by Paul Callus |
change, sad,
We planted roses in the spring
when love was floating in the air.
A diamond glittered on your ring
reflected in your hazel eyes
the rainbow hues of paradise.
We had so much to give and share.
The months went by, the roses bloomed,
but when one day an ill wind blew –
no mercy shown – our dreams were doomed
to wither slowly and decay.
That fateful night you passed away
all the white roses died with you.
[Pub. PS: It’s Poetry: An anthology of contemporary poetry from around the world 2020]
Rhyme scheme: A-B-A-C-C-B D-E-D-F-F-E
Contest: Rhyme Time 7 ~ Deep and Dark
Sponsored by Lu Loo
Placed 1st
© 27th December 2018
by Gershon Wolf |
longing, love hurts, romance,
I followed her where'er she went
Lured onward by her fragrant scent
She clasped his hand, a handsome gent
How could she know my love she'd lent
I died one thousand deaths inside
Choked back my tears with wounded pride
How long such anguish could I bear
My heart asunder to let tear
The hour had come to make my move
My love for her I had to prove
Unsteady I, and quite unsure
Just how to break the news to her --
My tongue was still despite I tried
'To ask her this: 'Please be my bride.'
~ Iambic Tetrameter ~
December 30, 2019
by Jan Allison |
i miss you, longing,
I sit alone and think of you
Of everything we've both been through
Silent tears pouring from my eyes
Like raindrops falling from the skies
I miss you so much every day
I love you is what I want to say
Jan Allison
4th December 2014
by Vijay Pandit |
Let eyes meet, let them spark a fire
Let rhythms sing to music of lyre
Let heartbeats of joy write our song
In moods of kisses yearned for long
Let blushing cheeks welcome romance
Enchanting heart's seductive dance
Let winds of love ignite our flame
As night, ecstatic, croons your name
December 29, 2019
Placed 3rd: Lay it on me—8x8 poetry contest
Eight syllables per line (
Sponsor: Charles Messina
Placed 2nd: Strand select 6 by Brian Strand
by Sandra Adams |
analogy, flower, love, rose,
is love to be a wilted rose
to fade beneath the winter snows
to pierce itself with its own thorn
its beauty hide in death to mourn
i watch it bloom from tiny seeds
a spark of lust from passion bleeds
unfold itself within a kiss
then fade within the dying bliss
December 30, 2019
by Connie Marcum Wong |
christmas, december, feelings, inspirational, june, love,
Christmas Gifts
Christmas time was lonely for this young boy.
He lived a homeless life upon the street.
Remembering before, when life held joy,
Inside, warm and cozy near a hearth's heat.
Snowmen always seemed to share such delight
That he thought he would build one near each home,
Maybe joining in a fun snowball fight,
Always creating snowmen in the gloam;
Sweet surprise for families unaware.
Giving the only gift he could think of
In building each snowman he took such care,
For it was his kind way to share his love.
These gifts brought him such happiness to see
Smiles upon surprised faces filled with glee.
ring size 6 purple, green or blue
by William Kershaw |
introspectionautumn, time,
September tries to convince herself,
Making pretend that she is really, truly,
A Summer month, albeit one of dying fire,
Holding at bay the chill of Autumn winds.
October plays temptress with her Duality;
Sun to warm the back of your flannel shirt,
With punkin' frosting nights, crisp and cold.
Air so clear it sears the throat like a glass of cider.
November comes dark, wet and gloomy.
An ancient harridan forced to bridal bed.
Chanting "fools, there's time before winter comes,
Still time enough for love."
December mutters in her sleep........
by Line Gauthier |
death, evil, grief, heartbroken, lost love, wedding, winter,
whimsical windswept whiteness
wedding weekend wanderlust
willowy wonderland waltz
wrongfully weathered woe
wintry wishful whispers
wrestling woodland wintertide
welcome waxen wallflower
weeping wheezy widow
whimpering wholeheartedly
wrangling worthless worries
wanton wretched wrongdoing
wedged within wickedness
Submitted on December 7, 2020 for contest ALLITERATION sponsored by EVE ROPER
AP: Honorable Mention 2020
Originally posted on October 23, 2018
by Vijay Pandit |
What's behind the terse, unspoken sound
One that abruptly inserted a period
Invoking a sigh in the middle of a sentence
Was it the uneasy voice of her heart's lyrics
Announcing your song is still incomplete
Or ambivalence of despondent music
Reluctantly strumming devoid of melody
Perhaps it’s time for your bashful words
To complement echo of the unsung verse
Disclosing explicitly to her anxious world:
You saw it in the smile of her cheerful eyes
And heard it from symphony of dulcet vibes
And felt it in the ballet of her delicate touch
When she held you close in an intimate hug
While mellifluous whispers of love spoke
December 8, 2021
by Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen |
faithlove, , cute,
The Deposition
The love God gives remains unbound.
Jesus of Nazareth came down.
Everlasting, His love abounds.
Deliverer and Redeemer: crucified, He died.
Eternal sacrifice, His perfect life tried.
Painfully executed, giving no retort to their lies.
Omnipotent creator, teacher, and revelator
Righteous, He lived, and died; over sin the victor.
Incomprehensible pain He, for us bore.
Two women, Mary, His mother, and Mary Magdalene
Inconceivable how perfect love and wisdom fomented.
Overcome with grief, Nicodemus and more lamented.
Never ending love, on the third day Jesus the Christ, alive presented.
© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
December 5, 2009
by Karen Jones |
character, christian, color, courage,
I am that little light that shines
Within your heart inside your mind
That rises floats despite dark dilemma
I keep you warm despite white December
I am the start when some say end
That little spark of blue you begin
The make a way out of neon nothing
To pave to raise the road to green dream
I am a yes when life says no
And you digest a positive soul
That cherry confess to be inclined
To walk by faith and not by sight
I am lavender love despite hate
And tender touch that makes a day
I am of peach peace in any place
Find me with ease when you pray
I’m the fuchsia flower blooming your soul
I am purple power I am hazel hope
by Panagiota Romios |
bereavement, grave, husband, loss, love, memory,
Tapestry of Life
In the still graveyard overlooking San Francisco Bay.
Her husband's young body doth rot and in profound
silence lay.
Overlooking that city, where he married his young wife.
Who now recalls the beauty of his all too short, vibrant life.
The many walks on those heavenly hills, the poetry they read.
The coffee shops of North Beach, alas, their aromatic memories
So dreamy in her bowed, widowed head.
She stills dons her inexpensive, gold wedding ring to this very
And when she touches it, all the magical love they shared~
still sings in it!
December 28, 2019
by Daver Austin |
Glorious month
Good will
Hearth-side colors aromas
Sound of Jingle Bells carols
All the senses taking one back -
back when imagination was fertile rooted in
In magic and love
We – even the godless – cherish the entire month
But what when December fades?
I say there should be another month
Oh not rooted in time –
A contemplative month – outside the let-down that is
January 2nd
When one goes out the window taps the eternal
love and joy listening to that inner voice
proclaiming –
“Nothing is over
Here is eternal Christmas in the true sense
by Line Gauthier |
absence, death, grief, heartbreak, longing, lost love, silence,
out like a candle
in a gust of wind
there then not
taken from me
replaced by a gaping silence
a faded memory
a heartache
refusing to heal
i try to remember
the tone of your voice
of your laughter
barely audible
it’s there in the distance
out of reach
a million light years away
and i trapped on my side
alone in this realm
i now rush to accomplish
all that i must
so i may join you
some day
in eternity
AP: Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on May 7, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (MAY 9) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND - RANKED 1ST
Originally posted on December 2, 2020
by Edward Ebbs |
care, christmas, emotions, journey, my children, passion, uplifting,
I love Christmas
a special time
watching people smile
seeing children laugh
a blessing this year
in lieu of the grief
and illness around
we need to remember
it's a time to
love one another
and show we care
there was a time
we were told
that wise men came
to see a child
this child grew up
he spoke about
what matters
my Christmas wish
is things that matter
will be our treasure
finding a home
in our hearts
Edward J Ebbs - December 19, 2021
by Line Gauthier |
dream, giving, hope, tribute, uplifting,
if I had only
one message to leave
it would be
to love yourself enough
and in such a way
to make the most
of your many talents
to pursue
your every dream
if I had only
one gift to leave you
it would be a magical cloak
to protect your heart and soul
from all disparaging negativity
so you would never veer from
living all your dreams
Published in my photo/poetry book ~IF ONLY~ 2019
AP: 1st place 2021, Honorable Mention 2022
Submitted on January 13, 2020 for contest STRAND SELECT 11 sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
Originally posted on December 2, 2018
by Carolyn Devonshire |
love, nature,
Broad strips of land cascading to the sea
Shrouded in an early morning mist
The West Coast’s beauty calls to me
For on this rocky shore, we once kissed
Sweet memories of love that I have missed
December 28, 2019
For Dear Heart’s English Quintain Imagery contest
by Abdullah Al Adnan |
december, deep, first love, love, teen love, true love, truth,
Is love blind,
Or blind are my eyes?
Tricky it may be,
This question to the wise.
Do you think it's divine,
Or some hormones play?
Is it just subconscious?
Who can truly say ?
Never did i encountered
This thing called love.
Hope it's beautiful,
not just a bluff.
Will it be a bless for me?
Will it be a curse ?
Is there anybody
with whom i can discuss ?
Strange as it sounds to hear,
This story of mine .
Question to the fate is -
Will we ever combine ?
by Dorian Petersen Potter |
beautiful, cheer up, courage, life, light, love, smile,
Think of every thing
That you can attain today
Enjoy every dream you can
And make it part of each day
You don't have to be well-known or rich,
To find happiness under the sun,
You can smile now and be happy
Even if there's no one there for you
Celebrate life and appreciate yours,
Each autumn, summer, winter and spring,
Make each and every dream come true,
Remember, you can accomplish it all too
Don't let anything or anyone stand in your way,
Live, laugh and love, with passion and learn each day.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
christmas, light, love,
Let your light, sweet Jesus
Into our souls’ crib to shine
Bless our hearts, divine infant
Your love, forever to enshrine!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
15 DECEMBER 2014
by Doug Vinson |
beauty, love, moon,
The moon spoons pieces of jeweled firmament from the universe's dark heart
into her golden bowl, mixes incandescent milk with a cool touch,
then pours it all out on us in tender love, hoping we are ready for such a gift.
December 19, 2016
For Kai Michael Neumann's contest - 'Moon Spoon'
by Cupids Arrow |
Terrific charmer,blessed and gifted
Invincible love fulfills his heart
Modesty is a reflection of his beliefs
Super dad and souper spice
Master of words and muses
Incredibly kind to all others
Trustworthy and truthful friend
Heartwarming!His sweet gentility
reaches our soul.
Dedicated to Tim Smith
Happy Birthday Sweet Sixteen : )
on the 3rd of December 2014!
by Demetrios Trifiatis |
christmas, love,
Make, Thy love, reverberate in us with all
Its force, my Lord
So as
Indifferent, before the underprivileged we
Remain no more!
© Demetrios Trifiatis
11 DECEMBER 2014
by Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser |
family, feelings, love, relationship, uplifting,
Sometimes, we are Tom and Jerry or Romeo and Juliet but at one point, we all rhyme.
12:07 pm, December 08,2015
by Jan Allison |
Live every second of every day
Don’t sit back and watch your life fly past
Embrace life; embrace those we love
We never know when it will be our last
Jan Allison
27th December 2014
Contest – In the moment sponsored by PD
~awarded 8th place~