by Emile Pinet |
12th grade, beautiful, character, feelings, how i feel, imagery, imagination,
Sketch tomorrow leaving today behind,
following the footsteps of yesterday.
And feel the ripple of all life combined;
empty your thoughts; take all but love away.
Emblazon upon your mind a blue sky
gilded by the golden hue of sunrise.
And ponder a dragonfly zipping by,
watching its beauty materialize.
Blend the yellow of a buttercup's glow
with flashes of flickering firefly lights.
And walk the Earth, yet, let no footprint show,
respecting life by honoring its rights.
Mix well until presumptions fall apart;
and thus reveal the color of my heart.
by Lin Lane |
There is much to be said about the value of friends
Those who lift us up when we try to make amends
A crutch to help us stand when we stumble and fall
Hit us with the power of truth, thrown like a fast ball
They offer welcoming shoulders to receive our tears,
Teach us the importance of choosing to change gears
To stand with us against the barbs of disgruntled foes
Refrain from judging when we've caused other's woes
Those who are patient listeners, offering us their ears
They dry our weepy eyes, smile at us and say, "Cheers."
We love their tender mercies in forgiving us our faults
Honoring them humbles us, and their character it exalts.
by Karen Jones |
character, christian, color, courage,
I am that little light that shines
Within your heart inside your mind
That rises floats despite dark dilemma
I keep you warm despite white December
I am the start when some say end
That little spark of blue you begin
The make a way out of neon nothing
To pave to raise the road to green dream
I am a yes when life says no
And you digest a positive soul
That cherry confess to be inclined
To walk by faith and not by sight
I am lavender love despite hate
And tender touch that makes a day
I am of peach peace in any place
Find me with ease when you pray
I’m the fuchsia flower blooming your soul
I am purple power I am hazel hope
by Panagiota Romios |
character, daughter, dedication,
Maria Elena
M-is for Motivated, that really is you.
A-is for Aliveness, all the year through.
R-is for religion,you are a lover of God"
and shows in all that you do.
I-is for Integrity, that honest spark,
that makes you,you.
A-is for the Alacrity'with which you get
jobs done.
E-is for Endurance in work, home and
L-is for Love, which in reality, your
name should be.
E-is for Eager at each task at hand.
N-is for National, a woman proud uniquely
proud of this land.
A-is for Attractive, your skin, eyes and body,
that set men reeling.
July 27, 2019
Noon PST
by James Edward Lee Sr. |
black african american, caregiving, celebration, character, dedication, inspirational love, technology,
GARRETT A. MORGAN birth outside Paris, Kentucky
Inventor of Smoke hood model day respirator
Hair straitening combs, stop lights
Things for sewing machines
Yes! Mr. Morgan invented that
by James Edward Lee Sr.
by Ninette Carey |
april, beauty, bird, character, for him, heart, inspiration, inspirational,
Peace again rules My~Day~
Comforting.... in a pleasant light hearted way
Nature draws me near
Banishing all my fear
Thank You Lord
For giving me Light
Holding me Dear through the Night
It is a Choice that we make
A Dream this Love must not forsake
Take my hand and come with me
There is nothing if you follow the dark
Eventually you become the mark
It is never to late to swallow your pride
Humble is a lasting stride.....
by Gene Bourne |
analogy, assonance, character, desire, feelings, longing,
I composed a song version of this poem with different lyrics but the same "beat".
When you see three "dots" ... pause for a second.
All it took...
Was your hand caress my neck...
As you passed.
Or a word...
Of affection, not some play...
You were cast.
No gifts... to please,
No wants... appeased.
So few... the signs,
Your eyes... were mine.
We create...
What we wished was truly there...
When it's not.
No ones fault...
She can't be the fantasy...
You had sought.
True romance...
Only happens when
Two hearts have
Joined as one...
Until then...
I will wait for
Love to come.
Gene Bourne
by Larry Belt |
If I could be a cartoon character
Which one would I be
I thought about being Fred Flinstone
But he's too old-fashioned for me
And then there's maybe George Jetson
A man who knew electronics
Nothing like Yosemite Sam
Who needed to be hooked on phonics
And what about Shaggy and Scooby
You gotta love those scooby snacks
I've never really considered a Smurf
And their tiny little mushroom shacks
Or maybe I'd become a super hero
Who comes to save the day
Batman , Green Hornet or Underdog
Who puts the bad guys away
Maybe I'd live in Jellystone Park
Where Yogi is the king
For Hello Mr Ranger Sir
Is just the funniest thing
by Cortney Bartholomew |
character, emotions, faith, love,
You could stay angry forever, but you know that's not the truth,
Because underneath that resentment is hurt from loving you,
Even if it was only for a moment, it's better not to hide,
Because, believe it or not, that resentment eats you up inside,
It trickles down to the next in line, and leaves a sense of debree,
There is no reconciliation, pride never sets our heart's free.....
by Gene Bourne |
allegory, allusion, character, conflict, devotion, feelings, hope, introspection, love,
Love is of itself an entity,
Never knowing when it's touch will be.
Hate appears, a sentiment as well.
Predators of love in consort dwell.
Cunning with intentions unrevealed.
Spiteful in its malice to conceal.
Speak the truth to know a friendship's birth,
Legacy of trust, proclaims your worth.
Time for all who live is all too brief.
Shun beguiling paths that lead to grief.
Look beyond impressions you assume.
Small the bud, so beautiful the bloom.
Gene Bourne
by Cona Adams |
character, hope, identity, inspiration, life, mother, mother daughter,
My one burning wish -
I want not to fade away
like rotten lace, dumped
onto a trash heap and forgotten.
I want to leave myself behind,
for those who come after
to inhale during breakfast.
Not money, like my mother,
who judged it to be the only thing
of worth she had to leave behind,
as though her love meant nothing,
as though her virtue didn't count.
A nonpareil pattern of motherhood,
of personhood for that matter,
written in permanent script,
propagated in layers of goodness,
flung onto her progeny
with the glue of infinity.
As long as I live, so will she.
I want that,
when it's my turn to go.
by Kim Hilliker |
touch my
heart often
by being you
and by loving me
with all your heart and soul
Your unconditional love
fosters stength within my being
that creates character at my core
and empowers me to be who I am
by Shirley Candy |
beauty, butterfly, character, inspirational, metaphor, strength,
A weak worm hatched
From an egg that is fragile
Trying to survive the world
Full of predators and guile
Romanticsm has been just an instrument
To be confined in the ego
And a faint serfage
On behalf of love upon herself
So she claims herself
No longer merely a companion
Metamorphosed as time goes by
A mild steel butterfly
by Jim Pemberton |
character, christian, conflict, confusion, depression, emotions, faith, family, feelings, god, grief, heartbroken, hope, how i feel, jesus, life, lonely, recovery from, relationship, religion, religious, spiritual,
Lord., I've Been Hurting!
This one thing I am
most certain…
Lately I’ve been really hurtin’.
I trying to do right, but it
turns out “wrong.”
Where, in life,
do I really belong?
So many people
pass me by.
Sometimes, someone
may say; “hi!”
I don’t know if this message is
getting across?
I feel so confused and
completely lost.
A message of “help” has my
prayer and plea…
For God to reach out to me!
He reached down and
made me whole!
HIS love and compassion
filled my soul!
Spending time with Jesus
is time well spent!
It was for you and me that
Jesus was sent!
By Jim Pemberton
by Sara Kendrick |
As the sunlight permeates the fog
Revealing dust's debris
Sunbeams filter within the soul
Exposes faults carefree
As selfishness dances around
Critical nature unfolds
A little pride displays itself
That hateful spirit cold
Lasciviousness floats below
Displays lust's wantonness
Are these desires cleaned from the soul
Other thirsts thoughtlessness
Cleansed by sunlight's radiant beams
Variance swiftly exposed
Hatred, wrath and strife destroyed
To love quickly transposed
When touched by the master's swift hand
All character flaws cleansed
Why did not simple surrender
Happen sooner my friend
by Meghan Hutchings |
appreciation, celebration, emotions, friendship, judgement, love,
Colorblind love
Equality for all
Embrace mankind by character.
Treat others as you want to be treated.
Stand up for the rights of all men.
Speak up against bias.
Rise together!
Submitting into Give me a Rictameter! Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: M. L. Kiser
Date: 02/14/2022
by Bonnie Jennings |
appreciation, caregiving, character, courage, faith, family, poverty,
Figuratively there is good and there is bad
Intuitively we know there are high paths and low
Rewarding goodness; not hatefulness when so sad
Eliminating love, the thief comes to take what you know
And there are consequences for each choice made
Children who wander lives without a mother nor dad
Destitute families who’s last night never laid
Unless a miracle occurs their lives will be bad
So, in the course of suffering and destitution
Come magnificent family courage and strength
And some how a divine illumination
Causes a peaceful and caring restitution
And the answers come often at the end of time
But, looking back, They’re no more blind
©2016 All Rights reserved
by Jim Pemberton |
character, christian, dedication, devotion, emotions, faith, forgiveness, friendship, god, happiness, hope, how i feel, i love you, inspiration, inspirational, jesus, life, love, people, religion, religious, sin, spiritual, uplifting,
Dear Jesus… I realize
how much I really need you!
I want to honor,
love and trust you!
I know that others will
disappoint me…
I know that you’re here….
And will take care of me!
Your principles of holy
living is what you taught!
Love, Joy and peace…
is what you brought!
May I bring honor
to your name!
Your message of salvation,
I need to proclaim!
Dear Jesus… You’re all I need!
And so much more!
It’s you that my life
was meant for!
I offer to you, my lord,
praise and thanksgiving!
For all you’ve done,
And the life you’re giving!
You all I’ll ever need!
The anointed one!
There’s victory in YOU!
Life’s battles are won!
By Jim Pemberton
by CayCay Jennings |
appreciation, character,
Aries must learn danger with their own toddler test.
Taurus grasp emotions from the feel in their chest.
Geminis find knowledge a pleasure to digest.
Cancers thrive in a neat, loving family nest.
Leos strive to lead using their praiseworthy best.
Virgos shelve their dreams for duties that sternly pest.
Libras view couple love as perfect life's peak crest.
Scorpios forget naught, but hide all in mind's vest.
Sag needs outdoor adventure per their soul’s request.
Capricorns see love professed safe from cruel jest.
Aquarians hear their own drum and march with zest.
Pisces bear any news without shock or unrest.
... CayCay Jennings
January 15, 2017
by Arturo Michael |
beauty, character, strength, woman,
She’s like the Raging Winds that Blow across a Stormy sea
A Rose petal gently Swaying in the Summer breeze
She's the Kiss of Sunshine glowing over Mountain tops
Her brush paints the Moon and bright Stars
She’s Fire and Fury and I'm her Lion heart
The Queen of my Love Story the Lovely Joan of Arc
She's a woman of Grace of Leather and Lace of Soul divine
I thank God she's mine ~All mine~ She's my Lady Valentine
by Raymond Tarin |
beautiful, care, character, emotions, feelings, girlfriend, happy, love, marriage, smile, wedding, wife,
When I love you I'll show it,
When I show it, I mean it...
When I mean it, I'll say it...
When I say it... Well... You win...
by Barbara Green |
beautiful, character, confidence, culture, dedication, encouraging, fashion,
My Hat is a rush a power to my head
wear a hat every day or as often as you are lead
hat love and hat passion I must spread
ladies without your hat, your entire look
is in shreds.
Please take note, this is not a quote
if it's not saying something,
it's doing nothing
if it's not doing anything
It's not worth nothing
my hat is a rush of power to my head.
Hat Power Yaaaasss!!!!!
by CayCay Jennings |
character, emotions, feelings, heart, identity, introspection, journey,
with a friendly, caring nature, I am imaginative and spiritual.
I share my home nest with my older brother, adult son and soulmate.
I love antiques, dancing and spontaneous adventures on ATVs.
I feel sorrow for humanity, but gratitude and love are my home emotions.
I fear ignorance, the medical community and for my son's life after I pass.
I would rejoice to see brotherhood lived in global peace and equality.
Resident brat of all in the U.S. Army world, I lack a hometown.
... CayCay
February 3, 2019
by Christopher Lampton |
angel, beauty, character, crush, dream, feelings, inspiration,
I love the way she walks
I love the way she talks
I love the way she laughs
I love the way she acts
I get this feeling all over
All the way to my toes
I have a crush
A little teenage crush
I don't know what to do
About this lovely little crush
If she only knew
About the way I feel
Maybe she would blush
Maybe she would run away
Maybe she would hug me
Maybe she feels the same
That's wishful thinking
No need to rush
I love the way she smiles
The way she wears her hair
If she only knew
Would she run to me
Don't know what to do
About this lovely little crush
by Liz Labadie-Reilly |
The Hurdles of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a skill, a strength
because it is born out of character
and does not come easy.
It is a mountain encountered on life’s road,
a steep climb to condonation,
reaching the summit to find peace and healing
waiting to embrace you.
Without forgiveness, there can be no peace.
Forgiveness is a choice, an attitude
which must be learned.
unlocking chains of bitterness and resentment
allowing the spirit to soar free.
Forgiveness is a check, ripped in half
cashed only by the mind,
satisfying all debts.
It is the needle that mends the soul.
Forgiveness is love.