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Love Poems About Bridal Shower
by Johnny Rhinem |
angel, bridal shower,
Gazing from afar, amid still frame silence...
Watching her making way unto the parks bench
Blue skies taking a drag from my cigarette; sketching
Divinities staircase within my mind; transcending this Autumn's
Canvas but a silhouette her bridals path winding, through a breath..
Reaching out her gentle hand whileas a white dove, the symbol of love
Descends from it's perch atop porcelain clouds to drink, from this her tears
Pangful spheres risen from a crystal heart; cast aside yesteryears cherub wings...
She awaits endless dreams; to awaken from this valley of broken things; her beauty.
by Roy Pett |
bridal shower, happiness, i love you, wedding,
Devine bride in white
floating down rose petaled aisle
fountains of pleasure
Contest Haiku- I love u
Sponsored by James Edward Lee Sr.
by Sharon Gulley |
bridal shower, daughter, devotion, memory, mother daughter, my child, wedding,
Beautiful Daughter full of grace
I pray that time caresses your face.
Today is only ribbons and bows,
Tomorrow it will be life and all for you
it holds.
Silk and satin, then leather and lace
candy covered kisses, dance class and
all the silly faces I hope I never miss.
Then someday you will stand up tall
all in white you will pledge in your wedding
trend and beside you will stand the man who
promises to love until the end.
I will go back to today, when I was watching
you as you played and I'll then give a smile for
I'll know how precious you are to me, then and now.
No matter what tomorrow brings along,
My love with be with you, your whole life long.
by Al Parry |
anniversary, baby, baptism, beauty, bereavement, best friend, birthday, boyfriend, bridal shower, brother, caregiving, celebration, child, childhood, farewell, feelings, first love, children, for him, kids, freedom, friendship, funeral, girlfriend, giving, goodbye, graduation, grandchild, granddaughter, grandmother, grandparents, grandson, happiness, happy, health, heartbroken, hope, identity, inspiration, jesus,
Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions,
Do it whenever they meet,
Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion,
When their team's comeback is complete,
They can say hello, they can say goodbye,
And anything inbetween,
If you open your arms and crack a smile,
There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.
by Jacqueline R. Mendoza |
angel, beautiful, beauty, black african american, bridal shower, caregiving, celebrity, childhood, christian, cousin, daughter, death of a friend, devotion, education, environment, father daughter, first love, flower, children, for her, kids, how i feel, little sister, me, mom, mother, native american, nostalgia, people, poets, school, spiritual, student, woman, women, work,
They see strengths
Not the limitations
These are people who will make you proud of yourself
They will tell you why you’re special
Trust you to the point you have to answer their expectations
They make you better than you normally are
You can be proud of yourself
They respect you
For what you’ve done
Where you’ve come from
They see what you’ve experienced something real
Respect you for your courage
They live by their rules
They do not expect you to follow theirs
They are at peace to themselves
They are not proving anything to you
They are good listeners
Sincere in their interest in you
You feel important
They are available for honest
Genuine discussion
Makes you want to share yourself
by Brittney Lopez |
absence, age, angel, april, baptism, beautiful, beauty, bible, birth, blue, boat, body, books, boyfriend, bridal shower, flower, for her, forgiveness, freedom, funny, games, garden, girlfriend, goodbye, graduation, poetry, voice, wisdom, women, words, writing, youth,
You send bolts through my skin
something I was never to
accomplish with you, when I
saw you it's like my heart sank
to my stomach and I was in
shock my body still my body
heavy felt like when I moved I
was about to fall to my knees
you make me want to get
inside my brain pick you up and
take you out pick you one by
one like a flower because I do
love you and love you not.
by Maddy Sp |
anniversary, bridal shower, care, caregiving, crazy, dedication, desire, dream, emotions, fantasy, feelings, first love, girlfriend, happiness, happy, husband, i love you, joy, kiss, life, love, marriage, miss you, missing, missing you, thanks, together, valentines day, water, weather, world, youth,
A small romantic rain poem dedicated to hubby.
wrote by Mrs.Madhavi
"Ohhhh Rain..Shower again!!!!! "
Showering in the rain,
Draining the pain!
Enflueraging the essence of arenicolous sand,
Feeling blessed porting on this beautiful greenary land! Trees were roaming
under fiercing winds,
Thanks nature for benevolently so kind!
Sip of sizzling coffee With Caramalized sugar,
Cheers hubby to accompany me my gelling agar!
Wanna capture this Driplets of aromatic water nearby lake,
So that I can make an icy snowflake!
That's amazing, "but ohhhh God, I wish my honey is here".
Wrote by Mrs.Madhavi
by Nayda Ivette Negron Flores |
bridal shower, love, romance, wedding,
Juvenile bride to be is nervous
Nervous in her bridal shower
White ivory wedding gown
Pearl and rhinestone threaded
In crown tiara
Waiting the day
To wed with
Her dear
by Verlena S. Walker |
boyfriend, bridal shower, deep, desire, future, girlfriend, wisdom,
To dampen essence is joy unknown.
As a couple, we have united our spirits to
manifest our souls fulfilling our
emotions as integral parts.
Lovers’ spirits amalgamated.
Your depth has fused.
This love affair will intensify.
We are users of lover’s lair and
abusers of the time we have.
We are brought sense not borrowed.
We take chances not risks.
If we fail, we knew we probably would.
Let us gamble on love and our existence.
This is just a love poem.
An odd that has its forewarning
that our life is meant to each other.
The omens are worthy.
Penned April 27, 2014!
by Carissa Kopf |
beautiful, bridal shower, dance, desire, fantasy, love, romantic,
His fingers trace down her cheek
While inhaling her scent and smiles
She slips one hand on his shoulder
The other in his hand
They dance a sweet rumba
Hip to hip conversation
Their eyes meet
Lips an inch apart
Her leg wraps around his
He starts to melt
She whispers
Make love to me with this dance
He looks at her lovingly
Places his arm around her
Pulls her close
Their bodies moving as one
Passionately, elegantly across the floor
As the dance slows
Coming to an end
She twists in his hands
Presses her back
Against his body
He covers her arms with his
Slowly around her waist
In a warm embrace
by Neldy Jolo |
adventure, beauty, boyfriend, bridal shower, caregiving,
i need a kiss
so i can smile
i need a smile
so i can kiss
anyone can smile
anyone can kiss
so i can kiss and smile
let's smile just no kiss
let's kiss with smile
pass the smile to kiss
that is flying the smile as kiss
so kiss and smile
that is flying kiss
i love you smile.
layag sug!
by Julie Grenness |
bridal shower, divorce, husband, love, wedding, wife, drug,
Here, I wrote a bridal guide,
A rule book for future brides,
No matter if you're fair, fat and wide,
Or not, here's some dependable asides,
First, keep degrees and jobs up to date,
With some mates you can't relate,
You never know when the rats will turn,
To being a doormat, is what to spurn,
Keep some getaway money set aside,
This is important in a bridal guide,
Always update your roadside assist,
Without that, car bingles can get you miffed,
Ditto home and car insurance too,
Note these well, I say to brides like you,
Never take drugs if to Bali you roam,
Then you definitely won't be coming home,
Herein, I wrote a bridal guide,
My rule book for brides like you.......
by Trash Boat |
bridal shower, death,
Joe the turtle
He was purple
He loved taking naps
Hes my pet and i love to rap
Joe never moves
His stinky shell has a lot of grooves
He always stinks
i try putting him in the water but he just sinks
He is so thin
I've had him ever since i was ten
He hasn't ate anything in weeks
His neck has a lot of kinks
Joe is very skinny
He looks super wimpy
Wait a minute, i think hes dead
well i guess i'll go bury him again
by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
adventure, bridal shower,
if it fits
you know it
it has on kit
it a shower
that come from above
by Sloppy Joe |
beautiful, birth, bridal shower, children, sad, sad love, sexy,
Love is in the air
To be honest I don't really care
Come on love, get the heck out of here
Once I went to date this girl
I guess it was illegal to date a female squirrel
Cops took me in for animal abuse
Good thing they didn't find my dead moose
When I got to court I told them all I ever do is love
And they told me you can't do that with a dead dove
I don't understand why it's illegal
I've done it many times with untamed eagles
Turns out I have ten years in jail
My animals still send me nudes in the mail
by John Henry Galas |
appreciation, bridal shower, celebration, family, love, romance, wedding,
When ones take a vow on the altar,
They are not just making a promise,
They are making a bond.
They are making a shield if one gets in trouble.
They are a beacon if one is in danger.
They are a shoulder to lean on if one cries.
They will not quit on each other, even when the chips are down.
They praise one’s strengths and respect their weaknesses.
They talk about problems.
In other words, they are one.
by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
bridal shower,
your sweet
gods treat
very very neat
you make life complete
love all you do
by Rachel St.Cross |
angel, beauty, bridal shower, love,
Calling, out unto her love; beckoning
The purity and this her touch, lovely..
Dreaming of adorned in`White Attire
Perfumed lace; her beauty my desire.
by Marvin Ugorji |
blessing, boyfriend, bridal shower, butterfly, crush, lost love, love,
Now I know you are a heaven sent,
You have been with me,
All these past year,
Without me lending you an ear.
You are a heaven sent,
Cos you keep me strong,
Whenever the road is too long,
And also when I go wrong.
You are a heaven sent,
Cos whenever I'm tired of life,
You deliver me from my strife.
Now i know you can be a wife.
You are heaven sent,
That is why I will never again,
Feel anything call pain,
Or any type of strain.
by Diet Water |
addiction, angel, bangla, basketball, beauty, bridal shower, first love,
my thong is on fire
i'm up for hire
but no one will
so i started selling pills
i needed the cash
but then somebody found my stash
it wasn't even drugs just mashed up smarties
so no one's gonna be getting high at their parties
this life is just way to sad
that's why i decided to move in with my dad.
by Kurtis Scott Aka Curtis Futch Jr |
bridal shower,
you came back
its a fact
my love come in
and new life begin
oh boy
seeing you too
by Dave Cox |
11th grade, 12th grade, 1st grade, bridal shower,
Eight Years Old
I’m eight years old, nearly nine
But I’ll never get there
There’s not enough time
I’m a delinquent youth
Trapped in an old body
I’d still love a trainset
Though I am a fuddy duddy.
Clothes at Christmas, but
I feel slightly miffed
I wanted a gadget
For my Christmas gift.
New headphones, or
A new guitar, set of drums
You’re right it’s really bazaar.
My wife understands
She married a boy
Who has grey hair
And prefers a toy
I’m sixty-six next month
It seems unreal
Fifty-eight years older
Than I feel
David Cox 02/01/2023
by Julie Grenness |
break up, bridal shower, divorce, goodbye, heartbreak, heartbroken, wedding,
Seduced by clichés of love,
We signed on for wedding doves,
Being at those wedding receptions,
All clichés of norms' conventions,
Having a cream puff wedding day,
Was an expensive way of getting laid,
All clichés for the bridal industry,
Trite cant and hypocrisy,
BUT--the appliances outlived everyone!!
Wedding gifts when once were young,
On film noir weddings I ponder on,
As golden years I wander on,
All that phony hypocrisy,
Cliches and norms of society,
(who didn't hate going to their in-laws for tea?)
by Sloppy Joe |
bridal shower, candy, december, desire, first love, gender, hair,
Soup is only for the poor
But seriously I want more
If only I could drink the broth
I would kill an animal, maybe a moth
I need a spoon to eat this junk
I'm in a boat, a shark hit it, now i'm sunk
I'm living on the side of the road
But I've got soup, it's not too cold
Even though it's winter
I wish I could use a dang fork
Possibly even kill someone in new york
Soup should only be given to the poor
Maybe, soon, I might score
Then again, I live on the street
I'm always getting beat up, always beat
That's why I need soup
Because it's for the poor.
by Ilene Bauer |
bridal shower, nostalgia,
Amid the sexy lingerie
The bride-to-be received,
There was a garment out of place,
Or so some folks believed.
It was a housedress from the past,
A little drab and faded,
In which the grandma of the bride
Once through her house paraded.
That grandma is no longer here,
But spoke up through that dress.
Her daughter and her grandchild
Felt her kvelling,** I would guess.
And though that shapeless schmatte*
Wasn’t bridal-like to wear,
It let us know that Grandma Ida
Had a presence there.
I love when past and present
Are connected with a link;
That housedress did its job and Ida
Would be tickled pink.
*an old piece of clothing or material
**bursting with joy and bragging about it