by Mike Gentile |
appreciation, blessing, life, self, thanks, time,
I’m grateful for the sun
which shone on younger days
The days of scurried heartbeats
and butterflies of love
And for the carefree hearts
on beaches of my youth
The nights of clothes and cars
and bars of clubbing beats
I’m grateful for the sun
which lights the memories
of newlyweds with king sized beds
and never-ending dreams
And for all the glory days
I’ve lived and loved, gone by
Yet, as I know sun still
I’m grateful for the glory days of now
by Quoth Theraven |
allusion, journey, love, magic, romantic love, teacher,
Oh for pity's sake put some clothes on,
the bracing air will steal your breath..
and I need you to stand and stay strong.
Cold comfort thrills from your chill touch
help me recall why I adore you so...
A chin of the ages rests on my shoulder in sweet affection,
two arms encircle my world in every direction.
Redtail hawk riding a thermal looks down..
what caught its gaze I wonder..
Will the day lend a hand through a pestering cloud,
or roll its eyes in thunder?
Such a fine firebrand you've stoked,
as I shave my face and call your bluff.,
Wishing the once would last forever..
though once was more than enough.
by Brenda Meier-Hans |
best friend, fun, love, pets,
Shakespearean Sonnet
I remember the day I picked you,
With your sweet little puppy dog eyes.
For my heart was searching for love too,
When I looked down and heard your soft cries.
Your brothers and sisters were running,
They were after a fallen clothes peg,
But there was a puppy so stunning
Trying hard to get up on my leg.
Four years it has been since that moment
And I thank God daily for his gift
Each day you give me such enjoyment
Your love has given my heart a lift.
Today I know as clear as can be,
I didn’t pick you; rather you picked me.
Written by Brenda Meier-Hans
Sponsor Shadow Hamilton
Contest: Pets
by Kristen Bruni |
Face to face body leaning
Clothes flying fast to the ground
Breath becoming loud and quick
Disappear in love
by Michael J. Falotico |
love, passion,
Clothes all wrinkled on the floor...
A pathway of roses to my door...
Like a sweet wine tasting, we sip...
Tasting each others love on our lips...
The radio is off but there are musical sounds...
Our voices harmonize as our bodies lie down...
As our toes curl in passion we melt into the sheets...
The temperatures outside are cool but in the bedroom
it is all about the heat...
Erotica F.H.
written by Michael J. Falotico
by Rico Leffanta |
betrayal, culture, love, lust, romance, sensual, sexy,
Queen Guinevere was quite a sight
When Arthur returned from a fight
He looked up and down
Then said with a frown,
"You look like you've had a rough knight!"
Arthur opened the bedroom door
Where clothes lay all over the floor
"This looks rather bad,"
Said Sir Gal He Had,
"I've mistaken your wife for an whore."
There's more to the story than that
The Kingdom of Arthur fell flat
But Queen Guinevere
Did not shed one tear
For she loved to give tit for tat!
by Andrea Dietrich |
I find her most congenial, and we
have everything in common; it’s a fact!
With all of her opinions I agree.
Our shelves with books and nic-nacs all are stacked.
To exercise at Vasa gym she goes.
I also love that place, and all the time
she’s my companion at the movie shows!
We love to write and love to make a rhyme,
and we are also glad to be a girl
and wear cute clothes and use accessories.
When on the dance floor, how we love to twirl!
My closest friend is such a cinch to please.
If you’ve met “me,” you’ve met my friend. No lie.
She also calls herself “myself” and “I.”
Dec. 13, 2019 for Regina Riddle's Best Friend Sonnet Contest
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
happiness, summer,
hot, blazing sun
light clothes, naked, summer brown
sunglasses, sandy beach, sunscreen, sun umbrella
sunburn, summer love, summer kiss, summer joy, happiness
sun umbrella, sun hat, swimming, water skiing
strawberries, ice cream, cold drinks
lazy days, pleasure
A-L Andresen :)
by Flippant She-Creature |
funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, health, lost love, love, mother, parody, romance, satire, sorry,
Shall I compare thee to your mother's ****?
Thou aren’t more lovely, but more flatulent.
Rough winds do shake it; and bring on a farce
And all her clothes hath all too short a rent
Sometime too hot-headed of hell doth burn,
And often is the true nature exposed;
And every foul from fowl; my stomach churns,
By reason, or by nature's raging closed.
But thy infernal diet shall ne’er start
Nor gain possession of which now I grasp;
Nor shall we meet again; let’s stay apart,
When in eternal sounds the voice does rasp,
So long as men can breathe or eyes can cry,
So long lives this, and I bid thee goodbye.
by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
funnylove, me,
I love the way you turn me on
When we sit on our sofa on the lawn
Your breakfast is the greatest dear
Scrambled eggs and a case of beer
I listen to each breath you take
Your snoring always keeps me awake
Remember walking up the hill
To get some moonshine from the still
A romantic dinner would be so fine
Two Big Macs and a glass of shine
You scratch your butt and wash my clothes
You watch TV and pick your nose
I'll love you forever to tell the truth
And when you smile, I love your tooth.
by Jan Allison |
body, clothes, for him, image,
A wrestler whose first name is Bill
Wears tights (but he’s over the hill)
He shoves down a sock
To enhance his ****
It sure gives the ladies a thrill!
Now Bill’s a really proud macho guy
And keeps grey hair at bay with black dye
Even though he’s a man
He wears lots of fake tan
And baby oil is in constant supply
For Phyl with love from FC xx
by Jan Allison |
May not be very sexy
Yet I need you to keep me warm
Thin yet lightweight
Hides my hairy chest
Every winter I cuddle up to you
Really snug
Makes me all cosy
Available in many styles and colours
Lovely next to my skin
Vital in this chilly weather
Extra layer of clothing
Silk ones are the ultimate in comfort and warmth
Thermal vest I love you
Jan Allison
23rd November 2014
by David Rombo |
confusion, life,
I will not be
ruled by my
Thus I shan’t
I can’t hate,
I won’t live,
I shall
Like spoken
word with no
You and I are
no duplicate,
My body shall
be a suitcase,
Organs packed
like folded
Just like an
open shoe you
see the toes,
Thus no friends
and many are
No happiness
only woes,
Because that’s
the way the
robot goes,
Neither smile
nor tear must
Not a fright
when appears a
At full power
alone do my
eyes glow,
To get no love
and give none
To obey, serve,
To torture my
And smother my
For everyone
else? For
by James Fraser |
beautiful, beauty, i love you, love, relationship, together, water,
Hearing the waters
Translucent lavender flow
Enriched blind, senses kick in
Silence abounds, clothes in fall
Naked to bare dip
Porcelain to porcelain
Glass of champagne chinks
Lapping ripples in caress
Submerged delights allure me
Patiently I wait
Her cue, for me to approach
Encroach, I go through
Eyes, eye, tanned undulations
When said bubbles dissipate
by James Horn |
allegory, analogy,
Nurse for Better Or Worse
Had married my wife for better or worse.
And she ended up becoming a nurse;
Not only that became an Registered RN;
On general floor is where she did begin.
With others her each ability did share
Became part of Neonatal Intensive Care
When she put on each nursing shoe
Would always end up going to NICU.
Each morning when sun would rise
She was an angel in her disguise
Back in those days a person knows
All white were all of her clothes.
Of course now must start to admit;
Love all her patients could never quit
Each day more in love with her fell
Hearing stories she had to tell
Jim Horn
This is all true with no fake news.
by Sara Kendrick |
funny love,
Footling Around
Shoes off
Clothes doff
Feet reek
Spray seek
Last chance
by Nigel Fawcett |
introspection, love, on writing and words
In the dark light of this winter morn, I see
The clothes that I am expected to wear
(Though, maybe, the fault of illusion lies with me)
From overuse, have become threadbare
Nothing there…
In a cloak of blue, I steal through these lanes
Measuring myself, roughly, for something new
A suit of humour, to cover my pain
A coat of hope, to stop the doubt shining through
Do not fit true…
This protective subterfuge cannot last long
So, with the aura of my old hide, around me spread
(Without my own skin I feel so wrong)
In this cloth that is woven from transparent thread
Words, unaltered, from my head…must soon be said…
by Andrea Dietrich |
uplifting, love,
I see beyond the clothes you wear,
The color of your eyes and hair,
The things you both love and deplore,
Your status, education, or
All other worldly things. I swear. . .
My love for you cannot compare
To any other’s. I’m aware
Of what you need that you might soar!
I see beyond.
You are my child; when in despair,
You need to know how much I care.
I understood your soul before
Your earthly sojourn! Evermore
I’ll guide you. Come to me in prayer;
I see beyond!
For Paula Swanson's Poetry Contest: I See Beyond
by Teddy Kimathi |
fear, imagery, life, lost love, metaphor, mystery, relationship,
For years she thought his heart would warm up,
and open the door for her world. It felt like walking
in summer clothes in the north pole,
whenever she touched his chest;
she couldn't sigh, breathe or move.
It's as though he was afraid her hands would
melt his frozen heart,
and unravel his secrets.
Sometimes she joked, and asked him whether
he was an Iceman in his past life,
which he shrugged off,
as hailstorms gathered in his eyes.
Every day the space between them was becoming colder
and wider; she couldn't tell between winter
and summer anymore.....
by Mustapha Mohammed |
beauty, creation, nature,
Who flames the lilies of the field?
And the silver gladsome stars
Or puts a blanket,towering shield
From heaven's meteor darts.
Who grace the air in alluring sweetness?
And rivers above the expanse
Who clothes them all in retreatness?
To shout,to praise,to dance!
Who gives the rose the purest love
And the dews its silver -white
Or the blushing trees with arms above
That shakes within the light.
From regions far,to oceans near
Our God he smiles his beauty
From perfumed larks,to the leaping deer
Creation wields his duty!
by Jennifer Smith |
inspirational, uplifting, beautiful, beautiful, love, may,
i may just have an ugly face.
i also maybe cheap
but i have made many "a man race"
as beauty is only skin deep.
i may not be as pretty as a picture
but i have often made a choice
and i may not be any richer
but there is love in my voice.
i may not have lovely clothes
but i can make love to you
and i may not be beautiful as a rose
but i know when love is true.
i may not have a beautiful body
but it is still kept on view
and i may not be small and often in the nuddy
but my affections are on cue
so if you rate your love on looks alone
i think I'll just leave and tarry
because you heart is colder than stone
your the type for me not to marry.
by Katherine Braithwaite |
humorous, lost love, lust,
When yet another lover flees my cat sized bed
and leaves me wild and comely in the night
I wonder if it's unknown words I've read
Or is it that my eyes have taken flight?
I tempt the sin with all my female parts.
They feel I'm like a spider with a bat,
to cure ,devour,digest my ghoulish pests,
They think they should be learning on the sat.
But some who mind me feel they have been robbed.
I give them all detention,I'm a liar.
I give them generous fare and sing sheeps' songs.
I give them comfort like a hellish fire
Oh,come back ,bad boy ,don't desert me yet,
The clothes I thrashed for you are not quite set.
by Lin Lane |
If my thirst for love, I could quench
my heart would beat in rhythmic sound
and not be saddened, torn in wrench
Happiness would be joy unbound
Hunger to be wanted, sated
if my thirst for love, I could quench.
For eons of time I've waited
Lonely wallflower on a bench
Sorrowful tears, my clothes in drench.
Embers would glow in my heart's fire
if my thirst for love, I could quench.
At last I'd be filled with desire
Where is the one of whom I dream
To his love, I shall ever clench.
I'd search each silvery moonbeam
If my thirst for love, I could quench
June 4th 2017
Broken Wing's "Q" Form
by Andrea Dietrich |
I have inside my wardrobe many clothes
composed of dresses, blouses, slacks and tops,
and as the number of these items grows,
so does my footwear. Lord, it never stops!
I’m not too good at throwing stuff away
except for things from when I was size nine!
So I can change my outfits day to day.
I love variety. It is divine!
I match accessories and jewelry
with all my clothing with its many hues.
I think I’d suffer from anxiety
without a rather large supply of shoes!
If just two pairs of shoes were all I owned,
I’d somehow have to get them color-cloned!
Aug. 1, 2017 for the Two Pair of Shoes Contest of John Lawless
by Judy Ball |
I have so much to thank You for,
You've been so good to me.
You've given me sun, and wind, and rain,
And shelter 'neath the trees.
You've shown me the beauty of the moon's silver glow,
Against the black velvet sky;
And the quiet beauty of the winter's snow,
And the music of the wind's soft sigh.
You've been my friend in time of need,
You've comforted every tear,
Chastised me for my selfish greed,
And quieted every fear.
You've given me to eat and drink,
And clothes for me to wear.
You've given me a place to live,
Without a doubt, You care.
I have so much to thank You for,
So where can I begin?
Your love has reached my very core,
Your giving has no end.