by Poet Destroyer A |
confusion, emo, emotions, fear, feelings, pain, sad,
AM I ?
Am I Just Standing Here, or Am I Just Dead?
Am I So Full Of Fear, I Lost Myself Instead?
Am I A Nobody, that you can't defend me?
Am I Just Invisible, and you really don't pretend.
Am I Blind, Or I Just Don't Wish To See?
The Love I Cannot Find Is Right In Front Of Me!
Am I Hearing the Truth,
Or Have I Just Been Deceived?
Who Can I Trust?
Who Can I Believe?
Am I So Mad I Just Can't Understand,
Or Am I So Sad I Need A Shoulder And A friend?
Is It Just Me,
Or Am I All Alone?
I wrote this poem 22 years ago
I was pregnant, scared and alone:-(
by Tracy Decker |
confusion, introspection, love,
I wish I knew how, had ability to turn
away from you and not look back to see if it
affected you, my turning away, walking off.
I want you to miss this, and I fail to pass off
the distance as a gravely unfortunate turn
of events, see truth within desperation, it
blinds, consumes, and (I hate to, but) I admit it
impossible to justify the breaking off
of any contact to once again inward turn.
I want to reach within, find this, and turn it off.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
confusion, dance, relationship,
What is this dance that we do?
First you spin me; I twirl with delight
Captivated by your attentive gaze
Then you back away as I move toward you
So many times we’ve been on this floor
One step forward, two steps back
Movements that confuse a foolish heart
Often I feel I’m dancing alone
Still I keep dancing to reach you
Each time I draw near, you retreat
And still it seems you want me to stay
For an eternity drawn to a love unrequited
My dancing shoes I place on a shelf
Along with my dreams, pieces of myself
Perplexed by your desire to continue
Pirouetting toward the unknown
*Revised Feb. 11, 2021
For Craig's "Foolish Heart" Contest
by Doris Culverhouse |
confusion, lost love,
He misconstrued my intention of friendship
Forver sealing our fate to be acquaintances
Married to others with a nagging sense of loss
Keeping our mates at bay away from true intimacy
by Gershon Wolf |
confusion, flower, love,
How can love blossom without flowers
full-bodied roses to gaze at for hours
When the vase is empty so is the heart ~
seeds of doubt sprout tearing lovers apart
by Emily Kroeger |
caregiving, confusion, faith, family, forgiveness, friendship, happiness, hope, life, love, mother, peace, sad, sister, sorry, teen, time
You made the mistake and now,
your afraid to face this day.
Your thoughts are racing through
and through.
You wonder if your family looks at
you as a disgrace, but you'er mother
takes you and reasures, your very
much loved in grace.
Even though your much to young
for this breathing little thing this
has become.
You couldn't just throw it out
like it was a peice of trash.
So you grow up and take the
path that led you to your best
mistake for years to come.
by Ken Carroll |
confusion, depression, suicide, , Lullaby,
She went to sleep
closing her eyes
beginning to dream
of broken butterflies
tearing her lovely monarch wings
on faithless love that angels sings...
She finds shiny metal in kitchen sink
in an evening absent light
she finds peace in cuts of pink
watching crimson blood flow feels so right..
Starlight shines upon her tears
I whisper darling, you cannot bleed
all of your suicidal fears
at night when you begin to cry
I'll sing you a lover's lullaby..
My love do not wish that you were dead
dreaming of an absent pulse
laying on silken sheets bleeding red
I will offer love so do not bleed
give me your knife I am all you need...
~ ~ ~ ~
by Tim Smith |
I can't take it no more
this is too much
Your words are just words
you use as a crutch
My mind is a mess
these pills just dont work
Why don't you care
I'm going beserk
One minute I'm up
the next one I'm down
This life is strangling me
I might as well drown
I sit in the dark
never seeing the light
You're all out to get me
I'm living in fright
I polish my guns
They are a true friend
Since you don't love me
Today will be our end
***based on a true story of a co-worker. Last weekend he attempted to shoot his wife over cold dinner****
Hope he can get the help he truely needs
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
confusion, deep, metaphor,
Is there still a rainbow after the rain?
An unanswered message, life is full of lies
Darkness falls - like a thief steals the daylight
I get confused - hear demons whisper
It happened so suddenly, struggling to breathe
Tired of all the things that hurts
If life was an adventure I would love to dance
Everything around me is in a white blur - the truth?
- Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
(unrhymed couplets)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Winter Wallace |
angst, art, confusion, depression, forgiveness, inspirational, introspection, life, music, peace, visionary
Dear Me,
I need you to be stronger
I need you to never be afraid
swallow your pride,and your flight will be softer
tell her you love her,even if it hurts
Grab onto your dream and live it
Do not be afraid of the sun's divinity
Be better,love more, hold on.
Dear Me,
Enjoy every stop of the ride.
For when the train finally stops...we die
Until we witness the angels dance after final day...
Dear Me, hide your fears away
by Wilma Neels |
confusion, life, love,
Across a noisy plane
Where crowds gather
You can hear their chatter and laughter
I can still hear your heart beating
Even though we are past that stage
Of breathing because we have to
The only thing I feel is you
The only thing you feel is me
It is more a case of it is the only feeling
That keeps us going
In anarchy and confusion
This makes sense
Feeling you
Breathing you
Even if it’s only through memories
They sometimes talk the loudest
by Carolyn Devonshire |
confusion, love,
That sad day when you said, "It's just not there"
Such sentiments seemed pulled out of the air
For many months we'd loved and lived as one
Sharing dreams under the Florida sun
Our hopes were cast like nets into the sea
Never did I think they'd come up empty
What caused this shift was not for me to know
As 'neath the rays I wallowed far below
Searching for answers, wiping tears from my eyes
I longed to make sense, but reason defied
Until I found the hidden doctor's note
And learned your survival now seemed remote
I fought my way back into your strong arms
To stand again with you and ease the harm
by Kenneth Fordham |
angst, confusion, imagination, lost love, mystery, on writing and words, passion, sad
The Ink Bottle sits, alone,
It’s only Companions,
The Feathered Pen,
The Paper Pad.
The Desk, once alive,
The Words,
No longer,
Love, abandon,
But wanting not,
The Freedom,
It has.
A Wooden Chair, dusty,
Reclines not,
For the Comfort,
Once given.
Time, a mystery gone,
With passing,
Never to be recovered,
Days of gloom, waiting,
Shine not, The Light,
The Heart,
Once brightened.
Come back, to Me,
My words, of Joy,
Of Laughter,
Wisdom, once known.
by Kelly Zakerski |
confusion, husband, life, loss, lost love, love, wife
Witnessing before God, and taking your vow
Enter into marriage, forever starts now
Devoted to each other, for all your life
Desiring no one, except for your wife
In sickness and in health, till death do you part
No one should come between you, right from the start
Giving of yourself, to make your family whole.
Value the sanctity, of both being “one”
Obstacles are there, for you to over come
Wedding vows are sacred, to show all your love
Straying away, is not meant from God above.
by Emily Humphreys |
confusion, lost love, love, sad
Moon hangs high and white coats the earth,
breathe in and out.
Frozen air in my lungs; his touch hurts.
Racing thoughts hurry in a blur.
Warm hands on my back,
then run up to my hair.
Hot lips press against my frozen face.
He kisses me; my first.
Now I know sin's taste.
"Do you trust me"?
No, but what will they think?
What do they see?
Pain in my pelvis;
hot breath in my face.
But this can't be it!
Regret in eyes;
pain in my heart.
On the bed, how I cried.
I wish for a second chance;
and pray to god to forgive my
first sin in Innocence.
by Nanyamka Johnson |
confusion, lost love, sorry, me,
Y can't i hate u?
Hate you like iv'e hated myself
Y can't i escape the memories that stain my heart like
fresh blueberries on a crisp white shirt?
Y couldn't you forgive me for my acts of stupidity?
Y wont you save me from my solitude and misery?
Why? Why? Why?
Cant i stop loving you?
by Mary Nagy |
angst, childhood, confusion, daughter, loss, mother, sad, me,
To me, she could've said anything
I wanted so badly to hear her say,
"I love you and I'm gonna try."
But all she said is "I just can't stay."
She looked away, I stared her down.
I needed to see her eyes.
She looked at me and that's when I knew...
She died right there before me.
I watched her fade away.
Her eyes were glossing over
as I begged her "PLEASE, JUST STAY!"
She said goodbye and drove away.
I've learned to deal with loss.
But, now she says "I'm coming back!"
She doesn't know the cost.
To me she's dead, she can't come back.
She'll have to remember the day
that she died right there before me
when she said she couldn't stay.
by Jessica Tulcus |
confusion, life, love, sad, me, me, truth,
Silenced by anger,
I can’t believe my ears,
you told me that you loved me,
but the truth remains clear.
You lied to me, you selfish jerk,
and it is I, who must pay
for all the love and laughter,
that left me in a daze.
I can’t believe that I listened
to the words that you said.
The truth wasn’t missing,
it was dancing in my head.
You used to act like you loved me,
But I guess the angers fed.
So forgive me as I leave this place,
Selfish, cold, and dead.
by Seren Roberts |
confusion, life,
He lays there in his own world
Living on memories of the past
life as it is now, is just existing,
memories, are remembered at last
No longer knows who I am
looking at me so scared.
As though I would do him harm
as I gently, help him feed
I know he remembers that I love him
when he forages within his heart’s pages
the word love, carved forever, by his little girl,
Even when he is in his rage, stages.*
Penned 15 October 2016
*the ravages of Altzheimer's in the a life full of stages.
by Pat Adams |
absence, confusion, feelings, humorous, word play,
She said, "It was fun yesterday and hot!"
"I made love with a Brazilian all day!"
Her friend said, "Shut up, I hope you did not!"
"How many is a Brazilian anyway?"
by Jim Slaughter |
first love, nostalgia,
There's never been a time I didn't love you.
No time at all, and foolish as it seems,
No day goes by when I'm not thinking of you,
No night when you don't occupy my dreams.
Too young, I fell in love with love's illusion;
Naïve to think that such a dream could last.
I know I should dismiss my heart's confusion,
Move on with life, stop living in the past.
They say the first love is the best remembered,
Time heals all wounds, and broken hearts will mend.
Perhaps there'll come a time when I don't love you,
Perhaps that's when eternity will end.
by Linda Alice Fowler |
confusion, heart, magic, sad love,
It’s just an illusion
that softly stirs sadness within my broken heart’s
I have been tricked.
I'm seduced by the Queen of Tarts -
and pricked.
casts magic darts -
It’s just an illusion,
I'm seduced by the Queen of Tarts -
by Joseph May |
stars, time,
The scars left by those yesterdays
Leave her trapped in the past
With a never ending pain
As melancholy shadows are cast
Her heart finds it hard to dance
To the beat of love
Memories leave her in confusion
As she searches for elusive answers from skies above
She seeks freedom from her illusions
But she is trapped in a time warp
where yesterdays always return
and her tears never see to learn
by Poet Destroyer A |
adventure, caregiving, celebration, confusion, desire, feelings, funny, humor, identity, life, october,
Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, the stars align
Balance of truth and dare
Good and Evil, full of care
Blind when it comes to blood line
:) PD
by A.O. Taner |
adventure, car, change, confusion, culture, cute love, destiny, lost, love, meaningful, metaphor, miss you, missing, missing you, motivation, passion, people, philosophy, places, proposal, remember, romantic, science, senses, simple, smart, social, spoken word, symbolism, time, travel, true love, visionary, wisdom,
the shortest road
is the one that you know
the longest road
is the one that you love