Love Poems About Community or Community Love Poems
by Panagiota Romios |
Categories: appreciation, community, love, perspective, poetry,

Potd Good Night,Poets of Gold Pens

     ~Poetesses and Poets, Divine~

All over this great planet we live,
Penning our thoughts, and love to give!

With our hearts, as lanterns so bright, 
Writing with hearts into this summer night.

Pen thee, then, of nature’s fine beauty.
Quietly, we are world Muses on duty.
Creations we form of happiness and sorrow.
Moonlight and dreams, on which to borrow!

A hug from me, now..close your eyes.
Tomorrow is both a gift and a surprise!

Panagiota Romios


by Agnes Krampe |
Categories: community, sister, women,

Women's Circle

Taking the risk,
Baring the soul,
Seeking the wisdom
That shall make us whole.

Raising the arms,
Spreading the wings,
Hearing the music
That deep in us sings.

Stepping the dance,
Chanting the song,
Feeling the sisterhood
Tender and strong.

Sharing the love,
Speaking the name,
Calling the blessing
And lighting the flame.

Written 7/28/2016
Take the Dagger from my Heart, Please- Poetry Contest
sponsored by Broken Wing
N/A in Premiere Contest Number 5, Judged 8/27/2016

by Anne-Lise Andresen |
Categories: care,

- Who Are You -

Fascinating small and large things in life
A dancing feeling in your stomach
Independence and freedom
Positive resonated in the air

Friendship and community means to stand together
about the important things in life
That's about being present where we are


Material benefits provide momentary happiness
Goals, ambitions and dreams ... small or large
Love can be silent and beautiful
With wonder and in deep thought
A magical moment ... who are you ?

- 14.11.2016 
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
- Copyright © All Rights Reserved

by Richard Palmer |
Categories: life, uplifting, life,

Sweet Sweet Life

Our world,our country,our community,our home,
Where we live,learn,grow and play,
Where after life journey,no matter how short,
Our temple called flesh will lay,
So lets move with no delay,
To improve on our living each day,
Look around,see what needs to be done,
Lets approach it as if it's all about having fun,
Let not vanity lead you astray,
Or with you the devil will play,
Embrace God,have faith,please pray,
Live life, be considerate,give love,
And lets make our life a happy spiritual adventure....

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: appreciation, books, community, together,

Library Love

Lingering among the stacks
Interval of serenity, a luxury to
Borrow a world, then bring it back
Riches of printed page, once few
Are carried throughout the community
Requiring only a card to belong
Young and old both given opportunity

Lending literacy to growing minds, strong
Out of many streets, they share the room
Vaulted ideas have a place to bloom
Encyclopedias of adventures to unpack!


by Poet Destroyer A |
Categories: africa, america, community, culture, earth, race, self,

This Is Not a Poem--- a Singled Out Page


Hey, Poets stop by, give me a shout out.
Tell Me Where You Are From;)
I promise I won't show up on your doorstep.

If you are having a bad day, let me have it
If you have awesome news, don't be greedy 
By all means  --- SHARE THE NEWS!!!

.................  LOVE THE POET DESTROYER

by Cona Adams |
Categories: community, friendship, people, writing,

Southern Hospitality

(A Blank Verse Sonnet)

In June, we traveled south to Memphis town,
a public poets' fete with Southern flair.
The mid-south heart unfolded nationwide,
an open cloak of warmth spread far afield
in concert with the sound and sense of rhyme.
A graciousness so coupled with its pride
to sharpen all who came in studied hope
and reasoned well effect, to prove result.
Yet seasoned poets put their pens aside;
the books they found, devoured with eyes and minds
already voiced the thoughts mankind repeats,
our ageless chants for hearts in love or pain.
        The weather's pull to southern ports advanced
        the lure of southern charm from heart to heart.

by Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon |
Categories: community, humanity, love, together,


Unanimously, One plus one equals one community
Not for ANIMOsity but for HUMANity
In style shall we cease the opportunity
To become great in unity
Yelling excitedly till infinity

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: inspirational, love, peace, philosophy, uplifting,

Open Hearts

love fest
welcome here
our community
open hearts and open palms
expressing and receiving other’s feelings

Universality will be possible only when we focus
on human qualities that unite us. Respect, politeness,
cooperation, friendship, inclusion, teamwork. This stems
from the ability to listen to, and most importantly hear
other’s ideas, that are not necessarily our own, and allow
them to flourish also.

by Afolabi Muideen |
Categories: absence, abuse, addiction, adventure, age, allegory, anger, anxiety, betrayal,


Cessation the love
Household has been scattered
When love lost

Humming in the community
Malicious gossip in the society
Disorder in the society
Degrading the society
Society has been scattered
When love lost

Humming in the state
Malevolent rumour in the state
As the day chameleon to night
Insomnia in state
Peace elude state
State has been scattered
When love lost

Mystery to nation
When    love    lost

Oh! It is a dream
Why do we stop loving
While love exist
Love is above all existent

by Brian Strand |
Categories: autumn, life, love, sun, sweet love,

Beyond Love

The sun will rise,the sun will set,
no more love will life beget;
The day will break,the moon to rise,
no more love,as this life dies;
The Summer heat,or Winter cold,
no more love will this life hold;
The Autumn fall,and Springtime green,
no more again,will love be seen;
The wheat will shoot,the grass will grow,
no more again sweet love to know;
The grape will ripen on the vine
no more,no more will love be mine.

inspired after reading an essay by Nicholas Ferrar(1592-1637) the English ascetic of the Little 
Gidding community(was also TS Eliot's inspiration foth the last of his Four Quartets).

by Shaz Cheesman |
Categories: happiness, on writing and words,

The Quandary of Dan

What a quandary Dan, you find yourself in
Choosing a membership fit for a PS king
Why mull over it to see what others think?
You know you love exploring the PS link
Reading and writing poetry everyday
It seems obvious that Premium is the way
One, two or even Life – Just do it, Go Life
Then you can get up to all kinds of strife
Absorb yourself completely, in all it gives
Post a new contest and have us as captives
Create an awesome blog and have us in fits
An attentive audience to your fun and wit
Poetry Soup community know you are clever
You know you want it, membership forever

Written for Dan Kearley - A reply in poem to Dan's poem  
titled "Should I become a Premium Member"

by Freddie Robinson Jr. |
Categories: appreciation, dedication, humorous,

This Clerihew's For You

Don't cross swords with A Poet Destroyer,
pretentious jousts really do annoy her
Her weapon of choice: a crossbow or a saber
she'll Cupid your mind, turn your rhymes to confetti paper

Dedicated to Poet Destroyer for being the first one to welcome the Romantic Warrior to the Poetry Soup community. Much love to you.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: community,


Jan Allison, Jack Ellison, believe it or not there's no relation Both love to write about poop, do you see the correlation? Canada and the Isle Of Man A loving connection, this poetry clan Joining hands across the seas, true love among nations

by Jean Murray |
Categories: art, community, creation,

I'D Like To Write a Poem

I'd like to write a poem
that might

Describe my delights.
Share my sorrows.
Expand my expectations.
Defeat my demons.
Justify my joy.
Anchor my anger.
Free my frustrations.
Worship my womanliness.
Bestow my bounty.
Cherish my children.
Harness my hopes.
Love my lard.

by Jeff Kantor |
Categories: community, culture,



Life around me
Lose control
Price of energy
Eats you whole
Life betray you
Purpose lost
Love thy neighbour
Whatever the cost
Consume the falicy
Attain more... MORE
Distract from the dying
Disdainful dead next door

by Joe Dimino |
Categories: community, friendship, humor, humorous, love, poetry, satire,

I Like To Think

I like to think that love
is Universal – even little
green men, on boggy worlds
having such fond capacity

like to think that stars
share brilliance affectionately,
giving an extra beam, here and there,
to a fellow where a twinkle lagging

like to think, that vagabond comets,
trade heartfelt sonnets in the passing

like to think that you would love me
forever...even if I wasn't so
poetically cute and clever:)

by CayCay Jennings |
Categories: character, emotions, feelings, heart, identity, introspection, journey,

Intuitive Authentic

with a friendly, caring nature, I am imaginative and spiritual.
I share my home nest with my older brother, adult son and soulmate.
I love antiques, dancing and spontaneous adventures on ATVs. 
I feel sorrow for humanity, but gratitude and love are my home emotions.
I fear ignorance, the medical community and for my son's life after I pass.
I would rejoice to see brotherhood lived in global peace and equality.
Resident brat of all in the U.S. Army world, I lack a hometown.

... CayCay
February 3, 2019

by John Conde |
Categories: community, courage, destiny, metaphor, passion, perspective, visionary,

Give Me a Break

Break pattern, break chains, 
Break the mold, break through new ground
Break the binds, that can hold you down
Break away, break the tie, win the game
I hate to break it to you is what I love to say
Right before I break it down
No I dont belive in luck,
Bad break and break a leg statements 
I have no need for them, I hate when people break them out
You wanna make an omelette well 
You know you got to break some eggs
Those are the breaks my friends
But not the ones that slow you down

by Anil Deo |
Categories: beauty, bible, community, dedication, miracle, perspective, prayer,

I Love Her Healing Hands, Blessed By Jesus Christ

They are scarred, barely able to write a letter
But her hands have helped make us humans better

I prayed from afar, chasing a revolution, another falling star
She sacrificed by nursing the aged. A Sister? Friend? Daughter?

In the winter of my life, I cannot see with these eyes
I won't see her hands - I know they are scarred prayers in disguise

Jesus still heals ... Is it His will to heal my eyes, my future, me?
Viola! I pray my Savior heals her hands (My greatest testimony).

by Tom Valles |
Categories: allegory, america, bird, celebration, devotion, independence day, together,

A Glorious Eagle

May America gather and agree
To be love-full and malice-free.
To unite as one, live one decree
From sea to shining sea:

To let brotherhood and unity
Propel new opportunity.
Arise, in new community
And crush our land’s disunity.

America come, give thanks
For the soldiers on foot; in tanks
Whose loyalty never broke ranks
From interior to outer banks.

Come young and old, altogether!
We share many a bond and tether.
As one nation, we’re strongest together
We’re one plumage but many a feather.

by Caren Krutsinger |
Categories: love,

Open Hearts Open Palm

love fest
welcome here
our community
open hearts and open palms
expressing and receiving other’s feelings

Universality will be possible only when we focus
on human qualities that unite us.  Respect, politeness,
cooperation, friendship, inclusion, teamwork.  This stems
from the ability to listen to, and most importantly hear
other’s ideas, that are not necessarily our own, and allow
them to flourish also.

by Ronald D Thompson |
Categories: poetry, poets,

Poetry Soup

What is this thing called Poetry Soup?
I googled it thinking, is this a coup? 
A place for many a brilliant mind
to share their verses of a varied kind. 

A community of happy and troubled souls,
real people, diverse with different goals, 
who exchange empathy, concern or praise
and post their poems so awareness they raise.

Each fraught with doubt but write they must do,
for the benefit of thousands, just like me and you.
They write for the love, not recognition as such,
in the hope you enjoy, ever so much!

by Gu Jendayi |
Categories: appreciation, atheist, community, god, self, spiritual, spoken word,

One With God

Don't Stop
Keep Going!
Your growth & healing is showing! 
We've stopped believing and started knowing!
Everyday they are more fearful
Everyday we are a taller steeple
We are the church
We show the worth
God is an equal
No, its not evil
Each man has his own God
You cannot be one with paper 
So money as god would be quite odd
So your God must be a spirit 
Must be able to be one with you
If its anything external, external praise is all you can do
So I pray your God is living inside of you. 
I pray it tells you too love, too. 
& do not conform to things of this world- Stay true
Be You!

by Donna Roberts |
Categories: community,


Mask muted is convoluted 
Dont stop a droplet that's airborne 
Without a N95
Your wasting your time
And with one you wont thrive

Your body is meant to mix with disease
Your mind is Not meant to freeze 
Immunity builds with each new challenge 
Generations past mingled and merged
The young, the adults and the old

The percentages are in your favor
So dont you waver, stay strong
The initial drugs have worked for many
And I've witnessed old folks contract it twice
And survive just fine at the ol folks home where I work
and live in Florida 

The fear and control is worse than the virus
Live, Breathe Work and Love 
God still reigns above