Love Poems About Boat or Boat Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: analogy, life,

When We Were Young

When we were young we loved our fairy tales
A frog could  be a prince with just one kiss
Each cloud, a boat where dreamers could set sail
Imagination was the great abyss

Too soon we grew and lost our innocence
Found out that swords are never pulled from stones
That dreams come true but only with expense 
And happy ever after's come and gone

Yet some of us still wish upon a star
Believe that rainbows come with pots of gold
Reality is life for most comes hard
And love like water runs both hot and cold

Like you I wish that fairy tales came true
But grown ups know they very seldom do

   by Daniel Turner

by Karen Jones |
Categories: appreciation, beach, black african american, black love, blue, heart, how i feel,

Love Boat

Indigo ink dreams
Dripping from heart
Tattoos tongue with kinetic kiss
Green electric buzz like sip
Of fine blueberry wine so sweet
Dreamy turquoise love touch
Filling me up with red desire
On fire for your romantic antic
Sweeping me off my feet
Carrying me with ease
Of a blue breeze to deserted love island 
Where tan sands caress like brown hands
White waters flow warm and toasty
Fast slow then in closing cold
Never let go of this love
For it floats like a boat

by Valsa George |
Categories: appreciation, happy, love,

To You with Love

In your eyes, I see stars align. In my world, you are the sunshine. Our love's boat, no waves can capsize. I see stars align in your eyes. Your smile, blossoming of flower. Your presence, warmth in my bower. With you I can trek any mile. Blossoming of flower, your smile. In trials of life, you stand strong. As prop, you are with me lifelong. With you by my side, there's no strife. You stand strong in trials of life. On your way, I wish every bliss. Pray, nothing you crave, you will miss. With you, joyously, I shall stay. I wish every bliss on your way!

by Carolyn Devonshire |
Categories: memory, nature,

Where You Feel Near

Beneath the gilded clouds, there is a place
Where day’s first rays light up a sea of gold
Surrounded by slim stalks that bow in grace
To worship as the gentle winds unfold 

And on this canvas there’s also a boat
Its bottom covered by the last night’s rain
So full that it can barely stay afloat
Upon green wetland shores it will remain

Just as the love we shared made full our hearts
Sweet memories of smitten teens live here
Their movie spun in nature’s finest arts
I wait, I watch and sometimes you appear

Each day while you’re away, I journey here
For it’s the only place that you feel near

by Elaine George |
Categories: lost love, summer, autumn, summer,

Missed the Boat

She sits in the old rocking chair
Threads of silver in her golden hair
Alone in the glow of candle light
She rocks so gently in the night

Outside the autumn leaves do fall
As shadows dance upon the wall
Crystal tears in eyes of china blue
Fall for the love she never knew

He came to shore that summer day
His schooner anchored in the bay
And with a glance her knees grew weak
She lost her voice and could not speak

For there he stood so tall and lean
The handsome man in all her dreams
And he broke her heart that summer day
When he said goodbye and sailed away

by Stephen Tefft |
Categories: boat, river, water,

An Empty Boat

An empty boat pulled up upon the shore
Would slide back into water if it could.
But if it has at some time lost its oar?
Well, just more doldrums that must be withstood.

It’s hard to let go what you love to do,
Especially what you were meant to be.
The river ever flows out of our view.
Our present quickly becomes history.

That doesn’t mean you’re no longer a boat!
Don’t ever let them say you have no worth!
From the beginning you were made to float,
And there is nothing else like you on earth!

So sit now, reminisce upon your shore…
And ponder what the future has in store.

Picture #2, Life Spent Alone
Choices Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Sara Kendrick

by Jay Narain |
Categories: time,

If Time

If time stops for a tick,
The waves hold breath offshore,
My life boat lost in sea,
Finds fate in destiny,
Time ticking, echoes,  me.

If time stops for a tick,
My heart shares love above,
The Romance in you & me,
Eternal bond, love's rule,
Time ticking, souls joined, we.

If time stops for a tick,
I'll stand like a mountain,
Avalanches come and go,
Trees stand tall, hardy, so,
Time ticking, spirit shows.

If time stops for a tick,
I reflect on my past,
The failures in my life,
Might turn into success,
Time ticking, same old life.

by Leo Larry Amadore |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, love, moon, nature, romance, sea,

Sea Idyll

In a world of conflict and scheming,
may I never awaken from dreaming
of someday being able to float
out -- out in my own little boat --
out on a moon-lit bay
where tropical waters play
and a cooling breeze drifts by.
The salt sea air would be bracing --
would set my weary heart racing --
there on that moon-bright bay.
Only gulls overhead, as they fly, and I,
would hear, from the sandy shore,
the palms as they rustle.  I sigh --
oh -- I never would ask for more
than to float on the nurturing sea --
only you, and the moon, there with me.

by Charmaine Chircop |
Categories: blue, boat, longing, love,

Reaching Deepest Oceans

My beloved How far will I love you As far as where moons immerse in deep seas Beyond the edge of a tide's crimson hue Where your breath fills my sails with soft zephyr breeze Lone I embark to our promised land Across borders of secret pain Under still stars,above drifting sand through anchored shadows of rain Oh foreign eyes,but never distant Your arms'safe harbour of a long embrace Two souls entwined,two hearts persistent Beneath night's sky,my lips outline your face Water rise, water falls between shores and time Empty spaces still abhore our love,sweet tender and sublime

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: cheer up, moving on,

- My Boat -

Love my name ~ but never take it
Feel my heart ~ but never crush it
Read my words ~ but never destroy them
Warm yourself in the sun ~ but share it with me
Listen for my sad song ~ comfort me
See my smile ~ laugh along with me
A poem from my soul ~ I will be happy to share
A thought taking birth
Eyes that see even in deep darkness
A human being
I travel in my little boat in the open sea ~ there's room for you too
The whole world in front of our feet
Sunrise and sunset
An adventure ~ if you want
Together ~ always
Not in a war zone
peaceful journey
an intoxication of love
that never
will end

A-L Andresen :)

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: adventure, fantasy, ocean,

Where I Want To Go

I'd love to buy a boat and sail the seas
Just loaf and let the string of life unwind
Drop anchor anytime or place I please
To visit every island I can find

I'd sail from cape to cape, from gulf to strait
Each bay and channel up and down each coast
My dog would be companion and first mate
Most likely, he'd be sleeping at his post

But every night we'd find a still lagoon
Perhaps we row ashore and build a fire
On first appearance, I'd harpoon the moon
And hold him hostage until we retired

A life at sea, beneath large wind filled sails
With peaceful friends, the dolphins, gulls and whales

   February 21 2017
   by Daniel Turner

by Mike Martin |
Categories: brother, death, emotions, grief,

I Can Only Wish

I buried my boys today
Thirteen wasn't bad enough
What a pain in my heart
It's mine now, gone from them
They suffer no more

More than a hundred years
Barely seen half of that
I can only wish
Brothers to the very end
I can only wish

Love to take my boys out
Take them out all day
Take them to the running field
Run the while away
I can only wish

Love to buy my boat back
Buy it back all day
Wish I had my old boat
Wish I’d fish today
If I could only fish

by Theresa Stephens |
Categories: emotions, how i feel, love, marriage,

Summer Love

Lapping waves, boat gently rocks, lone seagull screams from overhead.

Sun setting on horizon evokes feelings of happiness

Wedding Day, honeymoon cabin, remembering night of love

by Earl Graham |
Categories: love, boat, moon,

Going To the Moon

i'm going to the moon tonight 
              in a boat with big white sails 
              and you can come too if you want too 
              just the two of us 
              in a boat with big white sails 
              going to the moon 
              we'll sit real close and huggle to keep warm 
              and i'll sing for you if you want me too

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, passion,

A Love Note To My Dream Boat

come to me by night when the world has gone to sleep ~in my bed I wait~ come blanket me with your love rock me awake to passion. For the 'COMPLETELY YOUR CHOICE(39) any theme any form' Poetry Contest

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: god, spiritual,

The Trinity Within

Self-discovery, a path beauteous The table’s laid, everything’s ready made When aligned with voice of conscience righteous Bliss fills us as a consciousness upgrade Ensconced in rapture thus, by day and night Our attention is soon internalised Wisdom downloads follow, clear is our sight In timeless time, God within’s realised Love, wisdom and power to co-create The threefold flame of Christ within us glows Soul presence celebrates at heaven’s gate There’s no doubt, for we’re in the boat God rows Oh hermit, know that we’re he, who we seek God in-dwells within ~ let’s take a sneak peek 03-June-2022

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: 8th grade, conflict, emotions, faith, family, heart, humanity,

Spiritual Warfare Begins

A sad state our government has become today 
in this awful news that just pushes the boat out further 

As our democracy for one protecting our children 
Why it is even under attack beats me up inside moral grounds 
this should not even be considered under the harshest circumstances 
because it's a humane act to love our little ones bless them with life 
not kill them shows savages craving suffering judgemental fools 

Tells me all that I need to know about corrupt politics 
under an non democratically elected leadership

by Wandering Butterfly |
Categories: childhood, dedication, happiness, places, uplifting

Ah, Alum Creek

Ah, Alum Creek
A place I love to go

In the summer for a picnic
Or a jet ski talent show

The kids can run and play
Covered in sand from head to toe

Pack your 45
we've got UV rays to soak

Hitch up them jet skis boys
Dont forget the boat

"Out to play!" is on the door
"Will return" was all I wrote

-Miranda Lambert- 
02/15/2011 11:45 am
(My dad took us to alum creek every summer, I plan to continue this legacy for many 
summers to come)

by Abby Aaron |
Categories: adventure, appreciation, blessing, boat, cool, joy, river,

My Paper Boat

I used a double sheet of newspaper; to fashion a toy vessel > a paper barge with a sail. Excited I took it to the small river; runs near my home. I placed it in the water; much to my delight it floated. I followed my creation. As it sailed I couldn't help thinking; whatever floats your boat. I laughed at myself > I love my life.

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: romance, romantic,

Lucky Star

You are 
darling shining 
out across 
great oceans 
far away 
in many seas 

Floating on 
one boat 
a goddess 
rising in 
this great wave 
of golden kisses 

Crashing on deck 
all over 
you baby 
cast under 
your spell 
overpowering love 

In strong 
romantic feelings 
weaving intricate 
threads of 
golden emotions sewn 
into the most beautiful 
of hearts 

Glowing out 
from you 
I see 
a treasure 
in potions 
of feelings 
our stars 
cross path 

Magically flowers 
blooming blossoms 
enchanting out 
bewitched wide eyed 
dazzled completely 
blows the mind 
a lucky star 
shine out

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: water,

God's Water

Water’s pure when it is flowing
down the mountain ever growing.
Streams may long rivers turn to be
God's water blesses you and me.

Shallow or deep, the rivers run.
Folks find great ways to have such fun.
They swim, fish, boat, or water-ski!
God's water blesses you and me.

Rivers run their course; by a shore,
we may find water is even more.
Who doesn’t love a big blue sea?
God's water blesses you and me.

Bottled, from a faucet or spring,
comes H2O. It’s everything!
We should care for it, but DO we?
God's water blesses you and me.

Aug. 10, 2022
for 'A KYRIELLE ABOUT WATER' Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Kim Rodrigues

by Liam Mcdaid |
Categories: angel, beautiful, emotions, feelings, love, romance,

Within Loves Boat

Flying in 
the Heaven's 
birds softly whistling 
sweet magical music 
enchanting among'st 
the angels 

Smiling pouring out 
from the petals 
rising rose emotions 
Straight in front 
of me those eyes 
golden sparkled 
rising a sunshine 
golden treasure 

Listen to 
the heartbeats 
kissing you love 
glowing warm beautiful 
in the soul 
sparkling diamonds 
within a divine light 

A flawless beauty 
fills up inside sparkling 
with Heavenly love 
in your soul 
finds the gentleness 
of your peace 
sailing on 
deep ocean 
blue waves

by Mike Samford |
Categories: death, loss, lost love, love, sad, sea, sorry, sympathy,

In the Sand

He walked down to the sea, lonely and bored
then dips his hand in the warm ocean brine.
Forty years she was the one he adored,
so he kneels to pray for her, one more time.

He spells out her name in the smooth beach sand
then he watches a wave wash it away.
Whispers "Goodbye" just as he starts to stand
he wishes there was more that he could say.

A gentle rumble as breaks a small wave
he can smell her perfume as on the breeze.
He has not the strength to visit her grave
self-pity and pain is all that he sees.

Watches seagulls as they swarm a shrimp boat
as it makes a turn back toward the bay.
Hollow and empty he feels without hope
and wishes a wave would wash it away.

by Tea Fortuna |
Categories: beauty, change, deep, endurance, leaving, love, pain,

Adrift On Love

Adrift...I move through uncharted waters
My boat secure and true
Sirens call to me..pulling me closer
  I gaze at the beauty of their true forms

Yet, they do not hold these forms for long
  they cannot shine because they fear what I see
  they only know what was the past...dark waters

I move forward, to another port, true and secure of myself...Adrift on love

by Heather Mirassou |
Categories: husband, love, nature, passion, wife

Love To My Husband

I am drawn to you like
The stars to the midnight skies
The Earth to the burning sun
Water to thirsting flowers

I am comfortable with you like
An old pair of boots
A faded pair of jeans
My favorite sweater and scarf

I am at peace with you like
Sitting in a boat in the middle of a lake
Taking a walk in silence in the country
Listening to rain drops fall in the dark of night

I am alive with you
Like the laughter that is uncontrollable
The heart that goes thump, thump, thump
Running through wildflowers in the wilderness

Every ounce of my being
Mind, body and soul are riveted by you
I am alive with you, free with you,
comfortable with you I love you

Heather Mirassou