Love Poems About Cowboy or Cowboy Love Poems
by Vince Suzadail Jr. |
Categories: cowboy-western, life, love, me,

Angels and Outlaws

Come and sit here by the fire
Watch the flickering firelight
Let me touch your lips with mine
Will you keep me warm tonight

I've been here reminiscing
Just feeling kind of sad
Wondering why angels love outlaws 
And all the times we had

We've been through Hell together
Feeling the pleasure and the pain
Stood side by side against the world
In the sunshine and the rain

Outlaws live their lives on the edge
Their castles built with sand
Why angels fall in love with them
It's hard to understand

So while we're sitting by this fire
And thinking of all the times you cried
This outlaw loves his angel
I want you forever by my side.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: devotion, love

My Simple Valentine Story

dancing clumsily - shy blue cowboy eyes smiling. . . . he swept me away marriage fast foreknown - no proposal from his lips. . . . just lots of kisses my man of few words tells me, “I’ll always love you”. . . . few words are true words
For the The Story of Valentine Poetry Contest of Olajide Adelana

by Michael Byte |
Categories: happiness,

Lost Herd

As the sun rises
a young pioneer saddles his ride.
Mounting his horse
his young bride
his love as he rides
Off to find his herd.
 His proud mare  
goes through the prairie
next to his barb wire.
He wonders in his mind
how far have they strayed.
How many day
must I ride. 
He sings aloud
a song his herd
has heard 
as he rode.
On yonder hill he sees
two cows grazing along
next to their side two young calves.
He hears their cries
as he tops the hillside. 
In the green valley below
he sees his lost herd.

By michael Byte 10-9-2013

by Sara Kendrick |
Categories: angst, cowboy-western, imagination, life

Cowboys Cry Too

C  casually stands next to his saddled horse
O  openly he weeps (so) full of his remorse
W  what is left of pale pink running rose that grew
B   blood floods from thorn pricks he's getting his due
O   oh! tangled web with his love he did weave
Y   yesterday she discovered all his cowboy lies believed

by Larry Bradfield |
Categories: cute love,

She Walked Away - Make Their Jaws Drop Contest

He watched her walk away that day
The tears ran down his nose
Her walk was frisky from behind
She knew just how to pose

He recalled those soft summer nights
When they would ride 'til dawn
He'd rub her shoulders gently then
'Til all the ache was gone

Then they'd stand high on mountain tops
While she would breathe the air
They'd watch the world as it rolled by
Without a single care

Then hard times came and raised their head
He was forced to sell her
He was a horse breeder, that's all -
Not a wealthy feller

May 13, 2016, for contest Make Their Jaws Drop

by Ann Foster |
Categories: america, childhood, christmas, encouraging, endurance, jesus, love,

Gentle On My Mind

Gentle on My Mind

You play along the edges, 
of every memory worth having. 
You have been there since, 
I care to look back. 
I was stupid, 
and dangerous. 

You… ever were patient, 
kind, and slow to anger, 
walking a measured gait. 

You speak in a voice, 
that melts my heart. 
but your real words, 
more often are unvoiced,
but always felt, 
tangibly… changing
the fixed temperament 
left behind, 
in the wake of users, 
defilers of dreams. 

You make me look up at the stars. 
You make me find new paths…
You are a cold drink, 
to my parched journey.  
Now I no longer…
walk alone.

by Larry Bradfield |
Categories: adventure,

I Like Your Style

I Like Your Style

Met her in a little border town somewhere south of here.
She said"If you're a cowboy, you could buy me a beer." 
I said," I'll buy you rubies just to see you smile." 
"Yessir, you're a cowboy and I like your style." 
She had that look as if she'd known a few, 
But she still looked soft and gentle, too. 
I fell in love there on the spot, 
How it would end I cared not. 
Next morn the sun arose -
She'd been one of those 
For she was gone.
Just moved on - 
I'm still


For Contest A Melting Snowball for Line Gauthier

by Dave Mcgahan |
Categories: 2nd grade,

I Am Embarrassed To Write a Poem

Anyone would wish that they were immune to being embarrassed
You put your name behind something people might read, and hell,
there is no way, you have any right to even attempt to write down a poem.
That's not even you. Nothing is.
But you do it anyway. It has nothing to do with drawing attention. I think it is the exact opposite, I have all my life struggled to draw attention away from myself, and it has been easy to do so. I like that comfort zone. I love it.
Immensely. Words could never describe how much so.

by Jack Ellison |
Categories: love,

Love Is a Many Splendored Thing

Love is a many splendored thing A hit song once used that title Love is a major part of all our lives The emotion that's particularly vital Vital in the health and total well being Of all creatures great and small Contentment that lasts for all eternity It's the greatest treasure of all It seems the older this old guy gets The more passionate he becomes D'ya think I might need to visit a shrink Will my addiction be overcome Riding off into the sunset with milady Yelling ride 'em cowboy, yeehaw Real true love's a many splendored thing Should make true love the law © Jack Ellison 2014

by William Robinson |
Categories: cowboy-western, husband, life, love, wedding, wife,

Pardners On the Trail

When someone rides the trail alone,
It's a lonely way to go, 
Without a place to hitch the heart,
And without a warm, true love to know.

But when a cowboy rides the trail
With his lady by his side,
Even when the traveling's rough,
Life's trail can be a joyful ride.

So, saddle up and hit the trail,
And may your lives be ever blessed,
As you ride along, side by side,
Toward the sunset in the west.

by Aundrea Methvin |
Categories: cowboy-western, love, love,

Cowboys and Angels

He knelt and prayed
He asked for a mate to help him throughout life
He asked for a friend
He beseeched for a love that would never end

What he received was more than what he had hoped for
She is stubborn beautiful kind and gentle and her fire caught his desire
She is all that he requested and more
His life will never be the same 
Especially once he changes her name 

She love him for him and nothing more
He is her friend and confidante and her mate
He is her everything

So the Cowboy and his Angel have each other
Fate was kind no more feather or fur
For now and throughout time

by Joe Inka |
Categories: cowboy-westernfamily, family,

A Cowboy Is

A cowboy is a hardened soul
When viewed by strangers eyes
A mind of honor and fortitude
A cowboy never cries

A cowboy lives with purpose, clear
His spirit can't be quelled
No hardship on Earth can take his pride
Though he rides to the edges of Hell

The cowboy is really a family man
Though affection he rarely shows
His daily toil is driven by love
and his family surely knows

A cowboy lives by a simple code
That city folk often can't see
But if you want to learn what life is about
A cowboy is something to be.

by Danielle Wise Baxter |
Categories: cowboy-western, love, me, day, me,

Cowboy Take Me Away

Cowboy take me away where rainbows hug the sun and the moon, beams watching us love Cowboy take me away to a place where the water runs up hill and we're transported to the top where it's still Cowboy take me away back to that summer day the sun set on our faces and love last forever and a day after you take me away

by Sam Ruby |
Categories: angst, art, beautiful, beauty, boyfriend, butterfly, caregiving, childhood, computer-internet, confusion, courage, cowboy-western, dance, dark, daughter, dedication, depression, devotion, dream, funny, girl, girlfriend, goodbye, growing up, happiness, humorous, inspirational, lost, lost love, nostalgia, peace, romance, romantic, sad, song, teen, time, uplifting, women, me, love, me,


Your  love pricks me like a rose each thorn grows but no one knows Your so full of 
it as it shows so carry on now go on, go. I'm fed up with the phony and  i'm 
through with the tears, you couldn't pay me all your money to make up for those 
years. Someone help me I feel faint how could I think he was such a saint and 
worst of all I let me fall into a spiral down below. A magic called love carried 
by the dove of someone I use to know.

by Moonbee Canady |
Categories: allegory, cowboy-western, daughter, family, hope, inspirational, life, love, mother, nature, nostalgia, people, seasons, socialrose, yellow,

'yellow Rose of Texas' (Haiku # 14)

‘ Yellow Rose of Texas ’ Haiku  # 14

         A Lone Star Shone On
         A Yellow Rose of Texas
         and Bluebonnets Grown

by Carma Sanderson |
Categories: cowboy-western, lost love, old, old,

Like Wild Horses, and Worn Out Cowboy Boots

Ive worn out these old cowboy boots to walk an endless plank of timeless dreams, you leave no trace except a tread mark of my broken heart.
I bare these wrinkeled scares to spare a portrait of this old town and country! I dared to go,is now a vivid memory of a playless rodeo I once had.
Moving on pass these stables of my home, knowing theres no way back I am sure to let go as I fleece with nothing but the wind of a wild horse where you were once my stallone, now just another spur on a pair of worn out cowboy boots, i am left to run free like: WILD HORSES.

by Smail Poems |
Categories: adventure, animal, april, autumn, baby, beautiful, beauty, business, caregiving, child, childhood, cowboy-western, dad, dance, dark, death, dedication, devotion, dream, easter, education, faith, family, flower, food, happiness, happy, life, love, miracle, mystery, people, rain, science, seasons, summer, thank you, thanksgiving, tree, tribute, uplifting, work,


The pain I put in the ground.
For such a precious thing.
The family enjoys their meal.
They plant their leftover kernels.
And wait for me to tend to them.
An endless cycle in which happiness is born.

21 February 2013

by Margarita Vera |
Categories: adventure, animals, childhood, daughter, death, fear, food, children, forgiveness, friendship, funny, girlfriend-boyfriend, happiness, hope, life, loss, love, mother, music, peace, romance, love,


Tainted love 
or tired love?
Smug attitudes
and weak games
Look at you!
Your such a lame!
Me cry?! Ha! Not no more!
Five point five years
What a joke?!
All you do is lie
Keep smoking your life away!
Wake up before its too late!
Before this love turns into hate!
Your too old to act this way!
Your too comfortable
You cant stay!
In my life!
In my way!
Goodbye to you!!!

by Robin Davis |
Categories: love,


All I ever wanted was a good ol' country boy
Someone to love me, not treat me like a toy
Searching lands so far and wide
To hold a cowboy by my side

To hear a southern drawl would be
Oh so sweet and heavenly
He'd be true polite and kind
I'd never not be on his mind
Lighting a fire in my heart
That makes me warm right from the start

Sharing drinks inside a bar
Dancing underneath the stars
Cozy rides upon a horse
Our love will always stay on course

My wish is finally coming through
When I heard YEE HAW from you
Smiling oh so handsomly
I knew you walked out of my dreams


by William Martin |
Categories: cowboy-western, husband, love, marriage, sorry, wife,

Cowboys and Angles

Cowboys and angles fell in love
one day the angle loves the cowboy 
I am a angle my boyfriend is the cowboy 
forever and ever we were in love before
we got together 7 months ago 
we both have had 
a bad relationship before 
we get togther it have been 
8 months now we might fight now 
and than but it is making 
things work out when we fight 
I fell like cring but I say that 
I'm soory and make up

by Jslambert Mister Roboto |
Categories: confusion, cowboy-western, depression, forgiveness, girlfriend-boyfriend, introspection, lost love, music, passion, peace, song-sorry, sympathy, teen, visionary,

-------------------------The Soul I Sold------------

If I seem down forgive me Frowns I carry around live in me When I break you see right through me GIVE BACK THE SOUL I SOLD... The hurt I’ve learned brews in me GIVE BACK THE SOUL I SOLD... Your words so true renew me If only you'd re-design me Take time rewind refine me Recreate the mold without lies I’ve told... GIVE BACK THE SOUL I SOLD... The hurt I’ve learned brews in me GIVE BACK THE SOUL I SOLD....

by James Rasmusson |
Categories: death, dedication,

A Wooden Cross

~A Wooden Cross~

South of Lafayette on interstate 65
I saw a wooden cross.

The roadside monument,
weathered and grey,
was a tribute to a loved one
who lost his life in a car crash.

At 70 mph I only saw it for an instant,
yet it was time enough to see
the cowboy hat that proudly perched
on the weathered wooden cross.

I didn’t know the cowboy nor his wife.
I didn’t attend the funeral.
But for just an instant I felt
both the sorrow and the love that poured

from the weathered wooden cross
with cowboy hat on interstate 65.

by John Loving Iii |
Categories: happiness, love, me, me,

Stay My Valentine

won't you be my valentine
put up with me
believe my lies
hold your nose
use blind eye's
listen to me snore
all night
let me control the remote
most of the time
help me buy my toys
when i whine
and don't ever leave me
keep me from crying
be my valentine
for all time

by Gail Holder |
Categories: death, son,


Living with ghost of yesterday's past

holding on won't bring them back,

moving on doesn't mean you forget,

but allows your broken heart to heal.

Keep the good memories, Let the bad

good go because there's someone out 

there that needs what's lifted of you.

Pull yourself together, Dry your eyes,

let go of yesterday's past, love what's

in front of you before it's to late, and

become ghosts we wish could have back.

by Atour Tamrazov |
Categories: family, children, people, happy, happy,

Victory Day!

It's a Victory Day,
It's a Holiday of our Country,
Dance: we are free and genious
Citizens of Art and Dancing
City where my father and my
Mother married many years ago,
We are free, my little girl,
Free and happy boys and girls
From the little town of Joy,
From the West of Fest
Is also the beautiful country,
Sing my baby song and rest,
Have a good time,
Smile and dance,
Shania is merry
With a cowboy and  are married
In the new sense of a holiday
Of all our Big Love
As the happy people say!