Love Poems About Dawn or Dawn Love Poems
by Christina Bowring |
Categories: faith, love, time,

As Time Slips By

Crystal winged hourglass flows muted gold sand as time turns red dawn to pink dusk once more; life’s tapestry fades as years so expand but love in the heart gives youth to restore when embraced with so much left to explore. Crystal winged hourglass portrays such fleeting finite life as time slips by depleting; with love reborn, awoken from sleeping so shall heavenly days be accreting - when sand flows no more - just joy, no weeping.

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: life,

My Future Self

Line of inquiry: “looking back, I’m ashamed of what I was I’m different now, though not without flaws Each crest becomes a trough, as we move on God slowly steers soul towards a new dawn” - Unseeking Seeker My future self is a river running. Time with no end is the course I run. Things I learned from youth have either been tossed ashore or absorbed within my deep waters. Storms I have endured. Somewhere in the middle of my long life I began to transform. I grew deeper and deeper from all my experiences. I am flowing closer now to the ocean of my rebirth where I will merge with all God’s rivers in the bright dawn of his abiding love.

by Sandra Haight |
Categories: forgiveness,


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

by Robert Lindley |
Categories: anxiety, dark, emotions, fate, grief, pain, sorrow,

Hope, a Little Remained

Hope, A Little Remained

She walked the creaking floors of the rat-infested room,
trying to remember what tragedy had sent her to this shabby place.
Her heart felt the desperate pains, that lost love sends in aching waves,
praying her sleeping infant does not wake and cry out from its feverish thirst.

He paced the cold cell, languishing in deep misery, heart shattered,
each step an eternity echoing curses, a testament to his broken pride.
Although thousands of miles apart, he felt her loss, never-ending sorrows,
dawn would come, priest would take his last confession, yet Hope remained.

For Silent One's,  eight lines of fate, when you wonder if it is too late.

by Paul Callus |
Categories: love hurts,

One Last Embrace

My whispered words trail to a halt
Her sobbing muffled by the wind
Beneath our faithful trusted tree
Concealed from Luna’s prying eyes
We share the pain of anguished hearts
As time draws near for us to part
And take divergent paths of life
To quell the urge of bridled love.
When dawn approaches we shall leave
With nothing else but memories
Unloosing hands from this embrace
Our shattered dreams can’t be replaced.

--- --- --- --- --- --- ---  
Hugs Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Craig Cornish
Placed 3rd
Chosen p.o.t.d. on 8th June 2020

© 7th June, 2020

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: beauty, kiss, light, love, morning, romantic, rose,

It Happened On a Misty Morning

Wettened by the mornings dew 
Closely spaced where rows of roses grew 
Footprints stained the cobblestone 
Where my love and I had walked, alone

Sweet light's tryst with blowy mist 
The fog and the dawn waltzed as we kissed 
Fertile bliss of rosebud lips 
Strands of sunlight round my fingertips

by Besma Riabi Dziri |
Categories: africa, art, blessing, feelings, how i feel, humanity, patriotic,

My Allegiance I Vow

To my terra of roots
my allegiance I vow
I wallow in your fruits
and to your flag I bow.

Dream not till wake of dawn
beaming sun light I wait
burst of glee of no bourn
the feels of the soul, sate.

Awe chills into my spine
as your Hymn in pride sung
for Home in peace I pine
and love never be swung.

How could my pen, you turn
in a fine rhyming word
as my quill longs to learn
inking with grace and verve.

by Silent One |
Categories: love,

Nature of My Poetry

Let us embrace
like twilight kisses the sun goodnight.
Indulge in hues of scarlet, crimson and lilac,
until the salutation of stars .

In the nothingness of silence,
our souls will whisper sweet symphonies,
as we flow with sensual tones of night.

Tenderness of touch will compose a concerto,
along the nakedness of your innocence.

I will hold you like a violin,
feel smooth sensations of your strings.
Pulsate like a passionate pianist,
caressing silky ivory and satin ebony keys.

Upon the first scent of dawn,
I will watch your heart sigh,
as you lay breathless in my arms -
and become the nature of my poetry. 

Simple Musing
Silent One
23 October 2019

by Tim Smith |
Categories: child, love,

My Tiny Floret

Satin streaks of sun filter her golden ray
and with a glimpse of beauty float away

Tiny floret
precious floret
carry off my dreams
to bountiful fields of white
where innocence plays
on a sun shiny day

glorious breeze
carry her free
show her angelic heights
amid visions of white
pointing towards 
star cover nights

Tiny floret 
the daisy has called 
share your petals
with the world
let go my guiding hand 
surround yourself in splendor
and with the new dawn shine

by Connie Marcum Wong |
Categories: sun,

Dawns Gifts

Silver shimmers
   reflected by the sea 
When dawn kisses each 
    silhouetted tree.
As sunrise pierces 
    fleecy clouds of blush
A canvass bides the 
    eager artist's brush.

Our Banyon bids adieu 
    to fowl in flight...
Their songs reverberate 
    in morning light
Attesting to the joy 
    each dawn excites
In explosive colors 
    which Sol ignites.

As breezes blow through 
    azure skies above
I share divinely Dawn's
     sweet gifts of love.


'STRAND NO 1042' Contest~First Place~
Sponsor Brian Strand

Merry Christmas (Mele Kalikimaka) from Hawaii….Aloha

by Craig Cornish |
Categories: loss,

Do Angels Cry Too

The curtains on a somber evening fell
as weeping angels hush and pull me near;
assurances of love they softly tell,
to calm a soul who lost a love so dear.
Like ribbons on a memory I reach
to tie them all together in a bow,
now wrapped in every prayer that I beseech
and warmed within the heaven's lovely glow.
But, why are Cherished stolen from our midst
before we have a chance to say goodbye -
regrets for one last time we could have kissed
or even one last time we could have cried.
Yet, still through angel tears that damp the dawn,
I can't accept the thought that you are gone...

by Susan Ashley |
Categories: appreciation, beauty, life, longing, love, night, spiritual,

The Lingering of Longing and Life

'Neath nocturnal bloom
the essence of self
dwindles in a pillowed horizon
twilight dies a whisper -
your voice in my ear…

the pale goddess rises
mothering angel’s tears
tending till dawn 
a moon garden vigil
bearing witness to your visit

by Daniel Cheeseman |
Categories: seastars,

Sailors Follow

Those stars that sailors follow
Guiding less the sea to swallow

And the night seas black as tar
Beyond the wave a land afar

Halyards taught, blocks in tallow
Breezes fresh and salt swallow

Timbers creak, white horses foam
Callused hands and oceans comb

And the stars pull them forth
South, east, west and north

Cabin boy or salty jack
Afore the mast, bare their back

Seas of glass or howling gales
Stands his watch what ever ails

For them the ocean a magic place
For every dawn a changing face

The face of his one true love
The wind, stars, skies above

by Andrea Dietrich |
Categories: romance,

The Snowflake

Young love is pure - like snow when fallen new -
and always I’ll recall one wondrous day!
Through dawn, soft powder fell; clouds lingered grey
until mid-morning. Splendid sun shone through
the gloom, and sky turned periwinkle blue!
Excited, we ran laughing, out to play
in snow, which all around us brightly lay.
But never did I guess what would ensue. . .

You chased me, until breathless, we both dropped
onto a blanket of sheer white, and then
a snowflake touched my mouth. Your fingertips
began to trace its shape, until you stopped. . .
Your gaze became intense, and that is when
you bent to kiss the snowflake from my lips.

by Yvonne Evanoff |
Categories: lost love


Speak not of glorious visions past. 
The dark remorse of woe 
into the nightly splendour fades, 
Where now, I too must go.

Weep not the tears of duty here, 
Nor utter words withheld 
That may have given liberty, 
And had the power to meld.

Fear is but a childish word 
That fills the heart with dread, 
No more will rage direct my path, 
Nor turn this weary head.

The north wind blasts against my cheek 
Where tears did fall, short time ago, 
The salty streams have turned to ice, 
Repentant floods no more will flow.

I see the dawn break splendidly, 
It melts the air around, 
And bends the flower’s head toward east, 
In trance-like motion bound.


by Lin Lane |
Categories: lost love,

On Restless Wings

I wrote verse on the wings of a lark
romantic phrases in perfect rhyme
but the lark flew away in the dark
I wrote no further for the longest time

A lone blue jay landed upon my lawn
I wrote sweet prose on his sapphire wings
He spent the night with me, but at dawn
the jay flew away and no longer sings

I answered the call of a beautiful raven
I wrote love sonnets on his ebony wings
He stayed for years in my safe haven
I was one of the raven's castoff things

I no longer trust those who take flight
I lost them all and my torn heart bled
On restless wings I'll never again write
of love that leaves me alone in my bed

by Rhonda Johnson-Saunders |
Categories: lost love, poetry, sorrow,

Dreams Will Keep

Photo by Rhonda Pearson Smith
Thickening fog hung beneath the willow tree consumes dreams of your lost poetry. From sandalwood-scented sleep, I kiss you and weep. Love songs will keep, lustrous still. Silver lyrics creep to gold dust dawn from the deep creases of clouded sleep, where I free thickening fog hung beneath the willow tree.
Written 7/13/20 Contest - Andaree - 11 Lines Poetry Sponsor - Joseph May

by Judy Bonin |
Categories: fantasy, imagination, loss

Dream Light

Hardened solid is the clay
That shapes the way I am today
I dream escape from endless grief
Restoring child-like belief

Experience has made me cold
Stolen who I was before
Left behind half of a whole
Changed the essence of my core

I wish to dance in brilliant light
Cleanse my soul with gentle rain
Slumber sound in dark of night
At dawn awaken without pain

Soar up high in skies above
Gaze down upon meadows green
To once again believe in love
To have faith in things unseen

Memories that formed the clay
Although impossible to do
Will them all to melt away
And live the bliss that I once knew

by Joyce Johnson |
Categories: love, romance,

Burning Embers

The dawn of love, so magical and new, Two bodies set aflame with burning kiss. Enchanted world and only for the two. No other pair has ever loved like this. Young love, a wonder while its passions last Must change its form if it’s to long endure. Too soon the thrill of love, once new, is past. It should condense to essence now more pure. At time love’s embers start a blazing flame, Soon cooling down to just a lovely glow. No need for these to play a youthful game, Their dreams fulfilled, as both of them now know. For though the young and foolish long for fire, The glowing embers, wiser hearts desire. Entered in Gayle's Burning Embers contest.

by John Gondolf |
Categories: color, love,

Colors of Love

Deep within my hidden pastel dreams
are soft sweet colors of a newborn spring
dressed up in mauves and pinks and windham creams
while giving hope to love and all it brings.

Painted in the colors of the dawn,
like pinks and purples of the morning sky,
magenta dreams will bloom and love will spawn
as newly mated hearts begin to fly.

And thus our lilac love has taken flight
while sharing orchid thoughts without remiss;
soft words and fuchsia touches in the night
are punctuated with a crimson kiss.

The coral sun rays beaming from above
are raining down these colors of our love.

October 23,2024
Poem of the Day - October 24, 2024

by Richard Lamoureux |
Categories: angst, lost love,

Land and Sea

Do you wish to hold me?
We can drift on the sea my love,
under the stars above.
You were my lovely dove so free,
who captivated me.

I thought I’d never be so glad
and still inside so sad
For the love we both had, is gone.

As we approach the dawn
I will think, “Once upon a time,
you were meant to be mine.”
So now my heart does pine away
Wishing that you would stay

I know that you will say, good bye
Still I will wonder why,
you chose another guy, not me.
Him on shore, me at Sea~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inspired by Brenda Chiri
She introduced me to this new form.
The form is called Luc Bat.
Check out Brenda’s poem titled “Seasons”

by Unseeking Seeker |
Categories: joy, love,

What Is Love

Love begins with joy,
sidestepping thought ploy,
sharing and caring,
with all souls pairing.

Love is not a trade,
nor assigns a grade;
it's a warm embrace,
akin to God's grace.

Bliss bubbles passion
is love's compassion,
holding each soul near;
all to our heart dear.

When true love's seeded,
no echo's needed,
for the flame burns on,
each breath a new dawn.

Like the pristine dew,
each love hue is new,
magic on display,
making earth life play.

Fires of love let's stoke
in heart to invoke,
bliss fragrance sublime,
to heavenward climb.


HMS, Rhymezone 

The Meaning of Love Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Anoucheka Gangabissoon

by Quoth Theraven |
Categories: devotion, growing up, morning, true love,

What Font Type the Heart

Who was it that first said..  
'the eyes are the window to the soul'..
who's eyes did they envision..
and how did they know?

And what of sweet wetted fingers that comb..
to straighten this messed heart cowlick I own.

Few well paired wanderlust seek a divine pardon..
still fancy the folly of youth's far flung travels.
Two trespass meadow lost to petal lined garden,
til intimacy's last mystery unravels.

Darting dawn awakes to write upon love's torn page.. 
parting drawn in true type font in spite of heart's age.

by Paige Hind |
Categories: deep, introspection, light, love, magic, moon, sun,

Before The Sun's Pieces

Before the sun's pieces,
Shine on brim's, coffee mug;
And with my prepping airs—
It's all jeopardy to 
Roll frost in bed somewhere.

Before the sun's pieces,
Rain in a golden chain.
I pine at streaked window.
How bitter is the fog
From where night morn dreams go.

Before the sun's pieces,
Ice below the outside,
In a bristling gesture—
God, now I see in you
Past my bleak reflections.

Before the sun's pieces,
While dawn is watched by moon,
Sun has the grace to gleam—
He'll come in the long fade,
For his Moon maiden, seen.

by Michelle Faulkner |
Categories: dark, lost love,

Always Gray

they say look, and the sun will come one day
oh, but they did not say all they knew
like vines that climb and choke the light
the stars are darker than the night
and the pain i've gained from losing you
like the absent dawn will always be gray
