by Poet Destroyer A |
beautiful, beauty, best friend, light, moon, sun,
The shining light hides behind my eyes,
Comes in a super nova surprise
My spirit glides into the skies,
Spreading the perfect heat like the sunrise
I was like a diamond under the beauty of the ocean!
My current rides out with smooth motions,
Leaving a taste with intense emotion
Captured by my tides, sunk to my love potion
The sun sends my waves like a mirage of snow
I got the moon to favor upon my glow
With every star touching my inner soul
A glimpse of darkness in my light entwining with a massive flow
Blinded by my own ECLIPSE!
My sun & moon collide
Until the day we both touch lips
by Daniel Turner |
best friend, dog, love,
Every time you look at me
Brown eyes say, "I love you"
When you're lying next to me
Your snuggle says it too
That soft brown skin's inviting smell
I pull you to me tighter
I hope you know, somehow can tell
You make my days much brighter
So playfully, you steal a kiss
Like a child, I wipe my face
What have I done to feel such bliss
This gift of "amazing grace"
Each day you show me in some way
The meaning of true love
For you my friend, each night I pray
And thank The Lord above.
for my dog friend, Buddy:)
by Daniel Turner
by Emile Pinet |
angel, best friend, emotions, feelings, friendship, friendship love, how i feel,
There is nothing more heartening than a smile
if you haven’t seen one for a while
you hope it will never end
it's not just pretend
with a best
it's no jest
the Lord chose to send
an angel to help you mend
one that does not put love on trial
there is nothing more heartening than a smile
by Winged Warrior |
best friend, easter, jesus,
I am the someone in no one
I am the beginning and the end
I am the alpha and omega
I am your true best friend
I am not here nor there
I am that I am
I am the son of my father
I am the lion I am the lamb
I am the you in the me
I am the all in all things
I am the one that shows you love
I am the king of all kings
I am forever forgiving
I am the one that gives you sight
I am at the right hand of my father
I am the way I am the light.
Rising of the Son
Sponsored by: Chantelle Anne Cooke
Placed 3'rd...Thank You
by CayCay Jennings |
best friend, family, feelings, heartbroken, loss, love, strength,
I wish that I could bear all pains for you,
but then some doors in your heart
would never be opened.
... CayCay
March 22, 2019
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
best friend, fun, love, pets,
Shakespearean Sonnet
I remember the day I picked you,
With your sweet little puppy dog eyes.
For my heart was searching for love too,
When I looked down and heard your soft cries.
Your brothers and sisters were running,
They were after a fallen clothes peg,
But there was a puppy so stunning
Trying hard to get up on my leg.
Four years it has been since that moment
And I thank God daily for his gift
Each day you give me such enjoyment
Your love has given my heart a lift.
Today I know as clear as can be,
I didn’t pick you; rather you picked me.
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Sponsor Shadow Hamilton
Contest: Pets
by Edward Ebbs |
absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,
When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around
Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand
I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock
The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream
I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much
I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song
When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here
Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14
Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart
by Jay Loveless |
best friend, love, lust, youth,
You my love
Are perfect
You my love
Know how to make me wiggle
Moan, scream into silence
Arch my back and contort
Like I never knew I could
You my love leave me breathless
Speechless, thoughtless
Without capability to comprehend
Anything other than your touch
You my love are a master magician
An understanding lover with navigating hands
by Amanda Smith |
What can be said
about this man
One that is not easy to be read.
His words come to life
Pen to paper
With poetry to his wife
A loving father indeed
Nothing else like it
Teaching and giving all they need.
Mysterious is he
What's in his head
Is he thinking about me
He's not perfect
Mistakes have been made
Things I know he'll correct
He's my best friend
the one I married
A love that will never end
He has been mine
For quite some time
I find he is still so divine.
by Edward Ibeh |
betrayal, friendship, love, relationship, sad,
Bearing the brunt of betrayal,
his long-time lady lover leaves him
for another flame. Surprisingly saying
"I'm so sorry, Sam, we should start
seeing other people"
Broken by a brutal blindside
out of nowhere. He couldn't comprehend
the reason; the shock shook him
like a loud trembling thunder
shakes someone out in the rain
Suddenly lovelorn,
he's left wondering why.
"What did I do to deserve this?"
To add insult to injury, he learns
she left him for his best friend, Bruce.
STRAND CHOICE P,any form,any theme Poetry Contest( Winner: Honorable Mention)
Sponsored by Brian Strand
Date written: 03/24/2020
by Krysten Mcgee |
best friend, boyfriend, cute love, love,
You showed me
I once was lost,broken and afraid
afraid of love
I once felt alone and betrayed and unwanted
felt like I had no one
I was alone in this big o world
not knowing what to do or where to go
i wanted to give up I just wanted to end it all...
Then you walked into my life
you showed me love
you taught me there was nothing to be afraid of.
You showed me I wasn't alone.
You never betrayed me.
You wanted me when I didn't want myself.
You pushed me when I couldn't push myself.
You picked me up when I fell.
You showed me that I was worth more.
You showed me how to be me.
You showed me how to believe in myself.
You showed me the real me
by Darlene De Beaulieu |
love, love hurts,
I saw you across the room
You were with my best friend
Dancing to a slow song -Harvest Moon
You held her tightly in your arms
Then planted a passionate kiss
Oh Its My Party and i will cry if I want to
Cry if I want to and I did
I was deeply hurt and shocked
If You Could Read My Mind
You would know my hurtful thoughts
Oh my heart aches so badly
So your friend came up to me
He spoke calmly softly
He called me Blue Angel
Said he would never leave me
Feelings he had for me was strongBlue Bayyou
Strong feelings for me
He said "Together we would go
to the BlueBayou where the
sailboats go a float int Blue Bayou
by Caren Krutsinger |
10th grade, 11th grade, 12th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade,
Orange is my utmost best color, my best friend, my girl.
She laughs from the rooftop, and she makes me mouth curl.
She glitters and she shines, her happy feelings for me.
Today I may take out my paints and paint an orange tree.
Most of my women cartoon paintings are ginger heads.
They come into my mind before I get out of bed.
I look around the bedroom and I laugh and I sing.
My many red-haired paintings, it makes my mind truly zing.
I have a paisley orange shirt and an orange evening gown.
Some people want my autograph, and mob me in town.
I do not dare wear either of them on my shiniest day.
I would be so manic, the mental police would cart me away.
by Emily Kroeger |
Momma, you might be gone now but I stll have you in my heart.
Momma, we might have fought alot, but in the end you were stil my best friend.
Momma, you were the one that new all I had done wrong.
Momma, you were always there, every single restless night, every helpless fright.
Momma, every day I had with you, was more than I really new.
Momma, its been a rough year without you here.
Momma, sometimes I want to curl up in your arms and cry.
Momma. I miss you, but don't worry Im gettin through.
Momma, I love you. and miss you... R.I.P. Momma.
by Lindsay Laurie |
animal, death, heartbreak,
*For anyone who had a companion dog that grew old and tired*
I am gazing out across an empty land,
there is not a thing that interests me.
There is no happiness, in any tear I weep,
for it’s so hard to set your best friend free.
Simply there’s no choice in the time of life,
for nothing born can claim eternity,
so comes a time the head must rule the heart,
but it’s so hard to set your best friend free.
Comfort is to reminisce about the past,
and not dwell on what is a personal cost.
I should be celebrating for the love we had;
not mourning about what I have lost.
by Richard Lamoureux |
best friend, change, friendship, growing up, journey, Lullaby, mother daughter,
He’s a sad Bunny
With floppy ears
Sadly button eyes
they can’t shed tears
Bottom of the pile
New toys on top
He needed Beth’s help
To hippity hop
With imagination
she brought Bunny joy
He was her best friend
More than just a toy
Many years now passed
Beth searches for Bunny
A gift for her baby
who names Bunny Honey
Bunny’s happy again
That fuzzy lovely feel
Hippity hop heaven
Love makes Bunny real
Bunny’s round tail
has long been gone
But Bunny still sings
lovely bunny songs
She cuddles him close
Pets worn floppy ears
Bright Bunny button eyes
with no need of tears.
by Andrea Dietrich |
I find her most congenial, and we
have everything in common; it’s a fact!
With all of her opinions I agree.
Our shelves with books and nic-nacs all are stacked.
To exercise at Vasa gym she goes.
I also love that place, and all the time
she’s my companion at the movie shows!
We love to write and love to make a rhyme,
and we are also glad to be a girl
and wear cute clothes and use accessories.
When on the dance floor, how we love to twirl!
My closest friend is such a cinch to please.
If you’ve met “me,” you’ve met my friend. No lie.
She also calls herself “myself” and “I.”
Dec. 13, 2019 for Regina Riddle's Best Friend Sonnet Contest
by Carol Sunshine Brown |
friendship, hope, life, sad,
Your contest I don't want to be in my friend
You want our lives to be a forever contest
Your best friend you always say that I am
Do you always need to be one up on me
I get something new and tomorrow you have it too
I get an illness and you have it or had it only worse
I say I love something and you always loved it first
I want to be me and you be you, as life isn't a contest
to me.
"The Contest Contest" of Joe Flach
Written by Carol Brown 03/15/2012
Honorable Mention
by Rob Carmack |
animal, best friend, dog, humorous, love, pets, thanks,
Your dad, a Dachshund once stuck in Chihuahua.
The best of both in you, with that expectant
Confusing carpets for the lawn enigma.
I know….the raining….getting wet….you can’t.
As coldness chills the room, a sheet for you.
The perfect tucking of in, but you moved!
I ponder, just how crazy is my Boo?
The sheet’s thread count too low to be approved?
Your dance in circles, spinning on the floor.
Rewards and treasures known upon the racks.
Induced by meals and that one pantry door.
In such a fury, choking on the snacks.
I know what God’s book says, I’ve searched it whole.
But still, I hope you have a little soul.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
life, time,
Time an eternity sigh
Take good care of the minutes
The hour is 60 minutes
Time when it's not too late
Take some quiet time to be happy
Time is the most precious thing we have
Time does not heal all wounds, but the pain subsides
Times are what we make of it
Time is not a thief, it's a gift for you and me
Time to remember, live for today
The time to hope for tomorrow
Things we wish we had done yesterday
Time is our best friend and our worst enemy
Time for laughter, tears, love and a hug
Time is a symbol of all that exists
...... A symbol of all that we have
A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Louise Reilly |
devotion, friendship, love, passion, love,
Just a text to say i love you
I cant help it there's nothing i can do.
You are my best friend
And my love for you will never end.
I just want to know if you love me too
by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
best friend, loss, love, missing you,
Play for me, Long May You Run,
to shed a tear and reminisce
of open roads when life begun,
to think of those now gone and missed.
Play for me a tender song
to share with some good friends like you.
Let's laugh and cry and sing along.
I know you feel the way I do.
Faced with the choice of moving on
or falling in the past's abyss,
I'd rather meet each day's new dawn
with those dear souls I love and miss.
Long may they run, sun-kissed somehow,
though I have changed so much since then.
I wonder if they'd know me now
and warm me with their love again.
Inspired by Neil Young's Long May You Run, 11/12/2014
by Mvelo Zungu |
anxiety, best friend, black love, blessing, care, celebration, christian,
Love is a challenge
Love's challenging so fight with your lover,
Love's about holding each other everytime,
Love's amazing which needs patient,
Love's sadness but happiness is love,
Don't give up on love fight.
Love yours first and love will follow,
Love's full of pain but don't run for what you love,
Love's dark but patient brings light,
Love's kind and blind but it's challenging,
Don't give up on love fight.
Appreciate love and be patient for better days don't give up on hard times because everything fails until it becomes great
Just love love love what you have.
by Mark Woods |
best friend, for her, love, relationship, romance, true love,
To me you are a sacred dream
Each warmest hope upon the day.
A glass of wish from precious stream
Bright trace of sun through clouds of grey.
My endless trust in times of need
Our secrets shared we do confide
In passions breath to one I’m freed
Past darkest hour you are my guide.
Protection is my granted gift
To strive for you my sole delight
No one event shall birth a rift
Forever yours my quest to fight.
Perfections promise I shall chase
it's luck you chose my life to grace.
23rd May 2016
by Davina Browne |
best friend, cute love, funny love, giggle,
Stand by me in the fields of dreams,
Where the clouds part and the sunset light beams,
Hear the river as it streams,
Down to where it redeems
Stand by me where the flowers blooms,
Where the sun does not loom,
Out of sight is where the fairies zoom,
This is where the animals groom,
Stand by me under the willow tree,
Where we once fell and grazed our knees,
Here is where the grass made us sneeze
Where we lied and cuddled and squeezed