by Silent One |
desire, romance, romantic love,
She is soothing music,
but an unwritten script.
A silent movie,
but visually, cinematic elegance.
Infatuated lyrics thirst to
compose onto tones of her curves.
Her tongue is a sensual dance,
a serenade of sensitive sensations.
Her lips a path to pristine passion,
her eyes a gateway to heaven.
But she is grandeur of purity,
a distinction of innocence.
Fate must learn patience,
in the pursuit of desire.
Simple Musing
Silent One
8 March 2020
by Silent One |
love, love hurts,
I still recall our first poetic glance,
dormant pen roused my fingers to dance.
Her love was like a cherry blossom tree,
which at first blossomed so beautifully.
When a tender breeze took each fragile bud,
we stood naked, vulnerable to the flood.
Broken branches fell, as love became silent,
our poems burned in fires, ever so violent.
Her absence formed a lawless state of mind,
vacant heart bled for memories left behind.
Some say sorrow washes away with rain,
but in heartbreak, torpid wounds leave a stain.
Love is a balance of peace and distress,
yet it's something two souls cannot suppress.
Simple Sonnet
Silent One
Example for what is love contest.
by Jan Allison |
moon, ocean,
at midnight
as moonlight shadows
dance on the inky blue ocean
and watch as they sparkle and shimmer like tiny stars,
pirouetting gracefully like prima ballerinas with the ocean as their stage
Writing Challenge 1, September 2019 - Eight Line Form
Sponsor, Dear Heart - Wiishkobi Ode
Checked with PS Syllable counter 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21
by Emile Pinet |
angst, anxiety, betrayal, emotions, feelings, hurt, relationship,
Her piercing eyes burn through paper-thin lies
igniting fear as flames erupt inside.
And accusingly, she breaks down and cries,
trying to salvage what's left of her pride.
She believed you both had found your soulmate;
and thus, never thought either heart would stray.
And expresses feelings of love and hate;
as she watches her dreams slipping away.
There's no such thing as an innocent flirt;
it's the first crack in a relationship.
And the lies that accompany it hurt;
causing the scales of happiness to tip.
Jealousy is an emotional dance,
stomping out flickering flames of romance.
by Daniel Turner |
funny, love, sad,
I've never kissed a pig with my eyes closed
Nor have I ever held a hand of time
However, there was once when I proposed
But that was back when I was in my prime
I still recall how much she loved to dance
She'd laugh at me and make my face turn red
She taught me all the secrets of romance
That love was what one did, not what one said
I search the shadows for her purple hue
I take her mem'ry everywhere I go
Its smile has it's own special shade of blue
Its taste so sweet no one could ever know
They tell me only time mends broken hearts
I wonder just how long before it starts.
by Daniel Turner
by Vijay Pandit |
In realm of love, you are the awe of mystique~
Musings of smitten soul, passions bespeak,
When glances romantic lure enamored night
To dance of fantasies moonlit revelries ignite
Waltzing with stars scintillating opaline skies,
As smiles endearing emanate from your eyes
Beaming missives esoteric, vying to explore,
Secrets of heartbeats extolling echoes of yore,
Adulating present as tomorrow’s dream soar
To domains heavenly, croons of love implore,
Infatuated by aroma your redolent vibes impart,
Abloom in elixir of the rose inside my heart.
March 26, 2023
Poem of the day on March 27, 2023
Placed 1st: The Rose Inside My Heart Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mystic Rose Rose
by Robert Lindley |
appreciation, creation, emotions, happiness, joy, love, magic,
Prayer For Her, This Wounded Heart Healed
Please keep this dream in my lost life
remove painful sting and life filled with strife
Let her dance and sing another sweet tune
as I hold her under this, merciful God's moon.
An excerpt from: "As I Hold Her Under This, Merciful God's Moon"
(written 7/26/2015)
For- Your Best Poem #2 contest, sponsor Shadow Hamilton
Now Submitted for contest: July 19, 2019
Contest: Arbitrium Divisa 3
Sponsor: Gregory R Barden
by Ink Empress |
dance, deep, love,
Last night I dreamt that I was dancing
in soft foggy mists designed in
pearly bows, frolicking from
thin fluffy silver waves-
blanketing moonlit
skies within hour
less hills and
through blue bliss
lakes, in lucid
motions, as seamless
ripples reflect a sweet
rhapsody of a golden
rose sprouting amidst glistening
rays, as I name mauve stars with your love
by Andrea Dietrich |
After the party and all our great fun,
new friends were trickling out my front door.
With their goodbye hugs, they left one by one,
and I was left feeling surely “the more
the merrier” was a phrase that was true
with my apartment now emptied of sound!
But through the night, I’d been noticing YOU.
Unlike the others, you’d just stuck around.
You told me you’d waited all night for the chance
to be with me only. My heart skipped a beat.
Putting on music, you asked for a dance!
The moment was magic, and you were so sweet.
Today we still dance to that same song.
After the party, my prince came along!
June 29, 2019
by Charmaine Chircop |
absence, love,
Stay a little longer
come closer to my heart
Breathe dew breeze on my neck's nape
do not yet depart
Play for me bagpipe music
Blindfold all my starving fears
Let the dulcet tones of your voice
give us back those harvest years
Make of the citrus moon a ballroom
Hold me firmly from both hands
Lift me high to touch the star-sky
Show me how young peasants dance
Let my soothing fingers trail
across your caloused sun -soaked skin
In purple fields Come chase me
in that place our souls have been
Take me away with you
where this world is out of sight
Where unspoken thoughts and heartbeats
are enough to blaze the night.
by Mel Merrill |
Dancing once again with words,
As the two of us, embrace--
Another verse, another rhyme
Of waterfalls, and lace.
Romantic words in meter,
Although where's the gentle kiss?
Where's the touch and feel of it,
The tenderness, I miss?
Need I craft another verse, or two,
Of moon and leafy wood?
Should one appear, and touch my heart,
Then possibly I could.
But what would be the good of it,
Shall my words a love renew?
Then a sonnet I would surely pen
With the imagery of you.
And who can say, though distantly,
Perhaps a spark could grow--
Then I would dance, and cheek-to-cheek...
And let my poems go.
by Regina Branham |
lost love, love
I waited, dressed to kill
in red,
and in love
both, of which
I could have been coaxed out of
You have turned a pale shade of white,
my Valentine
Al Green sang to me,
as my pen danced as your substitute
we danced all night long,
stationary, our dance floor.
As we whirled to the emotions
of words' sounds; hand in hand,
we went round and round
and round
No one else in the room
most of all, not you
as my ink turned
from red to blue
by Arthur Vaso |
abuse, art, bullying, religion, silence, symbolism,
Breaking Bad
dance with slum lords
they shed fake tears
victims they shout
from Ivory towers
Mock and attack
they of dark cloth and deceit
possesses no real God
they whoreship only their prey
living by night not day
Some even screech praise untowards
sick is the mind who follows
dead morals and upended graves
they really are the bully's slaves
Yet their churches pew is full
Criminals all
singing love songs
sewing fear and anger
no wonder God got fed up
evicting them one and all
by Victor Buhagiar |
Upon the slow-flowing river,
Suddenly swans
Scud quickly away.
From round the bend I gracefully glide,
I am the queen of them all.
And quickly my king arrives.
The dance of love begins.
We bob our heads, wings quivering,
Necks entwined.
Unruffled snow-white plumage.
In time my eggs are hatched,
Cygnets are so cute.
How quickly they grow.
Now we are a royal family
Suddenly swans.
by Vijay Pandit |
dance, desire,
Charmed by her exotic glance
She enchants a sexy dance
In costumed display of art
Strumming rhythms of joyful heart
Choreographing slow grooves
In graceful, musical moves
As gestures paint passion themes
And song of love stokes their dreams
When desires-enamored spree
Hypnotized in tunes of glee
But look closely, watch her sigh
Hear the bawl of tearless cry
When crowds deceitful extol
Exhibit of anguished soul
As smiles aesthetic hide pain
And feigned visage cries disdain
Cheer for her to turn the page
For she longs to leave this cage
Leave realms inebriated
Of drunk notions, ill-fated
by Vijay Pandit |
autumn, imagery,
Golden leaves of autumn delight
Where season flaunts hints of romance
Blazing passions of smitten sight
As themes chromatic swirl and dance.
Charming dreams of romantic eyes
Golden leaves of autumn delight
As twilight blushes on mauve skies
Lauding missives of zealous night.
While amber notions waltz in flight
Spurring thrill of flaxen meadows,
Golden leaves of autumn delight
As tunes of love heartbeats compose.
Crimson motifs gelid winds blow
Twirling, whirling, as they alight,
Where gilded canvas glints on snow
Golden leaves of autumn delight.
by Poet Destroyer A |
beauty, care, creation, imagination, inspiration, lonely, love hurts, metaphor, nature, rain, sad love, september,
She writes about Fall's beauty in the rain
The falling raindrops' dance ascribing thence
Bespoken verse that lightens her refrain
before the time they met - her steps commence.
She listens to the soft and rhythmic thrum,
her love turned to escape and cloudy string
Where nimbus mistletoe fell, tears to become
Their kiss of Autumn was symbolic ring.
The first light cotton mists with summer rays
While skyward cheerful laughs adorn the land,
their ceremonial dance diffuses grays,
affectionate embrace, where dreams expand.
Upon September's sky the raindrops gleam
With half of hidden Sun to laugh and beam.
--------- 8-29-13
by Poet Destroyer A |
beauty, immigration, magic, metaphor, pride, summer, sun,
~Sun Dancing~
Bright yellow sparks glisten around the landscape
Sheer environment expose
Warmth slinks down every step
So-- Invigorating
Spur-like rays muster in long light
The wolves wait to howl
Soon--Bunch of flowers
Huddle in with sunlit love
Luminous rave
By; pd
by Agnes Krampe |
community, sister, women,
Taking the risk,
Baring the soul,
Seeking the wisdom
That shall make us whole.
Raising the arms,
Spreading the wings,
Hearing the music
That deep in us sings.
Stepping the dance,
Chanting the song,
Feeling the sisterhood
Tender and strong.
Sharing the love,
Speaking the name,
Calling the blessing
And lighting the flame.
Written 7/28/2016
Take the Dagger from my Heart, Please- Poetry Contest
sponsored by Broken Wing
N/A in Premiere Contest Number 5, Judged 8/27/2016
by Tim Smith |
dance, love,
Strumming my heartstrings
Drawing me in with each note
Playing the most beautiful song
Hearing the words you wrote
Filling in all the gaps
The melody is for me
Beating loud and clear
Setting my heart free
Only distance keeping us at bay
You still have me in your trance
Two hearts apart, beating as one
How I wish we could dance
A soft kiss upon your delicate hand
Holding you close, holding you tight
Slow dancing under the moonlit skies
The perfect girl, the perfect night
by Richard Lamoureux |
beauty, dance, happiness, love,
awkwardly I dance
because I have two left feet
hard to find partner
I watch you dancing
it seems you have two right feet
let us share some shoes
will you follow me
for if we move together
dance will have purpose
you move fluidly
my feet provide the structure
made for each other
no limitations
with artistry and purpose
we dance with the stars
life is not boring
we live within the rhythm
music from heaven
God is our maestro
leading us to forever
in death we won't part
by Melissa Wadkins Patterson |
hope, life, love, yellow,
This morning I wrote a poem
about a yellow heart
pining for red fusion,
in a desperate attempt
to shake the fruit
that never
And tonight I am alone
without tangerine lips
or the temptation of apple,
carefully watching familiar verses
unravel themselves
and fanatically dance around
like a final punctuation mark
or an overused cliche,
while my hands whittle metaphors
into a quick-witted instrument
sharp enough to scrape
the smeared imagery
off the sidewalk of poem,
Still I am not sorry
the fruit has not
to kiss my weary head,
it takes an overly cautious yellow
to see the perfect shade of red
by Elizabeth Wesley |
seasons, me,
Spring chased old man winter from his place
And silenced him with her capricious face
Sometimes a tear, sometimes a smile;
She would beguile
My lazy feet
To dance in some leafy bowered retreat.
When dreamy delightful summer flies
And looks at me with laughing eyes;
She draws me to her clover fields
And my heart yields
To her winsome wooing
And her siren song is my undoing.
One day I saw the sudden flare
Of autumn's wind blown crimson hair;
She stirred the whispering leaves and then
I felt again
A yearning glow
Of years remembered long ago
And I lived the dream I never knew
Of lost memories and my love for you.
by Carolyn Devonshire |
confusion, dance, relationship,
What is this dance that we do?
First you spin me; I twirl with delight
Captivated by your attentive gaze
Then you back away as I move toward you
So many times we’ve been on this floor
One step forward, two steps back
Movements that confuse a foolish heart
Often I feel I’m dancing alone
Still I keep dancing to reach you
Each time I draw near, you retreat
And still it seems you want me to stay
For an eternity drawn to a love unrequited
My dancing shoes I place on a shelf
Along with my dreams, pieces of myself
Perplexed by your desire to continue
Pirouetting toward the unknown
*Revised Feb. 11, 2021
For Craig's "Foolish Heart" Contest
by Arturo Michael |
i miss you, lost love,
So far away
Whenever I need you
You’re not around
I think of you
Dreaming we would find a way
To get back together again
And that you would stay
I love
Everything about you, if you didn’t know
I love the way you hold me close
I love the way you whisper to my ear
There’s nothing I won’t say or do
To have you, back into my arms
Loving me the way
The way only you can do
I love
Love to dance with you
I love to feel
Your heart beat next to mine
As we move across the floor
The music takes us away
And we’re hopelessly in love
The way I pray we'd stay
If you were only here
but you're so far away
I'm still hopelessly, in love with you