Love Poems About Butterfly or Butterfly Love Poems
by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: blessing, butterfly, poets, prayer,

The Blessings of Prayer

Like a gazelle springing from left to right 
Your prayers come winging through perilous night

Making swift haste to my ill beating heart.
I was amazed at how many took part,

So deeply moved, there are tears in my eyes.
Dark thunderous clouds have moved to clear skies.

My gratitude floods to poetry friends
I’m humbled by your love as my heart mends.


*Dedicated to my loving poetry friends

~10th Place Premiere Contest~
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 7 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney 

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: butterfly, flower, life, lost love, love, metaphor,


Your love touched me…
As a butterfly softly alights on a flower.
I didn't notice until you flew away.


Bite Size Poem no.45 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Line Gauthier 

*Note: This poem is about not realizing you 
love someone until it is too late.

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: beauty, butterfly, sad love,

Bluewing Falling

Her magic is drawn 
from an ocean's 
million hues 
boundless skies

slain by her trembling perfection 
you grab hold of her 
to save yourself 
and you do not mean her any harm 
you just want to feel what azure feels like
to experience the depths of cerulean 

but her cobalt dust 
rubs off all over you 
your being  

indelibly indigo stained 
as the beauty you wished to possess 
lays crushed 
at your feet

July 13th, 2018

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

I Met Her On a Tuesday

Hints of lilac filtered through the garden
a pretty butterfly just sat at rest
me  lost in amazement
soft rays of sunshine clinging to my chest

The stone bench held my attention
as love notes floated through the air
my heart was in a flutter
sensing she was near

Her eyes were sweet as honey
her skin had that special glow
her lips so moist they begged for me
to memorize the passion that they showed

I met her on a Tuesday
that's when the world for me would shift
the stars shot past the heavens
as our souls would forever drift

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,


Down in the valley the yellow butterfly floats in a field of white daisies capturing a moment in time Beauty Perched up high on the hillside sitting on a blanket my best girl and me arm in arm watching life roll on by Beauty Gaze into those caramelized eyes Looking deep into her loving soul her sweet killer smile grinning back at me Beauty Chasing her down the hill Rolling together in the field Soft butterfly kisses Walking hand in hand with a bouquet of daisies Beauty

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: butterfly, children, poetry,

Love At First Sight

I caught a butterfly a week ago.
Her wings had painted eyes of indigo, 
Surrounded by a ring as white as snow.
So pretty I just had to let her know.
She flapped her wings and put on quite a show,
Then kissed my cheek before I let her go.
I sure was glad I stopped to say hello.

     Daniel Turner

by Mary Hoose |
Categories: kiss, love, sweet,

Butterfly Wings

Like butterfly wings so fragile and soft 'neath my fingertips.
So featherlike are his kisses upon my waiting ruby lips.

The playful flutter of his fingers that dance upon my skin.
Such sweet pleasures it brings like a sensuous forbidden sin.

His loving embrace so tender like the wings of a beautiful butterfly.
His words soft and heartfelt their beauty brings a tear to my eye.

by Tim Smith |
Categories: love,

Hideaway Nights

A drop of lonely  floats 
into a never ending kiss 
lost folded notes   play 
out in a rewind of time 

Shifting spells the chorus 
foreign answers ring 
-- an empty chair 
rocking through my mind 

Lay down your symphony 
where harmony rests a head 
pull back the covers slowly 
let me listen to what is said 

Colour wraps in soulful pace 
mellow light   dances free 
belief  waits for the butterfly 
as with truth   sunsets will be

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romantic love,

For One Who Was

For one who was my first most precious love,
who drifted into my life like fresh snow,
he’s still the guy that my impressions of
remain like snow untrod upon although
it was late summer when he stirred in me
such dulcet longings. Like a butterfly,
my heart went dancing when we kissed, and he -
along with me - soared into velvet sky.
With myriad stars, the moon was blooming.
It peeked down at us in our passion’s play.
My love’s touch – soft cashmere - was consuming.
With headiness, we savored love’s parfait
when sun slid down and hid behind a hill.
That young man’s sweetness I remember still.

by Joanna Daniel |
Categories: butterfly, love, tree,

Butterfly Affair

Butterflies on our lemon tree, Flirting with its leaves, flitting free, Brushing it here, kissing it there, What a cute romantic affair! A "kaleidoscope" I foresee!
{A group of butterflies is also known as a "kaleidoscope"}

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: butterfly, love,


If I were a butterfly
would you love me more?
would you treat me delicately?
look deep into my core?
If I were a butterfly
would you let me land
on the tip of your finger
or let me play upon the sand?
If I were a butterfly
would you be gentle and nice?
breathe softly upon me
and kiss me lightly thrice?
If I were a butterfly,
alas I'd fly away
for staying with you, darling
there's quite a lot to pay.
If I were a butterfly
I'd rather my soul be free
Never tied to slavery
paying you too high a fee.
Yet if I were a butterfly
would you fly away with me?
Or always unfaithful, would you
fly away with a bumble bee?

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, spring, , sweet love,

I Dreamed a Butterfly

I dreamed a butterfly in golden days when buttercups lay in the fields ablaze. It fluttered to my cheek, sweet love to bring. My heart was wont to burst and wont to sing. In breath of morn was scent of bluebell sprays. On blossomed blankets of the fields we’d laze, and into one another’s eyes we’d gaze, my love and I, as April had her fling. I dreamed a butterfly. Our bliss was as the spring, a fleeting phase, and brief’s the beauty of young lovers’ craze. As cruelly as a wasp, he left a sting - and all the lovely plans we made took wing, leaving mere memories of golden days. I dreamed a butterfly. 2/21/13

by James Marshall Goff |
Categories: faith, , cute,

Sundown In Paradise

My blessing basket is heavy with heaven's gifts,
Tomatoes the size of my fist, eggplants so cute,
And fresh heirloom beans bursting with pride.

The sun, orange on the horizon, frames a pair of
Snowy Egrets above, wings folded in glide descent,
Angling towards their roost.

A solitary Cricket, at home in the cabbage patch,
seesaws a hypnotic greeting, then hushes
As I pass.

A Monarch Butterfly wisps past my head, enjoying
Nectar from scattered flowers. The scent of herbs,
Blossoms and love settles softly in my heart.

I know life can be hard, but this moment, just
This moment, I'm filled with such Grace from
God I only stand in humble gratitude.

by Pashang Salehi |
Categories: celebration, joy, new year, spring,

Persian Haiku 2

Persian Haiku 2

What a gorgeous view!
You and the flower garden,
I'm the butterfly.

Your eyes, the ocean;
The ocean colors your eyes.
Your hair is the wave.

Moon on the ocean, 
Your face is the reflection.
Always be alone.

I live with my heart,
All flowers are beautiful,
I love daffodils.

What a discussion,
I had with all my flowers.
Their breath smells nice.

3/20/2018 Haloo

Note: Iranians/Persians Celebrate today, the first day of spring as their new year. We call this day Norooz or Nowruz, it translates as New Day. From my family to yours,  Norooz Mobarak ....Happy New Year.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: birthday, granddaughter,

My Granddaughter

My sweet girl, 
    you are my butterfly 
       that flutters with grace, 
          under the golden sunshine; 
  as zephyr breath blows 
    you from one petal to the next,
       slowly through pinnate leaves.

  You are my sunshine that blooms my life.
  Love you my special girl


by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, me, me,

The Image of You

The image of you floating o u t s t r e t c h e d on the pond while bathed in moon glow flits sometimes across my mind like a gold-winged butterfly For Tanka me this, Tanka me that, Tanka me any poem you want :-) Poetry Contest

by Maureen Mc Greavy The Insolent Rib |
Categories: butterfly, funny love,

Blushing Butterflies

Butterflies have the quietest wings
Defying the weight of their flutterings
Your red face has shown
What you did not want known
Your fight to keep them from escaping


Writing Challenge, October - Butterfly -
Sponsor, Dear heart - Wiishkobi Ode

by Tim Smith |
Categories: butterfly, dance, love, moon,

Precious Moon

Yonder light of moon-kissed rays
on blessed breeze you lie
under cover of the milky way
reach out to every cusp of sky

Moon my precious moon
open your wings
open your gilded wings
now and evermore 

Shine your sultry soul
here into mine
into the loneliness of dusk
near thee enter upon me
endless glows of your
sacred smile

Fly high moon my precious moon
over my wayward path
reigning me home

Mysterious lady  let this butterfly dance 
effortlessly in the glint of your romance

by Joseph May |
Categories: love, pain,

Petals Of Pain

 Love's pretty flower blooms with beauty in the spring
 Nourished by caress of gentle rain
yet love can break a heart, leave it dangling on a string
 As tears fall upon petals of pain

 Love's pretty butterfly floats on summer breeze
 Seeking love's sweet nectar, does it flutter yet in vain?
 For love can lose its wings, and come crashing in the trees
 Leaving teardrops on petals of pain

 Love's pretty melody sung by birds in early morn
 Echoes through the trees and down the tree lined lane
 love songs can turn to breakup songs, piercing like a thorn
 As tears are shed over lyrics which cause pain



by Aurore Severo |
Categories: childhood, memory, sad,

Candy Cotton Dreams

Daddy picked his cotton Six scorched days a week Sundays were sunny gleeful Cotton candy I held in hand He took me to the county fair Pink and pretty as could be Balloons hid my child's tears for the days he toiled away My daddy loved to toss me high up in the air he'd yell, I love you My pink beautiful butterfly Ferris wheels and chocolate pies Sundays truly I the pink happy butterfly One day the balloons all popped Daddy grasping heart Tumbled to the ground there are no more Candy cotton dreams only Somber clown tears

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: write,

Running Out of Ideas Is Impossible

Running out of ideas?
That is impossible if you have a:
TV set
toilet paper
drum set
spiders web
grand child
space aliens

by Hiya Sharma |
Categories: art, beautiful, butterfly, deep, fantasy, metaphor, poetry,


Believer of starlight, 
Blooming love in twilight
Bestows soft latte skies, 
Blissful faith of peach dyes
Bronze balm in sun's flutter, 
Bright glow of honey in
Butterfly's mauve kismet.

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: destiny, love, magic,

- The Taste of Love In the Rain -

A smooth summer rain drums on the umbrella
In a city where everything flies so fast
She could see him from a long distance
The heart beats an extra stroke - or more
Eight years have passed since their paths parted
The fate had brought them back together
He meets her with a smile and a soft butterfly kiss
like a tune filled with joy

"Finally at home" he says and kisses her once more
The feeling tears her under the red umbrella
Every raindrop felt like a kiss from heaven
He is the most beautiful man she has met
Amor can rest, he knows this is true love

Sun :) A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Thomas Martin |
Categories: appreciation, butterfly, cat, friendship, love, poetess, poetry,

To Constance--Broken Wings

a fine but sad poet
her poems run deep
into love paradisial
or fraught with thorns

by John Freeman |
Categories: nature, autumn,


Leaves are beauty of the Master’s touch …beds of leaves for homes of squirrels and such Bunched by opossum in the hollow of an old oak log …arranged in a thicket by a caring mother hog They wave to a lonesome soul in the summer breeze …nature’s devise of cozy blanket in winter’s freeze And you ask me if I love leaves and trees …provides great shades for summer’s picnics, ”Leaves” Leaves have butterfly flight, floating gracefully about …catching sun’s rays bobbing multi colored with clout Golden, russet and burnt orange of autumn equinox …Beautiful LEAVES!, Thank God for nature’s clocks. In Honor of Carol Brown And Contest: