Love Poems About Butterflies or Butterflies Love Poems
by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, nature, summer,

Summer Love Sonnet

What's not to love about a summer day?
Kissed by the sun, the warmth of its embrace
To feel the cleanse from sweat at work and play
While honeysuckle breezes cool my face

With hillsides blanketed in purple vetch
Magenta morning glories and light blues
Imagine all the butterflies they fetch
A scene to romance any poet's muse

But when it gets too hot, I seek the shade
Barefoot in clover 'neath tall sycamores
Or take a watermelon down to wade
A spring fed creek, to cool, while I explore

That evening, in the swing, I watch  fireflies
Then pray I wake to see one more sunrise 

   May 9 - 2018
   Daniel Turner

by Heather Ober |
Categories: loss, love,


They flutter and hover
And float on the breeze.
They shiver and shimmer
And weaken the knees.
Fickle and fragile,
They tickle and tease.
Fleeting and flimsy,
Deceptively free.  

These frivolous creatures, 
These knots of desire.
Once spindles of yearning, 
Now spools of barbed wire.
Once pulling like petals, 
Now pricking like briar.
Once soothing like honey,
Now burning like fire.

Violently thrashing,
It struggles to rise.
The truth comes up gasping
From whirlpools of lies.
Shed this charade 
And discard your disguise.
I know you enjoy
Drowning blind butterflies.

by Silent One |
Categories: grief, lost love,

Silence of the Butterflies

As sunrise silently marinaded morningtide meadows, our lips flowed like two streams, merging within an exclusive estuary so we set home upon the river bed. At first we floated like butterflies in Babylon, deaf to the squawks of mercenary crows, blind to the creeping weeds, which wandered amongst delicate petals nor did I notice our submerging embankment. As our estuary began to evaporate, you left me stranded in the silt and mud. My heart, once a blossoming garden, evolved into a wasteland of sedges and sludge. Still I wait for soothing streams to return, but all I am left with is marshland of regret and the silence of the butterflies.

by Tom Woody |
Categories: change, peace,

Winds of Change

sweet zephyr breezes 
jasmine empress butterflies 
rainbows in our sky

                                           silence once golden
                                           angelic voices trumpet
                                           song of the poet

unity breeds strength
moonbeams in togetherness
sunlight for each one

                                           living in the now
                                           join the love revolution
                                           smile on your brother

seeker of eden
no longer searching alone
bards in harmony   

by Maureen Mcgreavy |
Categories: cute love, love,

Love Is So Cliche

If a cat
caught my tongue
it must have been after that
in my throat
that was after those 
in my stomach

Was it vertigo
or did the earth move

I don't know
but you
are all that I need


For Bobby May's
Your Interpretation Of What Love Is Poetry Contest

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: appreciation, blessing, life, self, thanks, time,

The Glory Days of Now

I’m grateful for the sun
          which shone on younger days
The days of scurried heartbeats
                     and butterflies of love

And for the carefree hearts
                   on beaches of my youth
The nights of clothes and cars
               and bars of clubbing beats
I’m grateful for the sun
                which lights the memories
of newlyweds with king sized beds
and never-ending dreams

And for all the glory days
            I’ve lived and loved, gone by
Yet, as I know sun still
I’m grateful for the glory days of now

by Myah Schildknecht |
Categories: girlfriend-boyfriend, love, me, me,


You’ve got me hanging, On every word you say. I just keep praying, That you feel the same way. I hope this isn’t a trap, That would be crap. You seem different, But that’s been said before. I get the butterflies, All the time. Just waiting for your number, To be seen on the screen. You make me laugh, And you understand. You just see, What hasn’t been seen. I really want this to be more, More than you can think. Can’t you see? I’m falling. Can you catch me? I’m falling for you, It’s uncharted territory. I don’t know what to do. Tell me not to worry, And that you’re falling, too.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: 6th grade, 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, flower, garden,

Pretty Dragonfly Spreads Love

In a gorgeous meadow chock full of butterflies and daylilies there lived a 
sassy happy beautiful dragonfly.  She was loved by the tulips, roses, and coneflowers. The monarchs revered her, seeing the joy she brought to the meadow.  This little dragonfly did her best to fit in, nurturing each aspect of the meadow as was her right.

		           pretty dragonfly
                 spreading love to the flowers
                          expecting nothing

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: butterfly, love, tree,

Butterfly Affair

Butterflies on our lemon tree, Flirting with its leaves, flitting free, Brushing it here, kissing it there, What a cute romantic affair! A "kaleidoscope" I foresee!
{A group of butterflies is also known as a "kaleidoscope"}

by Ken Carroll |
Categories: confusion, depression, suicide, , Lullaby,

The Cutter

She went to sleep
closing her eyes
beginning to dream
of broken butterflies
tearing her lovely monarch wings
on faithless love that angels sings...

She finds shiny metal in kitchen sink
in an evening absent light
she finds peace in cuts of pink
watching crimson blood flow feels so right..

Starlight shines upon her tears
I whisper darling, you cannot bleed
all of your suicidal fears
at night when you begin to cry
I'll sing you a lover's lullaby..

My love do not wish that you were dead
dreaming of an absent pulse
laying on silken sheets bleeding red
I will offer love so do not bleed
give me your knife I am all you need...
~ ~ ~ ~

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance,


The whisper of your skin dissolving into mine - the weight of it is kin to that of wings of butterflies - divine deliciousness I can’t define! My precious love - We meld into a sky of night that’s never been so breathlessly partaken of nor ever will again. Exquisitely you paint my sweetest sin. For PD's Any Poem # 28 Free Poetry Contest

by Maureen Mcgreavy |
Categories: butterfly, funny love,

Blushing Butterflies

Butterflies have the quietest wings
Defying the weight of their flutterings
Your red face has shown
What you did not want known
Your fight to keep them from escaping


Writing Challenge, October - Butterfly -
Sponsor, Dear heart - Wiishkobi Ode

by White Wolf |
Categories: longing, love, poems,

Trust Me Baby This Is Love

The turtles roam where the butterflies go How can I say what your love means to me A poem I write to hopefully show To convey with tender words sincerely My love for you continually grows For in my heart I hold your loving smile Inspiring me to write you endless prose Our time too brief though your love does beguile All I can offer is my heart to you In return for yours that will never stray I promise you I shall always be true Hear my words of love and let them convey Of my undying love until the end For now this love poem to you I send
23~June~2017 For Trust Me Baby This Is Love contest Sponsored by: Mystic Rose

by G. Jay |
Categories: beauty, dance, fantasy, love,

The Crescent Moon

Moonrise and showers                         
Enshrine flowers                                  
A stroll along the shoreline  

Starlight and halos   
Eternal cosmos
The awakening angel 

Lullabies and shadows
Mystifies meadows      
The calypso personifies                    

Coral and fireflies                   
Rainbow skies 
The radiant circle aglow  

Butterflies and ladybugs     
Intertwine jitterbugs                                 
The dance along the skyline

by David Byrne |
Categories: love, me,


Walk with me for a while
And listen to my words
That fall like rain and 
Drench the ground we pace

Talk with me for a mile
And I will watch your words
Spread like butterflies
On this road we grace

Brilliance comes in many ways
In words, in smiles, in deeds
But the greatest brilliance 
Blinds the eye and
Dazzles make shift needs

Words they fall like petals
They carpet all the ground
And in the end their 
Blown away and
Gone without a sound

by Debjani Mitra |
Categories: longing,

Covenant of Love

he looks at her eyes
butterflies surf dreams within
strolling twilight beach

shooting stars make wish
Prince wakes up serene Snow White  
something melts the night

stream of passion flows 
non stop chimes of Cupid choir 
crystallizing  breath

backdrop of embrace 
pearl in heart of oyster blooms
covenant of love

Sponsor	Rick Parise
Contest 1 -12 lines ONLY - A Poem That Did NOT Receive A Ribbon Placement 1-3 

Date written.. 24th July 2019

Earlier submitted to the following contest

Sponsor	Jamie Pan
Contest Name	Multiple-Haikus
Featured 50 in best new poems

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

Love Story

My voice was mute like featherless songbirds, without vocal chords to sing doting tunes. Sleeping spirit yearned for amorous words, composing twin flames to ignite from fumes. Glance of her eyes and embers kindled bright, like gold moonlight kissing indigo waves. Symphonic stars formed in a lonely night, as we sang among galactic airwaves. Her touch is a cliché of butterflies, her lips kiss like ballads with boundless verse. Without her I can feel my heart capsize, in sickness and in health, she is my nurse. Her name remains on the tip of my tongue, as her love completes lyrics, once unsung.

by Arthur Vaso |
Categories: death, gothic, humanity, imagination, poetry,

The Darkness

Flagrant Inspiration
Spring rains soft
Love strolls
Black death

Butterflies singing
Life a flutter
Songs only beginning
Black Death

Frolicking gardens
Beer flowing in fountains
Youth teases, curves and tinsel 
Three angels in the corner, sleeping
Black Death

Softer than feathered pillows
The final glimpse through wrinkled curtain
Black death

Rose’s red
Ring around the rosie
Skipping glee abounds
Yet over there in the closet
Black death

The path in the forest
Dark and misty
Winding and twisty
Maps hold no comfort nor key
Black death

The last
The final
The end
Inside the darkness


by Sharon Gulley |
Categories: age, beautiful, beauty, childhood, growing up, home, mother daughter,

Blossoms and Bubbles

Dancing butterflies and laughter
without a care. A day full of sweet
smelling blossoms fill the air.

Sister's golden hair glistened in the
Summer sun's glow, as Mother blew
colorful bubbles that bounced off
her little nose.

Mother's  heart was always full of
love to share and the day of blossoms,
and bubbles will forever in my memories
be kept with  loving care.

Precious and few are moments shared
together. This wonderful day of blossoms
and bubbles, in my heart will last forever.

April 6, 2015

by Mohammad Yamin |
Categories: love, passion, night, night,

I Love You

In summer night when the sky is blue
When in hearts passions ignite
When the clouds shower a sprinkle or two
When desires brighten the darkness of night

When in the skies the stars wink
When butterflies sleep and night bird’s awake
When fountains flow with serenity’s drink
When the sound of breathing, the silence break

When thoughts are dressed in colorful gowns
When the breeze is pregnant with love’s fragrance
When the time in the lake of enchantment drowns
When in ecstasy the whirling Sufis dance

When my soul in agony of despair writhes
When swords of loneliness are out of sheaths
I care not whether false or true
Whisper in my ears, “I love you”

by Margaret Foster |
Categories: natureold, garden, old,

Old Fashioned Garden


In an old fashioned garden behind a stone wall
Hollyhocks and sunflowers growing so tall
Red rambling roses drape over a fence
Old fashioned flowers with colours intense.

Lupins and larkspur in lilac display
Buddleia blooming where butterflies play
Surrounding moonflower whose petals unfold
A bright splash of starburst, marsh marigold

Herbaceous borders, rosemary and rue
Columbines and clover full damp with the dew
Scents long forgotten their perfumes endow
I loved them long ago, I love them now

These old fashioned flowers, I planted them all,
In an old fashioned garden behind a stone wall


by Russell Sivey |
Categories: butterfly, dance, life, love,

Dance of the Butterflies

I had received lots of love in years past I have felt all joys and pitfalls of it No pain seems to enter my simple life Love entertains me, that wonderful hit I know my life floats above tender hearts That which brings love, but sometimes avoids me I move quickly this way and that in air I have “dance of the butterflies” simply My life moves in all respects here and there Highs and lows of dance are of gratitude Love escapes my lips to my gracious love My eyes have passion that brings attitude
Contest: Dance of the Butterflies Sponsor: Gail Angel Doyle 6/5/2013 I know it's a Quatrain...a Rhyming Poem (I hope it's acceptable)

by Frederic Parker |
Categories: kiss,

Passionate Kiss

Morning light wears a softer hue,
embracing wet leaves, glistening in the sun.
Thick grass brings a caressing warmth, to our feet, 
as we travel gentle slopes,
to farthest hills, as lovers do.
Our palms closed tight like oyster shells,
covering rare pearls,
as we watch pastel red skies turn a velvet blue

If I were a bird I would glide above you,
dipping my wing each time you smiled,
allowing love's fragrance to fill our lungs,
until they burst, releasing butterflies to the world,
like a thousand tiny finger paintings,
surrounding the innocence of love,
that comes when two mouths melt in silence.


by Darren Watson |
Categories: rose,

The Red Rose

A pure red rose I send to you 
It carries love from me 
Believe in all you know to be true
The rose will bloom eternally .

Its fragrance forever will allure 
The petals will be as soft as lace 
Keep it safe and forevermore
True love you will embrace .

Every morning when you open your eyes
You will feel contented bliss 
Your heart a whirl of butterflies 
As my loving rose you kiss .

Safely in your bible pressed 
My rose was in heaven made 
Feel the warmth of gods caress
The rose of love will never fade .

Bask in the glory of forever 
Give praise to god above
Let us march through this life together
Sharing the red rose of true love.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: lost love, love,


Rushes to the window with every pitter-patter but it is only the rain crashing into me trying to wash away my pain reminding of sunny days where the pitter-patter was the beating of my heart where love was never sought but happily was found my heart breathes feeling once more your tenderness pitter-patters run across the oaken hardwood floors and I see in her your smile your love your heart The rain and my tears fall yet I know most go a lifetime without true love but no not me my heart goes pitter-patter one last time butterflies float away into my soul and I remember I loved you