by Izzy Gumbo |
sorry, thank you,
Dearest soup tech
Who I love and respect
I write to you
So that you may know
I've tried to be here
With iPad and cheer
But the login fails me
No action tells me
Of possible broken links
One maybe
Just maybe....
My iPad stinks
Meanwhile I sigh
As I try to not cry
As I type again
And hope with intent
That you might check in
... And tell me
How to begin...
Wish me luck
I'm about
To push
by Frederic Parker |
emotions, lost love,
The hollow eyes of love are never gone
They keep within the waves of trembled tears
From days so poor when love was looked upon
And one where the deepest pain adheres
They give my eyes of love such sad refrain
To think that love would ever be so cruel
And find it was illusion self-contain
When love so grand became so minuscule
To hold love once in dreamer's mind I've flown
And found the point of rest its final breath
To know I will forever be alone
Cry now as then for its eternal death
I found a love to hold and saw it die
Inside depth of darkest pain, I ask why
by Michael Tor |
dad, daughter, fate, longing, love,
A homeless man played his guitar,
for coin rewards put in a jar.
A lonely life he always led,
but in his heart a love he had.
This love he thought of all the time,
during the cold days brought sunshine.
His songs were of a girl he loved,
he sang to her, with stars above.
So many years had gone on by,
but in his heart, and reasons why.
There was this hope that would not die,
the thought of her just made him cry.
Dedicated to my
daughter Ashley...
Michael Tor
by Gregory Richard Barden |
my fingertips
touch ...
tender, but with melodic intent
you tremble
just SO ...
and sigh sweetly
the delightful answer
to my questioning hands
a gentle press ...
your supple curves against me
fitting me like dovetail
your quivers ...
soft-thrumming my flesh
matching your moans
the hushing pulse of your body
urges me on ...
your swan-like neck
satin beneath my hot palm
as it moves lower
pressing ...
deft digits dancing across you
like a wild Spaniard
we are ... one
our purpose, the same
oh, sing to me now
let my passion be your cry
let our lullabies of love and desire
move souls ...
and ache hearts
my beloved ...
by Robert Lindley |
anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,
Hope, A Little Remained
She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.
He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.
For Silent One's, eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.
by Arturo Michael |
abortion, baby, cry,
Mama don't take my breath away
My only chance to love and play
I know you're hurting I can tell
Mama don't give up on me as well
Mama I long to touch your face
Feel the beauty of your grace
I dream one day to see you smile
Mama don't ever say Goodbye
by Emily Kroeger |
A love that lasts a summer,
A song that last forever,
A cry that will end in a short while,
And yet the morning stays in denial.
by Connie Marcum Wong |
love, sleep,
Two pairs of shoes beside the bed.
Mine are tiny, his large instead.
His are steel toed, sandals are mine.
His dull and dark, but mine have shine.
Opposites yes, just like our shoes.
When I'm happy, he has the blues.
My secret to brighten his mood...
A large rare steak, his kind of food.
I like the soaps, he likes the news.
When I watch mine, he takes a snooze.
I can't stand to see people die...
Watching his news just makes me cry.
Even though, we might have a fight
Love keeps us together all night.
And each night when we go to sleep.
Two pairs of shoes, company keep!
Poem of the day August 4, 2017
by Linda Alice Fowler |
cry, day, love, moon, morning, night, sun,
She awoke
to a blazing sun,
brightest orb,
day’s lover.
The moon, jealous of her love,
cried for the night’s loss.
She, sleeping,
missed the soft caress,
silken touch,
palest rays
that beckoned her to waken
and taste their sweetness.
by Craig Cornish |
The curtains on a somber evening fell
as weeping angels hush and pull me near;
assurances of love they softly tell,
to calm a soul who lost a love so dear.
Like ribbons on a memory I reach
to tie them all together in a bow,
now wrapped in every prayer that I beseech
and warmed within the heaven's lovely glow.
But, why are Cherished stolen from our midst
before we have a chance to say goodbye -
regrets for one last time we could have kissed
or even one last time we could have cried.
Yet, still through angel tears that damp the dawn,
I can't accept the thought that you are gone...
by Vijay Pandit |
dance, desire,
Charmed by her exotic glance
She enchants a sexy dance
In costumed display of art
Strumming rhythms of joyful heart
Choreographing slow grooves
In graceful, musical moves
As gestures paint passion themes
And song of love stokes their dreams
When desires-enamored spree
Hypnotized in tunes of glee
But look closely, watch her sigh
Hear the bawl of tearless cry
When crowds deceitful extol
Exhibit of anguished soul
As smiles aesthetic hide pain
And feigned visage cries disdain
Cheer for her to turn the page
For she longs to leave this cage
Leave realms inebriated
Of drunk notions, ill-fated
by Sabrina Niday Hansel |
absence, angst, cry, dad, death, depression, emotions, family, father, father daughter, fear, feelings, future, goodbye, grief, heart, heartbroken, heaven, how i feel, identity, leaving, life, loneliness, lonely, loss, lost, love, memory, miss you, missing you, pain, parents, poets, prayer, sad, sorrow, strength, stress, urdu,
I’m tired
I’m Physically and Emotionally tired
I don’t want to be the strong one anymore
I can’t this time
I don’t know what to do Daddy
I need your help down here
I can’t get back in control of my emotions
I’m having a hard time dealing with your absence
I’m having a hard time standing by myself
I need your help Daddy
I’m broken and lost without you Daddy
I need your will to want to carry on
I need your strength to over come this
I need your strength to stay standing
Your courage to fight back again
I need your help
Please Daddy I’m at a loss
How am I suppose to do this
I need your guidance
I need you to guide me back
To whom I was before
I need your help Daddy
I need your help
by Elaine George |
autumn, love,
Beneath a moonlit black velvet sky
Where scarlet leaves from the Maple fly
On November’s wind and breathless sighs
And a lone coyote’s distant cry
You and me where hints of winter lie
Frost nipping our toes as autumn dies
I am warmed by the love in your eyes
by Robert Nehls |
courage, faith, love,
She smiled through the waves of pain
And held her mother's hand.
"Oh, Mama please don't cry," she said.
"And try to understand.
God wants me up in heaven now.
I hear him calling me.
There's lots of angels singing out.
It sounds so heavenly.
"Oh Mama please don't cry," she said.
"It's time for me to go.
You've given me your love and joy.
And Mom I love you so."
She wipes away her mama's tears
And looks into her eyes.
Then drifts into the Lord's sweet hands
As they say their goodbyes.
Now Mama hears her little girl;
"Oh, Mama please don't cry."
So brave and strong her little one:
The day they said goodbye.
by Winged Warrior |
longing, love, romantic,
Breathe my love, for I breathe for you
Thru cyan skies and oceans bathing blue
Speak my love, for I lonely listen for you
Vivacious vivid voices of a sensuous spew
Dream my love, for I only dream of you
Lavish green meadows in the morning dew
Sing my love, for I symphonically sing for you
With Angelic ambiance within heavens view
Cry my love, for I calamitously cry for you
Lachrymal layers of our binding brew
Dance my love, so I may dance with you
In melodic moonlight that I may woo
Love, my love, so I may love with you
Through echoing eternity just the two.
Trust Me Baby This Is Love - Contest
Sponsored by: Mystic Rose
by Connie Marcum Wong |
love, poetry,
What causes me to love a poem
Is one that lingers in my mind,
A poem of a kindred spirit kind,
The kind that makes me feel at home.
A solemn poem that makes me cry,
Or one with clever wit and flair,
Or one with sentiment to share,
A poem that causes an awestruck sigh.
The best would sparkle with romance
The kind that Chris Green writes to prove
Superlative his words of love,
Melodic rhyme that woos one to dance
Under a starlet diamond sky
As poetry whispers in the wind
A sonnet forms in mind to send
Along with dreams to wayward fly.
~Third Place~
Contest Name FAVE |
Sponsor Line Gauthier
by Arturo Michael |
faith, silence,
Silent Sun
Shines for all to see
Silent moon
Lights the night with stars that never speak
Silent people
Go walking thru their silent world...unheard
Silent voices
Speak of life’s unspoken dreams
Silent hearts
Cry a river of tears onto the sea
Silent Love
Waits patiently for love to be free...naturally
Silent hope
Burns of Fire deep down inside
Silent faith
Know somehow we will survive
Silence be...
In silence of sound I breathe... Silently
by Andrea Dietrich |
At the appointed time (you know not when)
your spirit will kiss this world goodbye.
Sands of your earthly time will then
have run their course. Folks will cry.
Your progeny will be
left behind, and words
hopefully kind
about you
will be
at this time
for you alone
will have flipped. Dear ones
will keep on their own path.
With spirit eyes, you’ll view them
from behind the veil where you will
slip, knowing that the hourglass of those
whom you so love will also soon be flipped.
Feb. 6, 2022
For Edward Ibeh's Pick-A-Title, Vol 28 Poetry Contest
Title 4: Flipped Hourglass in double etheree poetry form
by Paula Goldsmith |
age, baby, cry, food, life, old, youth,
The story of life from young to old is the same old story told over and over.
We start out and end in diapers.
We start out and end with no teeth.
We start out and end eating soft foods we do not like the taste of.
We start out and end falling down.
We start out and end needing care.
We start out and end crying day and night.
We start out with nothing and end taking nothing with us.
We only have the precious time between young and old to live a life of love to others.
The story of life is the story we leave behind.
Date Written: 6/7/2019
A contest on aging Poetry Contest sponsored by Emile Pinet
by Joyce Johnson |
When all whom I have loved are gone,
Dear Lord, when I'm the only one
Who cares if I should live or die,
When there is no one left to cry,
Then Lord, take me.
But if there is a single soul
For whom I play important roll,
Who might just stumble, lose his way
Without my guidance through the day,
Then I would be
Content to stay another while,
To give him courage, bring a smile,
Teach him to look to You above
For truest guidance, purest love
His way to see.
Then I would say, "My work is done.
On Earth there is no other one
Who needs the love I have to give.
No reason now for me to live.
Dear Lord, take me."
By: Joyce Johnson
by Winged Warrior |
angel, love, spiritual,
Angels in twilight
Reflections of affections
Dancing in starlight
When angels entwine
Harmonic explosions of devotions
A love divine
When angels embrace
Roses and wine will make you mine
With satin and lace
When angels dance
Starlets on fire with great desire
A burning romance
When angels fly
Dropping wishes of kisses
Amidst the jasmine sky
When angels sing
Humming in orchestral celestial
Vibrations in their wing
When angels dream
Marshmallow clouds over the crowds
Sitting on soft lavish green
When angels cry
Tears of wasted years
Reflections in my eye.
Sponsored by: Brian Strand
by Skat A |
absence, cry, desire, feelings, moving on, sorry,
"When returning love, becomes to Late"
From her eyes
His name the name
She mumbles silently
3 rivers, 3 years, 2 many tears
She loves him endlessly
Sending her soul
A free feeling,
Finally, he fell
Engaging, equal to the spell
Morning, mountains and more
Move across a new age moon
His heart happily
Traveling towards hers
Dashing dandy, onto her dinner plate
Too long she waited,
She's not hungry, her heart self healed
3 rivers 3 years 2 late
Her tears faded his rusty name
by Skat A |
absence, crush, cry, dedication, lost love, sad,
~The One That Got Away~
Here I lay weeping
I sing a sad song to sleep
Fire cracking bones
kicking, screaming, pulling hair
The moment, gone forever
by Ken Carroll |
confusion, depression, suicide, , Lullaby,
She went to sleep
closing her eyes
beginning to dream
of broken butterflies
tearing her lovely monarch wings
on faithless love that angels sings...
She finds shiny metal in kitchen sink
in an evening absent light
she finds peace in cuts of pink
watching crimson blood flow feels so right..
Starlight shines upon her tears
I whisper darling, you cannot bleed
all of your suicidal fears
at night when you begin to cry
I'll sing you a lover's lullaby..
My love do not wish that you were dead
dreaming of an absent pulse
laying on silken sheets bleeding red
I will offer love so do not bleed
give me your knife I am all you need...
~ ~ ~ ~
by Andrea Dietrich |
Monsters live in houses, like you and I.
They eat and sleep and go to work each day.
They laugh and they feel pain. Perhaps they cry!
But they have different games they like to play
They need to have control. Therefore, most seek
a victim who is young or not so strong.
They think they are almighty, but their mind is weak.
Depraved, they pay no heed to right or wrong.
They may seem crude, but some of them are slick.
The ones with brains play too well at their game.
All monsters love what normal folks find sick.
They brutalize and rape, and feel no shame.
Beware! One could be living on your street
or be that charming guy you’ve chanced to meet!