by Susan Ashley |
beauty, celebration, desire, joy, love, passion, woman,
As wild as unbridled seas,
soft as mist, a spindrift tease.
Night stars swoon and fall from skies;
constellations fill her eyes.
Every leaf stirs in her wake,
bottom to top, mountains quake.
Beaux like grapes bunch on her vine,
blood in veins she turns to wine.
Kisses sipped, her cherry lips.
Saké nip, rock ‘n roll hips;
tongue-and-groove celebration,
sensual saturation.
Her riptide lures sand from shore,
tsunami, when she wants more.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
beauty, celebration, journey, love,
As the golden threads of silver, a mother protects her child
The path they will follow together, through life they leave deep footprints
The love that is shared will always shine its rays, nothing to fear
(15-16-15 syllables)
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved
- Published in the newspaper : 20.06.2016
by Sarita Milliner |
april, celebration, change, freedom, future, life, spring,
Spring Cleaning
Springtime is a chance to start your life anew,
Dust off your pride and change your attitude.
Bring forth the hidden treasures, of your heart,
Don’t worry about the past that tore you apart.
Let the fresh air cleanse your soul, body and mind,
Release the inhibitions that have kept you blind.
Love yourself, for who you are and what you can do,
Never worry about what others think, it all about you.
Embrace the earth elements and the comfort they bring,
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the results, of your spring cleaning.
Written : © 3/21/16
Deadline: 4/13/16
Finalized: 3/24/16
Submitted for: Second Chance #3
Sponsored by: Broken Wings
by Maria Williams |
celebration, love, mother, sensual, sexy,
Nature unfurls charms
Loving emotions flourish
Her cup runs over
Exquisite passion
Limbs entwined in sweet embrace
Move in symphony
Senses on fire
Symphonic crescendos peak
Cocooned in slumber
Nature’s Miracle
Blooming as she takes on form
Grand Expectation
A Happy Mother’s day to all Mums, Mums-to-be and Grand Mums for without you and the gift of love, this day was not possible.
POTD 16th May 2017
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
beauty, celebration, passion, summer,
The birds in the garden singing their songs
They tell their story with the heart of summer
A place of silence and aromatic flowers
Where hearts dance of happiness, passion and love
This sweet moment, with blue lilies growing in edge of the road
I can not find reality more beautiful anywhere else
It is a thought of escape from the world of realities
Where my heart is resting and nothing can disturb
03.07.2015 A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Arthur Vaso |
absence, art, beauty, birthday, blue, love, wisdom,
I see his smiles
His sisters laughter in the breeze
I confess a cold heart, warmed
When though will I be free?
From the pain of long ago years
From tears that soaked my humanity away
I love you all
if only I could stay
Life seems so trivial
so when I float away
who will
Blow out the candles
as cake and happiness are eaten away
We never met
You and I
An war or crime or crippled thoughts
Shall never stop
The celebration of birthday dreams
Friendships never lost
The wishing well is full
Illuminated by an intrinsic brightness
by Pashang Salehi |
celebration, joy, new year, spring,
Persian Haiku 2
What a gorgeous view!
You and the flower garden,
I'm the butterfly.
Your eyes, the ocean;
The ocean colors your eyes.
Your hair is the wave.
Moon on the ocean,
Your face is the reflection.
Always be alone.
I live with my heart,
All flowers are beautiful,
I love daffodils.
What a discussion,
I had with all my flowers.
Their breath smells nice.
3/20/2018 Haloo
Note: Iranians/Persians Celebrate today, the first day of spring as their new year. We call this day Norooz or Nowruz, it translates as New Day. From my family to yours, Norooz Mobarak ....Happy New Year.
by The Situation |
blessing, celebration, christian,
If I could write just one more time
fill a page with different rhymes
make discoveries with pen and mind
of what I'd say if given the time
If I could write just one more time
using words that best describe
reaching inside the inner mind
finding feeling just like mine
If I could write just one more time
My love would be my greatest crime
To steal your heart or defend your honor
My hidden love I'd wish you to discover
If I could write just one more time
I write of heaven that's yours and mine
And I'd make heaven a wonderful place
My two favorite things your love and Gods grace
by Lisa Ricci |
blessing, celebration, love,
"sealed with a kiss"
I wear pearls you gave me
but they are not my jewels
I accept flowers you give me
but they are not my beauty
I look to the stars above
but they are not my light
pearls flowers and stars
are all pale compared to you
your love is more than this
always sealed with a kiss
by P.S. Awtry |
celebration, inspiration, love,
she hums a tune so joyful
that all the songbirds hush
her countenance so lovely
that all the flowers blush
her gown such shimmering glory
it makes the stars grow dim
and all her lambent radiance
she wears because of him
January 2, 2019
by Silent One |
absence, love hurts,
In the midst of celebration,
I care not for confetti dreams.
In fireworks there's no elation,
so I ignore new year day memes.
Only your lips can bring delight,
so let me sleep before midnight.
My soul is tired, my heart is worn.
Without you what's the point of dawn?
by Panagiota Romios |
imagery, love, passion,
Vague traces of mystic embraces,
Soft candlelight mirrors our faces.
The sounds of the waterfall as limitless
As our heated caresses.
Whisper, another time, you love me in my ear,
Your words rising to the to windy, starlit spaces.
Come, join us in celebration,
Hearts waltzing in rhythmic palpitations.
Breathtaking you, breathtaking me.
Blessed by God~ lovers forever to be.
by Poet Destroyer A |
adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,
Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
Balance of truth and dare
Good and Evil, full of care
Blind when it comes to blood line
:) PD
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,
GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that
by James Edward Lee Sr.
by Brandy Wassam |
age, beauty, birthday, celebration, christian, mom, mother daughter,
on this special day
I doest say
that thy mother is of graceful sort
it hath been said she is devine
and I do holdeth this to be true
now dearest mother may I be so bold
to tell you the sun still shinest on one so old
as true as this be
you still grasp your faith
like the roots of a tree
tis said you are wise
and this I have found true
the eye doeth grow deceived when it is drawn upon you
as your thoughts become known
only then your age is shown
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
celebration, family, forgiveness, love, thanksgiving, thanksgiving day,
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.
With family reminisce past,
All our love now remembering
Come together watch our hearts sing.
Nothing earthly will ever last,
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.
If stumbling stones stand in your way
Remove them this Thanksgiving Day.
With family reminisce past,
Nothing earthly will ever last.
Time to foster your relations
With thanksgiving celebrations.
Sonnetina Rispetto
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
celebration, christmas, family, holiday, love, thanksgiving,
making each holiday
Our gifts
shall vanish
but fostered love
will bind us together
as one.
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Dr. Mehta’s Contest
by Joe Inka |
In the season of the sacred gift
White powder falls and spirits lift
When better to join two souls adrift
A moment frozen in time
His heart is firmly in her grip
The words of love upon her lips
In each others eyes they slowly slip
A moment frozen in time
With their vows they do confide
The truths of what they feel inside
The time has come to kiss the bride
A moment frozen in time
A celebration of the new married pair
champagne by the barrel, all decadent fare
Moves on the dance floor, beyond all compare
A moment frozen in time
By evenings end, a gentle snow
Embrace beneath the mistletoe
A love to last and eternally grow
A moment frozen in time.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
beauty, celebration, christmas,
Its Christmas time again
Making hot chocolate - reading Christmas stories
The windows is lit up with fairy lights
The spirit of Christmas is in the air
We light the candles in dark corners
Waiting to hear the Christmas bells
To believe in magic and love is all I want
And thank you Christmas angels
21.12.2015 - A-L Andresen :)
(Unrymed Couplet )
by Wendy Lee Klenetsky |
appreciation, celebration, how i feel, love, memory, mom, poetry,
Throughout childhood and adolescent days,
She was my staunchest supporter,
And through teen years and young adulthood
I was glad to be her daughter.
As a mother-in-law and grandma,
She’s there whenever/wherever she’s needed,
And if this was to be her lot in life,
She’s definitely succeeded.
But whatever she is to other folks;
A friend, sister or other,
She is to me, and will always be
by Kennedy Lea |
care, celebration, child, courage, emotions, feelings, first love, for her, for him, girl, girlfriend, growth, high school, how i feel, i love you, kiss, love,
Our elbows collided,
'cause my desk is wrong-sided.
Made for a lefty,
When I write
with my right.
by Mvelo Zungu |
anxiety, best friend, black love, blessing, care, celebration, christian,
Love is a challenge
Love's challenging so fight with your lover,
Love's about holding each other everytime,
Love's amazing which needs patient,
Love's sadness but happiness is love,
Don't give up on love fight.
Love yours first and love will follow,
Love's full of pain but don't run for what you love,
Love's dark but patient brings light,
Love's kind and blind but it's challenging,
Don't give up on love fight.
Appreciate love and be patient for better days don't give up on hard times because everything fails until it becomes great
Just love love love what you have.
by Charmaine Chircop |
celebration, christmas,
Listen to the tinsel in the wind leading to enlist love and peace through all inlets of silent nights .
inspired by Silent One's anagram 's contest-The word is Silent (silent ,tinsel, Inlets , enlist ,listen )not for the contest.
by Richard Lamoureux |
addiction, celebration, firework, sensual, sexy,
Taught me
To love her
So completely
Inch by precious inch
Me a willing student
Not once was I discouraged
She helped me practice night and day
With her there were no l i m i t a t i o n s
I was given the f r e e d o m to express
In time she became a w i l l i ng student
She could no longer resist my touch
Her an~~~instrument~~~of pleasure
Sweet notes escaped as she moaned
Time no longer mattered
R e s i s t a n c e futile
Floating. ~~~~ up
F r o m her
For Silent One's contest
"You don't learn anything about life in school"
Sometime "HARD" lessons are the best.
by L. J. Carber |
analogy, beauty, celebration, love, wisdom,
When flowers die,
they die slowly-
edge by edge
the petals curl,
still, silently,
without complaint....
Unlike us,
cut flowers
should be let go before
the first tinge of death
while they are yet
radiant in deepest color.
We humans, however,
must stay alive long,
long past our first bloom--
till we have crinkled and
brutishly browned from
the excesses of time.
Yet we have
what flowers have not:
our love for them
dies with them
while our love
for our beloved blooms
ever more resplendent
with the long years,
lasting past the fading,
lasting past even death itself....