Love Poems About Clouds or Clouds Love Poems
by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: blessing, butterfly, poets, prayer,

The Blessings of Prayer

Like a gazelle springing from left to right 
Your prayers come winging through perilous night

Making swift haste to my ill beating heart.
I was amazed at how many took part,

So deeply moved, there are tears in my eyes.
Dark thunderous clouds have moved to clear skies.

My gratitude floods to poetry friends
I’m humbled by your love as my heart mends.


*Dedicated to my loving poetry friends

~10th Place Premiere Contest~
2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 7 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Mark Toney 

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love, nature,

The Rose Bowl

The sky is a gigantic bowl of pink turned upside down, spilling soft rose petals that peeked out from beneath snow white billowed clouds till - fully blossomed - they burst forth. Growing radiant at the edge of twilight, they’ve scattered as rubescent streaks falling, lush and luminescent, as we watch in solitude. No parade this evening - just you and I aglow, wishing for an eternity to be like this: so splendidly in love. . . in the pink. Title and first line changed back to original Submitted Oct. 5, 2021 (#8 word - Rosy) for '''R'' Contest, New or Old' Contest Info Sponsor: Constance La France

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: fantasy, nature,

Goddess of the Night

Where Luna treads are silver threads, the wisps of clouds that slide
through sky of night, and shining white, they part so she might glide
serenely through dark twilight’s blue with slow and regal grace.
And to our world, with aspect pearled, she turns a beaming face.

She casts her glow on those below who love her mystery. . .
who reverence her as with allure, she dances on the sea.
The lovers sigh as by and by, the night fades into day.
And in their dreams she softly gleams before she slips away.

For Caren Krutsinger's  'A Contest About a Goddess or God - Not THE God' Poetry Contest

by Linda-Marie Sweetheart |
Categories: love,

Crayon Caresses

"Crayon Caresses" blue velvet sky caresses pink cotton candy clouds beneath a gold umbrella red heartbeats breathing loud. a yellow Sun kisses skin of silky bronze glowation footprints carve love in brown sand while white waves crest formation. green trees hide secret embrace while purple passion prowls viewing an orange sunset rose petals play on towels. silvery stars illuminate beach as amber heavens sleep magenta magic smiles so sweet chase black and grey to ocean's deep. ...crayola rainbow lovers' leap ...
*Written by: Linda-Marie The "Sweetheart" of P.S. *For Tracie's Paint The World Contest ...

by Daniel Turner |
Categories: appreciation, how i feel, love,

Within Her Heart

Within her heart is where I wish to be
To dwell inside the garden of her soul
Where each soft heartbeat plays a symphony
And all around is beauty to behold

The sunshine of her love would keep me warm
My one desire, to take life's pain away
Consoling her when clouds of sadness form
Removing troubles of each stressful day

Should something cause her fragile heart to break
I'd gather up the pieces tenderly
With love I'd smooth the sharpness of heartache
Then put them back together lovingly

Within her heart is where her beauty lies
Her love, the light that shines within her eyes

   original poem by Daniel Turner

by Victor Buhagiar |
Categories: writing,

Writing a Love Sonnet POTD

If only I could write you a sonnet,
Iambic pentameter and what not,
Let my muse mull profoundly upon it.
I must write it quickly lest I forgot.

It will have to stress real passion, love,
Mention a rose if I really must
But for heaven's sake leave out the white dove,
Still do mention the red moon that I trust.

Compare her eyes to some fragrant flower,
And wish to taste her full strawberry lips,
Scheme to meet her in a quiet bower,
Clouds enfold us in mythical eclipse.

Will she come, will she go, my marigold?
Ah, my poor love sonnet has now gone cold.

POTD 14 September 2020

by Tom Woody |
Categories: appreciation, friendship,

Hold Your Head High

keep dwelling in the clouds, my mentor said
and shun those who would drag you through the mud
their heinous wish to keep you seeing red
is Satan's lure for drawing out first-blood

for in this world malevolence abounds
and evil lurks in every corner nook
to tit for tat in idle chat with clowns
is like a fish who can't resist the hook

but in the sky there's love and harmony
you'll find yourself immersed in dreams of peace
I'll help you in your quest to stay angst-free
together we'll find joy and sweet release

forever may this be my firm resolve
to rise above the fray and thus evolve

*inspired by a friend

by Carol B. |
Categories: absence, anger, depression, loneliness,

Like a Tree In the Desert

Prick me with your vivid green awareness
Let the white pins that needle me
Diminish into their foggy sham

The bridal wreath that scented our commitment
Now doused in unkept hopes and promises
Moss sprouting venom from hurts battled

Like a fish floating in space with no oxygen 
I swam in currents without you 
The tank occupied with endless dark clouds

Fraught with fear and loneliness
Love now submerged deep in the recess of my mind
Unclear what is sacred what is trash

I prayed you would see the light
That my white knight would return
This battle is fierce and yours to fight

by White Wolf |
Categories: analogy, joy, love,

Finding Love:

Such lovely lilac and crimson tones, As a rainbow of colours fill the sky, Radiant and beautiful soothes my bones, Takes me above the clouds so far and high. Captured in a moment of total bliss, Wondering all the time what is life for? Suspended in awe like a lover’s kiss, Never felt like this to my very core. Love all around and it's time I was found, Beauty everywhere can't you see her smile, Smiling at you and smiling all around, It's time you gave love a chance for awhile. But leave me above the clouds, here I'll stay, I have found love in a different way. /|\ (Ten syllables per line) 31~10~16

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 12th grade, beautiful, feelings, imagery, love, stars,

Beauty Can't Compete

Lingering rays of sunlight slowly die as scarlet burns the sky, where clouds ignite. And when the birds roost, bats begin to fly, capturing elusive moths in mid-flight. Luna hangs high in an ebony sky, spinning dreams into beams of golden light. And twinkling stars, like fireflies in the night, confetti the heavens, dazzling the eye. Like gold filigree pinned to the darkness galaxies adorn the heavens above; and shooting stars unzip the black of space. Yet, Man stands unabashed in His starkness, for cosmic beauty can't compete with love; an emotion intrinsic to His race.

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: sun,

Dawns Gifts

Silver shimmers
   reflected by the sea 
When dawn kisses each 
    silhouetted tree.
As sunrise pierces 
    fleecy clouds of blush
A canvass bides the 
    eager artist's brush.

Our Banyon bids adieu 
    to fowl in flight...
Their songs reverberate 
    in morning light
Attesting to the joy 
    each dawn excites
In explosive colors 
    which Sol ignites.

As breezes blow through 
    azure skies above
I share divinely Dawn's
     sweet gifts of love.


'STRAND NO 1042' Contest~First Place~
Sponsor Brian Strand

Merry Christmas (Mele Kalikimaka) from Hawaii….Aloha

by Mike Gentile |
Categories: flying, hope, how i feel, journey, uplifting,

Another Chance To Fly

Each day I live and wake to see
         the scarlet sun that shines for me
and listen to a feathered song
                      inviting me to sing along

I know I’ll find just what I seek
though rain may come to kiss my cheek
for with each day, with every sigh
        there comes another chance to fly

The bluest blues of azure seas
              are calling me now to appease
to leave behind an angry man
                 and wing away, I know I can

With love and grace, I’ll find the way
       as I then glide through twilight gray
and to the clouds, I say goodbye
          here comes another chance to fly

by Ink Empress |
Categories: deep,

tied to the moon

when air-brushed stars croon.. my soul sways, tied to the moon lost in twinkling tune seeking for rose light from plum reveries tonight~ questioning twilight.. am I not fine art metered refrain to restart music of your heart.. but will rivers heed thoughts that stream in neon fields~ of teal auroras .. swirling and twirling… vinyl rhythms of warm astral~ spirits cloaked in sage… in silence, I dream in a bed of lilac clouds~ of you, me, and love..

by Silent One |
Categories: analogy, perspective, philosophy,


At first 
love floats like a snowflake,
until it melts in your hand.

Then it falls,
like an Autumn leaf,
eventually swept away in the breeze.

Sometimes love offers mercy,
like April showers to rose petals,
but no rain can save from decay.

Love wants to be free like a kite,
flying colourfully in bright blue skies,
but grey clouds ruin its flight.

One day love will descend like sunset.
Maybe we are born to fall -
but love will always ascend again like sunrise.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance,

The Snowflake

Young love is pure - like snow when fallen new -
and always I’ll recall one wondrous day!
Through dawn, soft powder fell; clouds lingered grey
until mid-morning. Splendid sun shone through
the gloom, and sky turned periwinkle blue!
Excited, we ran laughing, out to play
in snow, which all around us brightly lay.
But never did I guess what would ensue. . .

You chased me, until breathless, we both dropped
onto a blanket of sheer white, and then
a snowflake touched my mouth. Your fingertips
began to trace its shape, until you stopped. . .
Your gaze became intense, and that is when
you bent to kiss the snowflake from my lips.

by Heather Ober |
Categories: love, nature,


Trees reach like glowing embers
to singe the autumn skies.
Leaves burst with blinding colour
like sparks that spin and rise.
Then a breath of weightless fog
moves across the silent lake
where trails of molten clouds
fill the sunset's smoky wake.
The harvest moon emerges
like a second burning sun
to fill the sky with button-stars
that morning pulls undone. 
Sunlight floods the gardens
to melt the morning dew.
This is where my heart resides
since September gave me you.

by John Rhinem |
Categories: faith, love, passion,

Fairytales and Love


Clouds burst their rainbows amid the night....

Cascading showers in loves colourful lights

Glitter became the stars which filled the sky

Inside my heart and afore my eyes ~

Into my soul did they come to rest

Atop palettes of dreams; their dreams bequest....

What you knew and what I thought

Who I am and whom your not

As time it tears this page so fair

Confetti streams, tis where I'll find you there....


...."Fairytales and Love" *

by Jack Eldridge |
Categories: friendship,


You lined the clouds with silver, 
You pushed away the rain.

You lifted some of my burdens 
and shared with me my pain .

You gave me your most precious treasures,
A value no man can adjust.

Freely given without measure,
your loyalty ,patience ,and trust. 

You eased my fears with confidence 
and held sacred all my flaws,

Diminishing their apparent affect 
through eyes of a higher cause.

You taught me how to appreciate 
all that one can be,

Encouraged me through the eyes of love 
to invest in a possibility.

Now I can line the clouds with silver and push away the rain again,

For through  you I have seen that the greatest gift
 is the gift of being a friend.

by Emile Pinet |
Categories: 10th grade, 11th grade, 9th grade, image, imagery, nature, sun,

A Bullfrog's Croak

Silent as smoke, darkness descends; as shadows merge and daylight ends. For summoned by a bullfrog's croak; darkness descends, silent as smoke. The Moon pools in ebony skies; gilded golden; She starts to rise. One of the night's brightest jewels; in ebony skies, the Moon pools. Blue bleeds red from a dying sun, a telltale sign that day is done. Inking crimson clouds overhead; from a dying sun, blue bleeds red. Signaling their love, fireflies flash; as dusk settles like sooty ash. Under the stars, twinkling above; fireflies flash, signaling their love.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: love,


One summer in a garden at midnight,
I chanced upon an angel standing where
the moon made a mosaic with its light.
He must have come from heaven; oh how fair
his alabaster skin and eyes of blue!
The guardian of my heart he might be.
How wrong I was! For that which would ensue
was nothing like what he had promised me.

At first his eyes were azure skies until
the dark clouds came; my angel man transformed.
The windows to his soul gave me a chill.
His mind was twisted like a maze. There stormed
inside his body a chimera soul,
for wickedness had swallowed him up whole.

Written February 14, 2016
for the Chimera World Contest of  Nayda Ivette Negron

by White Wolf |
Categories: poets,

Decompression of the Heart

The absence of love plays on my mind,
I search within, but love, I cannot find.

Another wasted day, just frittered away.
Can't bring myself to see, it's all because of me!

Dark clouds are moving in, my soul's screaming out.
There's no place I wish to be, my mind consumed with doubt.

My body's numb, this pain has won,
As I lift my pen to write again,
these words flood out before my eyes.
It's not until then that I realise!
That all my struggles are not my demise,

and all my woes as far as a poet goes,
For now, a smile creeps on my face.
Finally, I have found that loving place.

by Eve Roper |
Categories: winter,

The Color Palette of the World Has Changed

The color palette of the world has changed.
Wispy painters brush clouds line a clear calm sky.
The day is dry and cold, powdery snow starts to fall.
Flowers have ceased budding and spilling over in the garden;
yet the passion, fragrant, rosebud cherry and amber
honeysuckle vine, twines round the wooden arbor,
inviting the few scarce bees to come to its nectar.
Forbearance wooden starlings and mourning doves
move on with their singing and coo-OO-oo throughout the day.
Warm breath onto the cold window, a traced note of love.


by Susan Ashley |
Categories: grief, heartbreak, lost love, music, pain, romantic love, sorrow,

White Lily Against Black Background

Piano music plays.
Soft notes emote mid air,
like tear-stung doves they fly 
in atmosphere of fog.
The clouds, they shroud the sky. 

Piano music plays, 
the keys, they seize my blues—
the depth of blue, so vast.
Poetic ivories 
harassed… recite the past. 

Piano music plays.
Dull echoes haunt the halls, 
sonatas without soul.
Since wick and flame lost light
my space inside like coal. 

Piano music plays,
the white noise like a ghost.
My fluid fingers mourn 
in melodies of you —
my rose with thorns reborn.

by Karen Jones |
Categories: appreciation, cute love, emotions, love,

Lily pad of Love

My mind drifts back
To red times we've had
Healing happy lime laughs
Revealing shining over anything sad

Magical how one word from you
Colors me whatever you choose
From lamenting lemon to maroon
All based on love so true

You are my favorite song
I sing you all day night long
U write me pink passionate poems
Invite me to dream along

We don't have much in hand
But rich in heart with romance
By time design holding hand
Spirit so cheery we freelance

No bars no cars only white stars
Can showcase our love bizarre
We cruise like cotton clouds so vast
Upon our lovely lime lily pad

by Ink Empress |
Categories: art, dark, emotions,

Deafened Art

you can't break what's already broken nor forsake what's been forsaken

every love song is a ghost story ~ when velvet skies dimmed our glory

no one really comprehends ~ how deep into the core it descends 

cloaked with invincible clouds , afraid to let tear-stained ink pour and set

silenced tongues sing in solitude ~ knitting metaphors misunderstood

hushed voices echo amidst smoky lungs ~ tainted through deafened art