by P.S. Awtry |
christian, heaven, song,
I sure miss the old hymns of ages past.
With tattered edges their message still lasts.
Those five stanza’d jewels I know by heart--
“The Sweet By and By” and “How Great Thou Art!”
And “Count Your Blessings,” I love that one, too.
And “This World’s Not My Home, I’m Just Passing Through.”
But when I’ve done wrong and need to get right,
There’s “Just As I Am” and “Why Not Tonight.”
I swear I can hear my folks who have gone,
on “Vict’ry in Jesus,” they sing along.
Someday all the saints will stand and join in
As Heaven’s choir sings those songs once again.
Those old, yellowed pages worn soft by tears—
Oh how I miss the songs of yesteryear.
August 22, 2022
by Joe Dimino |
change, christian, confidence, god, love, truth, wisdom,
I took a walk with God today,
His pace far more casual than
mine. His voice a bit softer,
calmer. His visions, far more
loftier, but not views to impress
me...more like, to bless me. Not
stepping to me out-stride – more like,
to lovingly guide. His tone to instill in me
self confidence, and not His awesome
dominance. I took a walk with
God today...met Christ along
the way – and together we made a turn
toward Home....
by Tom Valles |
christian, easter, god, good friday, hope, jesus, love,
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was scourged and bleeding.
Sunday, when He rose again-
A spotless Lamb proceeded.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son had cried: “forsaken?”
Sunday, when He rose again-
The keys of hell were taken.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son of God was dead.
Sunday, when He rose again-
Trembling demons fled.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was laid to rest.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He bore a Royal Crest.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was in a tomb.
Sunday, when He rose again-
The Rose of Sharon bloomed.
Friday, three days prior;
The Son was set in stone.
Sunday, when He rose again-
He claimed His rightful throne.
by Wren Rushing |
christian, good morning, morning,
Stepping into the morning sunrise,
I leave behind the veil of night.
The sun greets my sleepy eyes,
as the world unfolds before my sight.
The dew freshly coats the waiting ground
with kisses from the loving sky.
As the orchestra of creation sounds,
it's choir of birds sings their lullaby.
What gifts does this morning bring,
will love win the day?
Closer to the Lord I will tightly cling,
till we meet again to pray.
Every day leaves it's footprints
on the heart and on the mind.
And every man his dreams spent,
searching for the treasures the day has left behind.
by Edward Ebbs |
absence, age, angel, beautiful, beauty, bereavement, best friend, caregiving, christian, courage, death of a friend, dedication, desire, destiny, devotion, emotions, eulogy, farewell, fate, good night, goodbye, grave, heart, heartbreak, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, humanity, husband, i miss you, leaving, life, loss, lost, lost love, love, marriage, meaningful, memorial, memory, obituary, perspective, remembrance day, sorrow, wife,
When in this life I felt down
You were the one that was around
Maybe it was the way you held my hand
I knew in my heart you would understand
I miss the way we used to sit and talk
The times we didn't look at the clock
The way you walked in those tight jeans
Made me want to pull my skin and scream
I remember trembling at your touch
I love and loved you so very much
I am lost inside now you're gone
Baby you are still my life's song
When I look to the night sky, I tear
I miss you and wish you were here
Edward J Ebbs - 05/18/14
Written for a Contest, My Beloved Sweetheart
by Arthur Vaso |
abuse, christian, religion, wisdom, women,
Good Friday
Nailed to the cross
you all say it was a good Friday
It was not for me
my blood mocked by soldiers
nor was it good for you
you haven't learned
in ten thousand seasons
there is no Lord
only things you do not know
you claim glory
a bankrupt human emotion
I told you no to religion
you made me one
you will kill each other
to say I am love
You are nothing more than a simulation
in my child's bedroom
You are less than ants
in the scheme
of the universe
Orthodox Russians
Raging genocide
when will you learn?
by Chris Hagy |
absence, animal, christian, death, encouraging, sympathy, uplifting,
Though my stall here is empty now
If you listen close...
You can hear me running through a greener pasture
Your sorrow opens the gate and releases me free
Thank you for rescuing me from worldly darkness
And giving me love unsurpassed
So that I may now run with others so loved...
But never forgotten
I am a child again young and lean my spirit afire
And oh how our spirits thrive here
Never again to feel the pain of the earth
Hear me running!
For your tears have watered the grasses for me
In God's Greener Pasture
-originally written for Kae Surrah
an Arab rescue mare
by The Situation |
blessing, celebration, christian,
If I could write just one more time
fill a page with different rhymes
make discoveries with pen and mind
of what I'd say if given the time
If I could write just one more time
using words that best describe
reaching inside the inner mind
finding feeling just like mine
If I could write just one more time
My love would be my greatest crime
To steal your heart or defend your honor
My hidden love I'd wish you to discover
If I could write just one more time
I write of heaven that's yours and mine
And I'd make heaven a wonderful place
My two favorite things your love and Gods grace
by Donna Loughman |
blessing, christian, devotion, emotions,
An iridescent sapphire cuts into the night’s sky clearly
a gift unasked for and predestined appears solidity
love is the luster smelted inside the eastern chambers afar
Hooked upon the waxing moon’s burgeoning smile that shines
mesmerizing silver shadows dance under your bloodstained beams
beckoning freedom in an heavenly escape reflects back unconditionally
A tantalising call nurtured on the precarious wind surrounds the soul
shaded Sacred Heart images dance beckoning inside chorographic unison
never imagined acceptance of grace awaits in your tender loving embrace
A co-written piece by Liam Mcdaid & Donna Loughman
unrhymed tercets
by Laura Leiser |
christian, jesus, love,
The Rose of Sharon bled holy red
with a crown of thorns upon His head
His blood flowed through time and space
pleased the Father, covered our disgrace.
How great Thou art, oh spotless Lamb
to suffer for the souls of man
innocent, beaten, torn and scarred
healed by Your stripes from eternal harm.
Believe in the power of the blood
shed freely on that cross above
cleansed and forgiven when we believe
new life is given when we receive.
The Rose of Sharon bled holy red
with a crown of thorns upon His head.
by Karen Jones |
character, christian, color, courage,
I am that little light that shines
Within your heart inside your mind
That rises floats despite dark dilemma
I keep you warm despite white December
I am the start when some say end
That little spark of blue you begin
The make a way out of neon nothing
To pave to raise the road to green dream
I am a yes when life says no
And you digest a positive soul
That cherry confess to be inclined
To walk by faith and not by sight
I am lavender love despite hate
And tender touch that makes a day
I am of peach peace in any place
Find me with ease when you pray
I’m the fuchsia flower blooming your soul
I am purple power I am hazel hope
by Rob Carmack |
christian, faith, god, heaven, hope, love, pets,
Blessed are those that before already knew
the living ark for in him they
found Heaven one day Boo.
His light casts no shadows — it goes right thru,
all tears will be wiped away in
God’s Heaven one day Boo.
Angelic songs comfort animals too,
nothing will ever die again
in Heaven one day Boo.
Find sweet Smudges among the flowers blue
and tell her mother is coming
to Heaven one day Boo.
I have already started to miss you,
tomorrow always comes too soon,
til Heaven one day Boo.
by Okonkwo Ifeanyichukwu |
blessing, care, christian, cute love, friend, friendship, giving,
Love is the wine of life
It intoxicates beyond all
Human boundaries
Love is a pollination agent
It spreads far above all
Races and tongues
Love is an endless river
That flows to all land
The song of love rules
All ears and ages
Our body and soul is tied
Together by love
Love is the best language
In the universe because
Love melts mountains of obstacles
by Beata Agustin |
blessing, christian, faith, forgiveness, god, jesus, spiritual,
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 of the King James Bible; "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?" Romans 6:1 KJV
God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide
As pardon reigns above sin’s pain
There --- mercy, hope and love reside.
God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide
Since divine forgiveness smites pride
Toward triumph of blissful gain.
God’s grace abounds where guilt does hide
As pardon reigns above sin’s pain.
by Joe Dimino |
christian, creation, emotions, environment, humanity, truth, wisdom,
We live
what the Spirit-mind
shapes and forms
that which
comes before
the chicken
and the egg
Soulful-creations --
think long enough
(knead, mold)
deep enough
adds ripple to
a universe of
transverse-realities --
Will is the Traveling-force
and Love
God's Blessed Purifier --
by Joe Dimino |
christian, forgiveness, friendship, inspirational, love, spiritual, wisdom,
Sometimes Truth
is a bit too enlightening,
eyes preferring haze
over prickly points
of stunning beams –
when the
heart in shadow, a slow
peep can be preferred over a
sharp glare,
though the caution of the
heart, can be detriment to clarity,
also a survival skill taught
by wilderness wandering --
Compassion is not always
sometimes best a lie --
like seasons and night and
day – the ice, a slower thaw --
Love first
and never be wrong….
by Marty West |
children, christian,
Teach your children right from wrong
Help them sing a happy song
Always love them for who they are
Don’t try to make them into a star
Children are sent from heaven above
To be taught,cherished and loved
And soon we will all understand
All a child needs is a guiding hand
They’ll always remember the days of old
And it will be forever engraved in gold
That their parents helped through it all
And picked them up when they would fall
Marty West
by Brenda Rose |
absence, age, cheer up, christian, family, giving, miss you,
I prayed today for the elderly
They long to hear for you to say
Words of love and words of praise
With acts of kindness they once gave.
And if you’re going by their way
They’d like for you to stop and pay
A visit where you both can play
Disregard what you may.
Before their heads they shall lay
At night before the sun and it’s ray
When they bow their heads as they pray
Praying you and everyone will be okay.
Brenda Elizabeth Rose
by Humble B |
angel, baby, baptism, beach, birthday, boyfriend, caregiving, child, christian, christmas, courage, dad, dance, dedication, faith, family, friendship, happiness, happy, hope, inspirational, introspection, life, love, miracle, peace, people, prayer, recovery from..., religion, religious, romance, social, spiritual, stress, uplifting,
God is always love
Forever seek the kingdom;
Praise the creator
Keep giving what you can give
Please endure until the end
Beautiful Heavens
Protecting the meek ones earth
Watching over us
Helping us to cope with life
Comforted with hope and trust
When you find rhythm
You find your hearts inner core
Celebrate the times
Make them better than before
Reminisce and dance all night
by Olusegun Ojo |
black-african amergrandmother,
All's not about Darfur
I've seen it, eerie winds
Moonlight through our thatch
We kissed round, one *palmie gourd
Kigali was but a miss
Waist-beads - beats to love
Have you heard the talk-drum,
*Fela's horns of brass,
Or the *Aladuras' joy of Alleluia?
My grandmother still walks miles
Just because her forbears did,
And shame on malaria
For the dearth of men
Oh, on Mandela's earth
Of Soyinka's nobel ideas
Africa - a big breast,
the good, the bad, the ugly. . .
all, as sucklings!
*palmie - palm wine
*Fela - Celebrated afrobeat musician
*Aladura - a popular african instituted christian sect noted for heavy prayers
by Brandy Wassam |
age, beauty, birthday, celebration, christian, mom, mother daughter,
on this special day
I doest say
that thy mother is of graceful sort
it hath been said she is devine
and I do holdeth this to be true
now dearest mother may I be so bold
to tell you the sun still shinest on one so old
as true as this be
you still grasp your faith
like the roots of a tree
tis said you are wise
and this I have found true
the eye doeth grow deceived when it is drawn upon you
as your thoughts become known
only then your age is shown
by Marilyn S Jennings |
christian, heartbroken,
In My Brokenness
It is in my brokenness that I seek
Your face Lord as never before,
it is in my brokenness that I find You
as I open every door in my life to You as never before.
It is through my pain that I see my God that
You allow things to happen in my life not to hurt me,
but You allow them in my life
to bring me to my knees.
And when I call upon You and Your answer comes
and You hold me now so close,
it’s in my brokenness my Wonderful Lord
that You reveal to me Your personage and love for me the most.
Written by: Marilyn S. Jennings
February 2, 2007
by Mvelo Zungu |
anxiety, best friend, black love, blessing, care, celebration, christian,
Love is a challenge
Love's challenging so fight with your lover,
Love's about holding each other everytime,
Love's amazing which needs patient,
Love's sadness but happiness is love,
Don't give up on love fight.
Love yours first and love will follow,
Love's full of pain but don't run for what you love,
Love's dark but patient brings light,
Love's kind and blind but it's challenging,
Don't give up on love fight.
Appreciate love and be patient for better days don't give up on hard times because everything fails until it becomes great
Just love love love what you have.
by Liam Mcdaid |
beautiful, beauty, dream, heart, love, metaphor, romantic,
The center of a star reflects just like a diamond...
Returning a pearl within each silver breath that one treasures...
With faceted panels, I promised I'd never...
Sweep over a deep sea of blue waves unmeasured...
There is a pattern woven inside golden petals that kiss the inside of my heart...
Parts of my heart that I've thus' failed to start...
With soft fingers dancing, you're forever entrancing...
My star that's eternally far...
A co write written by Liam and Christian
by Carma Sanderson |
christian, devotion, faith, father, hope, inspirational, jesus, spiritual, uplifting,
--Your Persona, Captures Elegance,
Your Heart, Values At Top Rate,
Your Soul, Priceless, GODS LOve--