by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
"Crayon Caresses"
blue velvet sky caresses
pink cotton candy clouds
beneath a gold umbrella
red heartbeats breathing loud.
a yellow Sun kisses skin
of silky bronze glowation
footprints carve love in brown sand
while white waves crest formation.
green trees hide secret embrace
while purple passion prowls
viewing an orange sunset
rose petals play on towels.
silvery stars illuminate beach
as amber heavens sleep
magenta magic smiles so sweet
chase black and grey to ocean's deep.
...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S.
*For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
love, heart, heart,
"Listen! to the Heart"
every heart strums strings of symphony
an open book exploring dreams and fantasies
the lovebeat touches emotions and feelings serene
as candy-filled caramel cremes.
every heart twirls in tune to love and romance
a paradox portrait of lovers in a trance
echoing laughter in harmonious haven
or a fickle falsetto black as a raven.
every heart is a treasure chest of precious jewels
as tenderness comforts those heartaches so cruel
the heart always gives; suddenly takes away
so listen to the heart; hear the words it must say.
by Gershon Wolf |
chocolate, kiss, love, nature, rain, sweet,
Perfume, Flowers
A Gentle Rain-Shower
Candy Kisses, Chocolate Hour
Spring Breezes, Sheltered Cover, Leafy Bower
The Sloping Curves of Your Profile
Tempting Lips that Beguile
Love's Tender Smile
by Franci Hoffman |
Happy Holidays everyone at Poetry Soup!
A cozy warm fire
2 cups hugs plus one cup love
and a Christmas tree
Gifts favored with care
3 cups grins 2 cups kisses
and snuggly blankets
Chocolaty treats
Tablespoon of handholding
and Christmas stockings
Candy cane delights
Two and a half cups laughter
and Christmas carols
Santa’s ho ho ho
2 cups of Christmas giving
and holiday cheer
Merry Christmas!
3rd publish-prev PoetryPalette and GoDogGocafe by Franci Eugenia Hoffman
by Aurore Severo |
childhood, memory, sad,
Daddy picked his cotton
Six scorched days a week
Sundays were sunny gleeful
Cotton candy I held in hand
He took me to the county fair
Pink and pretty as could be
Balloons hid my child's tears
for the days he toiled away
My daddy loved to toss me
high up in the air
he'd yell, I love you
My pink beautiful butterfly
Ferris wheels and chocolate pies
Sundays truly I
the pink happy butterfly
One day the balloons all popped
Daddy grasping heart
Tumbled to the ground
there are no more
Candy cotton dreams
Somber clown
by Paula Goldsmith |
candy, drink, love, sky, stars, uplifting, words,
Valentine's Day is a day for love
do you want to be my turtle dove
are you as sweet as candy
here is a glass of brandy
let's go out and watch the stars above
by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
"Intense Interlude"
in sweet magical moment
deep mesmerizing gaze
kidnapped his heart, in Time,
extending fragrant flowers
she smiled, through haunting hazel eyes
in translucent vapor mist
visual aromatic ambiance
ensconced emotions
beyond whispered words
as beauty bewitched
a charming interlude
love captivated by essence of inhaled eye-candy.
*Blending of sight and smell senses.
*For Nette Onclaud's Synesthesia: Inner Body Movement Contest.
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S.
*Nov. 18, 2012.
by Liam Mcdaid |
beautiful, beauty, dream, heart, love, metaphor, romantic,
The center of a star reflects just like a diamond...
Returning a pearl within each silver breath that one treasures...
With faceted panels, I promised I'd never...
Sweep over a deep sea of blue waves unmeasured...
There is a pattern woven inside golden petals that kiss the inside of my heart...
Parts of my heart that I've thus' failed to start...
With soft fingers dancing, you're forever entrancing...
My star that's eternally far...
A co write written by Liam and Christian
by Rachel St.Cross |
beautiful, girl, love,
Summer's surf rising from ivory tides be her light...
Reflecting from an hourglass these prisms she sways
Breaking waves their eyes conversations ladies they gaze.
by Liam Mcdaid |
angel, beautiful, beauty, emotions, feelings, love, moon,
You're the angel dust
sparkling silver stars wishing away
Sprinkling magic in misted gems
dazzling pure trails
White as the driven snow
falling within a beauties vision
Rising wishes blowing whispers
upon a breeze silently touching
Smiling golden gleams ivory
candy to one's eyes colors rainbows
Chocolate sleeping warm melting
tender soft satin feelings
Sweet velvet talking honey
sunshine emotions, beam rays
Golden dew of a rose drop
upon sunflower petals smile
Regal in light of day
I pray in darkness of night
you sleep well watched over by angels
Held in the warm light of love
by Emile Pinet |
baby, beautiful, love, sweet,
My sweet baby girl is
half-awake, half-asleep.
And her toffee yawns are
stretchy as caramel.
Her cotton candy cheeks
are like pink marshmallows.
And dark chocolate curls;
adorn my baby's head.
She sports blueberry eyes
and soft licorice lips.
And her creamy face boasts
a million-dollar smile.
A confectionery
treat, she is delicious.
And gives sugared kisses;
that taste; ever so sweet.
by Simone Segal |
Honey suckle candy kiss
Soaring towards heaven
State of bliss
Touching you
Heaven in palm of my hand
Falling like Alice in wonder land
Essence of you
Grips me tight
Tranquility light
Marshmallow comfort
In your hold
Our love is young
And also old
I dreamt of you
Since time began
Our souls entwined
Love birds sang
You are and always eternally
The life and breath
Engulfed in me
by Cherie Durbin |
I am bored with math.
Two plus two always equals four.
Why can't it equal an ice cream cone
Or a trip to the candy store?
Four plus four always equals eight-
Never a video game,
Or a Disneyland vacation.
No, the answer's e'er the same!
One times one always equals one.
Where's the fun in that?
I'd love to see the answer be
A brand new baseball bat!
by Cherie Durbin
by Carolyn Devonshire |
husband, love,
No flowers or candy can express
the feelings of love I did possess.
Your kind words and your gentle caress
would evoke the greatest happiness.
I could read emotions on your face,
the ones that led to passion’s embrace.
The strings to my heart you could unlace
and time will not these feelings erase.
For now I can only see you smile
when I stare at the clouds for a while.
The love I felt walking down the aisle
made all life’s challenges feel worthwhile.
I need no gifts from a love so true;
I adored you at first sight, first view.
A Valentine’s hug I send to you,
knowing I’ll join you when this life’s through.
by Dr. Upma A. Sharma |
chocolate, love,
Box of chocolate candy for my little poet destroyer
In warmth of love, heart thumps a rosy red blush, chocolate candy melts.
To- Linda
From - US
Written Feb 11th, 2016
For poetry contest "Melt my heart with One liner or Monoku # 5"
No of syllables - 17
Sponsor - PD A
Awarded 7th place win
by Jared Pickett |
**** For my Caramel Swirl****
Cinnamon flavored,
my caramel love.
Soft inside with a tough candy shell.
My after work
A cure for my sweet tooth,
not a pervert,
I yearn for her vermouth
Name held until contest is over.....
by Andrea Dietrich |
What Makes Christmas Sweet (Taste)
It’s taffy, chewy in my teeth,
And chocolate melting on my tongue,
The crunch of candy bars like Heath;
It’s taffy, chewy in my teeth,
Bright gumdrops from a homemade wreath,
Or candy canes from tree limbs hung!
It’s taffy, chewy in my teeth
And chocolate melting on my tongue.
I Love (Touch)
I love to feel the fire’s warm glow
And touch your face by its soft light.
To be back home, out of the snow,
I love to feel the fire’s warm glow,
Your breath against my cheek and know
You’ll be with me through all the night.
I love to feel the fire’s warm glow
And touch your face by its soft light.
For PD's Any Poem Goes #6 Poetry Contest
by Andrea Dietrich |
christmas, romance,
has eyes
as warm as
by a
cozy fire.
A candy cane
smile draws me
to him.
is a
treat to taste
lips so
Written Dec. 19, 2015 for Kim Merryman's A Christmas Waltz Wave Poetry Contest
by Eve Roper |
Pleasures Of Tender Love
confection for the sweet
a taste of delight
if only I could show you
the pleasures of tender love
that shines like golden honey
caramel apples aureate
strewn across the heavens of
cotton candy on ole buttermilk sky
set it free from its trap in the terminal
enchantment blanket of pea soup fog
into the clean crystal clear wet river and quench the thirst
to the taste and pleasures of deep warm, tender love
like wealth of blushing candy apple red and rainbow colored flowers
seasons of warm and cold like silken sheets
as they drape and cling tightly to our embrace
by Debra Squyres |
family, children, love,
From sweet bowed lips
to soft chubby hands
sticky with chocolate candy
Squeezed in lovingly
until pockets are bulging
kisses reserved for Granny
My first Members Contest Entry....for Short and Sweet.
by Mark Anthony Cotterman |
upon the painted grains of sea
I posted dreams of a candy-cane
barely on the verge of belief, we
drown myself to sleep in a bed of insane
within the breathing skin of a canvas
you rub your brokenness into my heart
shallowly I drift to clean up the mess
that neither of us would ever start
by Sunlite Wanter |
addiction, fun,
Used on Poetry Soup 3/23/17
Sweet Tooth
She always asks for candy,
When we ask what she wants for her Day,
Or on Christmas she asks for pralines,
That come from far away.
She never asks for diamonds,
Nor an eco friendly mink;
Only some kind of truffles,
Or a gooey chocolate drink.
Jelly beans by the handfuls,
She keeps at her kitchen door,
I’ll want that candy dish in her will,
Just in case it fills some more.
We all just call her Sweet Tooth,
She never puts on any pounds,
If she did, we’d love her just the same,
For GrandMother is sweet as it sounds.
by Tom Zart |
Where would we be without sex
Like coffee minus the sugar and cream.
As Adam was before he knew Eve,
With no purpose to dream and scheme.
No reason for fathers and mothers,
No reason to buy flowers and candy.
No reason for diamonds and jewels;
Viagra, wine, liquor or brandy.
No reason to purchase a sports car,
A fine house, muscle shirts or a new dress.
Basically, a cake without icing,
So thank God and pray for more not less.
by Nicole King |
lost love, love, day, day,
To and fro 'cross the floor in one reminesce,
Of just a day derived a many months ago,
Of what to not happen of candy kiss,
From angel's embrace and blow.
This time feels a'far as stroh.
A tear for you placed upon thy cheek,
A cheek wished to be met again;
From the day love played hide and go seek,
A day my heart you began to reign,
Now, yearning to be beside your sustain.
by Michael J. Falotico |
lost lovehalloween,
I took the pictures down and folded all the clothes...
The carpet seems new where the couch used to sit...
A freshly painted outline used to hide behind our photo...
The plants are gone ,the fish tank is empty, only left
are echoes of our life...
His and her's boxes sit by the door like Halloween candy
ready to be given out..
Where love once rang out only whispers can be heard...
No more lights in the window or a lit candle on the piano...
The welcome mat is all rolled up like so many holidays went by..
One last glance as darkness fills the room, still the only warm
memory is lingering smell of your perfume...
Empty Apartment contest