by Tim Smith |
child, love,
Satin streaks of sun filter her golden ray
and with a glimpse of beauty float away
Tiny floret
precious floret
carry off my dreams
to bountiful fields of white
where innocence plays
on a sun shiny day
glorious breeze
carry her free
show her angelic heights
amid visions of white
pointing towards
star cover nights
Tiny floret
the daisy has called
share your petals
with the world
let go my guiding hand
surround yourself in splendor
and with the new dawn shine
by Ink Empress |
gospel, weather,
In a hyacinth bed of seven stars,
winter fairies waltz in pearl elegance~
a token of faith engrossed amidst scars,
while skies drizzle rain in fruity essence.
Angel of sleep seeks through frost's icy thorn,
fallen feathers soar towards jasmine moon,
when lotus light within soul is reborn,
listen to the tree of life sigh and croon.
Somewhere between daisy dusks and rose dawns,
seeds of sun unfurl promises in gold,
sowing herbs of hope across sequined lawns.
In the realm of healing, love I behold.
by Hiya Sharma |
art, emotions, heart, imagery, moon, sun, sunset,
I'm an estuary of ivy-furs,
sleeping in monsoonal moonglades of love~
as the savannah sun of sunset blurs,
slowly unveiling stars with golden glove.
When russet- fairies twirl in a bronze lake,
singing with springs of watermelon wand,
an untouched summer unfurls behind ache,
lacing twilights with lush wishes, so fond.
Garden of grapefruit, doesn't forbid faith,
exotic eyes paint life with a rare art,
where hilly hues drape seashores ~ daisy-bathe,
my muse weaves magic on the 'bay of heart'.
by Panagiota Romios |
cute love, rain,
The skies filled bulbously with
gray-filled clouds.
We rested on God's daisy blanket,
laughing out loud.
Some nice fresh water from God's
own sink?
We laid back in utter joy, setting up
glasses to catch such a blessed...
Heavenly drink.
September 24, 2019
by Hiya Sharma |
deep, destiny, flower, love, meaningful, memory, metaphor,
You bloomed in heartbeats of cream daisy,
longing to be born like breaths of
gold honeysuckle petals,
but, when fate smeared silence
on twinkling throbs of
innocence, life
sighed in crisp
as your
feet basked in
peace above earth.
Weaving shine with a
pearly smile, you swirled in
a snow-white lily's soul when
heaven melted in moonstruck sight;
I'll miss you, beyond love, my flower.
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
beauty, flower,
In the garden of Eden,
grows beautiful Blue Daisies
Walk your steps with care,
without breaking anything
Hummingbirds and bees,
love your nectar and color
Soft music under the moon
Purple raindrops
Be mine, in the rain
A bouquet Blue Daisy
Shakespeare is in love
That's Amore
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
by Liam Mcdaid |
beautiful, beauty, love, magic, metaphor, mirror,
Ruby all boils down
to you in every dream hot
one vision cannot shake free
Visiting center
nerve glows of everlasting
beauty flowering blossoms
Singing jewel gem
voice of a sweet angel kiss
eyes faraway mystery
Rose your soft petals
touch the deepest chambers
swept away ocean tides wave
Pearl of the deep sea
crowning queen between two
shells holding such rare color love
embracing ring one daisy
by Tim Smith |
beauty, love, nature,
. . . and the wind blows
pushing the blue bird
higher farther
past raindrops and darkened clouds
into a valley of golden sun where
rainbows dance in her dulcet eyes
where worries wander away
and new days are hatched
. . . and the wind whips
clearing out the old
preparing for the new
mixing the earthen mulch
from a fallen past into
an unmade bed of fertile ground
A morning mist fills the meadow
dew drips off the first spring daisy
beauty overcomes me
I hold her ever gently in my arms
. . . as the wind blows
by Andrea Dietrich |
My sunshine in the morning wakens me
with eyes that twinkle mischief and delight.
My sunflower whose gaze I love to see
is he – my summer love – from morn to night!
I'm his honeybee, and he's my daisy.
He’s the sweetest sweet pea of early June!
A snapdragon, he can make me crazy.
But when he is the reddest rose, I swoon!
His dulcet voice, like the song of blue birds,
is also like the the breeze of summer skies
when days are fair. I love to to hear the words
he whispers as he watches me with eyes
like sun-lit oceans. My dear marigold!
Forever his, my heart he’ll ever hold.
May 17, 2021
for John Hamilton's
Summer Love Sonnet Poetry Contest
by Caren Krutsinger |
yellow daisy chain
Birkenstocks sandals
ukuleles play
peace sign happy face
a hippie child
Woodstock music
pass around bong
free love flowing
bell bottoms
lava lamp
by Brian Byrne |
cancer, death, deep, depression, flower, loss, love, metaphor,
there she lay
planted beneath the soft, brittle earth
I remember picking you
no roses or tulips
just Daisy.
I was the gardener—
your gardener
what now shall I water
I cry in hopes my tears
will make you sprout
come out of your flowerbed
white and pure
yellow and cheery
green and new
I knew you were wilting
I saw you lose your petals
your eyes lost their vibrant glow
small and feeble
easily carried by the wind
you died within my gloves
now you are back where you began
the dark, eerie ground
but this time
you won’t grow
by Elizabeth Kinch |
blue, color, flower, love, marriage, rose, wedding,
A delicate blue Daisy
Nestled between roses of pink and cream,
Held firm by pink love-in-the-mist,
Green foliage and tiny gypsophila.
Stems bound in hessian and ribbon.
Something blue in her bridal bouquet.
17th June 2017
by Brian Strand |
art, lost love
Her innocence in daisy plaits ,displayed
Such naievty was so soon betrayed,
Touching romance' nettle brought much pain
When discarded,by his disdain,
Tears welled upon her pillow,
Forsaken love long wears the willow-
A broken heart,no words could save,
Death's red poppy,petals her grave.
Inspired by Ophelia by John Everett Millais
by Tim Smith |
She addressed me
–then undressed me
with those pretty blue eyes
gripping on to her
I had no choice
when gravity took my hand
pulling me into her
endless exploration
amid euphoric exhilaration
lilac rows arouse in every path chose
sensations titillating from head to toe
as the delicate daisy grows
bathed in musk
she tugs and tugs
the sun sets, nights collide
whispers await the moon
a sustenance thought unattainable
satiated in a hammock by the sea
by Ann Cantu |
angst, imagery, longing, moving on, nostalgia, perspective,
Accept equality, admit to science
That you always believed -
Why wouldn’t love be free?
San Franciscans and summer lovers
Flocked here seeking illusion.
They saw pretty colors, but no truth.
I extended my hand, warmly
You grasped it, looking onward
To clover crowns and daisy chains.
There is no understanding of
The light in shaded eyes, or
Coy words slipped from tight lips.
Summers always end, she said.
We sighed, nodding off to dream,
Once more before the apocalypse.
-ARCantu, 05/25/2023
by Eve Roper |
fairy, fantasy, love,
A fervent fairy
In romantic dream
Holds a watering
Can, flitting over
Her daisy sweetheart.
Morning sunlight
Obscure bee whirs,
Round fair-haired face
Tease twinkle toes.
Mice clamor,
Hedgehog rolls
Heather blooms.
by Tim Smith |
Je suis accro à vos lèvres, ils me rendent fou
Drawn the attraction drowns
screams pulled to seduction
pushed away nights
lead to dawn
where griped moons
wash ashore
Soft eyes smile anxiously
moist lips melt chilled fright
wrap around scents of happy
filter off a delicate daisy
drops of dew linger on petals
of a perfect moment spent
Song birds arise off a blanketed blind
chasing winds before they begin to fade
first rays of light dance with sated hearts
eyes blink, fingers entwine, love lies
by Caren Krutsinger |
7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, how i feel, i am, identity, self,
Creative, Empathetic, Respectful, Helpful
Wife of Joe, mother of Angela, Tracy, and Susie,
Mother-in-law of Josh and Andy,
Grandma of Emily, Cali, Molly, Tony, Jack, Josie, Lucy, Daisy, Max and Johnny.
Lover of children, dogs, and family.
Who feels joy, excitement, and amused.
Who needs people, work, and love.
Who gives happiness, soft words, and tender touches.
Who fears violence, anger, and rage.
Who would like to see the world assimilate as one.
Resident of Kansas
by Robert Kinard |
devotion, emotions, longing, love, romantic love,
I’ve giving you flowers since we met,
with this gentle message
I hope you won’t regret.
Your natural beauty is what I chose.
Like this flower,
One Perfect Rose.
Life is a garden full of
Daisy, Dandelions and Daffodils.
But you are the one I chose,
One Perfect Rose.
Cupid uses a bow I suppose,
a flowers language always knows,
that within these peddles
my heart is enclosed.
One Perfect Rose.
by David Paquin |
art, inspirational, mystery, passion,
Sparkles of gold in the winter
Whispering words of thousand years
A smell of fate in the darkness
The song of a long gone mistress
Tales of the great, lost in eons
The pain of a million Oblivions
Love of a daisy in the dew
Sight of the dragons that once flew
My mind is here, timeless
Shattered in melancholy, pointless
Blessed with the bliss of ignorance
Gliding winds of an unreal trance
Summoned by a hundred summonings
By the fate that a kiss brings
By the flight of my own dream
Cristallization of a child's scream
Wake me up with my soul's core
Extract its celestial ore
Channel it to every dreamer
In sparkles of gold in the winter
by Mike Gentile |
dream, hope, humanity, love, motivation, political, work,
Rolling hills of buttercups align a picnic world
A place where roses can be blue in gardens filled of pink
And where the eyes of strangers meet in gaze of tolerance
A place beholding sympathy and empathy and love
Perhaps, a mere illusion, such a world could ever be
Yet, these are the advanced daydreams of Daisy
by Stephanie Liagris |
abuse, lust, relationship,
She fell in love with him
or so she thought
She didnt realize that she fell in love with a sickness consumed in a mans body
Pleasure intertwined with depths of pain that broke her
He played her emotions as a form of entertainment
Seeing how much he could take her love for granted
How far he could keep his puppet on a string
She loved him so hard it built him into a god
Feeding his empty soul with worship while draining hers
She was the ground he walked on
Making sure to dig his heels in with every step
She was a daisy he so easily plucked away at
Leaving her lifeless with no more love to give
Empty, she walked away
Without her he was nothing
by Caren Krutsinger |
art, god, muse,
Enthusiasm sweeps me up and
tosses me casually into the wind.
I travel heights never travelled before
To far away places
Smelling flowers not fully visualized
More fragrant than any earthly daisy
The sights are vague as I am tossed about,
but gently, endearingly
I do not argue or fight this freedom
I am feeling, unencumbered
in every way, an honor to my gypsy soul self
Encouraged to create art in a variety of forms
God given utter joy and permission
to create whatever I desire with bliss and love
by David Crandall |
flower, friendship, love,
a chance meeting
digits fleeting
each I could recall
days so lazy
odd petaled daisy
I gave you a call
from one hello
how would I know
in love I would fall
would not our fate
you loved me not at all
fifty Summers passed
they seemed so fast
then another Fall
and in the end
we became friends
under daisy's thrall
by Anne-Lise Andresen |
cute love, flower,
a oxeye daisy
you don't love me - you love me
oh, I Love U 2
Sun :) - A-L Andresen :)
Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Haiku, I Love U 2 Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: James Edward Lee Sr.
1st place in the contest