Love Poems About Blue or Blue Love Poems
by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: fantasy, nature,

Goddess of the Night

Where Luna treads are silver threads, the wisps of clouds that slide
through sky of night, and shining white, they part so she might glide
serenely through dark twilight’s blue with slow and regal grace.
And to our world, with aspect pearled, she turns a beaming face.

She casts her glow on those below who love her mystery. . .
who reverence her as with allure, she dances on the sea.
The lovers sigh as by and by, the night fades into day.
And in their dreams she softly gleams before she slips away.

For Caren Krutsinger's  'A Contest About a Goddess or God - Not THE God' Poetry Contest

by Jan Allison |
Categories: moon, ocean,

Magical Moonlight

at midnight
as moonlight shadows
dance on the inky blue ocean
and watch as they sparkle and shimmer like tiny stars,
pirouetting gracefully like prima ballerinas with the ocean as their stage 

Writing Challenge 1, September 2019 - Eight Line Form
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode
Checked with PS Syllable counter 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: lost love, recovery from, sorrow,

They Told Me You Cried

They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach

Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this

by Andrea Dietrich |

This Night

I’m driftwood, and I’m floating out to sea as sun descends upon my home - the grove of trees whose fragrance still remains with me. And likewise, heaven’s work of art, a mauve surrounding me, now permeates my soul. Warm water, in the twilight growing cold, is rocking me. Beneath dark blue, a shoal moves swiftly; overhead there will unfold the myriad of stars in semblance of a giant carousel in dimming sky. Those stars that glitter for the grove I love will glitter too for me, where here I lie alone, enraptured. . . and I think I might drift evermore, enveloped by this night.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

Painting Love

How many images can I paint more
than I’ve already done? Like nights moon-lit
or meadow-dancing? You - whom I adore -
in every love scene - you’re the star of it. 
The many colors! Oh, each brilliant hue.
I splashed them giddily when we shared bliss.
I’ve given sunsets, snow and spring to you -
Sweet passion’s words for you, Dear, and a kiss
I’ve always left down on the corner of
each canvas in our life, for there’s no me
without you, and there’s nothing but our love
to get us through, and sometimes tragedy
I’ve painted too – deep ocean’s blue – yet still,
I’ll paint you always lovely with my quill.

by Carol Sunshine Brown |
Categories: love, mothermissing, missing,

It Is Springtime In Heaven

It is now springtime in heaven Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright Beautiful flowers are everywhere Angels are the harps play Here on earth...we scamper around Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright Beautiful flowers are everywhere We are missing the angels in heaven Angels are the harps play They await the we do also As once again we will all be together Our mothers and heaven above Dedicated to: Our Mothers in Heaven and her children who will be missing her this weekend on Mother's Day To all of you who still have your mother here on earth with you make sure she knows how much you love her.

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,

Crayon Caresses

"Crayon Caresses" blue velvet sky caresses pink cotton candy clouds beneath a gold umbrella red heartbeats breathing loud. a yellow Sun kisses skin of silky bronze glowation footprints carve love in brown sand while white waves crest formation. green trees hide secret embrace while purple passion prowls viewing an orange sunset rose petals play on towels. silvery stars illuminate beach as amber heavens sleep magenta magic smiles so sweet chase black and grey to ocean's deep. ...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S. *For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...

by Jan Allison |
Categories: forgiveness,

Forgive and Forget

I asked you what I have done wrong But there is no response - just a stony silence No words can convey my guilt, my inner sadness This will be my last goodbye My final letter to you my love Tears flow down my ashen face Tears of sadness, tears of regret Drip Drip Drip Drip Tears fall on the paper as I write They mingle with the damp blue ink The inky water leaches into the paper Its colour starts to bleed and spread Until it fades into nothingness I am empty, devoid of emotion I can say no more Forgive me for being me Forgive me for caring Forgive me for loving you Goodbye forever 02~15~15

by Lisa Ricci |
Categories: friendship, light,

A Shining Star

"a shining star"
a shining star you shall always be a jewel in the cosmos that I see like the snow that glistens white like the moon that shines bright you bring out the best in me
when you stand before the ocean blue feel a gentle embrace intended just for you when you see a pearl or shell in the sand know it is me taking you by the hand know your heart and soul will renew
a grand piano or a single guitar a source of strength from afar with words that I have none to give with hope and love may light live a shining star is what you are
SkyWatcher - 04-09-17

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: funny, love, sad,

How Long

I've never kissed a pig with my eyes closed
Nor have I ever held a hand of time
However, there was once when I proposed
But that was back when I was in my prime

I still recall how much she loved to dance
She'd laugh at me and make my face turn red
She taught me all the secrets of romance
That love was what one did, not what one said

I search the shadows for her purple hue
I take her mem'ry everywhere I go
Its smile has it's own special shade of blue
Its  taste so sweet no one could ever know

They tell me only time mends broken hearts
I wonder just how long before it starts.

   by Daniel Turner

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: loneliness, sea,

Windswept Heart

I always answer
     Without hesitation
          To adventure’s calls
Through waves that toss
     Winds that batter
          I survive squalls

On a sea of emotion
     Alone I swirl
          Feeling blue
My rowboat has two oars
     Two benches
          Shouldn’t it carry two?

Sky and sea
     Speak of eternity
          But they have each other
I would give all
     Just to know love
          And sail with another

by Tim Smith |
Categories: absence, bird, blue, lost,

Whispers In the Morning

Whispers in the morning
trying to find your way
listen to the bluebird
and what she has to say

The notes are soft and gentle
every one is played for you
the sounds of sweet ambrosia
her feelings ringing true

On painted limbs of sage brush
there's a stillness in the air
love beads are melting
and the bluebird disappear

Whispers in the morning
what once was there is gone
empty is the meadow
off has flown her song

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: love, sunset,

Find Me Then

Find me then, when gilded ruby sky
Adorns mauve twilight on canvas pink
Pleasing ardor of magenta dreams
Tinting smiles in brushstrokes tangerine;
Find me then, when ocean's blue bosom
Scintillates waves' vermilion passions
As sun's orange glow folds in embrace
Caressing kiss of love --find me then.

June 11, 2020
Placed 3rd: Repeat the phrase poetry contest
Nine syllables per line (
Sponsor: Nette Onclaud

by Arturo Michael |
Categories: color, life, poems,

Write Your Name

Paint the world of words so bright

Brush the canvas with pure delight

Be the rainbow coming out of a storm

The sunrise of a beautiful morn

Paint the world as you would wish

For what is written expresses it

Hearts maybe black or blue

A bright smile colors I love you

Paint it as a blind man sees

Hear it as the deaf conceives

Blank spaces upon your walls

Interpretations are meant for all

Paint the world and let it be

You are you and I am me

No left,right or middle lanes

Colors are one and the same…write your name

by Ink Empress |
Categories: dance, deep, love,

Lucid Dreams

Last night I dreamt that I was dancing in soft foggy mists designed in pearly bows, frolicking from thin fluffy silver waves- blanketing moonlit skies within hour less hills and jasmine fields free flowing through blue bliss lakes, in lucid motions, as seamless ripples reflect a sweet rhapsody of a golden rose sprouting amidst glistening rays, as I name mauve stars with your love

by I Am Anaya |
Categories: spiritual,

The Supreme Source

The center of energy resides in my heart Wherein the seed of divinity shant ever depart Their joy's root anchors firmly, yet lightly In my I AM presence it shines ever brightly The Trinity is embodied in three glorious plumes Blue, yellow, and pink; It's grand sacred rooms Of Power and Wisdom and Eternal Love Father, Son, Holy Spirit; on earth and above The Threefold Flame I humbly seek To arrive at last to the spiritual peak With elation I fulfill my reason to be The Liberty Flame! My soul's eyes can now see At long last I've completed my life's fated course As my soul splendidly weds the One Supreme Source

by Regina Branham |
Categories: lost love, love

As My Pen Danced

I waited, dressed to kill
in red,
and in love

both, of which 
I could have been coaxed out of

You have turned a pale shade of white,
my Valentine

Al Green sang to me,
as my pen danced as your substitute 
we danced all night long,
stationary, our dance floor.

As we whirled to the emotions
of words' sounds; hand in hand,
we went round and round
and round

No one else in the room
most of all, not you
as my ink turned 
from red to blue

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, perspective, philosophy,


At first 
love floats like a snowflake,
until it melts in your hand.

Then it falls,
like an Autumn leaf,
eventually swept away in the breeze.

Sometimes love offers mercy,
like April showers to rose petals,
but no rain can save from decay.

Love wants to be free like a kite,
flying colourfully in bright blue skies,
but grey clouds ruin its flight.

One day love will descend like sunset.
Maybe we are born to fall -
but love will always ascend again like sunrise.

by Ink Empress |
Categories: emotions, love, muse, ocean,

Sapphire Souvenirs

I watch
the waves crash
and unfold gems
in neon blue dust
across ivory shores
silky reflections scatter
upon moon glazed tides in cadence
and flaming twin stars whirl in circles
sprinkling magic upon Poseidon’s realm
There's a turquoise song for the healing hearts
ruffling as lyrical melodies 
along idyllic crests of hope
where memories float in a
bottle of souvenirs
ferrying sapphire 
swells of daydreams
that ebb in 
tune to 

by Vijay Pandit |
Categories: eve, romantic,

Themes Enamored

Meet me when Sky paints pink On mauve eve Embossing love With blue sapphires Lured by kiss of Romantic night And twilight amber In themes enamored Bedazzles your dream As horizon gleams Lapis lazuli

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance,

The Snowflake

Young love is pure - like snow when fallen new -
and always I’ll recall one wondrous day!
Through dawn, soft powder fell; clouds lingered grey
until mid-morning. Splendid sun shone through
the gloom, and sky turned periwinkle blue!
Excited, we ran laughing, out to play
in snow, which all around us brightly lay.
But never did I guess what would ensue. . .

You chased me, until breathless, we both dropped
onto a blanket of sheer white, and then
a snowflake touched my mouth. Your fingertips
began to trace its shape, until you stopped. . .
Your gaze became intense, and that is when
you bent to kiss the snowflake from my lips.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,

My Love

My love is gone, but he has not gone far.
I see his golden locks in waves of wheat,
the blaze of his blue eyes in each bright star;
in dewy blooms of red, his lips so sweet;
his smile in morning sun I rise to greet.
Oh, whether it be day or night, I swear
I see my wondrous lover everywhere!

His scent is with me too, for I inhale
him as I walk through woods of tall pine trees.
I taste him in fresh rain, and I can tell
that he is near me when a summer breeze
caresses me; my mind can be at ease!
For though he’s gone, I know my love will be
In beauty evermore surrounding me.

by Joshua Aguire |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, hope, love, passion, love, sun, i love you,

The Message In the Sun

I went to the sun for a favor
and asked it to shine only for you
to grant you happiness though you may be sad
bright yellow 'midst so much blue

but when the day decides to end
and the sun sinks and goes away
I give you the moon as a reminder
that my love will never fade

though i can't tell you how much I love you right now
and I can't show you what's in my heart
i hope when you look at the sun and moon
you'll realize we aren't that far apart

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: flower,

Lemon Trees

I know the land where the lemon-trees flower.
My love met me near them, to linger an hour.
I kissed him, I hugged him and smelled the sweet scent,
And prayed it stayed with him, wherever he went.
The day was so perfect, the skies were so blue.
The fragrance entrancing and love was so new.
He broke off a blossom and gave it to me,
And promised his love for an eternity.
My friends were so happy to plan bridal showers
And my wedding bouquet was of lemon-tree flowers.

Written  7/15/ 18

Sponsor;  Julia Ward

Contest "Pretty Poem, Please

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: love,

A Kiss Remembered

Beyond fair reason, I shall think of you.
In fallen grass or gently flowered field.
To see each fleeting moment fade to blue,
With my distant thoughts, I silently yield.
This memory to tremble ever soft,
A misty vision of a face once kissed.
I'm whisked to midnight skies and stars aloft,
A sheltered afterglow now reminisced.
The shadowed door with candlelight so still,
An empty chair with a fading silhouette.
Forgotten times in love's unyielding will,
As flames to ash can trace the two who met.
A hand that brushed a cheek to often soothe,
A kiss remembered, many years removed.
