by Besma Riabi Dziri |
art, care, caregiving, feelings, heartbroken, humanity, pain,
In the darkest of times
be the light of a candle
but the harshest of crimes
to let melt your candle
Give, unmindful of a reason
feel the heavy burden light
remember to mind your reason
fill your very soul with Light
Like a delicate dove
bathe into sweet waters well
feed on the seeds of Love
reach not the bottom of its well.
by Emily Kroeger |
caregiving, confusion, faith, family, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, life, love, mother, peace, sad, sister, sorry, teen, time
You made the mistake and now,
your afraid to face this day.
Your thoughts are racing through
and through.
You wonder if your family looks at
you as a disgrace, but you'er mother
takes you and reasures, your very
much loved in grace.
Even though your much to young
for this breathing little thing this
has become.
You couldn't just throw it out
like it was a peice of trash.
So you grow up and take the
path that led you to your best
mistake for years to come.
by Edward Ebbs |
absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,
When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around
Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand
I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock
The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream
I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much
I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song
When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here
Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14
Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart
by Poet Destroyer A |
adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,
Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
Balance of truth and dare
Good and Evil, full of care
Blind when it comes to blood line
:) PD
by Humble B |
angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,
God is always love
Forever seek the kingdom;
Praise the creator
Keep giving what you can give
Please endure until the end
Beautiful Heavens
Protecting the meek ones earth
Watching over us
Helping us to cope with life
Comforted with hope and trust
When you find rhythm
You find your hearts inner core
Celebrate the times
Make them better than before
Reminisce and dance all night
by Rosemarie Rowley |
angel, career, caregiving, class, dedication,
Hunched over the computer, I am mystical,
With mental white gloves and a karate belt -
A daylight cursor, but on my bicycle,
A word and energy transformer, a flickering Celt.
Such metaphysics I can make into sensation,
Turned into binary formulae by the boss,
My passion is for punctuation-
But the lingua franca doesn’t give a toss.
I see the point. I accommodate the pause.
I rinse the cups and make the coffee sweet,
I am saving myself for this man of laws,
Of Brehon provenance, who will entreat
Me to be his love, his partner and co-genitor,
Of a life graph, where he can trust the monitor.
(c) Rosemarie Rowley
From IN MEMORY OF HER (2008)
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,
GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that
by James Edward Lee Sr.
by Lee Ramage |
caregiving, introspection, love,
I light my candle from within the more I give to you,
An inner strength builds inside, it fills my empty soul,
The encompassing love present when my life was askew,
Needing a reason to get up every morning was my goal,
Volunteering at hospice gave me more, filling a gapping hole.
Written by Lee Ramage
September 18, 2011
Contest by Paula Swanson
“By Candle Light”
by Iris E. Sankey- Lewis |
abuse, best friend, blessing, caregiving, devotion, encouraging,
Haiku #13,005-13,010.......................................Light and Love Illuminates
One resolution
Smart measure, full screen intake
Trinity means love.
From morn till night, light
Soft potent gems beckon us
Main ingredient, love.
Nutrition is gem
Light, airy rejuvenates
Strong ever ready.
Old friend is light weight
As jogger I'll glide through air
Steel stole feather's joy.
I feel glow of light
Frame pictures of healing light
Silent New Year's gift.
A heavy laden gut
The weight of a heavy heart
All time thief of our joy.
by Tina Rossman |
caregiving, faith, family, love, heart, heart, love,
When the world is bitter and cruel
remember my love i will comfort you.
When your heart is broken and lost
remember my love i will find you no matter what the cost.
When you have lost the will to go on
remember my love i will be the rock you can stand upon.
When the worries of your heart become too much to bare
remember my love i will always be there.
with hope in hand and i will always love you no matter the cost
remember my love you will never be lost.
by Jan Allison |
caregiving, dedication, lost love, mental illness,
You stare at me with vacant eyes
It’s like living with a stranger
Tears and tantrums we both despise
Where is the man I once loved?
Locked inside your own little world
Sometimes a piece of music makes you smile
But every day I know I’m losing you
I’m losing you bit by bit
I no longer get greeted with a loving kiss
These days you lash out uncontrollably
I get battered and bruised by your flying fist
But I’ll never give up loving you
NOT written from personal experience of living with someone with dementia
by Sharon Gulley |
cancer, caregiving, deep, garden, mentor, psychological, recovery from,
In a summer of lastingness, long ago,
what you had in store for me my love,
I could've never known.
Through the depth and channels
of the heart, you have shown me
life begins, where the loving starts.
Like an unfolded rose growing in the
morning's misty dew, you feed me
and then sheltered me as I grew.
If I stood before you today my love
you would see a full rose in bloom,
not at all hindered by gloom.
A strong stem, no regrets, no sorrow.
Only togetherness with you, full of
brighter tomorrows.
Thank you for all you planted in the
garden of my hardened soil.
A summer of lastingness has forever
brought tenderness instead of toil.
by Anna-Marie Docherty |
caregiving, happiness, hope, life, love, nature, passion, uplifting,
Delicate butterfly orchids
stand paper thin and tall
Perfect pout pink lip-gloss kisses
with proud protruding power jewel centre
Ephemeral Angels
sign of life and hope
renewed strength and passion
Powerfully poised petals
gently nod affectionate ‘I love yous’
long since they were given as gift
bringing forth renewed romantic setting
an idealistic reminder every day
by Dennis Davis |
animal, caregiving, dog, identity, love, pets, prayer,
Lord help me to be
the person my dog
thinks I am
by Andrea Dietrich |
caregiving, love, mother, fairy, mother,
Have you heard about a certain fairy,
the one assigned to infants newly born?
Unseen, beside her precious charge she’ll tarry
softly crooning lullabies till morn.
She is the special fairy that is sent
to first-time mothers of a girl or boy,
for when that harried fretting mom is spent,
and as the mother looks down at her joy,
the fairy sprinkles dust down from above.
The mother sighs and holds her baby near.
Those particles illuminate the love
expressed by mother cooing to her dear.
As fairies go, there simply is no other
as blessed as she who serves the child and mother.
by Jordan Dickinson |
brother, caregiving, dedication, devotion, hope, inspirational,
Desert Wanderer with not a cup-
I'll hold you tight and lift you up-
I'll give you aid and lend my strength-
And take you far, to a great length-
To see your safety and a healthy smile-
You are worth life, have no self- denial-
I promised you in, a time now gone past-
That my love forever, surely shall last-
For you are my Desert Wanderer dreary-
Take this sorrow and be your eyes so teary-
I promise you now, and in the here after-
You will find love, placed inside my laughter-
We will stay one, toghether and all-
Always shall I be waiting for your call-
My Desert Wanderer with not a cup-
Hold my hand, I will lift you up-
by Bob Quigley |
caregiving, friendship, inspirational, introspection, life, love, relationship, uplifting,
Look at me
And I’ll return your gaze
But know not what you see
Talk to me
And I will answer
But know not what you think
Listen to me
And I’ll tell you of me
But know not what you hear
But touch me
And I will know you
And understand that you
Saw me
Heard me
by Bonnie Jennings |
appreciation, caregiving, character, courage, faith, family, poverty,
Figuratively there is good and there is bad
Intuitively we know there are high paths and low
Rewarding goodness; not hatefulness when so sad
Eliminating love, the thief comes to take what you know
And there are consequences for each choice made
Children who wander lives without a mother nor dad
Destitute families who’s last night never laid
Unless a miracle occurs their lives will be bad
So, in the course of suffering and destitution
Come magnificent family courage and strength
And some how a divine illumination
Causes a peaceful and caring restitution
And the answers come often at the end of time
But, looking back, They’re no more blind
©2016 All Rights reserved
by Bjorn Wastvedt |
beautiful, best friend, blessing, caregiving, devotion, giving, love,
What is True Love?
If love is an action,
Where does it start?
If love is a feeling,
Does it come from the heart?
If love is a promise,
What does it really mean?
Without action,
Can it truly be seen?
If love is in the eye,
Can we envision its splendor?
If love is in the voice,
Can we hear it soft and tender?
If love can be bought,
What is its true price?
Will it have endurance,
And the quality to entice?
If love is in the heart,
Is it a flame within?
If love is a game,
Is there something to win?
If love is a person,
Who may it be?
He that acts from the heart,
And does it for free?
© Bjørn O. Wastvedt, 2017
by Brian Strand |
caregiving, family, love
lingers on
within those we
if in God we
blessing as a
into those we
by Diamond Poetry |
caregiving, childhood, family, children, friendship, love, mother, song-weddingbeautiful, beautiful, love, today,
The princess calls me out tonight
She looks so beautiful, strong and bright
Tears stream down my face
As I look at my darling with her shining knight
taking her away
shes so beautiful today
I know he'll love you till the end
Forever, we'll be friends
Baby, Its hard to see you go
Leaving us for this young lad
You wont be around, but i'll be glad
You deserve more than this whole world
Show mummy everything you hold
My darlings leaving
to start her life
I can tell you, this one thing
She will be the most amazing wife
taking her away
Shes so beautiful today
I know he'll love you till the end
Forever, we'll be friends
by Bellantony De Mertens |
caregiving, love, passion, wife, love,
Love is more than just a word
It’s a feeling shared around the world.
It is there when you sleep
In your heart so very deep.
I love you more than you will know,
So love me back and don’t let go.
by Arjun Jangid |
art, caregiving, deep, education, first love, introspection, peace, spiritual, world,
R three R's to
Regain your
Relation with
Raja(king/ government)
Rani(family) and
Region(motherland) for
Repay the universe means
Recycle your
Races to live on the planet happily
Re join my friends to
Replace hatred, war and agony.
by Bill Baker |
blessing, caregiving, humanity, love, spiritual, visionary, wisdom,
humility is not ability, it is a buried treasure
not a talent, but a manifestation of love, flowing through man
by Jacque Lee |
caregiving, education, inspirational,
We only have one life
this is not a rehearsal
live your life
don't waste it
your's or others
love one another
life is for living
be nice to others
when they have gone
we cannot change things
change them now
it's not to late
love one another
it's easier than you think.