by Daniel Turner |
god, inspirational, nature,
Conducted by the Hands that gave them voice
Sweet songs of evening soothe my weary soul.
Oh, how I love to hear the birds rejoice
As frogs and insects hum adagio.
Each night I sit and watch the sun go down
Accompanied by song that has no score
Each night His orchestra holds me spellbound
That's why each night, I come right back for more.
Yet I am just a simple country boy
These nature songs were my first lullabies
E'en to this day they bring my heart such joy
And on occasion tear these simple eyes
When moon appears to watch the sun depart
My only thought, "My God, how great Thou art."
Daniel Turner
by Michelle Faulkner |
lost love, recovery from, sorrow,
They told me you cried on the day I died
A sob splintering through a silent dome
Your sorrow a shroud on the catacomb
As I laid where birds no longer replied
Now I watch as you slowly search the beach
For those rare shells edged in liminal blue
I would gift you that impossible hue
To show I was within sight, within reach
Yet I wish you more than what shadows grant
A life in the sun of a springtime glen
Not lost in the gloom of my grave's abyss
Let my legacy be the hope you plant
Blooming with the courage to love again
If you will keep something of me - keep this
by Poet Destroyer A |
beautiful, beauty, best friend, light, moon, sun,
The shining light hides behind my eyes,
Comes in a super nova surprise
My spirit glides into the skies,
Spreading the perfect heat like the sunrise
I was like a diamond under the beauty of the ocean!
My current rides out with smooth motions,
Leaving a taste with intense emotion
Captured by my tides, sunk to my love potion
The sun sends my waves like a mirage of snow
I got the moon to favor upon my glow
With every star touching my inner soul
A glimpse of darkness in my light entwining with a massive flow
Blinded by my own ECLIPSE!
My sun & moon collide
Until the day we both touch lips
by Andrea Dietrich |
fantasy, nature,
Where Luna treads are silver threads, the wisps of clouds that slide
through sky of night, and shining white, they part so she might glide
serenely through dark twilight’s blue with slow and regal grace.
And to our world, with aspect pearled, she turns a beaming face.
She casts her glow on those below who love her mystery. . .
who reverence her as with allure, she dances on the sea.
The lovers sigh as by and by, the night fades into day.
And in their dreams she softly gleams before she slips away.
For Caren Krutsinger's 'A Contest About a Goddess or God - Not THE God' Poetry Contest
by Andrea Dietrich |
Real women
Understand a very simple yet important concept.
Love begins at home.
Everything else just follows.
To eliminate
Hatred from the world
Entails raising children with love and guidance.
Women deserve the utmost respect and support from their partners in their
Obligations as mothers to instill morals in their offspring.
Rare is the child who goes bad when love rules his home.
Ladies, demand respect, and value your precious roles as mothers.
Don’t you realize that through your children, YOU rule the world!
Written March 8, 2017 on the International Women's Day!
by Carol Sunshine Brown |
love, mothermissing, missing,
It is now springtime in heaven
Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright
Beautiful flowers are everywhere
Angels are the harps play
Here on earth...we scamper around
Sky is so blue...sun shining so bright
Beautiful flowers are everywhere
We are missing the angels in heaven
Angels are the harps play
They await the we do also
As once again we will all be together
Our mothers and heaven above
Dedicated to: Our Mothers in Heaven
and her children who will be missing her
this weekend on Mother's Day
To all of you who still have your mother here
on earth with you make sure she knows how
much you love her.
by Sandra Haight |
As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall. As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war. Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.
by Daniel Turner |
appreciation, how i feel, love,
Within her heart is where I wish to be
To dwell inside the garden of her soul
Where each soft heartbeat plays a symphony
And all around is beauty to behold
The sunshine of her love would keep me warm
My one desire, to take life's pain away
Consoling her when clouds of sadness form
Removing troubles of each stressful day
Should something cause her fragile heart to break
I'd gather up the pieces tenderly
With love I'd smooth the sharpness of heartache
Then put them back together lovingly
Within her heart is where her beauty lies
Her love, the light that shines within her eyes
original poem by Daniel Turner
by Daniel Turner |
This life we're living
Is so unforgiving
Reminding us every day
Of games that we played
Choices we made
Dreams that faded away
Paths that were crossed
Loved ones we've lost
Still promising a brighter tomorrow
When that promise is broken
Our wounds rip back open
Leaving hope to drown in deep sorrow
From our very first breath
We're stalked by death
We live our lives in fear
Knowing well it won't last
So we live loose and fast
Look up and the days have become years
We add peace, subtract strife
Find the sum of a life
Discover we've love left for giving
Love that goes wasted
On the bitterness tasted
In a life so unforgiving
by Daniel Turner
by John Gondolf |
lonely, lost love,
I sit alone as evening claims the day,
with common crow my only confidant.
I watch the sun sink slowly in the bay
while musing life and love so nonchalant.
As night descends upon my humble soul,
my furtive feelings ponder kinship lost.
I’m missing precious love that makes me whole;
my dearest darling gone at such a cost.
And woe I say, why did she go away,
and leave my heavy heart in agony;
behind, my shallow spirit here to stay;
she cast our love away so damnably.
Alas, I rue thee, my ascetic life,
and long to lance my heart with wretched knife.
January 17, 2018
Poem of the Day - January 18, 2018
by Elizabeth Wesley |
Our shadows were so restless
As we passed from room to room;
They pretended to be living
But they died within their tomb
They shrank a little bit each day
When the sun shone bright above;
And both of us now waste away
In the sadness of lost love.
In days of younger shadows
That danced in noon's bright light;
Laughter floated on the breeze
Till our day turned into night.
Burdened by life's troubles
Our shadows danced no more;
They became the darkened spots
That faded on the floor.
Now death's arms have taken you
Leaving only memories of your face;
The shadow that was part of you
Is now gone without a trace.
Collab with Danny Boy, the Kearley
by John Hamilton |
desire, dream, imagery, longing, romantic,
Midnight Romance
Dusk falls quickly on cerulean skies
Day morphs from ash of roses to sable
Our love's vision flashes before my eyes
Midnight romance, like an ancient fable
Charcoal sketches meander in my mind
While jasmine-absinthe incense is burning
it's smoke, evokes passions clearly defined
porcelain skin blushes with love's yearning
Obsidian-ebony eyes that gleam
pleading to quench needy soulful desire
beckoning me to unite in the dream
willingly, I rush to put out the fire
My mind's eye sees quivering crimson lips
As love drips from ivory fingertips
October 18,2017
by Mark Massey |
allusion, art, love,
To count the ways, I dare to comprehend
such finite love defined in written line,
for quantity shall never find an end
to love that lets infinity define.
A Summer’s day, to love shall not compare,
though shines to bathe your beauty in its light,
and as it wanes, waits breathlessly to share
the passion of a sultry Summer’s night.
To laureates and bards of metaphor,
each scribbled phrase, I bid them credit due,
but all their words and phrases heretofore
can ne'er describe this love I have for you.
When words fall short and poetry departs,
love's silence fills the cockles of our hearts.
by Silent One |
devotion, emotions, love,
A poets dream, she'll seduce with her eyes,
pens will desire to praise her charming guise,
but be cautious, she'll treat you like her book,
explore each chapter with her detailed look.
Drain your ink, smoking pages in to fire,
drink your spirit like blood thirsty vampire.
But now it seems she may have met her match,
a poet who's heart, she's struggling to snatch.
He holds scriptures, she's never read before,
each musing, leaves her yearning to feel more.
A heart breaker, who gives no man a chance,
dream maker, who leaves women in a trance.
A modern day Samson and Delilah -
spiritual soulmate who could tame her.
Silent One
20 October 2020
by Vijay Pandit |
In realm of love, you are the awe of mystique~
Musings of smitten soul, passions bespeak,
When glances romantic lure enamored night
To dance of fantasies moonlit revelries ignite
Waltzing with stars scintillating opaline skies,
As smiles endearing emanate from your eyes
Beaming missives esoteric, vying to explore,
Secrets of heartbeats extolling echoes of yore,
Adulating present as tomorrow’s dream soar
To domains heavenly, croons of love implore,
Infatuated by aroma your redolent vibes impart,
Abloom in elixir of the rose inside my heart.
March 26, 2023
Poem of the day on March 27, 2023
Placed 1st: The Rose Inside My Heart Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Mystic Rose Rose
by John Gondolf |
Relentless in it’s movement
like the ticking of a clock
as time keeps marching forward
for our future to unlock.
The past is but a memory
the present but a blur;
this moment gone in just a blink
as “now” becomes the times that were.
This ticking seems so infinite
eternal in its life;
forever forging on ahead,
its endless moments rife.
But as for us a different tune,
we know our time will end;
for us the ticking soon will cease;
prepare yourself my friend.
Love your neighbor and your God
and nature here on earth;
give service to your fellow man,
the measure of your worth.
July 4, 2020
Poem of the Day - July 6, 2020
by Kim Rodrigues |
O the warmth and the depth of the sun, o’er us,
for the yellows and reds, as they throw their shine
on the maples and oaks and the pines, caress
of the pale and ebon - all the blossoms stress.
And the flit of the robins, and rest on boughs,
as they lift up our spirits in singsong light.
We’ve a glimpse of once-paradise-sourced delight.
The long rays of God’s arms - they lean down to rouse.
Each new day, flows our way, and it fits like glove,
and we stretch out our arms like a child, and smile,
as we’re wrapped in the Dayspring’s colors and style.
All our senses awake, as God pours out love.
by Elaine George |
beauty, god, me, prayer,
I am a wish, a prayer, from mortals lips
That reached heaven and touched God’s fingertips
And returned to earth wrapped in flesh and blood
A gift from God’s unconditional love
So love and cherish me as God does you
And guide and teach me well in all I do
And together, a garden we will grow
Filled with the fragrant beauty of the rose
And on the day I reach maturity
And feel the need like leaves to leave the tree
To show the world the colors that are me
Rejoice in all the beauty that you see
For I am your child the gift that God gave
No More than a wish and a prayer - away.
by Kp Nunez |
child, dedication, love, mother daughter,
Can a child ever forget, how deep a mother’s love abides
All those days since birth, till now I’m grown she guides
Remembering her smile, so tender, so warm as her embrace
More than soothes away my pain, my fear of failure and disgrace
Even in my dreams she comforts, her voice, her scent would stay
Never will her being mother stop, till when I’m old and gray.
26 March 2015
Contest : Acrostic on Mother's Day - 1st Place
by Tim Smith |
friendship, love,
You said age's only a number, beauty's skin deep
Wise words to live by, now if I could only sleep
Humor never can be taken away, have no regrets
Live like there's no tomorrow, an elephant never forgets
Since the day we met, things have been so right
Thankful for our meeting, making spirits bright
No more feeling lonely, no more feeling stressed
Friendships have started, I am feeling blessed
Not a day has passed without a smile on my face
Feeling happy has now become commonplace
Brought together by chance or was it by fate
Any way you put it, my friend, you are truly great
by Daniel Turner |
appreciation, nature, summer,
What's not to love about a summer day?
Kissed by the sun, the warmth of its embrace
To feel the cleanse from sweat at work and play
While honeysuckle breezes cool my face
With hillsides blanketed in purple vetch
Magenta morning glories and light blues
Imagine all the butterflies they fetch
A scene to romance any poet's muse
But when it gets too hot, I seek the shade
Barefoot in clover 'neath tall sycamores
Or take a watermelon down to wade
A spring fed creek, to cool, while I explore
That evening, in the swing, I watch fireflies
Then pray I wake to see one more sunrise
May 9 - 2018
Daniel Turner
by Arthur Vaso |
deep, dream, lost love, love,
I lay down
A lazy Sunday afternoon
The first winds from the north
Blowing snow like a blanket upon our souls
I fall asleep, in a haze of dreams
Where there she appears and forgive the obvious
The woman of my dreams
Never undressed, mind nor body
Here, in my delusion I beg for her heart
Tears roll down upon her chest
I whisper softly, tell me, tell me
You are my twin, in coldness and the dark
Entwined, we breathe slowly in silence
Words have flowed like the tears of the past
I hold on, in love, in desperation, in ecstasy
I caress her hair, and whisper be mine
Then I awoke, another sad day
by Andrea Dietrich |
lost love,
I stand here by the lakeshore, and I smell
fresh honeysuckle as I kiss the rain.
A memory that I cannot curtail
wafts bitter sweetly to me, and again
it’s May. . . the night you came by the moon's light.
The air was permeated by perfume
from blossoms colored innocently white.
But now it’s summer; yellow is each bloom.
When plump upon the vines, sweet berries, red,
will be swooped up by birds - carried away.
I stoop to touch a stem. How soon has fled
my flowered youth, and now this day chilled grey.
I bow in downpour like the vines bent low
while raindrops - glistening with my own tears - flow.
by Arturo Michael |
abortion, baby, cry,
Mama don't take my breath away
My only chance to love and play
I know you're hurting I can tell
Mama don't give up on me as well
Mama I long to touch your face
Feel the beauty of your grace
I dream one day to see you smile
Mama don't ever say Goodbye
by Connie Marcum Wong |
love, sleep,
Two pairs of shoes beside the bed.
Mine are tiny, his large instead.
His are steel toed, sandals are mine.
His dull and dark, but mine have shine.
Opposites yes, just like our shoes.
When I'm happy, he has the blues.
My secret to brighten his mood...
A large rare steak, his kind of food.
I like the soaps, he likes the news.
When I watch mine, he takes a snooze.
I can't stand to see people die...
Watching his news just makes me cry.
Even though, we might have a fight
Love keeps us together all night.
And each night when we go to sleep.
Two pairs of shoes, company keep!
Poem of the day August 4, 2017