Love Poems About Beautiful or Beautiful Love Poems
by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love,


Pink and perfect mystery 
to which I ply my finger, 
she ripens so exquisitely
the longer that I linger

and fluff the modest blossom
with my gentle loving hand,
teasing, ever pleasing
so that now I understand

how beautiful the flower
that yields without duress,
blooming now so fully
in the warmth of my caress.

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: adventure, animal, beautiful, blessing, celebrity, funny, life,

The Squirrel

~My Nutty Squirrel Poem~

Up in a tree, on a branch
Now you see me, now you don't!

Sneaky and fast, I'm adorable
Now, why would you hunt or shot me for fun?
Do you like, how fast I run?
I'm not just another chipmunk 
Stuffing my face with nuts,
I'm classy and beautiful, 
The  best  part  of   nature.....

Red pointed ears, I hear you drawing near.
Chuckle, chuckle, caffeine free
I saw you looking at my fine coat.
Fluffy and curious, touch me and I'm Calling PETA!
See YA---  Life Is Beautiful!!!
I'm stuffing these nuts back into my mouth 
and Jumping onto another tree :) The End
Love The Squirrel from another World.  

by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: beautiful, beauty, best friend, light, moon, sun,



The shining light hides behind my eyes,
Comes in a super nova surprise
My spirit glides into the skies,
Spreading the perfect heat like the sunrise

I was like a diamond under the beauty of the ocean!
My current rides out with smooth motions,
Leaving a taste with intense emotion
Captured by my tides, sunk to my love potion

The sun sends my waves like a mirage of snow
I got the moon to favor upon my glow
With every star touching my inner soul
A glimpse of darkness in my light entwining with a massive flow

Blinded by my own ECLIPSE!
My sun & moon collide
Until the day we both touch lips


by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: love, mothermissing, missing,

It Is Springtime In Heaven

It is now springtime in heaven Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright Beautiful flowers are everywhere Angels are the harps play Here on earth...we scamper around Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright Beautiful flowers are everywhere We are missing the angels in heaven Angels are the harps play They await the we do also As once again we will all be together Our mothers and heaven above Dedicated to: Our Mothers in Heaven and her children who will be missing her this weekend on Mother's Day To all of you who still have your mother here on earth with you make sure she knows how much you love her.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, baptism, beautiful, blessing, heaven, light, love,

Stepping Into Heaven

Under your heavenly gaze magic appears perfect 
a thousand whispers sail through the oceans current 
each wave warmly echoes of a sun filled promise 
Our time is held when precious jewels they glimmer 
every breath gasps breathless holding dearest soul
where the silken ribbons circle around a gift tied 
wrapped within angel rays floating inside heartbeats

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: encouraging,

A Triolet For Linda

To those you care for, always you impart deep love; how beautiful and sweet you are! I pray you find a way to mend your heart. To those you care for, always you impart poetic gems! Return to this, your art. Grab hold of words and shine again, a star. To those you care for, always you impart deep love; how beautiful and sweet you are! Written 12/6/14 for the Fighting Depression(poems for PD) contest of shadow Hamilton

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: love, mystery, spiritual,

Beautiful Mysteries

Divinity lives beyond description Alone, a weary heart cries from its pain Desire eager for its conscription Might truth and love turn this way again? Sweet mysteries, this life, in dreams of thee Yield fantasy's passion I dare to share Walk from this muse, I pray to live in me Conceding this, my love, unto your care On lifeless shadows, cast your glowing light Bring a blessed presence to this peace I seek Rest too this solemn shade, this endless night With angelic verse, but you could only speak For seeking dreams to dream from up above I cast my will and fate to seek your love

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: color, life, poems,

Write Your Name

Paint the world of words so bright

Brush the canvas with pure delight

Be the rainbow coming out of a storm

The sunrise of a beautiful morn

Paint the world as you would wish

For what is written expresses it

Hearts maybe black or blue

A bright smile colors I love you

Paint it as a blind man sees

Hear it as the deaf conceives

Blank spaces upon your walls

Interpretations are meant for all

Paint the world and let it be

You are you and I am me

No left,right or middle lanes

Colors are one and the same…write your name

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: beauty, children,

Moon's Guardian

only daughter
beautiful moon face
will his love eclipse mine

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

The Poetess

Words flowing like magic, explode off my page
Taking me on journeys, I didn't seek
My mind is just floating, feelings do race
Her spirit is leading, to heaven I think

Reading but living, each chosen word
Caught up in beauty, emotions I trace
My heart is a flutter, tears sometimes fall
In awe of her verses, as much as her grace

Passion and love, I can feel her heartbeat
Sorrow and pain, mistakes made again
Dancing with nature, you take me by hand
Simply you're beautiful, I'm in love with your pen

Spilling of emotions, out onto the page
Poems come alive, for sure they are real
Confide in me please, all that's concealed
My dearest poetess, you make me feel

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beautiful, emotions, feelings, heart, how i feel, love,

What Is Love

How do I answer, what is love; it's part hope, part apparition. But what love truly is kind of defies any definition. Have you ever felt so alive that it was almost too extreme? And caught up in passion's drive, have you ever let yourself dream? Have you ever stolen a kiss that left you floating on a cloud? And filled with spontaneous bliss; have you ever shouted out loud? Have you ever danced on the air; or felt warm and gooey inside? And when jealous eyes gawk and stare, have you ever strutted with pride? Have you ever, for once, felt whole; falling head over heels in love? And felt such warmth within your soul; that it rivals heaven above?

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: beach, beautiful, imagery, imagination, innocence, love, romantic,

Agony And Ecstasy

Cascading waves wash ashore, tickling toes, they ebb and flow; as moonbeams set a thousand jewels sparkling upon the shoal. Smiles summon sweet emotions as we stroll upon the beach, hand in hand under a starry sky; pausing to build castles in the sand. And in this state of blissfulness, two lonely souls unite for all eternity. Our hopes and tears willingly shared; trust defines the essence of caring. And yet, love offers us much more; facilitating fantasies, while fulfilling dreams. Agony and ecstasy meld with each passionate kiss. And my heart's consumed by fire; having never felt a love as intense as this.

by Charlie Smith |
Categories: beauty, love,


The basis of all beauty is hope,
          It gives no cause to sadness...
     The sight of beauty will never age the eye,
          Its only reflection is from the face of others...

     The Grace of beauty bathes the soul with purity,
          It never exists until petitioned by an open heart...

     Beauty gives life to poetry,
          We are as beautiful as we choose to be...


by Tom Quigley |
Categories: age, life, time,

Sands of Time

A t f i r s t, a l a z i l y f l o w i n g r i v e r Timeless warm glow of a summer’s day In love with the world’s vibrancy Inaudible, clock ticking Safe in seeming endlessness Each day a lifetime Some wished away Years accrue Time’s grains Fall Flow Faster Sweet life full Moments precious A n t i c i p a t e d milestones fly past, too fast Children’s years wax eternal While ours accelerate quickly Scenery outside the train’s window Ever more beautiful, yet blurring, faster 7/13/16 © Thomas W. Quigley

by White Wolf |
Categories: analogy, joy, love,

Finding Love:

Such lovely lilac and crimson tones, As a rainbow of colours fill the sky, Radiant and beautiful soothes my bones, Takes me above the clouds so far and high. Captured in a moment of total bliss, Wondering all the time what is life for? Suspended in awe like a lover’s kiss, Never felt like this to my very core. Love all around and it's time I was found, Beauty everywhere can't you see her smile, Smiling at you and smiling all around, It's time you gave love a chance for awhile. But leave me above the clouds, here I'll stay, I have found love in a different way. /|\ (Ten syllables per line) 31~10~16

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, feelings, imagery, love, stars,

Beauty Can't Compete

Lingering rays of sunlight slowly die as scarlet burns the sky, where clouds ignite. And when the birds roost, bats begin to fly, capturing elusive moths in mid-flight. Luna hangs high in an ebony sky, spinning dreams into beams of golden light. And twinkling stars, like fireflies in the night, confetti the heavens, dazzling the eye. Like gold filigree pinned to the darkness galaxies adorn the heavens above; and shooting stars unzip the black of space. Yet, Man stands unabashed in His starkness, for cosmic beauty can't compete with love; an emotion intrinsic to His race.

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: care, garden, growth, heart, love, metaphor,

Flowers of the Heart

The garden of love bids tending
                 so often it pains us to render its due
when drought offers threat
and water is scarce
        and lovers forget what it means to be true

Yet love, like a garden, rewards us
    the flowers of the heart are worth all the pain
how else can we reap
that beautiful yield
        with little to lose and with so much to gain

When I think of where we first started
          with just the horizon to capture our view
my eyes now behold
what a garden can be
              with effort and love to carry it through

by Deb M |
Categories: grief, loss, sad love,

Fractured Soul

Shes sits in her worn out familiar chair
As the sun wakes for the day
Her being weary before the day begins
From wishing her life away

Nothing matters anymore
Old now, completely bereft
He’s been gone a few months 
Alone , nothing left

They lost their only child 
As a beautiful young adult
A lifetime of grieving 
Being the result

It should never be that way
Your child leaves earth before you
Their profound,pure love for each other
Is how they got through

She sits motionless ,eyes closed 
Her mind consumed of days gone by
Her whole being aches , tears fall
She breathes one loud , last sigh

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: fear, life, sad, beautiful, beautiful,

Behind Those Beautiful Eyes

Behind those beautiful eyes,
So much anger,so much mistrust,
Always expecting the worst,
Always conversing about the bad
things life has to offer,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
So much hurt,so much pain,
Bottled up bad experiences overflowing,
Crying to be unleashed,to be released,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
High expectation,countless plans,
Many things to still achieve,
So many things you still haven't done,

Behind those beautiful eyes,
Is a body,searching for comfort,
A mind,searching for peace,
And a heart searching for true love,

All behind those beautiful eyes.....

by Tim Smith |
Categories: dance, love,

If We Could Dance

Strumming my heartstrings Drawing me in with each note Playing the most beautiful song Hearing the words you wrote Filling in all the gaps The melody is for me Beating loud and clear Setting my heart free Only distance keeping us at bay You still have me in your trance Two hearts apart, beating as one How I wish we could dance A soft kiss upon your delicate hand Holding you close, holding you tight Slow dancing under the moonlit skies The perfect girl, the perfect night

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: beautiful, devotion, growth, love, romantic,

Call It Love

The night it is barren
from inland to the sea
but I am the one who loves you
you are not alone.

Tonight the sky is empty
stars fall in the sea
I am the light to guide you
do not wish to be alone.

If the world becomes deserted
all eyes you see are sad
I will smile for you
you will never be alone.
Sleeping I dreamed you
awake I keep dreaming
I dream because you love me
and I am not alone.

It is sometimes madness
a longing absentee
call it love
and we are not alone...

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: lost love,

For Eduardo

The day I left Madrid, I waved goodbye to someone dear to me. I still can see his dark brown eyes that could not tell a lie, those same eyes I’d beheld so tenderly each day when he would show up at my door. Where is my friend Eduardo, whom I left behind so long ago and never more would see again? I know he was bereft from letters that he sent, and I replied that we would meet again. I could not know how wrong I was or if he ever cried for me. How easily I let him go! How innocent and beautiful was he! And he remains so - in my memory. For the Soulful Words Poetry Contest of Kim Morrison

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: beautiful,

Sunsets In the Blues

.He walked in silence to the corner of my heart He lit a candle~ fire in a room once damp and dark His words were gently spoken His love was loud and clear His arms were unexpected A fearless Chevalier My strength was getting weaker My pulse~rate running low He sheltered my emotions and fortified his soul He helped me win the battle against solitude's blade His kiss bestowed upon me His palm upon my faith A faith of a new promise on paths of pastel hues Of jasmine scents and marigolds Of Sunsets in the blues.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: beautiful, introspection, loneliness, romance,

The Lamp Post

You all see a romantic couple kissing
I see a lonely lamp post
You all see the blossom of love
I see a fading light
You all see the spring of love
As I see the terror of another lonely night

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: beautiful, flower, heart, love, peace, sea, smile,

From the Deepest Caves One Name Echoed

Smiling hotly you're the flame captured underneath 
burning with a sunrise golden gleam frosted

Sparkling within dewdrops crystals crash 
over oceans waves rise and fall to grace

At your feet adoring they kiss salt saluting promise 
kneeling upon the sand footprints hold ground held 

Those inside one thousand memories wrapped forever 
perfect jewel you are the pearl of a deep sea always crowned

Lustre of one rainbow washed clean cut perfect flower 
white lily from the heart of love you brought peace