Love Poems About Blooming or Blooming Love Poems
by Keith Bickerstaffe |
Categories: love,


Pink and perfect mystery 
to which I ply my finger, 
she ripens so exquisitely
the longer that I linger

and fluff the modest blossom
with my gentle loving hand,
teasing, ever pleasing
so that now I understand

how beautiful the flower
that yields without duress,
blooming now so fully
in the warmth of my caress.

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: lost love, recovery from, sorrow,

They Told Me You Cried

They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach

Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this

by Elaine George |
Categories: death, lost love, rose,

The Rose and the Thorn

I shall nay know all the wonders - you hold
For all too soon the winds of winter blow
Scarlet petals withering in the snow
How cruel the breath that kills the velvet rose 

Tears - that canst’ bear the thought of letting go
Forever frozen in this empty soul
A broken heart forever turned to stone
A broken stem left now to stand alone

Alas! I find that life is bitter-sweet
As I stand holding only memories
Of a rose blooming in the summer breeze
Here beneath this old weeping willow tree

Once I held the sweetest rose - ever born
Now – in my grief – I hold the bitter thorn.


                    Author:  Elaine Cecelia George

by Maria Williams |
Categories: celebration, love, mother, sensual, sexy,

Fruit of Love - An Array

Nature unfurls charms Loving emotions flourish Her cup runs over Exquisite passion Limbs entwined in sweet embrace Move in symphony Senses on fire Symphonic crescendos peak Cocooned in slumber Nature’s Miracle Blooming as she takes on form Grand Expectation
Footnote: A Happy Mother’s day to all Mums, Mums-to-be and Grand Mums for without you and the gift of love, this day was not possible. POTD 16th May 2017

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,


"Enchantment - Duo-Rhyme" brilliant beams of Sunlight cascade to orange aura marmalade enhancing love while blooming new beneath cream skies of patent blue sprinkling words sweet as dawning's dew two turtledoves in wings which coo fond melodies caress adieu' in magic moments rendezvous frolicked in fields of heather's hue fake hearts faded to vapor's view soft silver stars shed tears parade enchanted moonlight mist charade'. *For Andrea Dietrich's Duo-Rhyme Contest

by Demetrios Trifiatis |
Categories: heart, love, trust,

Her Smile

Her smile thawed mistrust.

Her looks opened his heart wide--

Blooming are love's fields! 

© Demetrios Trifiatis
       02 June 2018

* This little poem was chosen as POTD. 
Thank all my friends for their gracious support and also
I thank the PS officials for the honor!

by Tim Smith |
Categories: child, friendship,

First Friends

Magical memories etched into time
looking at life through innocent eyes
laughter and giggles are reminders to us
to cherish the moments, sit back there's no rush

Incredible journey's are about to take place
soon they'll be off bringing tears to this face
First friendships are molded from what young ones see
God's little soldiers are about to be set free

Teach them good values, kindness and trust
love and humility of course, respect is a must
show them with actions let feelings shine through
and never forget to say I love you

The roses are blooming, there are geese in the lake
Invite them to nature and special memories make

by Karen Jones |
Categories: character, christian, color, courage,


I am that little light that shines
Within your heart inside your mind
That rises floats despite dark dilemma
I keep you warm despite white December 

I am the start when some say end
That little spark of blue you begin
The make a way out of neon nothing
To pave to raise the road to green dream

I am a yes when life says no
And you digest a positive soul
That cherry confess to be inclined
To walk by faith and not by sight

I am lavender love despite hate
And tender touch that makes a day
I am of peach peace in any place
Find me with ease when you pray 

I’m the fuchsia flower blooming your soul
I am purple power I am hazel hope

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: art, beautiful, butterfly, deep, fantasy, metaphor, poetry,


Believer of starlight, 
Blooming love in twilight
Bestows soft latte skies, 
Blissful faith of peach dyes
Bronze balm in sun's flutter, 
Bright glow of honey in
Butterfly's mauve kismet.

by Mahtab Bangalee |
Categories: love,

The Night

Blooming moon on head
Pinky sky sprinkles the stars
Celebrating love

On the waist of night
Eyes enlist earthly blue dreams
Roses offer life

© Mahtab Bangalee
15 February,2022

by Fading Star Silence |
Categories: blessing, love, spiritual, spring, true love,

Ethereal Lanterns

The sparkling spirit of your love, 
merges with mine, 
dwelling in passages of time, as
my heart sings symphonies of 
ethereal lanterns, 
beaming upon golden poppies,
while drifting across haloes of 
glittering stardust. 

Our divine souls flutter full circle, 
when light meets dark;
a sacred union amidst 
cherry blossom petals, 
swirling in a helix of 
devoted scintillation, 
towards the sanctuary of 
our blooming dedication.

This faith in you 
is my heavenly glow, 
a paradise of hopes and dreams,
swaying to your deific verve—
the gilded moon my spotlight, as 
celestial lullabies serenade 
this blissful twilight, 
sheltered in your cherubic love.

by Mark J. Halliday |
Categories: fire, flower, love, marriage, simile, wife,

My Only Flame

My Only Flame

Love, like fire, is all-consuming,
And forever should be blooming.
Endless courtship is not a game.
As we watch each year’s seasons turn,
My torch for you will ever burn.
No regrets giving you my name.
You always will my soul inspire,
Forever be my one desire--
My first and last and only flame.

Originally posted in June 2014

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, beauty, flower, love, romantic, rose,

Holding Always Warm

Dazzling golden beams 
star spangling 
when I look into your eyes
dreams enchanting magic 
Sparkling treasure gems 
through sun smiling thoughts 
Warm rays in her deep fingers 
one touching light beaming 
In your smile stands out 
A rose blossoms heart of this soul
flowers so hot amazing beautiful 
blooming embracing light 
as your angel rays dances 
outside this world with the heart
in each beat that pounds loving you

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: blessing, how i feel, love,

- Thank You For Being a Part of Me -

Do you remember our first kiss I felt something melt inside me
A few words to express the love that I feel 
Thank you for loving me through thick and thin

How blessed I am that you are in my life
My deep and eternal love for you
Keep love in your heart forever

A new dawn a day that's bright and warm
I love you for so many different reasons
You makes me feel like a blooming flower

- To my dear husband  - 
08.02.2015 - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Mohammad Abedin |
Categories: garden, spring,

My Garden and the Spring

It is spring in my garden
roses are blooming
cuckoos are crying
The winter has been passed
summer is coming
It is so easy to write a poem in the spring
when the river flows gently to the sea
when the sakura shines 
in the moonlit night.
Honey-bee dances in my garden
because it is spring
Flowers spreading sweet smell 
in the cloudless blue sky
Could you imagine a garden 
in the moonlit night of a spring
It can make a poem of love 
It can open all the windows of your mind

by Margaret Foster |
Categories: natureold, garden, old,

Old Fashioned Garden


In an old fashioned garden behind a stone wall
Hollyhocks and sunflowers growing so tall
Red rambling roses drape over a fence
Old fashioned flowers with colours intense.

Lupins and larkspur in lilac display
Buddleia blooming where butterflies play
Surrounding moonflower whose petals unfold
A bright splash of starburst, marsh marigold

Herbaceous borders, rosemary and rue
Columbines and clover full damp with the dew
Scents long forgotten their perfumes endow
I loved them long ago, I love them now

These old fashioned flowers, I planted them all,
In an old fashioned garden behind a stone wall


by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
Categories: nature,

In the Mood For Love

Radiant beams of Aubade,
Basking brilliant aura,
Sun is in the mood......

Ramifying fragrance of florets 
And aroma of plants,
Wind is in the mood.....

Nurturing spirit into seedlings,
Blooming  plants and all mortals
Water is in the mood........

Blessing us with soulmates, pals
And little ones,
Toning the ambiance and climate,
The creator is in the mood......

Bestow upon us thy commendation
Oh lord !
Glorify us with divine crotchet !!

Written on 17/5/13
Contrast - on nature #3
Sponsor- PD A

Featured poem of the week- Dec 13th, 2015

by James Kelley |
Categories: deep, depression, desire, imagery, longing, love hurts, sad love,

The Scrapbook That I Can'T Throw Away

Still frames with dead eyed memories.
Magic marker’d promises;
open ended lies
that I can’t seem to forget.
No matter how far I bury this thing
inside my closet. You always find your 
way back, with a smile blooming
like a drunken rose. 
Fingers run to the edge
of our little world’s grave yard;
flipping the nights over..
Trying to find the picture;
 a moment that will sate 
the hunger of regret.
But I haven’t found it yet..
-James Kelley 2013 All rights reserved

by Kash Poet |
Categories: love, nature,

Sunrise In Your Eyes

ocean's blue
turning to molten gold...
a wake up call

in scarlet sky
a blooming flower...
smell of dawn

orange sun
rising behind me...
your eyes' reflection


Placement: HM; (Nov.2011)

Contest:Sunrise Haiku

Sponsor:Irma Linda

By:kashinath karmakar

by Jane Allen |
Categories: recovery from, seasons, strength,

Spring Light

Year’s end beckons now
Sorrow and sadness lie deep
Like snow, melts in spring

A new season calls
Awakening spirits fresh
Buds of new life hope

Breaks the earth leaving
Winter behind, memories
Cast in spring light

Nourished with love strong
Roots hold firm in wind and storm
Flowers blooming new

by Paula Goldsmith |
Categories: beauty, blue, flower, love, sky, sun, uplifting,


U=Under the bright blue sky
P=Pretty flowers are blooming to catch your eye
L=Lifting their many colors up
I=In the big back yard is a single buttercup
F=Faces to the sun as they pop-up
T=Their beauty fills the garden as they grow
I=Inside a vase with cool water they must go
N=Now their beauty is uplifting from above
G=Giving you warm smiles and love.

by Rechelle A |
Categories: lost love, love, nature, nostalgiaautumn,

You Remain In Me

You remain in me.

Like how the stars remain in the sky,
hidden in the light of the sun
yet shining in the darkness of the twilight. 

And like a seed 
thrown on the golden autumn soil
and embraced by a blanket of snow,
you remain.
When suddenly, unexpectedly blooming 
with the first rain of spring.  

You remain in the depths of me.

While in the midst of passion and my racing heart
I see your face.
Then outside it drizzles,
but inside it rains.

And just when I thought
the slightest echo of your laughter has faded,
just when your song
stopped running in my head,
I'm awakened.

No more.

You're not with me.

Yet still. 

You remain in me.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: beauty, heart, love,

- Unadulterated -

living from the heart
                                      without being diluted ~
                                        a rose is blooming

Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: love, romance, summer,

We Walk On Air

Romantic evening arrived with reason
Reveling outdoors frolicking in fun
Enchanting lovers in blooming season
As you entered with glory of the sun

Sitting on sandy beach holding your hand
Blue moon I witnessed romancing your eyes
Shining intently glimmering your sand
Inviting my vibes to reach for the prize

You found the courage to conquer the tides
Charming blue waters fervently divine
Lifting my emotions where passion rides
Revealing glimpses of sensual sign

Courting amorous winds we walk on air
With avid glare, beaming romantic flare

May 12, 2018
Placed 4th in Summer love sonnet contest by John Hamilton
Ten syllables per line

by Maggie Huscroft |
Categories: faith, hope, introspection, life, loss, lost love, love, philosophy, summer, summer,

Not All Is Lost

Not all is lost.
In rotting wood,
where salamanders
creatures plunder 
fallen treasures. 
Under the garden chair, 
a pair 
of summer shoes lie - 
Not all roses die 
when summer goes.
Somewhere a rose
is blooming still, 
waiting to be found.