by Joe Dimino |
change, christian, confidence, god, love, truth, wisdom,
I took a walk with God today,
His pace far more casual than
mine. His voice a bit softer,
calmer. His visions, far more
loftier, but not views to impress
me...more like, to bless me. Not
stepping to me out-stride – more like,
to lovingly guide. His tone to instill in me
self confidence, and not His awesome
dominance. I took a walk with
God today...met Christ along
the way – and together we made a turn
toward Home....
by Andrea Dietrich |
spring wakens my tree -
a bejeweled perfumed bride. . . .
love birds make their nest
summer’s yellowed lawn
beneath my tree’s sombrero. . . .
grass breathes sweet relief
fall’s quick change artist -
from green to gold to crimson. . . .
disrobed, my tree naps
by Frederic Parker |
Along the feathered edge, a red sun-sets
To bind the evening in dreams eyes explore
Two hearts will greet, till' paradise begets
Love leaves impressions as waves swirl to shore
These caps of white will churn warmly the sand
The world will pass, the change of light is missed
Lonely eyes search for their yearning dreamland
When lips taste fire in a hungry kiss
As night arrives to shelter silhouettes
Soft is the sea to these two souls afar
In a twilight's pulse when the tide resets
And hands hold tight to await the Daystar
The fate of these lovers sealed in evermore
Tomorrow's memory from the seashore
by Jessica Bateman |
lovesweet, love, sweet,
Love is like magic
And it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange
And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change!!
Love can transform
The most commonplace
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
For it sees with its heart
And not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
That everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
That every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
It is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
Is life's sweet mystery!!
by Tim Smith |
bereavement, loss, love,
Walking aimlessly through the woods
Searching for that spot we once stood
Pouring out my heart and my tears
Reliving memories of those special years
Red and orange and purple from green
Rich autumn colors, a sight to be seen
The winds of change quickly blowing in
With it a new chapter will soon begin
Not ready to give up, I can't let go
Where am I headed, where will I blow
Lost without you, what am I to do
Darling, my heart is still beating for you
by Tom Woody |
change, peace,
sweet zephyr breezes
jasmine empress butterflies
rainbows in our sky
silence once golden
angelic voices trumpet
song of the poet
unity breeds strength
moonbeams in togetherness
sunlight for each one
living in the now
join the love revolution
smile on your brother
seeker of eden
no longer searching alone
bards in harmony
by Paul Callus |
change, sad,
We planted roses in the spring
when love was floating in the air.
A diamond glittered on your ring
reflected in your hazel eyes
the rainbow hues of paradise.
We had so much to give and share.
The months went by, the roses bloomed,
but when one day an ill wind blew –
no mercy shown – our dreams were doomed
to wither slowly and decay.
That fateful night you passed away
all the white roses died with you.
[Pub. PS: It’s Poetry: An anthology of contemporary poetry from around the world 2020]
Rhyme scheme: A-B-A-C-C-B D-E-D-F-F-E
Contest: Rhyme Time 7 ~ Deep and Dark
Sponsored by Lu Loo
Placed 1st
© 27th December 2018
by Michael Tor |
child, dedication, father daughter, feelings, forgiveness, heartbroken, love,
There's a little box found in my room,
With heartfelt memories, I won't open soon.
A box of pictures, to reminisce.
They break my heart, it's you I miss.
Portraits of my little girl, When daddy
left, it pained her world.
Oh my precious, I'm deeply sorry,
for hurting you, and causing worry.
A separation that brought you pain,
I wish my love that I could change.
A love a father deeply feels,
I pray in time, your heart would heal.
The years are missing, they pass on by,
I call no answer, there's no reply.
There is a blame I hold inside, and
sadly know the reason why.
There's a little box found in my room,
full of heartfelt memories I won't open soon.
by CayCay Jennings |
change, corruption, freedom, inspirational love, love, peace, prejudice,
Transitions towards a worldwide truce
Highlight our hearts, hopes, hymns and
Inspire us to embrace peace as a truth
Spread globally strong from love’s roots.
All prayers seek universal peace,
Love-filled hearts breathing ease and
Living life as freedom guarantees.
Corrupt power holders need be
Outnumbered by justice seekers,
United in faith to crumble cruel
Leaders and their false rule, to then
Determine all lives harmony soothed.
Blessings of equality could be as they should be,
Enjoyed by all brothers and sisters of humanity.
... CayCay
September 2, 2019
by Joyce Johnson |
love, romance,
The dawn of love, so magical and new,
Two bodies set aflame with burning kiss.
Enchanted world and only for the two.
No other pair has ever loved like this.
Young love, a wonder while its passions last
Must change its form if it’s to long endure.
Too soon the thrill of love, once new, is past.
It should condense to essence now more pure.
At time love’s embers start a blazing flame,
Soon cooling down to just a lovely glow.
No need for these to play a youthful game,
Their dreams fulfilled, as both of them now know.
For though the young and foolish long for fire,
The glowing embers, wiser hearts desire.
Entered in Gayle's Burning Embers contest.
by Roy Pett |
beauty, change, color,
Catching sight of unwanted reflection
through my eyes I observe my murky mind
lifeless, inactive, defying action
just a blank canvas, raw, pure, unrefined,
desire to inject substantial color
inspired pastels to brighten the darkness
eyes opaque though restrict light, much duller
impulses, brain requesting less Starkness,
my poor mind is without shape or structure
until my thoughts turn to the one I love
blissful images, colorful picture
changing this abyss, no more mourning dove,
she changes my thinking without restraints
such beautiful colors my mind she paints.
by Lin Lane |
There is much to be said about the value of friends
Those who lift us up when we try to make amends
A crutch to help us stand when we stumble and fall
Hit us with the power of truth, thrown like a fast ball
They offer welcoming shoulders to receive our tears,
Teach us the importance of choosing to change gears
To stand with us against the barbs of disgruntled foes
Refrain from judging when we've caused other's woes
Those who are patient listeners, offering us their ears
They dry our weepy eyes, smile at us and say, "Cheers."
We love their tender mercies in forgiving us our faults
Honoring them humbles us, and their character it exalts.
by Bill Baker |
beauty, change, love, marriage, nature, peace, war,
The sun a golden glow
The wind began to blow
Rain a blessing for all
Summer changed into fall
Seeing the moon was blue
The change would come we knew
Trees will gently mellow
Their leaves turning yellow
Enemies will unite
No longer will they fight
Tom will marry Sally
Peace comes to the valley
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
beauty, blessing, cheer up, stars,
With sparkling stars of gold
Make a wish, maybe it will change your destiny
The universe is enormously, find your own shiny amulet
Take a deep breath,
and never forget how blessed you are
Everything has a meaning
The stars shine for the whole world
You and me ~ rich and poor
In war and peace ~ with love and grace
Did you know ~ ... an adorable little secret;
The moon kiss each star goodnight
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Richard Lamoureux |
change, flying, god, heart, longing, prayer, strength,
Wash my heart and make it clean
Remove the grime from where it's been
Take my idle hands make them yours
Use them to open holy doors
My cracked lips long to sing your praise
Be my Mistro the rest of my days
Guide my calloused feet along your path
I wish to know Love and not your wrath
Take my arms place them around the poor
Help me realize I need less not more
Plant your precious thoughts in my mind
Change me from selfish, make me kind
let me see your face with my eyes
Remove my ignorance make me wise
Apart from you I cannot be whole
Thank's for this reconditioned soul
One day my life will end, I know it's true
Please give me wings, so I can fly to you
by Sarita Milliner |
april, celebration, change, freedom, future, life, spring,
Spring Cleaning
Springtime is a chance to start your life anew,
Dust off your pride and change your attitude.
Bring forth the hidden treasures, of your heart,
Don’t worry about the past that tore you apart.
Let the fresh air cleanse your soul, body and mind,
Release the inhibitions that have kept you blind.
Love yourself, for who you are and what you can do,
Never worry about what others think, it all about you.
Embrace the earth elements and the comfort they bring,
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the results, of your spring cleaning.
Written : © 3/21/16
Deadline: 4/13/16
Finalized: 3/24/16
Submitted for: Second Chance #3
Sponsored by: Broken Wings
by Russell Sivey |
love, poetry,
How do I write my love in poetry?
Spin it around a needle’s company
I succumb to the wishes that’s displayed
Straight into my heart, a bed that is made
Words that focus not on the worldly things
Making love formed by surely everything
Almost all my chimed poetry is filled
Tinging of the bells on my window sill
My poems flow from my pen to your head
Allowing even the strange come to bed
Obstinate people combined with some change
Must read of my love, they will rearrange
My lovely other, sits upon the throne
Love ties us as one, prepares what is known
Russell Sivey
by Andrea Dietrich |
My eyes, some days, a flirty blue,
wink cerulean skies at you.
Let’s dally in sun’s gilded rays.
A flirty blue, my eyes - some days.
At evening time my eyes flash bright
as emeralds in sultry night.
Come bathe with me in passion’s clime.
My eyes flash bright at evening time.
Romantic eyes, with whisper of
soft lavender for one I love.
In gossamer, I’ll mesmerize
with whisper of romantic eyes.
In early morn, a green, pearl-gray
reflects your face in velvet day.
This placid hue my eyes were born-
a green, pearl-gray in early morn.
(My eyes actually change color with the contact lenses I choose to wear
by Barbara Gorelick |
hope, introspection
A wish is hope, all dressed up
A heart that needs to sing...
And I have 3 songs today,
Hopes and wishes, that I bring...
I wish yesterday was today
So I could change some things...
I seem so much wiser now,
A different song I'd sing...
I wish I had the power
To make my fellows see...
That hate wont set the table,
But love is always free
I wish that I could write a poem
That everyone would read...
Something with a message,
To plant a fruitful seed
We all would like to think
That magic might come our way...
And that some Genie just might grant,
Our hopes and wishes for today
by Richard Lamoureux |
beauty, fun, giggle, inspiration, love, stars,
I want to eat Pizza
While wishing on a star
To taste the taste of happy
By being where you are
We’ll choose to be silly
Not afraid of mistakes
Skinny dip at midnight
and skip pebbles on lakes
Why not dance together
While howling at the moon
Or become little children
and watch a cartoon
A world infused with laughter
can change how we think
From this fountain of youth
We’ll both gladly drink
For nothing could be better
Than sharing it with you
Because getting into mischief
Is a blast if there are two!
by Eve Roper |
change, happiness, life, love,
turning point in life
eternal satisfaction
fuel euphoria
by Jan Allison |
childhood, love, memory,
The minute our eyes met
it was love at first sight
I knew you were the perfect one for me
my parents tried to keep us apart
but I simply couldn’t let you go
My father tried to persuade me
are you really sure he’s the one?
It’s not too late to change your mind…
I smiled my sweetest smile -
Dad knew when he was beaten
I skipped out of the toy shop ....
nestling in my arms, my birthday teddy bear!
Contest –Free Verse Love Poem
Sponsored By Laura Loo
by John Hamilton |
absence, change, love hurts, missing you, relationship,
Autumn's desires
Your amber-umber eyes, penetrate me
as saffron sun sets on faces, ashen
Your suspicious mind raves with jealousy
as pumpkin winds chill our summers passion
your love transitions to winter's fashion.
Fire and ice keep flowing through your bold veins
Wild imaginations portend cold rains.
I dream of your ruby-red crimson lips
my mind won't rest until you have returned
the touches from your ginger fingertips
we can rebuild the bridges that have burned,
then, we will laugh at all the lessons learned
I think of your flowing cinnamon hair
mem'ries of our home, and you being there.
John Derek Hamilton
September 16,2017
by Jessica Zorn |
people, poems, religious, rights,
Stagnant hateful world we live
Something has got to give
Mass destruction of the human soul
Innocent lives have become the toll
False prophets who have manipulated the word
Has planted a seed in every boy and girl
It's time to take back ALL our lost
And teach them love at any cost
Stop judging people on how they look
Or who they love,or what book
by Arturo Michael |
inspirational, motivation, uplifting,
Nothing ventured
Nothing gained
If you’re giving up
Then tell me, who’s to blame
The road’s ahead
Time is now
Make that change
You’ve been dreaming of
Open up your heart doors
And set your soul free
Feel the inspiration
The sunshine and breeze
Whatever it takes
However, life goes
Give it all the love inside of you
Believe you’ll achieve your goals
And if you have to rise to meet your destiny
Then take to the Sky
Fly up high…
High, High, High