprising Beatles’ play.
From out the West, great clouds grumble brontide
But so my soul chooses singing with birds
Gathering gloom may not enter my words
For you, my Love, center all thoughts beside.
McCartney sings despite the darkest night
His love will never die. Security
Like this holds dreams in perpetuity;
Dozing content, this portrait’s pretty sight.
One perfect ending, how I wish it would,
You kiss me, “Love, I came soon as I could.”

© 2017 David W. Palmer

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 10th grade,

The It Couple

Here he comes! 
And SHE is with him!
Adoration. Love. Pure fans.
Crazy with enthusiasm for the “it” couple.
Someone screams. Others stare. This is not the Beatles.

He does not hold the door open.
Like in the movies.
She does not smile. 
They do not hold hands.
Fantasy begins unraveling fast.

He notices us, and pops on the “it” smile.
There it is! We begin oohing and ahhing
in our minds, anyway, I do.
She puts on her “it” smile.
Then she opens her mouth and speaks.

Harsh ugly sounding accent.
Nasally and rude like.
They have become less than normal.
Falling from Mount Olympus with a loud crash
into the sea of abnormal and ridiculous.

by Frederick Viedge |
Categories: black african american, happiness, tribute, city, love, me,

It Smells Golden

It smells golden in my City after the rains tonight,
It's been a bit bleak and cold and with plight,
But when the salty spring enters it's alright,
So many vivid memories - gold summer light,

I love my city like a Beatles song it's gone on and on it's been long,
It's smells like the gel that keeps my mammal going,
It's flash it's cash, it keeps me flowing, an end that keeps me knowing,

I'll always love the fast and the loose, deep city,
Fleeting and fat like a goose, deep city,
But when it falls, I know it's a noose, deep city

I smile I'm a pragmatic poes, living life dramatic

by Ilene Bauer |
Categories: music, nostalgia,

Sir Paul

I was a “Paul” girl, back in the day;
That’s how we defined ourselves then.
I knew that he’d love me if we’d only met,
But that seemed more an “if” than a “when.”

I never attended a concert of his –
Neither solo nor Beatles nor Wings;
Yet I’m sure I remember the lyrics and tunes
Of the bulk of the songs that he sings.

Since today is his birthday (my brother’s, as well),
I reflect on a very strange fact – 
At a recent performance by Sir Paul himself,
The arena was not fully packed.

As time marches on, many young folks don’t care
That the Beatles were practically gods;
So McCartney now plays to a non-sold-out house – 
I would never have bet on those odds!