by Laura Mckenzie |
Who says I’m getting old?
My hairs are not gray
Its beautiful sterling silver
The finest silver around
Who says I’m getting old?
My face isn’t bright red
I’m not having hot flashes
I just have constant sunburn
I love the outdoor
Who say’s I’m getting old?
Not me I’m as young as I feel
Tennis anyone?
by Olusegun Arowolo |
health, me, me,
HIV Positive
I am HIV positive that I know,
But I will exercise my civic right,
As my blood continues to flow,
For my views to be heard I will fight.
Known to have been wayward and careless,
That does not mean I cannot be benevolent,
Which had made me to be fearless,
This malady has made me to be malevolent.
I Love playing poker with my dames,
After basking in the euphoria of many liquors,
which has actually earn me my fame,
Soon,I will varnish like the gas vapor.
But,the doctor told me I`m negative,
My blood was mistakenly substituted for,
Ha!this news serve as a purgative.
by Daniel Schack |
absence, addiction, anger, anti bullying, art,
If I had to make a choice I would rather hate intelligently than to love stupidly.
by D.A Hopkins |
addiction, conflict, faith,
I want you gone
so why are you still holding on
I don't need you any more!
so let me go, go on
I've shown you the door
I've found peace, within the grace of God
this love is so much more
than you could ever try to endure
My freedom is awaiting me
please.... I beg you, set me free
I have been set free redeemed, by my God
by Khalid M Raza |
lost love, world,
I had forgotten the world
As in love with you was I
Now I thank you for the treachery
I’m very much aware of the world now
by Zine Hadjira |
As red as love
Since additives have been used in feelings
Globalization has changed a lot of things
Hate is green, love is red and tolerance has bled
A day for love, another for water, and a third for bread
Days are couloured but the world is black.
Stars are bright but, skies are dark.
Torture and sufferings are endless.
Diseases, wars, hunger and stress.
Our kids dream of joy and happiness
Too much talk but, little action is meaningless.
by Bhavna Khemlani |
fantasy, funny, life,
The blend of colors enlightens her day when she decides to embrace them;
She loves various colors which bring alive a girl’s eyes;
Each color depicts the triumph of beauty from within that is eager to fly more than twice;
The charisma of colors vitalizes one’s surrounding being a priceless gem.
Surveying around, she picks her Jimmy Choo;
Picking up her Chanel bag she appreciates her labor of love;
Then she looks at her sister to Shoo;
She knows that materialism and spiritualism is hard work from blessing above.
by Leanne Tuftytift |
abuse, anti bullying, autumn, marriage, parody, sexy, violence,
Leanne was a farm girl at heart
She loved playing with her special cow
She used to eat her mums freshly made tart
Leanne didn't like her brothers sow
Oliver used to make the oil
Dan made the juice
Oliver used to oil up Leanne and the cows
Dan bit off her ear!
Leanne danced with the poodle
Leanne danced with the ****(erel)
Leanne's legs where like noodles
Leanne's ear went like a rock
I miss 'Bao to my bab' but Trish won't allow it
I'm scarred James will leave me
But Linda is by my side
I love Poetry soups!!!!!
----Dedicated to Linda (Poetry Destroyer A), and JB, you know who you're ;-) ---
by Poet Shi |
beautiful, death, heaven,
I'm counting the stars
until we reunite, nothing
like having you in my life.
I thought I saw a glimpse
of you here in heaven, but
it was just my mind playing
tricks on me.
I spoke to God
I asked him will
you be joining me
real soon...
Cause I can't live
without you.
He replied with a smile
as he open his arms, and
to my surprise there you
were as beautiful as I first
you on Earth.
We embraced as we cried
of our love so divine.
Now we get to spend an eternity
together, where this time death
can't separate us...
In love forever, and ever,
and ever.
Written by: Poet Shi
by Stellah Ayako |
loss, lost love, love hurts,
He called me Remxy,
Actually that's his previous one,
I know he was furtive,
about his cold feelings towards me,
he felt completely nothing for me,
yet ! he lied,
should I hold on?
it is something that seems
like an intractable problem,
he does not seem to realise,
that I am here fir him,
He only sees her shadow hovering,
in his dreams.
it seems I was a substitute,
more so,
I was just an impersonator,
because even after I left ,
he never seemed to bother to call,
he never realised that he had lost an unfound species,
the unique species,
he never felt he had smashed a beautiful Spanish guitar,
it was a lesson learnt the hard way for me.
by David Dowling |
children, funny, lost love, love, naturesea, love, sea,
I wanna love you like a Sea Urchin.
-Not just any other shellfish.
Baby, can't you see it's urgent?
we're strapped for time, so don't be selfish.
I wanna love you like a Sea Urchin.
-and all other points aside.
I know I ran from love in past lives,
'cause I didn't have a spine.
I wanna love you like a Sea Urchin.
-I admit i've been a round.
but of all the other fishies,
you're the one that I want now.
I wanna love you like a Sea Urchin.
-Won't you please come back soon?
oh boy, this globoid was a fool,
but he's a fool in love with you!
by Nigel Fox |
age, chocolate, love,
A downward path but not into
there going on and following the path
Projected with an impetus from birth
forwards forwards
innocence but gaining wisdom
by Poet Shi |
break up, cry, hurt, i miss you, loneliness, lost love, sad,
I have eyes to see,
but they only wish
to see you.
I'm blinded by the
truth, that I can't
adjust to life without
My vision is cloudy,
I'm in a state of despair
now that you're no longer
Tell me what do I do,
when my eyes are
stamped with your
And I can't focus on
anything else, when
they only wish to see
Written by: Poet Shi
by Jan Oskar Hansen |
first love, humorous,
The Love Affair
The road that leads to a smallish agricultural flatland has
two walls. One wall was built by a slob, just throwing
one stone on top of another.
The other wall was built by a craftsman where stones
fitted and he had used decorative and white painted
cement between them.
Every Sunday the meticulous man walks to his wall
and find great satisfaction to see his work again and
wishes the slob would rebuild his wall.
Every Sunday the layabout goes for a walk to,
first to the bar for a few beers with his mates; he walks
to the good man’s house and have sex with his wife.
by Jerry Dinzes |
health, humor, longing, love, spiritual,
She was in search of spiritual transition,
And spent her time in lotus position.
A Reiki Master,
posing as a pastor,
Invited her to missionary position.
This limerick has been dedicated to a mischievous marriage wrecking Reiki Master. What power the Reiki Master yields - such that he need not even touch you, and yet you be touched!
by Emmanuel Phiri |
by A. Juman |
car, cry, fire, first love, sick, sin,
Said my car,
drive me in lover boy,
Slowly, Slowly,
This is so congenial.
Let me savor every moment.
So tight you are revving every muscle in me.
Love it!
sweating a sheen on me,
like a fresh coat of wax.
Ah, Ah, Aha-a!
This is ecstatic,
keep me parked right here.
Don't move a squint.
Wow I am in Lovers Lane.
I mean every car would want to park here
but this Garage is mines.
12/3/2013 © A. Juman The "said" Poet
Type In (A. Juman) For A relaxing and astonishing moment with all my POEMS
by Malcolm Dyer |
art, black african american, devotion, fantasy, love
I say to you good fellow
if you do it do it well
trash all your morals and send them to hell
chase anothers woman
cherish her fantasies
make her feel like she's the only human
bath her in attention
perform so well and receive a honorable mention
don't daly or delay
for you have a message to relay
dress top notch at any chance
a suit with black tie for her romance
make her forget her man and come to you
smother her with kisses til she turns blue
once you have her heart
from her sight shall you never depart
by Black Eyed Susan |
Her “face could launch a thousand ships”
It was love at first sight as I watched her strip
Till her camel toe
Began to show
And I realized she didn’t have lips!
by Greg Bell |
love, people, people,
Ok so now poem is written to borrow someone's soul, hopefully it is gold. Now writing this poem to rhyme is the only way to kill some trees and waste some time. Done this for years but it is hard to do when all I got is tears, in my eyes for people like you. Lost and found, mane I see that around town but I didnt know you wore a crown. Mane is said to describe an object or idea that leaves most people speechless, it is a M.E.M.P.H.I.S thing. memphis= Maybe Everything Mourns and Prior Healing Is Seduced. That is cool that is fair some people think we are a pair. I saw naw, all that is done is writings about You. Take it how it is thrown at you
by Christie Morris |
death, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, introspection, life, love, nature,
Relax Honey... The Worms Will Play!
Oh honey one day,
We will both part;
To rot in graves,
And waste away:
Playing with worms,
And dancing with maggots,
As they climb all around.
Relax love all is well!
Soon we'll be down bellow,
Cavorting with the others, under the ground.
by Adi Star |
first love,
I was so young when you looked at me
a Boy who did not see you as a she
your look was deep your look was warm
I felt so good I felt no harm..
But suddenly a Spark ignite
I saw your skin and smile so white
your hair your hands your smell so sweet
a urging pain crawlet up my feet
I sucked your beauty needed more
Im hooked for you the more and more
and then I saw your flashing breasts
I nearly fainted what comes next
and then you disapeared so fast
I laid in bed my breath with gasp
So I became a man so fast
The fear you will not ever last.
by Jane Wayburn |
The swirling white mist
Like a cloud, surrounded us
Captured by the dream
Only sounds and feelings of you
Close, breathing the same air
Touching, hot flesh.
Sweet sexy smells and candles
As the sounds of the ocean's
Rippling waves upon the shore,
Reaching out to grab our lust
Holding it tenderly, subside
Two hearts beating as one.
Two souls wrapped around each other
Throwing off their illumination:
Brightening up the darkness of the night.
Colored rainbows dancing with the stars
As the planets align themselves
Heaving off the spirits of the past
Make way for the lovers, the dreamers.
by Shantae Ortega |
I am a paradox.
I am faithful and yet detached.
I am committed and yet so very relaxed.
I love pretty much everyone,
And yet no one.
I am sociable but also a loner.
I am gentle and also very tough.
I am passionate but,
I can also be platonic.
I am predictable in my own unpredictable ways.
by Charles Sides |
funny, love,
So in love am I
Know I’m her guy
Phone to propose
I love you Rose
Answer: yes sir
I love you Chester